Listening to the interrogator's explanation, Yan Qian is more happy.

Sure enough, I know that it is a very promising decision to enter the fitness industry!

There are so many successful experiences in the failed gym, all integrate, why didn't you do things?

Yan Qian nodded: "Well, I will consider it again."

"Right, there is no new gym near this? Or is there a homepiece, buy some equipment, can you use it directly? Go to find it, add some money directly, save the time of decoration."

Yu Qian considers the first gym to see the situation as soon as possible.

If everything goes well, then take a few more time to open a few times, you can lose money over this cycle.

If you accidentally make money, you can still stop damage, think about something else.

Xinmike Considering a moment: "Near the high-end gym ... I know a few, but I am not necessarily to transfer, I will ask."

After Xin, after the departure, Yu Qian began to consider the specific solution of this gym.

According to the content of this survey, the "Gym failure experience" summed up in Xin Assistant is integrated, and the characteristics of all failure gym are integrated into one as possible.

Yu Qian is very clear, now the size of Tengda Group is getting bigger and bigger, the funds are abundant, and their own purpose is a loss, so no matter which industry is entered, it will definitely invest greatly.

The previous investment is large, although the revenue pressure is added, but it is also easier to attract customers, especially if it is easy to attract high quality customers.

The difficulty of money is getting higher and higher.

So, if you want to lose money, you have the end of the attitude, you can't get it!

Can't think about "others can lose, so I can lose", if you think so, most of them make a mistake of dogma.

According to the report, the root cause of many gym does not make money is that the gym itself has a big investment, whether it is the venue, instrument, labor or other expenses, is not a small number.

If it is in some developed countries, the people have generally have fitness habits, so the light is selling membership cards to get good benefits, which enters a benign loop.

However, in the country, most people don't have fitness habits because of the level of economic development and the concept of the people, and they are not willing to spend more money. It is difficult to earn money to sell members.

This idea is the same as the domestic gold online games, first use low prices to go to the gym, and then pick those leeks in fat.

To put it bluntly, three people in the gym:

At a time, the head is hot, and the small white white of the fitness card is heard. After three minutes of heat, it will no longer come;

People who are not bad money, want a good body, afraid that they are three minutes of heat, so private education, let private education;

Can rely on myself.

The gym likes the first two people, but it is really unbearable to be the third person in the gym.

Only the third kind of people are too few.

The gym is mainly earned a member of the first person to pay the money and the second type of private education lesson, and the poor is rich together.

Therefore, I want to think about it, I decided to turn it off.

Still, like previous ideas, driving the source, one side as much as possible to improve daily expenditure, one hand as much as possible to narrow your target user group, and make less money.

First of all, Xiaobai's money does not earn more!

The other gym is sold for half a year card, the year card, and the longer the time, the more it is, which is the characteristics of the small white head, and use discounts to make a long-lasting membership card.

And these white white often can't persist, the longer the time, the more you lose.

Yu Qian decided, directly put the price to the sky!

Other gym are sold for half a year or a year, no matter how it is coming, and the gym, the gym is coming, and it will not be deducted.

The other gym wants to return the card, it can only be used to pick up the card, and it is still very troublesome, and the gym, and the gym you want to pay at any time.

In this way, Xiaobai is impulsive for a moment, and there is no way to send more money to the gym!

Second, the money of the local luxury also earnestly earned!

Other gym is crazy selling private education class, providing better service for high assets users to get greater profits.

And Yu Qian decided to do not sell any private education lessons at all.

All coaches are the same welfare and wages, and they do not earn.

The coach is waiting for the network management, and the customer has a problem, goes to answer, and when you see the customer, you will remind it, never more mouth, don't sell any courses.

Want to find a exclusive private education? Want to pay money to buy private education lessons?

Sorry, we don't have one one-on-one service.

Yan Qian wants to be more satisfied.

This solution, the money of most customers refused.

Xiaobai first is moved by this high price, even if the card is tide, the balance can be retired casually;

If you have money, you want to find a private education one-on-one counseling, this side does not provide service;

True to understand fitness, as long as there is a device, you will be able to choose the cheap gym, there is no need to add a lot of money here.

The only thing interested in this pattern is those who are slightly rich, want fitness, and don't want to be private and teach.

However, since my country's economic development level has not been reached, Jingzhou is another second-tier city that is not so developed, so this population is very small, and it is less likely to make the gym profit.

In this way, the gym is a pure loss, the more open, the more you lose!

Of course, the system is not so forth.

The system requires that the industry must have theoretical profitability, if you can make a lot of reputation, profit requirements can be reduced to some extent.

Yan Qian provides a better fitness environment, and naturally it has a higher price.

After considering, Yu Qian decided to set the price than the minimum price allowed by the system.

Because it is priced according to the minimum price allowed by the system, it is likely to leave a conscience impression on the player, causing the result of small profits.

And continue to increase the price, add to most of ordinary people unbearable levels, you can advise the target people directly from the price!

At present, the Beijing-State Gymnasium Card is about 2,000, and Tengda's employees are doing.

And this is also a relatively high-grade gym, cheaper, even less than one thousand.

According to the medium and high-end standards of the annual card, it is slightly converted, and there are more than five pieces per day.

But every day go to the gym is obviously impossible, most people go twice a week.

According to this frequency, the real price is about 20 pieces every day.

The more you go, the more you earn.

Since I decided to use a better equipment, build a better environment, please better coach, and use prices to further persuade consumers, then the price of every day is 40!

Taking into account other gym to spend money, private education guidance can be enjoyed here, but also have to add money.

Of course, private education lessons in other places are one-on-one counseling, and the private education of this gym is a couple. When you don't understand who you don't understand, you will definitely be so high.

Yu Qian considers it, then mention 50 pieces each time!

This price should be advised to persuade most people?

This is calculated, if the gym is taken in a week, it takes 400 pieces for a month, and 4800 pieces a year.

If you extreme, go four gym for a week, this price is doubled, 9600 pieces a year.

This has been outlined for the 2011 Jingzhou local consumption level.

It should be a quite unbearable number with other gym prices.

"Well ... It seems still not enough."

"Can I only do this level for a loss?"

"Think again."

Yan Qian felt that the light is currently settled, but it is indeed the anti-money gym, and there is a certain failure chance, but still unstable.

In case there are some people think this gym is conscience, in the purpose of the experience, do the membership card as "sub-card"?

Or there is a fitness big tense to Beijing, don't want to do a long-term fitness card, how to do a short-term card?

If people who are occasionally come once, there are enough people in every day, it seems to be earned ...

Therefore, I have to find a way, and those who follow these experiences will also be asked as much as possible!

Forced long-term cards must not work, because the previous rules are contrary to others.

Yu Qian considers it, decided to implement "card system", use special way to reach this persuversion!

At the time of registered members, different training programs are developed according to each person's physical quality, work and living conditions.

For example, it is required to practice three or more weekly, and you must perform a diet according to the specified content, you can only eat healthy meals to be sold outside, and enforce it.

In this way, consumers must not only pay for the use of fitness houses, but also pay for health, and is mandatory!

People who have spent so much money less!

It's not a card target, you have to punish, first warned, refund, and then you can no longer sign up for a while.

In this way, "Experience Party" thinking about occasionally, the "experience party" is also brushed out, and a large piece of income is reduced.

Well, perfect!

After several consideration, Yu Qian finally finalized the specific rules of the gym:

Become a member, recharge, how much is completely free, no discount.

In the first time, the physical measurement and training plan, including several gym every week, what projects are training, what to eat, all the contents and customers have been negotiated, and once the development has become mandatory, it must follow.

Comprehensive, each time the expenses of the gym are 50 dollars, and the health food for fish taking the fish is forced, the price is another, the take-away order system and the gym app data interoperability.

Of course, the fish is taken and has to lose money, and the health is only a cost price, but this forced purchase is very persuasive for consumers.

I have lost money and add the threshold for customers, two of them.

Didn't eat a healthy meal, or the number of gym every week is not enough, will be interviewed, the first two warnings, the third time I will refund, and no longer receive within one month.

Of course, if the first warning is immediately corrected, then the warning can be eliminated after two weeks.

I thought about it, I decided to give this gym called "hosted fitness".

The surface means, just hosted the body here!

And the actual meaning is that the mental space AI will play four 2 kings!

Like this kind of mad gym, how many of the Top is like this, is it about to come?

But there is not much in Kyotine, and the real Tuhao goes to the gym to find private teaching. The hosted fitness does not seem to be too obvious.

At that time, I opened a lot of shops, no one, just, I can all take the employee benefits, it is simply beautiful!

Of course, Yan Qian also thought of some other ways, such as the operation of a discount, but thoughtfully, it is still noticeable.

Although these operations seem to lose money on the surface, it seems to make users full of power, spontaneously propaganda, it will easily reach the effect.

Therefore, after thinking about it, Yan Qian still decided to give up these seems to operate, stabilize.

After all, this is a matter of money, but also pay attention to fine water.

Then, Yan Qian simply considers the equipment inside the gym.

Each fitness equipment is definitely with the highest end.

Each device of aerobics, including treadmills, elliptical, etc., all with a small TV, you want to see what you have.

The shower, dressing room, lounge, etc. are also all in accordance with the highest specifications. Anyway, it can be saved, and all high-grade shampoo, shower hair blower, etc.

Moreover, the gym is still ready to go to the gym to wear bracelets. After coming out, pick up the movement data, and the exercise amount will be completed.


After all, I've been finalized, I looked at the program and nodded.

Strive to make this gym to the exclusive gym exclusive gym, let others have no interest!

The gym is daily loss, giving employees, paying money, double happiness.

At that time, give all Tengda employees to make them tired, unhappy, and always lose money, and two are beautiful!

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