At the same time, the GOG division in another room in the H4 club is changing, and it is driving live, chatting with fans.

The club has a strict schedule, which is generally only after daily training, or on the weekend, in order to open live broadcast, and cannot affect the normal rest time.

However, in general, the club's live broadcast is encouraged.

For team members, the e-sports career is short, live as a emerging thing, can be considered after retiring, now live more live, take advantage of the performance, can get some income, and will be prepared early afterwards intend.

For the club, the player lives can also help the club play the name, and the live platform should find a team member to sign a contract, you must first find the club, often sign a whole team, so the club is also profitable.

Although the GOG branch of the H4 team fits the runner-up in the previous game, the captain is full of performance in the tour, and there are many powders.

If it is not a team, it is impossible to take a championship.

So, through the heat of the game, Panrand is also crazy, and the live broadcast platform will be pushed, and the heat is even more rising.

These professional players are originally GOG's high-class person. After the official start of the occupation, whether it is personal ability or the understanding of the game, it is rapidly improved, and the gap between ordinary passers-by is naturally pulled off.

In a say, don't use your hobbies to challenge other people's rice bowls. Once you have full-time, the gap with amateurs will only be more large.

After the pantroup became a professional player, the game understanding has long been laminated by the general players of the high-end bureau. If you want to take a walk, you can grasp the three-way, there is still a bit, this lint effect is naturally a lever.

I have played two games, and I lined up one side and chatted with the lacquered audience.

"Some people say that we didn't have a championship."

"It's unfortunately, in fact, I will last."

"Someone asked if it is very desperate?"

"That is not, what is desperate."

"The top five games is a bit a pity. To say despair, that is 3: 0 being swept, 15 minutes push, no strength is desperate."

"Oh, I don't say, I really realized this feeling. Our team will not win someone else, then it is desperate."

"I'm abused, take a runner, I feel that it is actually good. I originally thought that I had a round of tour, and I found that other teams were as dishes as us."

"Snong? I really didn't talk, this is the fact."

Putting is that he has said his personal experience, but the barrage obviously does not believe it all.

"The god is still being abused, pushing 15 minutes, six to four can win, what do you want? Do you want to participate in the domestic most powerful club team, what do you say is not a foreign club? Oh is embarrassed, GOG There is no external service! "

"You said that there is such a team of money, but it is said that which team is!"

"DGE? Isn't that the two teams of the Tongda E-Competition Living Hall? The strength seems to be, but can you lose more than six?"

"Do not believe, unless you let the people come to prove!"

Looking at these cranes, it is honest.

There is no way, this is really a big magic, who can think of the old club's runner-up team is abrigible by Internet cafes?

Putuity is very clear, DGE is the Internet cafe, and it is more likely to be more likely to be more common than any of the domestic club!

"Forget it, your love is not believed."

"I pulled DGE's second team captain. You should look at his level, you should know how many metamorphosis there."

"I can only say that there are nine people like him so horrible."

Pangling handed over, pulling Huang Wang, and even row together.

I have a few question marks on the bar, because Huang Wang's account is still a super master.

No way, the single row time of the DGE club is too small.

Compared with other clubs, Huang Wang, these people have to take two hours to practice custom, but also to take two hours to fitness, then deduct the two teams to train, analyze the time of the game, and truly for single row time, It is more than two hours.

Putting these people play at least five or six hours a day, so the score obviously has a gap.

But in the world of professional players, the tallization does not necessarily mean that the game is strong.

Some people are like drinking water, but the scores are still not high, this is just because they feel that there is too much drink too much.

Some people think that their opponents are like a master, but often fight against this opponent will make themselves, so the ranking, just entertainment.

Plus: "Take me?"

Huang Wang: "GO!"


After an hour, the crash in the orthogonal live broadcast has taken a 180 degree large turn.

Because the two rows of these two people are too cruel!

The top Central Sino in the Terrace came to high-end ranking, and what is called a vivid image.

There is still a question mark on the bar, but this question mark is no longer a segment of Huang Wang, but a talk for him.

"I thought that Pang's words were enough, and I was a self-closing child!"

"What is this order actually dare to eat experience? Do you see what this is a human?"

"How did you do it while saying that it is not a single kill?"

"The middle of the trough is too fierce? Who? Is there a live broadcast?"

"For what you want, give up against it in fifteen minutes?"

"If this is the final season, it is possible to lose this."

"I have a little understanding why the pang team always spits his home, this is really not a level ..."

"This order is a word, how have you always say it."

"Is there a live broadcast? Give it to the whole! I want to see his first perspective!"

After a wave of massacres, the live broadcast of the live broadcast is directly exploded. It is obvious that the live broadcast platform is also intentionally pushed, and the two-slaughtered high segmentation program is good, and the two people say that Like the voice of the mouth, the popularity is getting higher and higher, can't stop at all!

Pang Yan saw that all the bangs were discussing Huang Wang, so that no one discussed himself, it was a bit helpless.

Fans! One is so good.

After playing a wave of five consecutive victories, Huang Wang is ready to open.

"Okay, don't fight, I have to go out, the training is lost every day, I am very vomiting."

Putuo rushed: "Wait, many viewers are asking you here, don't live broadcast, they want to see your first perspective."

"Live?" Huang Wang wants to think, "Forget it or, I will train every day, there is no time to broadcast live."

Plus: "Nothing, open play, doing live broadcast, there are so many pigeons, you only need to open the rule, it will not be trouble."

Huang Wang wants to think, it seems to be such a thing: "OK, then study after my fitness is back."



August 1st, Monday.

Yan Qianzhi often came to the office, but did not have a squat on this road, but a slight band.

How to get fish outside the fish!

Last week, Yu Qian basically did not have too much energy to deal with other places, have been observing the fish for takeaway.

The more the results are observed, the more bad situation!

The customer who touches the fish is still expanding, and even many families who have originally cooked, they also started to take the fish.

Because you will have a lot of kitchen waste, these kitchen waste are also throwing away.

Many families who have cooking have sometimes lazy, they will directly touch the fish, so you can don't have to throw the girl.

Many companies in the office, every day's work meals will also produce a lot of garbage. In order to save things, they simply encourage employees to take the fish takeaway.

The launch of the food and the launch also meets some of the high-end needs of customers.

Originally, many people are more exclusive, feel unsanitary, unhealthy, but by this opportunity, after understanding, and and and taking the fish takeaway, the original scribe imprint is broken!

Worse, it seems to have some adverse effects on the hosted gym.

Touch the fish takeaway above the fitness meal, and the fitness meal is specially engaged in hosted a hosted gym. Many people will be curious about this, they will learn about the hosted gym.

Although this situation has not appeared on a large scale, it has already had a diary, and it has to be vigilant.

In short, the situation seems to become more difficult to clean up!

The microbi waste treatment machine is still in procurement, and it is quantity, it is estimated that next week can you come to the goods. However, after the money spent out, I was a little bitattled.

Money is not a lot, but this means that every time a branch that has been touched in a fish will have an additional cost of more than 100,000 costs.

This should be an unique good news.

is very embarrassed, he can feel dangerous, but never think of self-rescue approach.


It's been awkward, and the door has been knocked outside.

Yan Qian looked up, he is a congratulation, not from a frown.

"Well? Is there any problem with the automatic lifting bar?"

Now the automatic lifting bar machine is the baby who is carefully hidden, and must not be discovered by others!

Yu Qian's request is not too much, as long as you can pass this cycle, you will lose a few million.

As for the next cycle settlement, I will say.

He didn't know how to answer at the time: "Hey, the problem of automatic lifting bar machine should have reported it?"

Yan Qian nodded: "Oh, then there is no problem, is there anything else?"

He is very urgent: "Of course!

Yan Qian couldn't help but frown.

I really found the door?

According to reason, they don't have to pursue 100% holding, and what they want to do in the national service of IOI?

Yu Qian has already thought about making the iOi national service becomes a burn tree. Daxian Group wants to acquire finger companies, and Qian has no money to mix, and now it is necessary to move your own burning tree, that is I have this.

Yan Qian asked: "Why do you want the Operation of the national service?"

He is hesitating, replied: "Dawak Group and fingers agree that we have a poor performance in promoting IOI national service, so ..."

Yu Qian is very speechless: "A sent a non-rope!"

What do you do in your game? Isn't your heart?

I have already helped you, I can't help it, do you want to find a problem from yourself? How can I still have a pot to us!

For a long time, I will give you IOI to all kinds of rectification opinions. As a result, you will play Tai Chi's punch every day. Now, what is the problem?


Yan Qian was not intended to sell, and I heard that it is this attitude, it is not intended to sell.

"Whether it is the shares or national service operations, one is not sold!"

Yan Qian is too lazy to with these foreigners.

He is hesitating: "Hey ..., Da Yak Group said, willing to have 50 million knives, compared to the price of our purchase, this is really profitable."

"They also said, let us best take money to leave, otherwise torn face, everyone is not good ..."

: "?"

What is it?

Do you want to use my bills?

I am so embarrassed, I have a dismissal of 99.9% of resistance buff ...

And, is this attitude? It's not good to tear your face.

What kind of ever want to play from the other side of the ocean? Our Tengda has no international business at all!

Moreover, if you are torn, if you really make me lose money, I will tear you on the spot, and use you to run this?

, 50 million knives, this special is equivalent to more than forty millions, put the IOI national service as a burning tree to make it easy, can burn millions of millions, 10 million, 40,000 people want me to give up?

There is no door!

: "You reply them in the original words: f ** koff!"

He said, hurriedly said: "Good !"


From the general office, he will help the chest and calm down.

Just is really a bit of scar.

It seems that I have never seen it.

But then say it back, I'm doing the generals are not ordinary people.

If it is someone else, he heard 50 million knives, how can you have to shake it?

And the other party is also a little fear than the world-level giant company of Dawak Group.

As a result, I didn't want to rejection, and the anti-hand is the word of the beginning of the field.

This kind of power is really a cow!

It is only a bit worried because he knew that the Daxak Group is definitely the same as the first iron, from the company you want to acquire, someone can escape the poisonous hand.

Dawak Group has a jealousy, and it will never give up.

At that time, how this script is unfold, it is not a matter of saying.

"I really rarely see the poor."

"According to reason, this is normal business means, and the total is always wide, there is no reason to be angry?"

"Perhaps ... this is there in it?"

"Don't I say that I always let me return to a word that starts, is also part of the strategy?"

He is still a half-day, still has no hair, or decided to reply to the standard word that is given in the standard word.

This level of fairy fight, you still have a good look, it is best not to use it.

Anyway, according to , it is right.

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