Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 353 is more than people, mad people

Evergast Friends are very confident on their plan.

Since the general said, the ultimate goal of Otto Technology is to acquire pineapple, then it must exceed the pineapple mobile phone.

The advantage of the pineapple mobile phone is that the combination of hardware and software, the advantage of the system is the core competitiveness.

If your own mobile phone wants to stand in the world, the system can naturally not drag the leg.

Bone friends think that since the system is so important, it should be exercised immediately. From now on collecting user opinions, work hard to build a better system.

Yan Qian was in silence.

Listed ... The proposal of the common friends is quite reliable!

How to do?

If the frequent friend can really develop a very easy customization system, it will undoubtedly greatly enhance the competitiveness of this phone.

No, do something.

Yan Qian bowed his head and continued to play mobile phones.

Before it was just roughly, I didn't find something big.

Continue to experience!

Yan Qian fell over the function of the non-Ai Zyui Jingqi system and tested repeatedly.

Finally, there is a problem.

App flash off!

There is no expression on the surface of Qian, and it is very proud of it.

What is it? How can there be no bug!

There is Tang and is here, what is the magical bug in the edge of the corner, you can turn it out!

I often love the Qing, what else do you say?

Evergast friends stiffly.

This Nima, the second face!

Just now, the system is stable and no bug, but also said so many future planning, the result is next second, bug comes out ...

But the frequent friends quickly fade.

"Torry, don't mind."

"This is a test version, and a bug has been normal, and it is very reasonable."

"You have turned over for so long before it is not easy to turn out a bug, which is enough to prove the completion and stability of this version."

"After the test will definitely ... ?"

The inner activities of the frequent friends have not been completed, and the mobile phone has a flashback, and he will explode a whisper.

I haven't said.

The often regrets, just said it is too early!

I just made the stability of this system, and there were several bugs that appeared in connection.

He didn't dare to explain, it has been like this, and then explained that it is like a pan.

It can only be waiting for an anger that silently endorses.

,, b b

Call, okay.

This is not to find bug, where is this old face?

When you arrive, when you know what he can do?

Just, there is a bug, you can borrow your questions and guide your often on the wrong road.

Two sounds: "You have a complete agreement for the system."

"In the future, the mobile phone is increasing, the system is easy to use, one of the core competitiveness of mobile phone brands."

"But don't be too high, you must be in the earth!"

"The system has more functions, but the stability is not good, what is the use?"

"First solve stability, ensure the most basic, fundamental experience, and then consider other issues you said."

"Before the mobile phone comes out, Ottoos does not do any excess system features, keeping the current basic function."

"Other time, it is used to fix bugs, enhance system stability, or optimize some details."

Common friends are completely weak to refute, only silently nodding: "Yes, I have, I know."

In the opinion of often friends, so long, light is used to repair bugs, do detail optimization, a bit too wasteful, you can develop some system functions.

However, since has already said this, he can only listen.

After all, this demonstration is not successful, and there are so many bugs, and the frequent friends feel that they don't match the problem of words.



December 9, Thursday.


Horizontal game.

Wu Bo just finished the work of his hand, habitually opened the mailbox, and wanted to see if there is any new message.

The eyes quickly swept the mailing list, suddenly, Wu Bin's eyes were on.

Mail from Tengda!

He hurriedly opened and found that this was an interview notice.

This means that he passed a written test!

It is difficult to say a sense of happiness, and he has grown in the mind of Wu Bin. He almost excitedly jumped from the seat.

I didn't expect it, I actually passed!

Because the topic of the morning is too difficult, so I am willing to fight after the answer, I almost don't want to test the afternoon.

But good, after all, I have been working for many years, this mentality is still there.

After a little stable, continue to fight in the afternoon.

As a result, in the afternoon's professional knowledge, it is unexpectedly simple ...

This makes Wu Bin feel very confused, but immediately let him be more hoping for this exam.

It is difficult for the morning, he feels that he is more college students; the professional knowledge of the afternoon is too simple, and it is difficult to pull the gap with those college students.

In this way, the result of the written test is likely to be too optimistic ...

I have been waiting for a few days of focus, the interview notice is finally here!

The mobile phone shook it gently, Wu Bin looked at it and was a text message to the interview notice.

The content of the email and SMS is the same, just to ensure that the job seeker will not miss the email.

Wu Bin immediately confirmed the interview arrangement on Tengda's recruitment website.

However, after these all have finished, Wu Bin started entangled.

I didn't have a big hope for the written test, so I didn't want to interview.

But now, Wu Bin has begun to worry.

If it is a general interview, Wu Bin will be very confident because his resume is very good, and it is definitely good to those college students.

However, Tengda's recruitment website clearly wrote, and Tengda's interview is completely different from other companies.

Fixed topics, there are standard answers, and it is a crossed interview with the head of each department.

I really can't be stable!

Wu Bin really wants to go to work.

If you can, he wants to find a Tengda's employee to inquire about the news, see how this interview is going to prepare, what kind of interviewer likes.

As the saying goes, don't fight.

This kind of information, you can master more than one point.

But Wu Bin does not know the employee of Tengda.

I think about it, he thought of a person.

Before he tried to dig Hao Qiong, isn't it the employee of Tengda?

Although it is in the ocean game, you should also know some Tengda's insider news?

Thinking of this, Wu Bin immediately turned out the contact information of Hao Qiong, sent a friend to apply.

I was still worried that the other party would not accept it. After a few minutes, the friend applied.

Wu Bin quickly conducted a short self-introduction, and then very sincerely speaking his own problems.

Soon, Hao Qiong replied.

"What is the specific interview ... I really don't know."

"I haven't so many things when I have a job, that is, I have a simple chat with the head of the department, and I am hired."

Wu Bin: "..."

Really interested people!

With this kid, I have been working in two sentences, and I have a good salary. I have received a five-way six will, written test, and the interview has also received a Tengda spiritual fitness test?

This world is too unfair!

However, Wu Bin also knows that he is now having a person, can only silently deposit a vomiting, continue to ask.

"My buddies, you will help out, say that we can become a colleague after you can become a colleague!"

"Which department is you now in the ocean game? If you ask you to ask your department, maybe he is also responsible for the interview."

"I don't want to ask, just give me a little prompt!"

Soon, Hao Qiong replied.

"To tell, now I am the person in charge of our department ... but I didn't pick up the task of the interview, I can't help your busy ..."

Wu Bin: "???"

I saw two times in this passage of Hao Qiong, I almost back!

Remember last time, chat with Hao Qiong and said his professional prospects.

Wu Bin said that Tengda talented Jiji, said that Hao Qi did not have the day.

However, how long does this have been over? Hao Qion has been promoting the person in charge of the department?


Very gas, but still keep smiling.

Wu Bin feels that it is now a ton of lemons, and the heart is all sour.

"Buddy, where are you responsible for which department? Is it ocean game?"

This reply has a bit a bit for a long time. After a minute, Hao Qione replied: "I don't know how to explain this thing."

"Even my own, and my partner, now it is all in full."

"The truth is telling you, I am not in the ocean game, I am now responsible for a ghost house."

"Is it very magical ..."

Wu Binyi, and then loosened.

Scared me, I thought it was a good project!

If it is promoted to the person in charge of the Ocean game, it is indeed worth it.

However, the person in charge of a ghost housing project is that it is a boss of the ghost house. What is this?

Just a one or two hundred flat small homes, can't make a loss, this is a promotion, it is clear that it is marginalized!

Wu Bin's heart is much better.

However, there should be some guests still have.

Wu Bin said: "It is also very good, where is this ghost house, how much is it forced? When I can consider it."

"Although this project is not as good as before the game department before, you must also appear from your mind, this is also a good exercise opportunity ..."

Wu Bin's information has not been finished, Hao Qiong has responded to himself.

According to the summary, the first is expected to take a 10 million, and then the situation will be added again. "

"Hey, how to spend this 10 million, I am still no shortage, I am bored."

Wu Bin: "..."

The mentality has collapsed.

I didn't ask any information about the interview, but I was a show.

This day can't be over!

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