He is hesitating: " ... If we put the money that the money earned by those profit companies, what should I do if we will lose money?"

Yan Qian said: "I will come out."

He is nodded: "Good Piece."

He has not asked if he is, and this rule is that it will be good morning, although it is very unreasonable, but it is still necessary to implement it.

For Yu Qian, this can guarantee that the funds of the hand are rapidly consumed.

The DLCs of these two games are very good, and the eyes are also a surprising money to the account, and they will come to fill the pit is really right.

Just ... Who should you fill it?

Yan Qian looked at it. These five unhappy companies seem to be the best choice, but the problem is ... There are still many funds on their accounts.

Think about it is normal, the reason is not moving, isn't they because they are not willing to make money? If you spend money, you have long been moving.

Such a company, I have given money to consider it.

It's so slow to spend money, what do you want?

So, it is still possible to screen from these companies that can spend money.

"Which is the fastest money in these companies?" Asked Qian.

He is immediately answered immediately: "Of course, the cold face of Meng Chang."

Yan Qian continued to ask: "What is the operating situation there?"

He said: "I went to the emperor to see it once, and I went to the store to eat the cold noodles. How to say it ... The situation of the store is very hot."

"When I went, the front door was in front of the store, it looks good, some network media seems to have reported."

"But these reports have some money to spend money, because the cold side girl has a big marketing fee is spent on this, how many water points in the specific this queue, saying that it is not clear."

"But ... The taste of the meal is OK, and the general medium and high-end hoodes are almost, the environment, quality and ritual feelings will be better. There are several subsidies for several rendering tablets."

"You can be sure that these people who are queued have a large part of the real customers come, and they can not be true."

: "What is a subsidy?"

He is nodded: "Yes, such as gold baked cold noodles, in fact, it is to put a two dollars selling. Because these raw materials are the most expensive supply chain, plus human and transportation costs There is no profit margin. "

"Of course, can customers can't taste it, then it is another thing ..."

"According to Meng Chang's statement, this is called 'with a point'. It is a very high cost performance of some signature products, with the best raw materials, then post money to reduce the price, let customers think that these signature products are absolutely Value, this will improve the visibility and financing the market share faster. "

"And these subsidies can be made back through the launch of new meals."

"But in the short term, I want to count on the launch of new meals to make money or very difficult, almost impossible."

"So, the overhead of all aspects is added, so that the cold side girl spends the money. Of course, the heat rises the fastest."

"Well ..." Yu Qian was in meditation.

This cold side girl, he also heard that many times, just between the ears, and has already learned a lot of content.

Have to say, this Meng Chang is a good hand of money, and other companies have taken investment. They are fine, and two million money should be emerging for half a year. As a result, this Meng Chang is dare to rush. Just spend a clean goal to work hard.

For Yu Qian, this is a wonderful thing that spends money.

And the reason why Yu Qian is hesitant, mainly what is hesitating from the money to the company to which kind of company is above.

Companies that earn money are definitely can't continue to invest, and they must be sold immediately. This is nothing to say.

Those companies that do not make money, there is no sound, but it is actually not necessarily safe. Because this company is often fine, no sound is just because they haven't started marketing. In case it is a potential stock, what should I do if I continue to chase?

Moreover, these companies have spent too slow, and Yan Qian gave them money, and I always feel that my heart is not practical.

And revealed that the cold side girl, although the sound is large, it is fast.

There is a saying that "falling into the bag is", and it is "out of the bag," these companies will spend the money, otherwise it will always feel like a timed bomb, I don't know When will I explode.

This seems that the girls in the cold face are not a good choice.

If the cold girl's heat is hard, you can't make money, that this investment is equivalent to playing the water.

If the cold noodle girl is really profitable, then, then, then quickly sell it.

Yan Qian left thought right, finally decided: "The companies that have not profitable, the money is not finished, and the situation will be more than one or two million, do not invest more."

"The cold noodles, there are six million."

He didn't ask more, nodded: "Good ."

Yan Qian suddenly thought of what, said: "Yes, the cold side girl is six million, there is a requirement. It is to absolutely confidential, let Meng Chang can't reveal that this money is taken out under any circumstances."

He said, or nodded: "Okay."

He also unclear that the thoughts of this time is a few rounds of games. It is in the first few layers, but since has decided to invest, then it is definitely a strategic and must win.

Yan Qian also symbolically turned over the information before the face, and I thought it should be unlunnated.

Companies who have not made money continue to invest, less risky, and more risky, very reasonable.

The reason is especially stressed that this 6 million must be confidential, mainly worried about the situation of "learning fast". If many investors have heard that the dream created and hit, directly six million will give the cold girl, will not be withdrawn, directly fry the company's valuation?

What should I do when I am really fire?

It is a two million flowers in vain, and it will be 6 million in the cold girl. This will definitely cause doubt, which induces a series of uncontrollable consequences.

Therefore, Yu Qian is specially requested that Meng Chang's premise of this investment is that he must keep the source of this money secret.

Of course, Yan Qian did not expect this information to be completely covered, and it is impossible to be able to be as long as possible, affecting a little bit.

Anyway, in terms of Meng Chang's spending money, it will definitely take the money before this news, then it will be.


After the departure, He Zi won began to call a few company founders.

"Hello? Zheng. Yes, our Tenda is ready to transfer all the shares of your company, and other company shareholders have priority purchase rights. If you discuss, see if you want to introduce third-party capital ..."

Zheng's general company is one of the two companies that have already had a profit.

The report on the phone said that He Zi Sheng said that he would transfer all the shares, and it was stunned.

According to the law, the company's shareholders can not be invisible, and will constitute a sin of escaping, and the shares must be transferred through normal channels.

But the problem is ... Why is Tenda sell shares?

Zheng always is very confused, not right, is our company just earned money? Isn't it just saw the dawn? As a result, Tengda is so indistinguished, I have to sell the shares all?

Don't you have such a short-sigh person?

Besides, this can not be considered a short, this is the brain is not beautiful, and normal people can't do this kind of stupid thing.

Is it always a stupid? of course not!

Therefore, Zheng Chi is very confused.

Mr. Zheng said after a moment: "He always does not meet, I can eat all the shares in Tengda with several other shareholders."

"But I don't want to do this, because people can't forget."

"When our company is the most difficult, it is Tengda to extend a helping hand, give us life-saving funds. Now the company's financial situation is better, seeing dawn, can be profitable, no matter what other financing, or one step The footprints grow slowly, it can develop very well. "

"That's always why do you want to transfer your shares now? Now transfer, how much? You must believe us, continue to hold the shares, you can also make more ..."

He is smiling: "Zheng Zheng, don't believe you, absolutely not. This is the general regulations, the company that makes money will transfer the shares to exit. As for why, I don't know, you don't have to Ask, I am just an executor. "

The phone is a long silence.

After a long time, Zheng Chi said: "It turns out, I understand."

"I always have a charcoal in the snow! I extended a helping hand when we have the most difficult time. After we spend the difficulties, this kind of chest is really admired!"

"Regardless of the purpose of the Poly, it is to make good deeds, or simple helpful, this kind of love we will remember!"

"You can rest assured that Tengda is our forever friend, this kind of kindness we will definitely want to repay!"

It is not a stupid person who can be the company's boss, and I think about it.

By reasonable, investment in startups is the biggest investment behavior, because most companies will be closed, bankrupt, only a few companies can go to the end.

Those investors who are passionate about the initial company, they count on a company in ten companies to make big, make up for other nine losses.

Once a promising company has a good company, it is necessary to hold a shares as much as possible, find a very suitable opportunity to sell, and ensure that your interests are maximized.

Now Zheng's total company has just improved, this is not like being at the highest point.

And Tengda decided to transfer the shares now, which is nothing to do with good deeds!

When you are difficult, you can send a charcoal in the snow. How much spirit is turned off after seeing the dawn!

Of course, the dream venture has earned this investment, but it is not so much. But in Zheng, it seems that this is a sacrifice, a dedication!

He is also a bit embarrassing, and rushed to explain: "It is actually not too popular, this is the general regulations, the same is true for other companies ..."

Zheng always said: "It is because of this, so it is even more touched! ,, ...

"He always don't have to say it, in short, this kind of love will remember, what is the place where you want to cooperate, despite the opening!"

After finishing the two profitable companies, the two bosses are the same, thank you.

He has already spent a lot of money, but still did not see any profit trend.

"Hey? Liu, you are good, this is the case, our dreams are going to chase you more than one million, in order to inform you in advance."

On the phone, Liu also stunned, some incredible: "Ah? Chasing one million?"

He is nodded: "Yes, is there any problem?"

Liu Yang rushed: "No problem, of course no problem! I just feel a little accident, our current operating situation is not particularly good, distance profit is far from the distance, but I haven't seen the results, I still tangled how to talk to you. Say this thing ... "

"I didn't expect you to trust us so much! Thanks, thank you very much!"

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