Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 640 I am convinced of this (ask for a monthly ticket!)

In the end, this sudden scene, let He An completely stunned, wait for him to return to God, the list has already appeared on the screen.

Just, as the producer is broadcast, it is not a wonderful lens picture in the game, but a news report.

"The President passed the White House official blog, and the current president of the Luxury Group made a mourning, and the full text is as follows:"

"The news of Mr. Jeff, Mr. Jehno, Mmit (Mrs. President) and I feel sad. Jeff is diligent, self-discipline, with noble character, he is an entrepreneur, charity, Best-selling writer, and is also our good friend. '"

"He is good at thinking about problems with the people, I believe that I can try to change the world and help others. His Charity Foundation has relieved tens of thousands of homeless people, his work" struggles and get rich " Numerous young people struggle for their dreams. '"

"The world lost a person with vision, he will always be remembered. Mitchell and I want to give Jeff's wife, his family, and people who love him, send our thoughts and prayers. ""



"At present, it is not clear that the trusted murder motivation, the police did not find that he had any festival with Mr. Jeff, and the murderer appeared to have mental obstacles, refused to answer the police, but repeatedly repeated the word 'liar' words. Trial, this station will continue to track ... "

At the final news screen, the leader of the protagonist, wife, and children have not sounded in the funeral of the protagonist.

The rich version of the game is all over.


He An is a little dizzy.



What does this ending mean?

My business just took off, then people got it?

Who is this murder?

Why do he kill me?

I won't choose some option before, so I played a tragic ending?

I always feel that it is wrong.

He An, thinking about it, the flow of the entire game seems to be, the conversion between the scenes is natural, the details are also very good, very emotional.

Alley is this end, too awkward, there is no pavement!

He Qian wants to think, I feel that I have leaked some links and steps, playing two weeks or the poor version, maybe I can play other endings.

After all, there are at least dozens of borders in this, may hide some other options that can change fate.

However, He An is not intended to play two weeks now, this ending gives him a bit of serious trauma.

The game is well done very well, whether it is a story, plot, line or picture detail, there is no picky place, but only this story, let people have a mist.

This feeling is like a banquet, a good wine is coming, and the result is just the first mouth, the table is ignored.

"Is it hidden with the rich version of the poor version?"

He An could not help but have such an idea.

Although the introduction of the poor version is already advised enough, he is still a lot of luck.

What special content is there?

He considers a moment, or open the poor version and start the game.

Like the rich version, the beginning of the poor version is also the beginning of the heart.


"I am very grateful to my father."

"If he is not him, I may study Bolkin Primary School. It is one of the worst public elementary schools in the country. Half of graduates will rise into secondary school called 'sewage pool', there are more than 40% Students can't graduate, so it is also known as the 'dropout factory'. "

"This 'dropout factory' has two thousand in the country, and they will continue to deliver their homes to the society."

"In our state, 68% of the criminals are high school, and the state government puts a funny original inversion of prison and students. Every four years spend money on a prisoner, enough for a child in private The school reads K12 from kindergarten, and the school can still read the university for 20,000 knives. "

"There are seven thousand people in the country, there is no homelessness, every day, in the subway station, will encounter countless, disabled mental illness, wine ghosts, and former records."

"They have 36% of children, and the remaining 64% is single mother and single men without children."

"In this country, you must first have a money, in order to use cheap ways to keep your life constantly loop."

"If you fall to the point where you need to take the relief, then get a relief can't find a job. If you don't work, you can't rent a house. If you don't have a house, you can't do anything. Once you become homeless, you will mean that social death, even Your health is healthy and feet, and it is impossible to return to the previous life, and can only wandering the streets for a lifetime. "

"I am very sensitive to these numbers, I don't know if this is a talent, or a survival instance."

"Maybe the poor life is a series of numbers."

"Many poor people will complain their parents."

"But no matter what, I am very grateful to my father."

"He did not let me be a member of these people."

"My father has always told me, I have to learn from those outstanding people, to change the poor thinking, try to struggle, don't follow the wave."

"Struggle will change your life."

"I am convinced of this."

Unlike the beginning of the rich version, the beginning of the poor version is not a specific event, but a lot of fragmentation scenes, with abstract ways to draw those pictures in the protagonist.

Then, it is a memories of the protagonist.

"I shortly after I was born, my mother had to resign a full-time wife, because only she can take care of me."

"Until I got a kindergarten, this state has not changed, because the kindergarten will take school at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, let the child will make a law to protect children at home."

"So, if my mother's tax payment can't go to the kindergarten or tutoring class in order to meet the legal law of the child, it is better to work, but will save money."

"My father has to work more than a dozen hours a day, I am very much able to see him. But his efforts are meaningful. He takes me to Bolkin Primary School and came to a better school district."

"We live in low-rent housing, this is a lucky, because only 20% ~ 25% of the income range can stay, you have to be rich than 75%, while you have a lowest 20% rich, This is a very harsh number. "

"Interest hobbies? No, that is the number I can't afford."

With the narrat of the protagonist, the shot shot flashed on the screen.

In the low-rent housing, the mother's mother cares for a baby, the busy focus is rotten, and the whole room is chaos a group.

The protagonist's public school is also the rich version of the private school, but it is even more surprised to be a class after class.

In the rich version, the player's entertainment is riding, archery, learning music and painting, and in the poor version, player's entertainment is running in the yard, riding bicycles or playing football, playing baseball.

Although these small games are also very fine, it has become a bit of taste with the rich version.

He An imaginates the protagonist to learn some amateur hobbies, rather than running in the yard every day, but soon, I will find my hand's funds to be stretched.

Please ask the teacher to teach the cello, the price is 75 knives every hour;

Parents bring their children 20 knives 20 knots every 30 minutes, if it is a professional course, it is 200 knives every hour.

In the gym class, the gymnastics category put together, and the teacher led the warm-up for 2 minutes, and the rest of the time is a parent to accompany the child to play the instrument, 20 knives per class.

Even these quality is poor, the price is not a cheap course, and it is necessary to book more than 2 months in advance.

For He An, the most prominent feeling is boring compared to the poor version and the rich version.

Because there is no money, the option to choose is that several, whether it is in the yard or a bicycle, it can clearly realize that he is in the waste time.

Similarly, the role of the poor version is also very faced, obese problem is serious, and it is equally fully engaged.

After the childhood, it is the youth era. The protagonist has entered a high school with efforts to learn from the university. In high school, there are more activities, you can participate in the choir and orchestra, you can participate in the debate.

Although the protagonist of the poor and the protagonist of the rich is almost hard, the resources that can be obtained have a big gap.

Can you examine the content of the game after the university will decide.

If you don't have a professional skill, you can only go to the restaurant service, cleaner, old -ress care or supermarket tartlery, or even a seven days in the seven days, playing two workers will still be bankrupt;

When the colleague was cleaned, he did not dare to call ambulance. I didn't even dare to go home to rest, I can only continue to clean up, because I can't lose a salary, the group is only called her "calm down, relying on work past".

Want to get a low-end service industry can only find a job in the big city, but the rent of the big cities has been raised by the rich to almost unbearable levels, and they can only pay for a cheaper apartment deposit. Go to the high-priced sucking capsule hotel, the longeting the poorest, once sick or enter the peak rent, there is a risk of bankruptcy and even sleep.

If you have learned from your own efforts, there is a 4000 knife every month, then the situation will be slightly better, but all kinds of spendrs will still be breathed, and the monthly fixed expenditure accounts for all income. 80%, tax and insurance 25%, rent 29%, 26% of children, 5% car, 5% water and electrical, 10% of the food, etc., do not include medical treatment.

It is basically that it is difficult to have a 400-knife every month, and if there is something unexpected, it is still bankrupt, homeless.

If you can do a relatively high-paying job, you will have a relatively high salary, but the various related expenses grow straight, and some costs that have not been expel have become the option that must be expected.

And this is also a little bit of the most sputum, it can be a lot of money, but many expenditures are also enforced by the game, such as:

For decent to work to buy Luxury suit and packages;

I spent 2000 knives. When the child had a birthday, he took him to the sea park for three days;

Social fees, including residential communities, children's extracurricular learning, etc., is also a big money;

In order to save money, it is accustomed to paying with credit card, so that the number of credit cards in each period is high, I don't know how to spend these money. ......

These choices seem to have certain inevitability, such as buying Luxury suit and bags, the protagonist I don't want to buy, but all the colleagues of the company are in use, if not, they are inconsistent with colleagues, difficult to integrate into their circles.

Therefore, the protagonist finally biting his teeth.

Here, He An seems to understand what it means to say the words that the protagonist is the most beginning.

The poor life is a series of numbers, and this number is a variety of overhead.

However, this figure is still crashing.

As the protagonist's consumption level is getting higher and higher, the sudden unemployment destroyed this, the entire chain quickly collapsed: lost income, not on credit card, banks to take away the house, the card debt is not allowed to accumulate interests ...

So, the survival environment of the protagonist returned to his father.

In a scene scenario, the sound of the protagonist sounds again.

"My father has always told me, I have to learn from those outstanding people, to change the poor thinking, try to struggle, don't follow the wave."

"Struggle will change your life."

"I have worked hard, but everything seems to have returned to the original situation and have not changed anything."

"Is my struggle nothing? I don't think too. At least, I don't have a member of those who are homeless."

"I often think:"

"If I didn't lose my job ..."

"If I save more deposits ..."

"If I can share some overhead ..."

"If ... I can do more choices, can you change your own destiny?"

The last scene is the main character after the end of the day, go home late in the middle of the night, and come to the child's room.

In a dark, he looked at the sleeping child in the moonlight, covering the blanket for him.

At this moment, the child woke up, the soft little hand of the soft hand, asked: "Dad, why do you come back every day late, never time to accompany me?"

He was silent for a while, touched the forehead of the child: "Because the mother didn't work, Dad must work hard to make money."

The child said again: "When can Dad accompany me?"

He said: "Waiting for Dad to earn enough money."

The child's eyes are shining: "Dad, wait for me to grow up, earn enough money, you can accompany me every day?"

"That father, how can I earn enough money?"

The protagonist is silent for a long time, then said: "Money will not fall from the sky, only not satisfied with the status quo, life has become possible."

"To learn from those outstanding people, to change the poor thinking, strive to struggle, don't follow the wave."

"Strive to strive to change your life."

The big eyes of the child flashed in the moonlight and nodded heavyly.

The game is over, the list of producers appeared on the screen.

This ending picture is a young man who is burying, at the same time, there is another young narrator that is different from the protagonist sound.

"My father has always told me, I have to learn from those outstanding people, to change the poor thinking, try to struggle, don't follow the wave."

"Struggle will change your life."

"I am convinced of this."

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