After Wu Yue and Ding Jian boarded, the players put their baggage, and then found their respective seats.

The captain of the FV club Pan Ying is the first time, after sitting down on his seat, some hands are somewhat.

"Is the seat on the plane be so spacious? I thought it was almost like high-speed rail." Pan Ying muttered.

Wu Yue, huh: "If you take the economy class, you won't say this. Of course, there is a more spacious head class, but the position of the plane and the rooms in the plane are not enough, and then we should not be quite waste, so make a business Cabin. "

The head class is similar to the mode of the box. The space occupied by a head and other cabin is equivalent to six economy cabins. There are two meters away from the front and rear distances, and you can sleep.

But the position of the first class is not 30, and Wu Yue doesn't want to do something to do, and I feel that it is not advisable to palate, so I didn't choose.

The business class is just a little bit more than the head, but the difference is not big.

Although there is no separate box, the business class is a semi-independent spatial structure, which can be seen as a small compartment, there is a certain occlusion, but it is not like the first cabin to be completely closed with the whole box.

However, the seat of the business class is spacious, there is a huge table board, a large screen in front, next to the various interface sockets, the seat can also be flattened 180 degrees, so the experience is better than the economic cabin. A grade.

Everyone sat well, the compartment of the business class was separated, so many of the first flight players were slightly panicked.

Pan Ying said: "Luke Manager, you say something not to pay? These things can you use?"

Man laughed: "What do you want to eat, ask for a flight attendant. You said that you first placed the class, the flight attendant is a professional person, you won't joke you."

The voice just fell, the plane didn't take off, and the flight attendant has come to the cold, providing a drink, hot towel and various snacks.

The flight attendant squats next to the seat, first handed the warm wet towel to wipe his face, then on the side of a cup of lychee coconut milk, and then hand on the menu, but also if there is a special requirement in the diet.

Pan Ying turned over the menu, it was a bit dazzled.

Before he thought that the plane was a unified box, the result saw this menu found that this box of rice, a lot of tricks!

Have a former dish, including prawns, orange, and vegetable salad, etc.

There is a selection of main dishes, including fried steaks with baked onions, asparagus and red-skinned small potatoes, red wine juice, or oil-sauce, black, cherry tomatoes, roasted potatoes, black olives;

There is a cheese, there is fruits and desserts, as well as seafood udon noodles, chicken cheese sandwiches, Chinese dessert, etc .;

In addition, there is a breakfast menu, including radish, fried eggs, mushroom beans, soy milk strips, chicken mushroom fried noodles, bacon, pork sausage, pizza, etc.

The most amazing thing is that Pan Ying also saw instant noodles on the menu, which may be some passengers.

Of course, there are all kinds of wine, including wines, champagne, etc. except for these eating.

In short, this menu has made Pan Ying feel dazzling, do not know what to do.

However, it is not anxious, and he has a long time before the plane takes off.

After the plane takes off, Pan Ying has deeply realized the benefits of the business class.

Can be free to choose to take a rest or first eat first. If you rest, you can ignore the sleep. After you wake up, the flight attendant will come to ask if you want to provide a meal; if you choose to eat first, you will follow the front vegetables, appetizer , Head dish, main dish, cake, ice cream, etc. If you eat slowly, it is normal for two or three hours.

After eating tired, you can ignore sleep directly.

Unlike the economy class, the seats of the business class can be flattened by 180 degrees, which will provide small quilt, pillows, pajamas, slippers, overnight packages, etc., and the experience of rest is completely the astiology.

After the bathroom replaced with pajamas and slippers, Pan Ying felt more comfortable, although it was in the sky, but there is not much difference with the sofa in his own home.

The toothbrush, toothpaste, hand cream, etc. in the overnight bag are also a brand, including the night bag is also very delicate, very quality, Pan Ying does not know, such a small bag is solder outside.

In addition, some supporting things are completely different from the economic class.

The seat can not only be fully flat, but also standardly adjustable cushion inflatable system, which can be automatically adjusted within a certain range according to the passenger model;

The headphones are advanced headset noise-saving headphones, and they can be exempted from the aircraft engine roar after wearing;

The seat belt is a thickened version of the filled leather seat belt, which is not only thickening and airbags, which will be more secure;

The opposite screen will be better than the economy class, there is a special remote control, which can realize real-time calls with other business class passengers.

Pan Ying is not sleepy, so starting crazy to order after the flight attendant.

When Pan Ying won the championship, Wu Yue also asked them to eat delicious shopping near the mall, which is a Western restaurant in a per capita 400.

On the plane of the business module, no matter whether it is a conventional or taste, it is hard to think of this is a plane meal, but I feel that it is almost the same.

Pan Ying eats two dishes, tastes two red wine, feeling all people relax, and even want to extend lazy waist.

"Is it so comfortable?"

"I want to eat this thirteen hours, I want to sleep, I want to sleep, I want to watch movies, I will watch movies, I am not tired at all!"


Also, the economy class.

Zhao Ximing has put down the seat, but the seat of the economy class can only put around 120 degrees, even if it is wearing U-shaped pillows, it will still feel uncomfortable.

After the plane takes off, the flight attendant has begun to distribute aircraft, but only two boxes can choose, no matter which one is selected, it will not be delicious.

Narrow seating and shake small table panels, let meal this thing becomes less comfortable, you must be careful, fear of boxes or soup on your own legs.

As for pajamas, slippers, wash bags, etc., nature is not there.

The only good news is that everyone is sitting together, do not have to worry about your neighborhood is a 200 pound fat man squeezes yourself without private space.

But even this, the narrow space of the Economic Class is still very promoted, and regrets.

Regret should not be booked for your own business class with the team members of these two cents!

I only said that there are so many times when I can say a ticket. I feel that I will go to Los Angeles on this way. I am very good to say that I have a special treatment.

But I saw the 30th of the FV Club all went to the business class. Zhao Ximing only squeezed in the economy class, and the mentality instantly collapsed!

Just a flight attendant passed, Zhao Ximing asked: "Can you apply for upgrading now?"

The politeness of the flight attendant is hung, and I replied: "Sorry Mr., the first class of this flight is full, no position."

Zhao Ximing squatted: "No location?"

The flight attendant smiled nodded: "Yes, I am very sorry."

Zhao Ximing is a bit surprising, and the seats are small, but the price is small, but the price is very expensive, there will often be vacant, and you can take the price directly.

But the FV Club has booked 30 business cabins at once, plus this is a popular flight of Fei Laose, so there is no location to upgrade!

In other words, Zhao Ximing did not have to choose, can only take a few hours to Los Angeles in the economic cabin to take a rest.

Zhao Xun's mouth slightly touched, barely squeezed a smile: "Ok, thank you."

His eyes are reluctantly crossed, look at the business class in front, and the result is just seeing a flight attendant smiling "brush pull" pulls a curtain across the business class and economy class.

Zhao Xing: "..."

He suddenly had a hunch, this time, the Los Angeles, I am afraid that it will be better ...

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