Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 64 did not expect the plot to be so lucky!

After a while, the protagonist woke up again.

He found that he was still in the room before, and he was still lying on the body of monster.

But his health has a lot of restore, and the symptoms of fever after the infected virus have also disappeared.

A little girl is hiding behind an abandoned counter, staring at him curiously.

The protagonist tried to say hello to a variety of languages ​​and little girls, found that the little girl seems to be able to understand Chinese, but it can't respond.

She refers to her mouth and then puts his hand.

"Oh, she can't talk ... Is this a storytell?" Chensha was so curious.

The plot continues.

The protagonist stands up, friendly is close to the little girl, trying to talk to her, and found that the little girl saved himself.

The little girl showed a special needle tube to the protagonist, which is probably a special instrument developed by the Scholars, which can be blood collection and injection.

The protagonist is roughly understood that this little girl's blood treatment has healed his infected virus, so he did not become a zombie!

The little girl comes with the protagonist to a laboratory.

Here is a wolf, which seems to have an explosive conflict, and the air is filled with a pungent taste. The protagonist takes the gas mask from the side of the soldier body to wear it.

From the status of the legacy files and the scene, the protagonist inferred things in the dragon debola.

This little girl contains antibodies to viruses, her blood is the antibody of viruses.

After the virus broke out in the base, in order to be able to transfer the little girl, a mercenary squad was ordered to take the little girl away.

However, in the process, they were attacked by zombies. In the fierce battle, the mercenary team released a special poison to kill the zombies, but the number of zombies, the whole squad, or the whole army.

However, the original zombie and team members who become zombies have not survive, die from poison.

The equipment is damaged, invalid, and the little girl escaped.

Her body has antibodies that can be affected by biochemical viruses and biochemical gas, and her blood can also cure infected people.

However, the blood collection requires a special blood collection instrument, which is the special needle tube before the little girl, will be scrapped after using it once.

In this way, the protagonist with a little girl and started to continue to find out the export of this base.

In this process, Chensha began to face more challenges.

The map starts more complicated, and sometimes some simple puzzles will continue to advance.

The difficulty of monsters continues to improve, there are some zombies with variability, such as fast, especially blood, can become translucent zombies, etc .; mercenary weapons are more and more sophisticated, the number is increasing more.

Chen Sao has to fight with these enemies, but also to collect many resources in the map, and it will not fall into the dilemma of grain.

In addition to searching for the elastic medicine, outside the medical drug, the protagonist also collects the needle tube.

The blood of the little girl does not help the protagonist permanently immunize the zombie virus. After the protagonist is biting by the zombies, it will re-infect the virus again, still need to let the little girl blood transfuse.

If there is no needle, the little girl cannot be blood transfusion.

Moreover, the role of little girls is not allowed.

Although she has no combat ability, she can help it.

For example, because the little girl is short, active, and is immunized to poisonous gas and viral, some of the specific puzzle cards, need the protagonist and little girls to pass;

The blood of the little girl has the effect of religing infection, restoring health value;

In the non-combat state, the little girl will help players to find some of the collectible props hidden in the scene;

The little girl has the ability to perceive the nearby zombies. If you walk, you suddenly find a place to hide, it means that it is going to fight immediately ...

In the battle, Chensha feels that his emotions are also touched by this little girl.

It will be very proud to comply with the little girl.

I saw the little girl besieged by the zombies, I will be very anxious, I can't wait to rush.

I saw the little girl became spiritual because of blood collection, it would be very distressed, why did you be so stupid? If you are not hurt in battle, it is fine ...


Unconsciously, Chen Sheng was awkward.

Strictly speaking, aspects of "Maritime Fortress", whether it is the quality of the game, including pictures, models, movements, details, etc.), or the extent of plot, and some foreign 3A masterpieces have a small gap.

But Chen Sand is still intoxicated, because he felt the difference between this game and foreign 3A.

The protagonist is the identity of the Chinese. It is a special forces who have sneaked into the secret base of the Multinational Organization. Although he will speak in a multi-language, but when you take a break, you often use the Chinese to speak selfless, or speak in Chinese to the little girl, let Chen Sand is very insentive!

One of the people's own protagonists, it is very judged.

What's more, the game is a domestic game, which can make the plot mode to achieve excellent extent, which is a very incredible thing!

You must know that the plot mode is even if the "anti-terrorist plan" and "bomb marks" are not touched!

"Sea Fortress" plot mode and some super classic foreign 3A masterpieces may be slightly lacking (limited to limited conditions), but it will not go.

If it is compared with domestic games, it is simply super level to play, full of score!

It is rare that the "marine fortress" plot mode is not complicated, but the sparrow is small, the fifteent is full!

The level is reasonable, the monsters and guns are varied, and the level difficulty is modeled.

The most costly point is the design of this little girl, it can be said that it is completely afflicted to live the entire plot mode!

If you go to this little girl, this is not a plot mode. The top is a "endless pattern". Anyway, it is a shame, fight the zombies, hire mercenaries, what is the story?

After adding this little girl, the plot mode seems to be completely driven!

The original boring and odorless protrusion is like a soul, because players put the real emotions into it!

A game that can inspire players to resonate can be considered a real "plot"!

At the end of the game, the protagonist has suffered from hard, and finally killed the top of the sea fortress, defeating the last variant monster BOSS, and climbed the flight.

On the helicopter, the protagonist presses the detonation key, the whole sea fortress runs up huge mushroom cloud, ugly virus experiment, terrible monster, lifetime, intense multinational troops, high-level and mercenaries ... all have funeral sea.

The protagonist is open, the lens gives the little girl in the cabin.

She is already asleep quietly, and she also covers the coat taken off the protagonist.

In the sunset, on the sea surface of the burst ripple, the protagonist flew away, the plot mode ended.

There is a staff subtitle on the screen, let Chen Sheng are surprised that the staff of the production group is so small, only more than sixty!

Among them, Tengda's R & D personnel only have more than 20 people, and the rest is the personnel of each outsourcing company, the production model, has a custom-made function, dubbing, music and sound personnel ...

But even so, Chensha is still surprised. He didn't expect to be such a person, and made such a unforgettable story!

In fact, recall carefully, the whole story model, in fact, there is no more resources, the only person who can remember, only this little girl.

However, the story model of "Maritime Fortress" is still impressive, which means the level of designers!

Chensha was shocked, and he did not return to God for a long time.

I thought that this company developed the plot mode is funny, I didn't expect people to have this strength! !

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