He is a high score of greetings and other dreams, and begins to organize the revision of IOI.

This process is actually quite painful.

Because these high-class gods, for "God" games have been very well understood and familiar, the game is high, it is the key to these masters and ordinary players.

Now let them have revised their own opinions on these difficult mechanisms, which will undoubtedly let them deny their own game experiences, weaken their own advantages, it is difficult to pay.

But remember.

If you don't make a modification now, the Master's Game Experience will definitely be improved.

In that case, even nine guarantees one, Ma should also be tired of the horse.

And the horse is always tired ... Isn't it meant to keep your work?

So, you must have to make Mado comfortably!

This game's modification plan must be made!

He is trying to play the test version of the IOI on one side, and think about the changes in brain juice.

As a header of the finger company, the domestic agent of IOI, the test version of this game is not a problem.

Just playing, you will play "God" when you play, when you are in nine.

The reason is very simple, in the eyes of all people who include congratulations and Ma Yang, the current IOI can only be a low version of "God".

The difference between the map size, the game mechanism, etc. is not very large, the main difference is the picture, hero skill design.

The only advantage of IOI is that it is a separate game, and it is convenient for online games, plus friends, team, and other functions.

However, since IOI is currently just in the test phase, this only advantage does not exist.

Other aspects, such as the various details of the game, the richness of the hero, etc., IOI is still in the stage of "God".

This is normal, after all, "God" has been continuously updated for several years, and IOI's current research and development time is too short, and these content need to be polished.

However, for Hesheng and others, this also means that IOI has more possibilities.

While discussing, congratulates.

"The idea of ​​nine, I am afraid it will not pass."

"We have to try to try new challenges, try to fight with some strangers."

"There is only this way to continue the horses' fresh feelings of this game."

"But on the current game mechanism ... I am afraid horse to be treated as a short board crazy, the gaming experience must not be good."

"In this case, we have to consider that how should we use the game mechanism when the horse is facing a real enemy, and should we guarantee the overall game experience of MA?"

"I think the current map is too big. When the horse is in danger, we can't get to arrive in the first time. The map has been changed, so that we can always support the horse."

"Master is the basic skill of this replenishment, and considering that the Master is busy, it is not true. If you want to practice this. If you don't directly put the anti-replenishment, you can't make up, even if you can't make up. You can also give some hardships. "

"In order to prevent horse from being killed, the game experience is not good, is there a bounty mechanism? After death, the head is not worth money, and the end of the old man will have additional bounty, the level is too much to have appropriate compensation mechanism?"

"While letting Ma convers, it has to ensure that the master and rookie can pull the gap. Otherwise, our technology is better and not able to bring the horse to win, isn't it very useful?"

"Yes, I think so, this game is simple to say relative to Ma, but for us, high difficult skills must be retained."

"IOI fixed division is very good, can be reserved. In addition, is it possible to ask for a few way to operate high or hi-Yeo, which is convenient for our carry?"

"I think it can enrich map resources. It is best to add a few big wild monsters that can add BUFF to the whole team, so that the horse is always controlled, we control the map, give the whole team to give the whole team to provide gain effects to the whole team It can also greatly enhance the winning rate. "

"There is also an operation mode, is it necessary to give some hand-disabled players to provide some more simple operating modes? Ma summary does not have a shortcut key now, many times the mouse point skills ..."

"Also there should be some hero that can be mixed."

Everyone began her mind storm, soon, a suggestion was recorded by a congratulatory victory.

These suggestions are in the final analysis, that is, to ensure that there is a difficult step in the game, let the master can easily drive the full rhythm of the game to give more survival space as much as possible.

Basic skills are not good, the walk is not good, the awareness is poor, these are nothing.

It's not a good knife, the game mechanism gives a salary, so that your economy is always too much, not in the up to 40 minutes, there is only one pair of shoes.

If you are in a good location, you will choose some hero who can meat slightly.

The difference is nothing to do, the map is reduced, and when you see where you are brainless, it is more likely to get the help of your teammates.

In short, for Ma General, if this version is implemented, it is the strengthening of epic!

He summed up the opinions of everyone, organized into a program, and then translated into English and sent it to finger.

After all, the mixed is in the investment industry, and English ability is definitely not bad.

After all, it's almost the same job.

Taking into account the hourly difference between the ocean, and the next two days is a rest day, this email has a reply, and it is estimated that I have to be Monday.

He wins, a lazy waist, go to get off work on time.



on Saturday.

Touching the fish net coffee Ming Yunshanzhuang store.

The bag of the duckling hat came to the door and got it.

Ok, people are not much.

It is now 8:30 in the morning, although it is very hot near Ming Yun Mountain, there are many college students to play in the weekend, but the fish nets must be full, most of them have to wait until one or two o'clock in the afternoon.

It's so early, there is still a lot of vacancy.

Baoxu pressed the duck cap and entered the fish netfish.

After coming to the internet area, he quickly found the same here, Li Yada with a cap.

Until sitting down, Baoxu also looked back and seemed to be afraid of someone tracking.

"GOG's test version is updated?" Baoxu asked whispers.

Li Yida nodded: "Well, I have greeted Zhang Yuan, the game has been updated, and all the computer in the net coffee can be played."

"And, as long as the player has a certain amount of time, and write 500 words modified suggestions, you can also get some online time."

"And you don't have to be so nervous, here is very far from the company, and the probability of taking the summary or others is very low."

Baoxu nodded: "Well, I know, but be careful to be. Other people?"

Li Yada looked at the watch: "It should be enough to come."

Baixu asked again: "What about the company?"

Li Yida said: "Temporarily let Xiao Liu have a few top. But ... Is this really necessary?"

Baixu is slightly tone: "Be careful, be careful."

"Well, let's experience the game first, then slowly modify it. Record the modified program, and submit it by you by you Monday."

Li Yada is sorry: "Bao Ge, these modifications have a big part of you are doing, I do this, I always feel very embarrassed, it seems to be grab your credit ..."

Baowu hurriedly said: "This is what I hope!"

"If you really want to thank me, I just need to do one thing, it is calm, I don't have to mention my work in front of others!"

Li Yada couldn't help but feel it: "Bao Ge is really virtuous, and there is more popular style."

Baowu shook his head, sighed: "Where, how can I follow the Pizza."

"Dai is the real virtual valentine, as for me, it is completely only for it ..."

The two start playing games.

Play with playing, Baowu whispered: "Weird, how to play GOG here, BUG is much less ..."



In the rental house, I just woke up, my nose, whispered: "Strange, how to sneeze has become frequent."

"It's because I have been in the winter, the weather is turning cold, or because someone is taking me?"

"There is always a hazard of the runt ..."

Yan Qian hurriedly picked up the mobile phone, see Tang also gave himself the opening list of this day.

"It seems a little fierce boys ... this should be Xiao Liu."

"Well? Li Yada didn't come today?"

"And the overtime list last week is very different."

"Is everyone discussing how turned to overtime?"

"On the one hand, you can guarantee a break, and on the other hand, you can get overtime."

"Yes, everyone is very good."

Yan Qian nodded with satisfaction.

I haven't found out which project has an out-control momentum.

It was the most worried about i i, but the past has passed, and did not hear news such as "IOI test hot".

Probably, in this settlement cycle, it should be, there is no serious problem?



December 13th, Monday.

The hotel venue has been arranged.

Wu Bin arrived very early, but he didn't expect that the examiner was even earlier than him.

In the room of the interview, several examiners are very happy and are being related.

Tengda game master plan Li Yada, the head of the ,

Basically all arrived.

The interview process is like this:

When the interviewer is the interviewing of the game department, Li Yada will take the examination room, and joint interviews from all other departments.

The questions and standard answers are ready, one of the people.

When the interviewer's answer is limited, it must stop.

Then, all examiners based on the answers to this interviewer, the score against the standard answer in the hand.

After removing the highest points and minimal, take an average of the score, and count the interview points of this person.

The interview and written test are ranked after adding, follow the position from the front and enter the internship.

If these people can test through Tengda's spiritual fitness, then they can turn to Tenda's official employees.

In theory, this interview is not a very complex work.

I only need to take a year for two days to come.

But these examines have arrived more than an hour in advance.

Because of tension!

Although there will be some people who are missing, there are many person in charge of the departments to come out from Tengda, and they know each other. If you miss it, you can't go.

In case the interview is not serious, give a friend's department to go in a belly, it is not only sorry for friends, and I am sorry.

The person in charge is the person in charge, and it is a responsible person.

If you can't afford this responsibility, what is the person in charge?

So, everyone has said that it is necessary to arrive in advance, and assault the exam.

For example, the topic of the game department is Li Yada, and Li Yada gives you a simple point of these topics, and what kind of newcomers who are more inclined to have.

Other departments are also the same.

The score sheet is very detailed, not only some of the more real content, such as the candidate answered several knowledge points, including some of the more virtual content, such as the candidate instrument, whether the speech is fluent, whether the expression is clear, etc.

These have a very quantized score, not good to fill.

Responsible people talking over the topic, while chatting.

"Yellow brother, how is the recent studio? Is the movie be smooth?"

"Can you help me ask for a signature? She is Zhang Zuiting fans."

"Lu, the last champion of the wind, to help me send the ROF host, thank you, please eat in the next day."

"Yada, the last website and the game is very successful, how is it for a while? I have been considering planning activities."

"Of course, wait for the new game, the end of the Chinese network can engage in essay activities, the theme is GOG, what?"

"No problem, isn't the essay not just a sentence?"

"Right, Lin Nung today doesn't come today? She should have found you? How do you all offer?"

"That is not anxious, now there is still no way to come out yet, wait for the mobile phone to make it again."

The more people talk more.

I just heard that when I have to be an examiner, I have to cross the interview.

For example, Zhang Yuan.

I am responsible for the netfa, you let me go to the interview to see for a wind logistics, the end of the Chinese network, is this not a bad?

But now, everyone wants.

It can take this event as an experience exchange sharing of the person in charge of each department!

Let's talk about chatting, learn about the current situation of other departments, play a score for the interview, and wait for the interview to gather together, talk about all sectors linkage.

Not very perfect?

I have a recruitment process arrangement, it is very delicious!

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