Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 379 What is a venture capital (for the threatening of the Three serious things, 10/10)

If possible,

It can reduce the price within a certain limit, but after the lowest price allowed to the system, you want to further reduce your income, you have to rely on pricing strategies.

Yan Qian still has to implement the tenet of yourself.

Let the people who make the courage to spend money, so that the gallblasses are small.

In fact, this sentence is to let the people who really dare to enter the housing can't spend how much money, and then scare the people who are courageous, let them have no chance to pay.

Therefore, Yan Qian considered some, decided to adopt a special pricing strategy.

Different projects, pricing;

Different people also priced.

The first project, the lowest horror level, the most enriched gameplay, should be the most popular project.

So, the product is priced, the better!

Because the audience is the largest, it is best to repeat the play, the fare is a little higher, and there will be a lot of people to play, so I will pay less.

The third project is the most horrible, and it is the largest, under the supervision of the system, even if you want to set low fares, it is definitely low.

In this case, Yan Qian is going to be against it.

Set a high fare!

In this way, horror + high fares will have double-prunished effects to the average person, in order to prevent money from being guilty, and small people will definitely not go in.

As for those who are more courageous, I can consider returning tickets for them based on their game progress.

For example, the entire process is divided into nine parts, each of which has a safety house, one per customs clearance, a ticket money returns 10%, all customs clearance is equivalent to a game.

Just spend 10 yuan to visit the whole process.

According to Chen Kanguo "one ticket, multiple times" ideas, you can enter three times after each person can buy a ticket, as long as the tourists can pass through the whole haunted house within three times, they do not need the second purchase ticket. challenge.

In this way, the fare surface looks high, but the third project still does not earn any money!

As for the second project, I want to think about it, and I will have a little longer than the first project!

Thinking of this, Yan Qian said to Chen Kangu: "Different projects are priced."

"The first item, 10 yuan."

"Second project, you can extract multiple items randomly experience, with one, plus 15 yuan."

"Prepare the decibel recorder for everyone, complete the task and not call too much sound, the current small project is free."

"The third project, each experience 100 yuan, a total of three admission experience opportunities. Second, the third time you can continue to experience from the place where you leave, return ticket money according to the final arrival. If you pass the customs, Refers to all the money. "

"Then you can have a joint ticket, such as 200 yuan."

"It's almost like this, some details you will be pushed again."

After listening to Qian, Chen Kanguo's eyes lit up.

"I understand, I have, this pricing strategy, I think it is exactly the same!"

: "?"

What is it?

He is a bit awkward, I feel that this script is a bit less than I imagined.

Before he "dial" other people, the other person is often confused, not solving, confused ...

But how is Chen Kanguo as soon as possible, and still so excited?

What does the pricing strategy do it mean to be exactly what he thinks? Is he thinking too?

It's hard to get Chen Kangu to the horror of the hostel, open it? Follow your own brain?

Yu Qian felt a bit confused, but this kind of thing did not ask more, so he put his hand and sent Chen Kanguo.

Yan Qian touched the taste, always feel a bit weird.

"Strange, obviously a necessity of a loss of loss, it is going to start burning money, how do I not excited?"


In the afternoon, Yu Qian woke up, and was prepared to run around the dream.

Other projects are still in research and development, and there is no more important news for the time being.

In addition to the progress on the movie, he is so sensational.

Because the contents of the script itself are not much, simple shooting, it should have been completed.

But until now, I don't see some signs to kill.

"It may be that shooting is not very smooth, so it is delayed?"

"Well, there is this possibility. After all the director of the director, it is a short film, and there is no experience of this regular hospital movie. It is difficult to avoid it."

Yan Qian also didn't care too much. Anyway, he took a movie and didn't have to march. When he was released, it was the same, as long as it was in front of the settlement.

And the dream of ventilation, Yan Qian gave them a sum of money, this time is 3 million.

Compared with the previous two million, the money is not much, but it is more than enough to invest some small projects.

What's more, Yan Qian also wants to be clear, invest in this kind of thing, have to gradually enter, don't think about eating a fat man.

Otherwise, that 20 million investment is the first car.

Still slowly, first accumulate some failure investment experience, and then slowly.

Moreover, this time, Yu Qian personally picks up, must give the old Masi a good example.

Otherwise, there is endless suffering.

"I don't know if I have a good time to watch the plan, have you found anything that is not reliable enough?"

Yan Qian is pondering, and the dream is invested.

This time, I didn't come back to the "Ma General Take" shouting and tapping the keyboard, the sound of the mouse, the atmosphere of the entire company, suddenly turned from the Internet cafe as a pro-office area.

He is all busy, some are in the plan, and some are doing a report and look very professional.

This batch of people found in the old horse is not purely to play, strict, they are "new people who have fun in the investment industry."

Just like a congratulation, in the investment industry, and the game is a very good hobby.

Seeing this scene, Yu Qian feels very uncomfortable.

It seems that everyone will continue to play games, more people feel comfortable ...

This is really scary.

However, when I think everyone will play the game, I will give you the view, and Yu Qian feels still.

Oh, it is difficult to retreat.

Still trying to think about any project!

Ma Yang was sitting next to the Table of the CCA, holding a lot of investment plan in his hand, a browsing.

Just look at the speed of his browsing, it is estimated that the topic will look at the title and first page.

Seeing this, Yan Qiang is tone, the brother is still relying on!

"How, is there any" dream ", is there a project worth investing?" Yu Qian sat down next to Ma Yang.

He has also rushed over and sat next to the meeting table.

This is, the summary personally taught investment experience, just hear a sentence that is endless!

I must listen carefully!

Ma Yang said very proudly: "Qian Ge, find a copy!"

"Just a part?" Yan Qian is a bit disappointing, "" For a total of so many plans, I found a 'have a dream'? "

In addition to the one's investment plan held on the hands of the Mango, there is still a built on the table.

Yan Qian picks up, turned over, could not help but take a breath.

Investment is really a technical activity!

These plans, he is barely to understand, but the problem is that it looks too much?

Just like a general investor, it is difficult to accurately distinguish which project will make money.

Because every business, seek investment, basically select some projects that seem to have promising.

Even those projects that swindlers, will definitely do a very tall, blowing the things you are doing.

The fake item is more true than the true item.

Otherwise, how to cheat investors?

This has a problem, that is, all the planned books look very reliable, even if there is a big part of this, they are doing very much, and their plans have to be very successful.

Yan Qian did not have this kind of eye, unable to distinguish.

I had to take the part of Ma Yang.

Just got it, Yu Qian was shocked.

It's so light!

There is a lot of content content, but this, just one page!

Not only that, the format of the plan is not complete, all wrong, and the content is also very simple.

This project is called "shared telephone booth", and there is not much investment amount, only 200,000.

Yan Qian couldn't help but have some little excitement. He saw his dreams on this plan!

Ma Yang is still screeing other programs, Qianyi raises his hand, indicating that he will stop: "Don't consider the other first, we will give this project first."

Ma Yang is very obedient to other plans, saying: "Qian Ge, really investment this?"

"This project is really full of dreams, so I will pick it up separately."

"But ... can it earn money?"

Yu Qian huh, this is not nonsense, can I earn money?

But the words must not say this.

Everyone in the conference desk, including congratulations, is also shocking.

They have long seen the investment plan of this "shared telephone booth", but all treat it as a joke.

Sharing the phone booth, scan the code, don't you take off your fart?

If I can scan the code, I also use it to call the phone.

And this place is not a new thing, and there are so many public telephone booths in the streets, and now no one is used.


The time changed!

Now people in hand, who also calls with the phone booth, is this not full?

As a result, in such a project, the total of the summons have seen more than ten seconds, and decided to invest? ? ?

Seeing everyone who is confused, Yan Qian smiled slightly.

"You are not optimistic about this project?"

Everyone nodded.

Yan Qian also looked at Ma Yang: "You don't look at this project?"

Ma Yang nodded and shakes his head: "Qian Ge, as long as you are optimistic, absolutely no problem! You can make money!"

is black.

This old horse, the might say it is good, I have listened to how unhappy?

Can you make money? Good end, you can curse me!

Cases: "Remember, everyone is optimistic about the wind vapor, called crowdfunding."

"Venture investment is the project that seems unreliable, and I am can't think of the project!"

"There is no risk, what is the risk investment?"

"The bigger the risk, the greater the income!"

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