Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 373, don't blame my heart! (For the threesome, more important things, 8/10)

Yan Qian can't accept this conclusion.

No, this is unreasonable!

I have to make some changes!

If Ma Yang continues to play like this, he will continue to make an opinion to the GOG again, and the event is really possible to completely detach it.

I have to find some things to find the old horse.

Yan Qian considered a moment, and he said, "Horses, don't play games recently."

He also looked at the congratulations: "You are also, don't stay with the horse to play games."

Conversed faces.

What do you mean, is it difficult to shoot the horse?

Is our suggestion we mentioned, conflicting with the general design concept?

Still, I always feel that we don't do business, is it dissatisfied with us?

The atmosphere in the office is a little dignified.

Can't play games, there is no big deal.

But if you leave a bad impression there, it is very good!

Yan Qian continued: "I have recently been squeezed out, you think about it, look at what new investment project."

In the office, everyone's expression is soaked.

He is not huen in the idea before you.

Do you think! Is it always a kind of person who is beware?

Look, I will not only be angry, but I have made praise for us!

He is the best result in the expected expectations, is the salary.

But now, I always give the dream to create a money, which is more happy than the salary!

Yan Qian didn't know what he was thinking, but no matter what he thought, there was a big difference between the summary of the respect ...

After the last incident, Yan Qian was intended to put the dream into the cold palace in the short term.

But now I find that this group is nothing to do, I will ponder the GOG, which is very dangerous!

Still letting them come out.

Although there are not many long money on the hand, now Tengda is large, and Jun Make it squeezes out of three or four million, and the problem should be not big.

However, the investment results of this project of IOI have not come yet, and the Qian Qian is hard to recruit Ma Yang in a short time.

This investment, Yu Qian decided to personally

Ma Yang is nod: "Good Qian Ge, no problem, I must spend this money in the fastest speed!"

: "No, this time I don't worry."

"You look at it first, find a few dream projects, after a while, we will negotiate, and make a decision."

Ma Yang has some puzzle: "Qian Ge, is not you teach me to say that it will be handled when you should shoot, don't hesitate? Don't you say what you like, must I believe my first feel?"

cough and two sounds: "Cough, I used to say it right."

"But then you are still an investment newcomer, I have just entered this. I have always stressed you, let you not hesitate, mainly to cultivate your decisive investment mentality!"

"But now, the situation is different."

"You have already had 20 million investment experience, it is time to advance."

Ma Yang suddenly: "Good Qian Ge, how to advance? You said!"

: "This is a specific project, specific analysis, no project empty mouth is discussed against air, it is easy to fall into the dogmatism."

"This way, you will filter the plan according to the standards I said. See that the dream is bursting, it will be collected."

"After a while, I will come again, discuss with you, which project!"

Ma Yang nodded: "Good Qian Ge, no problem!"

He also looked at the gold medal behind himself: "I haven't heard it. Before the next project is over, I want to be a game!"

Everyone nodded: "Good horse is general!"

His face showd a smile on the face.

Although he likes to play games, he has never forgotten that he is an investor.

Come to the dream of venting, just to learn the top investment from !

The last 20 million investment, the horse is always very fast, and the congratulatory win is an executive, and I didn't understand it.

During this time, he is not expected to see the general shots.

Now, the opportunity is coming!

I don't know if I have the main investment master, which project will I vote?

Really expecting!



December 30, Thursday.

It's going to go to the New Year's holiday, the exam week is gradually approaching.

Yu Qian has been in the back of the Horse last night, got up in the morning, and the head is still a bit grower.

Just finished taking the fish takeaway, Yan Qian felt his left eyelids.

"Jump right eye jump Choi disaster."

"No, there is a situation!"

Yu Qian was vigilant.

He sat down at the desk, took out small book, quickly passed the industry that may have problems.

Although Yu Qian also knows that this is completely superstitious, but the gentleman is there I have three provinces, and it is always no harm.

The current industries were investigated.

The person in charge of Tengda game and the ocean game is still playing in the country, it should not be them.

The eight characters in the ghost house have not yet, even the programs have not yet, they will see such the person in charge so low efficiency, and it is not here.

Touch fish takeaway and against the wind logistics belong to traditional losses.

The flying yellow studio is still shooting, should not be particularly dangerous ...

Yan Qian simply studied some, and finally, the ROF and the fish net coffee were investigated.

This ROF is installed, just a time for a long time, it is a must-have to doubt it!

However, in the principle of never marry a good person, Yu Qian decided to give Zhang Yuan to call Zhang Yuan, and visited his mouth.

"Hey? ?" The voice came from Zhang Yuan slightly tired.

Yan Qian was alert, and asked: "You seem to look very tired."

Zhang Yuan said: "Yes, I have always been busy buying, I have to enter so many goods in batches, this is not easy. But I have always worry, I have been busy!"

Yan Qian asked: "What is the sales of the ROF host?"

Zhang Yuan smiled: "Oh, you can rest assured, everything is fine!"

"I was still worried that the original price will lead to orders, but there is no!"

"Although sales have been reduced, but due to the increase in price, every money is much earned, so the total profit is not significantly reduced!"

"It seems that the brand of ROF has been very influential, and the word of mouth is almost played out. In the near future, some people still purchased in land and continue."

"It seems that my concern is extra, but I am far from the profit!"

"I have already taken all your money in accordance with the total amount of money, and now I have been filled with the shipping points near the fish net coffee. There are already a lot behind the warehouse. There is also a batch of goods on the road. "

"Thanks to the brothers of the anti-wind log!"

"This, the supply is completely don't worry!"

"Even if there is a peak in the New Year's Day, our inventory is sufficient, and it is absolutely guaranteed to send these computers to the customer's hand!"


Sure enough, there is a problem!

The host restores the original price, there are still many people buying?

Is this not pit? Isn't that equivalent to a computer, I earn more? ? ?

I didn't expect that the computer turned back to the original price, at least three or four hundred dollars, but still can't stop those who are willing to buy a computer!

Change to think, this also has certain rationality.

What is the main customer group of ROF?

Mainly there are those people who are worried.

If you will be installed, you will definitely get rid to buy ROF, unless the price of this whole machine is cheaper than those accessories, and this situation can only appear when you don't have money to lose money.

But the problem now is that after several rounds of promotion, Rof is online, especially in Beijing, has a certain reputation!

Those who bought the ROF computer have seen the value of this brand:

All the accessories are genuine, configured clearly, no shrinkage, light-speed delivery, and any problems will be guaranteed.

Local in Jingzhou, worry about a lot of brands!

These people will naturally recommend them to their friends.

Therefore, the name of ROF has already played.

Those who don't install themselves, graphic, even if the ROF is more than three or four hundred dollars, some people still buy.

After all, no one knows when the next promotion will be, and the time to treat the computer is so important, spend more money to buy a worry, and it is not too much.

This is the bad thing that is famous, a little price, and the customer doesn't care!

This brand has already had a certain brand premium?

Yu Qian felt a bit panicked.

According to this momentum, the situation is not good!

I have to think about it!

Qian Qian silent for a moment, asked: "Do you have time this afternoon? I want to see the warehouse."

Zhang Yuan immediately replied: "Have time! What time is you?"

Yu Qian looked at the watch: "It is about 3 o'clock in the afternoon to the warehouse."

Zhang Yuan: "Good , no problem! I am definitely greeted at the door of the warehouse!"

Hanging up the phone, Yan Qian sighed his tone.

No way, the current situation is a little out of control, it looks like to move the killing!

Although there is still three months from the settlement now, the ROF installed business of Zhang Yuan is completely sulking, step by step.

If you put on the words, you can't make any moths in this momentum, you can't make any moths!

Must give him a little setback.

Yan Qian said in his heart: "Zhang Yuan, don't blame my heart, look back, I will give you more bonuses, even compensation ..."

Then, Yan Qian dialed the phone of Little Sun.

"In the afternoon, I went to the warehouse to go to the warehouse. In the case of the company, I also pulled Tang Yiji."

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