Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 369 About the Eppetus of Tengda

December 27th, Monday.

Tengda Network Technology Co., Ltd.

Wu Bin took a breath and calmed his mentality.

The blink of an eye, the past one week.

The time of the second Tenda spiritual fitness test.

Although this is not the last chance, it really dares to drag again.

The intern cannot engage in any job. I passed this test in the evening, which means that I can officially start working in the evening.

This is simply uncomfortable!

Wu Bin first discovered that it would not work, do nothing to do every day, it is also such a painful thing.

Good in this time, as Hao Yun, the head of the department, sneaked with Li Yada, the person in charge of the game department, brought Wu Bin's secret through the test.

The secret is very simple, there are only two, respectively: I want to do more, I want to do every way to complete the task of the total.

Although some are too excessive, at least a good direction.

On the weekend two days, Wu Bin was deeply reflected in his first answer.

He realized that the Taoism has demanded the topic of overtime, and he is mostly an answer.

It should be ready to work hard, want to overtime, unless you always ask!

The open letter of the internal forum in the forefront, basically also devoted this.

Thinking of this, Wu Bin is full of confidence into the examination room.

A crisp mouse clicks sound in the conference room.

This new person who participated in Tenda's spiritual fit test was more than the last time, reached more than 30 people.

Although there are three employees pass the last test, after the last test, a number of new employees have finished the post-employment procedures in the original company, and officially entered the job.

Therefore, the number of employees involved in the test increased.

The expression of these new faces is different.

Some are very puzzled about the topic, and some are dismissed with the topic.

Wu Bin knows that most of these two people cannot be tested through the Tenda spiritual fitness of Tong Dynasty.

Obviously, many departments of Tengda Group have privately heard the secrets through testing.

But, the same secret, the key or how much can you understand!

Wu Bin feels that this kind of understanding, most is one of the qualities of the best!

Start serious answering questions.

Wu Bin was slightly surprised to find that this time, there are seven curtains and last tests.

Some topics are just simply changed a few words, but it turns all over; and some topics are completely unfamiliar. I have never seen it.

As for those of the same topics, the options have a subtle change.

In short, it is very confusing!

The previous test, Wu Bin is completely answering questions according to their first feeling, answering very fast.

But this time, Wu Bin is very very slow.

Each question is to repeatedly read questions, speculatory questions, and then repeatedly compare the four options, find one of the most fitted with Tengda.

After selecting, bring the option into the topic repeatedly.

Soon, some people have already finished.

But there is no doubt that they have not passed the test.

Various sounds quickly sounded in the conference room.





These people have passed away, and these people have passed away.

Some people are filled with doubts, full of mist, someone is incredible, shocked, and someone crashed on the spot, and the tears were in the eyes.

Obviously, some people are the second test, but they still have not passed.

Wu Bin is more serious.

Finally, only a small number of people left throughout the conference room.

Wu Bin has finished all the questions, watching the time, less than ten minutes.

"Call ... Time is not too good."

"Submit it!"

Although there is still time, the software tested software is not allowed to look back and check the questions and check.

However, I have prepared enough time to give answers to the answer, even if Wu Bin is slowly on, there can be rest.

Wu Bin guess, this may be a hint of the general, so that everyone can have sufficient time, excavate the instructions behind the topic.

Wu Bin shaking hands hold the mouse and click the "Submit" button.

There is a word in the screen on the screen: Congratulations, test qualified!

"Yes !!!"

Wu Bin almost excitedly shouted.


I finally got the general recognition, officially became a member of Tengda!

Wu Bin is not clear how to depict this wonderful feel.

He feels that after answering this complete test question, the spirit sublimate!

At this moment, he suddenly made a great understanding.

He suddenly realized that the work experience of so many years before, all of the experiences summed up in the horizontal game, but also a big mistake!

Of course, this error is not in him.

It is in a wrong environment in the horizontal game itself, so he is also ranked.

Tenda Group is far more successful than the earth, so Tengda's work mode is correct!

Now, Tengda is tested through this spiritual fit to reverse their original incorrect way to work!

Wu Bin returned to his own station, the first thing is to open the document and quickly record your own experience.

"Which is always the three ordered the staff to work overtime? Even overtime, it must strictly control overtime volume, and give it to Foot Class Fee?"

"Obviously, I always see huge damage to employee creativity!"

"Other companies have only seen short-term interests in front of them, saving costs by pressing employees."

"But in the long run, overtime will lead to a decline in the work of employees, creative decline, and deteriorate."

"Some companies, forced employees for 12 hours a day, but because of the efficiency of employees, work is not high, so the workload is still so much."

"And Tengda, forced employees to complete these work within eight hours of every day, is to provide employees to improve work efficiency and creativity, completed the work of other companies to work!"

"Whether strictly control overtime, or gives foot-capped fees, it is to do our best to keep employees enthusiasm!"

"So, the truth of Tengda's spiritual fitness test is not to encourage employees to make mixers, but to filter out those who truly struggle!"

"Is the employee working every day to work hard?"

"No! It's just the contrary, in Tengda, this employee is an employee with low work efficiency. They are only given to leaders, not real efforts, just doing surface efforts."

"In the eyes of Yan, under the premise of completing the task, it does not work hard, meaning that work efficiency is high, it means that it is better to combine work and rest, know how to balance work and life!"

"Only employees such as the latter can maintain a healthy body in a long career, active thinking and Tiangu's imagination, rather than being crushed by the long overtime, mobilize the fight, twisted imagination."

"This is the real vision!"

"So, Tengda's spirit, should not just simply do not play, nor to easily obey everything that is full of mans."

"Tengda spirit should be to learn to balance life and work, do not work hard, to always maintain a healthy body, good working condition, let your career more smooth, let the company's development better, reach a win-win!"

"Although the surface is coming, this test is encouraged us to unreasonably obey everything that is full of people, but this is obviously not the ultimate goal of the total."

"Otherwise, he doesn't have to turn it with such a test, let everyone guess."

"Only I will understand this spirit, I can pass this test. This shows that I don't always want to listen to the , but I can truly understand his intentions, there is a good enough understanding, there is a strong thinking Ability of talents! "

"The will definitely be the talent in accordance with this standard, so Tenda can so talent!"

"And if you continue in this interview, the future Tengda .... The future is not limited!"

Wu Bin felt that he was completely subverted as an HR.

In the past, HR work he saw was nothing more than recruiting, crimping, excavating, and thought of playing off the old employees.

But now, I have given him a lesson.

Many companies regard their employees as opposition, want to do everything to press the interests of employees, resulting in uncomfortable employees, once in this kind of wind, will seriously affect the future development of the company.

In Tengda, the company is consistent with the interests of employees, this is a harmonious and win-win relationship!

Wu Bin feels that he is completely realized.

He decided to record his experience and record it.

Be sure to use Tengda's spirit to HR's work, you must not live up to the total strength!



on Tuesday.

In the office, check the results of the second Tenda spiritual fitness test.

This time, there were 35 people participated in the test, and 12 of them passed the test.

The pass rate is significantly improved!

Yan Qian couldn't help but nod, it seems that everyone is very fast about the understanding of Tengda's spirit!

However, there are more than a dozen new employees have failed to fail twice.

When the internship period for one month is, if these people still have not been tested by Tengda's spiritual fitness, they can only say "very sorry".

For these people, Yu Qian is not painful.

They are all thought of overtilime, this kind of person should not be the employee of Tenda!

Clear these hidden dangers as soon as possible!


On the station, Li Yada took the two stability versions of the GOG.

One is a normal version, one is a revised version according to the opinions of the dream venture capital.

After such a long period of modification, these two versions have finally a bit.

Although balance is still a problem, at least seems like a test version, it is no longer like a half-finished product.

If BUG is also harder, this version is basically stable.

Of course, if updated, there will be more bugs, but at least that is not concerned about the short term.

Li Yada knows that you can rest assured within five days of yourself.

After some five days later, I just collect some players, and then carry out the development and changes of the next round.

Li Yada just prepared to shut down, suddenly found that Hao Yun, the Ministry of Human Resources, sent a document to himself.

The title of the document is "Tengda's mental interpretation (speculation)".

"Well? What is this?"

Li Yada has some doubts and click on the document to open.

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