
Beijing Central, far from the world.

Yan Qian, Lin Dynasty, Zhang Yuan and Yan Jing more than four people came to the square outside the mall.

I have seen it very much, I have seen a huge propaganda poster outside the building. The poster originally promoted the GOG Global Finals has been withdrawn and replaced by the publicity poster of the GPL League.

The previous GOG Global Final Poster is primarily printed to the logo of the GOG, such as Mo Dormit and the style of the style, and the words of the first Global Invitational Tournament of the GOG.

But now, the main part of the GPL poster has become the battle flag of all clubs, and the 16th battle flags are painted on the Furniture of each furniture. Of course, these logo is also associated with the brands of the parent company.

For example, the team of Shenhua Real Estate is a little change according to the Logo of Shenhua Real Estate, which is more fashionable, with the charm of the electricity club.

But through the name of LOGO and the team, it can make people see that this furniture is associated with Shenhua Real Estate, which can play the effect of the company's brand.

The sixteen-faced flags have been arranged in two columns, just like the battlefield of the two armies, the flag appeared, and Wei Feng.

Although the entire propaganda poster does not have a variety of flowers whistle, it is very atmosphere.

At present, GOG has had a strong influence in China, especially from the world, and it has basically been contacted with the GOG.

So, there is no need for those flowers in the flowers, and now the protagonist is the GPL of each furniture department, you have to leave the main stage to them.

For this poster, Yu Qian is very satisfied.

I finally didn't hang a large size of Motuth, it is reluctant!

Four people came to the mall, all kinds of restaurants, drink shops, shops should have all, all.

The mall is already waiting in it, and four people have been here, and hurry up.

After each introduce, Zhang Yi proposes: "Torr, this is fast, there are many high-end restaurants, you want to go to a high-end buffet, it is said that the recent new one hundred high-end buffets Don't ask you, can you try to taste? "

Tengda signed a long-term agreement with a long time, and the GPL league has already pulled so many companies to form a club, no matter what consideration, this big customer has a good relationship.

: "No, just eat it."

Manager said: "That's not, you will come, you will come to the meal, just catch someone to eat, I have a lot of stays."

Lin Xia laughed and smiled: "Manager Zhang is not too polite."

"You have less deal with , don't know the proficiency of."

"He is always an extremely pragmatic person, does not like this kind of virtual thing. Otherwise, the people of this identity cannot have been eating some of her own fish."

"This time, I always look at the preparation of the GPL League. We will treat yourself as an ordinary audience, and how to eat ordinary audiences, how can we eat."

"You don't have to accompany, we just turn it."

Class is not too persisted: "It turns out that there is always a free arrangement. If there is any problem, you can always find me."

Yan Qian four people went to the upper floor while leaving the upper layer, and the scene around the escalator has also become a variety of materials that promote the GPL league.

When the last layer of escalator, the bangs of each furniture is hung on both sides, just like passing the channel through the signal, go to the cruel battlefield.

The top-level GPL venues have also been fully transformed in accordance with relevant requirements, including the officially responding strongly responding strongly responded to the propan, custom hand, props, etc. around various GOG games.

In fact, there are these empty spaces, but it is only fully utilized, let the entire venue game, the confrontation of the atmosphere is more immersed.

After entering the venue, there has also been a significant change in the scene of the Qian Qianfa.

The first is that the two regions in the front row of the venue becomes blue red, which represents the red-blue fans of the game, which can be cheered for their respective teams.

As for other regions, such as the rear area is prepared to the neutral audience, but only the position of the red area, the position is still biased toward the red party, which can also play a certain difference.

The walls around the venues are hung in the battle flag of each furniture, and the battle flag of the corresponding team will shine during the game.

Moreover, the various details on the stage seem to be re-planned, and this group of people who are responsible for the GPL League is a lot of mind.

Lin Xia said: "I specially let Liang Liang sail come over, although the overall decoration style is not able to change, but add some embellishment or no problem."

"Liang Guangfan retreated the stage, seats and walls all over, compared with the previous Global Invitational Tournament, the atmosphere of the entire venue should be improved."

"In addition, our broadcast station also has a field equipment, which is also reconfigled. For example, this rocker is just bought, you can help us take a better view, showing the appearance of the scene."

"Head, do you see what you need to improve?"

Yan Qian shook his head silently: "Nothing, it is very good."

Sometimes I feel that I am most excited, that is, I don't have to manage anything, and my employees will spontaneously put things. "

There are many people in the venues.

Because the world is originally the mall in the core area of ​​Beijing, the people are very traffic, and the top-level GPL E-Competition venue has all been transformed, it can be said to be a new. Even if there is no game now, there are many people who come over to visit.

Yan Qian also didn't want to cause the crowd, and it was just that the corner turned casually, relatively low.

However, at this time, Lin Na suddenly saw a familiar figure.

There is a slightly bare Western face in the top, which is very conspicuous in a national person.

Lin Xia said: "Hey? He is always, is this Eric?"

Although Lin Said with Erek has only had one edge, it was that the Arake beard was longer than the hair, and her eyes were higher than the top. She left a deep impression, so she will soon recall.

Yan Qian took the fingers of Lin night and saw Eric.

Eric is originally a side face to see this, it is the battle flag on the wall, followed by sitting down, starting to observe the player seat and large screen on the stage.

This is still the first time, I saw Eric, before I only heard his voice, didn't see it.

Lin Dynasty thought: "This intelligence should be accurate. He must no longer be responsible for the IOI national service. But look, he didn't have an emergency, but the way to sprite the intelligence."

Yan Qian nodded: "Help reasonable."

Lin Evening proposal: "Since the balance, since it is an old-acquaintance, do you want to say hello?"

,, ,, ,,


:: "No, let him shoot!"


Eric holds the mobile phone and carefully patted the layout of the main stage, and the panoramic photo of the entire studio, the expression on the face is very complicated.

After he began to be responsible for the international service operation of IOI, it has passed for nearly four months.

Looking back in these four months, if you use a word to describe, it is despair!

Eric used the operation experience of other parts of the world. He also ranted all kinds of methods, but no matter how hard, there is no way to get any market share from the GOG!

The high-rise of Dawak is extremely dissatisfied with this, thinking that this is Eric's working mistakes, it is insufficient ability, and Eric has suffering.

Anyway, no matter how to explain the objective situation, the company is impossible to understand, only think that this is the terms of Eric.

Therefore, Eric is unwilling to carry this pot, and on the other hand, Tengda and GOG have a strong interest.

He is very wonderful, how did it achieve this extent?

Therefore, after the transfer is completed, Eric does not leave, but fly to Beijing-State for comprehensive investigation and research, especially for the various operations activities of GOG.

The Global Finals and GPL League, nature is also the top priority of his research.

The company wanted to have a global finals before, and the result was scared by the GOG's global invitation.

Eric felt that after this time, if you can report to the head of GOG, on the other hand, on the one hand, you can share your responsibilities, on the other hand, you can also help Dawak company will be prepared. The finals give a good fortune, regardless of the IOI national service failure, it is not its own pot, at least it will make up.

Eric is just a job that is not responsible for the IOI national service, he has to mix in Dawak, can't give up.

After taking a photo, I've been a few people who are going to themselves.

He saw the forefront of the forest, could not help but hop.


At this way, I was caught!

Although the GPL's game is completely open, anyone can take pictures, countless confidential, but Eric's own is the high level of Dawak, this matter is hit, and it is good to listen.

However, Eric is more than a hundred wars, and there is a big scene of multinational companies. Can you be scared by these twenties? That's impossible.

Therefore, Eric quickly calmed down, collapsed mobile phone: "Miss Lin, it is really good, meet again."

Lin Hao smiled slightly: "Mr. Erek, since it didn't say it in Jingzhou, our Tengda should go to the landlord."

"Right, Mr. Eric, this is the summary of you have always thought about it."

Eric stunned.

He didn't have seen the "Daily Daily", and he didn't pay attention to Tenda's lace news, so it was only a surprised. I didn't expect that I was so young.

The more I want to feel the more, the whole Tengda seems to be more than 30 years old, and the employees of the age of 30 are Feng Ren. However, it is such a group of young people, but can Dawak Company eat such a big loss?

Eric is now no longer lighter, reach out: "Torry, fortunately."

He was originally worried that he would be high in the gesture of a winner. After all, he always had a young man in his 20s, and the young and arrogant has achieved such a huge victory. The wind is very normal.

However, .. .,,,,,,,,,,, Mr. has time, please eat a little bit? "

Looking at the sincere expression, the Eric's expression is cloudy, it is a bit unclear that the total of this cucurbit is selling.

Is this a special guest unique to the Oriental? Is it a unique irony?

The partner of culture makes Eric feels some confused.

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