Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 798 Professional Data Analysis is full (big chapter to ask for a monthly ticket!)

After briefly understanding the situation of the FV Club in Los Angeles, Yan Qian will not pay attention.

After all, I have been separated from the earth, and there are more than a dozen hours of time. Even if there is any situation there, I have already caught that the cauliflower is cold, and it should be nothing to make anything.

Can only be natural, hope that capitalist decaying life can corrupt team members.

Yu Qian continues to check the work of other departments.

At this time, the office came out outside the door.

Yao Qian looked up and saw a congratulation.

"Is there something?" Asked Qian.

He is nodded: "The is always about the things there. Meng Chang has come to Yangzhou, I hope to see you again, I haven't promised, so come over, please, see ... ? "

Yu Qian stunned.

This Meng Chang, how to run Beijing!

Although you are going back and forth, I am very happy to reimbursement, I am very happy, but what do you think of looking for me?

I am so busy ... Ok, it's actually not busy, but my time is much, I have to use it in the money. I haven't time to listen to you.

Yan Qian asked: "What did he want to do this?"

He said: "He said, I would like to thank the 2 million channels you gave you before, the meaning of the words seems to be, let you change, more money."

Yu Qian couldn't help but frown.

Victory more money?

Not can't be cast, the key is that you have to spend money in the old man, don't give me the whole moth!

This time, Yu Qian gave 2 million, did not say anything, just bought some cold-faced girls in accordance with the current valuation.

Yan Qian is planning to wait for Meng Jihua to continue this money, so that it is mainly to keep the cold girl in a state in which it is not warm, half-dead, and the feeding is the highest.

But Qian did not tell Meng Chang, and did not even gave any hints, so Meng Chang did not know the summary of the summary investment plan.

Yan Qian did not consider too much: "I got it."

Yan Qian felt that he didn't talk to Meng Chang. This Meng Chang as long as he came to Beijing, it was definitely to get more money to do marketing, fried high-cold girl's valuation, and Yan Qian did not want this. occur.

Therefore, the goal of the two people is fundamentally conflict. Even if you meet, it is also a chicken with duck, and Yan Qian can't tell Meng Chang. Finally, it can only be a waste of your own time.

He Zi Sheng nodded: "Good , I will send him away."


Also, in the meeting room of the dream venture.

Meng Chang is anxiously waiting for the congratulatory victory, and the thank you brought the original seal, all in one side.

During this time, although he glances on the surface, it is actually very anxious.

I suddenly sold all the shares of the cold noodles and all the shares, and the founders were unbeaten, and they almost got a big event.

Fortunately, Meng Chang is hard, and even the confidence of investment people, but this matter also has a very bad impact.

The cold-noodle girl's daily overhead is huge. When you can't find your money, Meng Chang can only carefully reduce the cost, still not dare to do it, it is afraid of being discovered.

Once the news such as "cold noodle girl cuts the cost", the fool can also see that the cold noodles have no money, and it is cold, and it is true that it will really come.

But no matter how you do the surface kung fu, the funds on the book will not be lie, and point to the profit of the store, you can't stand it completely.

Meng Chang anxiously can't be in the night, after all, every day, the situation is even more unfavorable.

Even Meng Chang wants to give up, simply smooth the nature, wait until the top of the chain, directly announces the cold-faced girl bankrupt, the limited liability company is not implicated to his founder, big dream, old fox I have encountered a higher old fox, and it is not enough to lose.

But just at this critical juncture, I will return again!

Although 2 million money is not a lot, but I solve the urgent need of Meng Chang, so that the cold face can continue to work.

Moreover, this empire's attitude is very worthwhile.

It is the shares purchased according to the valuable valuation, there is no crimp, there is no routine, and there is no requirement, it is simply like white money.

This makes Meng Chang feel confused, as if I see a shirt.

If you return to invest in it again ... Is it everyone can happen everything, continue to play happiness?

Meng Chang is very clear, the cold noodle girl has developed to this stage, the heat has lasts for a while, the popularity is also available, the surface kung fu is nothing wrong, can you find the pick-up, just see the last fool.

The total 200,000, although there are not many, but let Meng Chang once again see hope.

And today Meng Chang saw the FV Club's Weibo, and I know that I have always been very generous to the FV club, let them take the business class, live in five-star hotels, such a large team, Los Angeles travel at least there is at least A million.

Obviously, it is always very generous, very generous, and there is money in your hands.

With so much money, I would rather give the Equipment Club overseas to eat and drink, don't invest in the cold side, this is a bit not going?

Therefore, Meng Chang felt that he can live again here again, and the total money has been given, take a ten minute to see it, not.

In Meng Changxious waiting, he is coming back.

"How, Convergence?" Meng Chang immediately stood up and asked.

He Ye won the slightened head: "Sorry, I have no time to see you, or please go back."

Meng Chang's mouth is slightly, and it is a bit confused.

Eat a closed door?

I have given the money, but I will see it, I don't want to give it five minutes. What's happening here?

I always give the cold face, what attitude is it?

"He is always, can you really fight again?" Meng Chang is still unreliable.

He is worth a sigh, shakes his head: "He always said that it is no longer. If you think about anyone, he said that you can't see it, and then ask it again, go back."

Meng Chang Zhang opened his mouth and his words stopped.

It is very unwilling, but there is no choice but to leave it silently.

He has also taken the valuous gifts from Meng Chang, and the past: "These gifts are not necessary, and will not receive."

Meng Changwu wanted to go, but I saw a great attitude very determined, I had to reach out.


Leaving the dream venture capital, Meng Chang is carrying a gift, feel very confused.

A little hopeful little flame just rose, and the total closed door is ruthless.

I don't know why, Meng Chang suddenly had a feeling of encountering a slag male.

What does do mean?

Visited, sold again; I vote, sold again ...

The key is to predict what is the next step, and what he will continue to chase. He suddenly sells it, and he will not cast it again, and it is inexplicably sent 2 million.

The fraction is free, how is it not clean, old PUA.

The driver took the gift into the trunk and asked: "Meng He is, where is we going? Is it return to the emperor, or ..."

Meng Jun wrinkled and considers a moment.

Suddenly, he thought of a thing, took out the phone to check it.

"Fu Hui capital Li is also in Beijing, or don't go there, come over? Come here, you can't run all over."

Meng Chang has always had a list, and the above is a potential investor who may invest cold-faced girls.

In Meng Chang, this list is crucial.

Li Shi has been paying attention to the situation of cold girl, there is an investment intention, Meng Chang knows this.

Since you have already arrived in Yangzhou, you don't have to return, you may wish to visit Li, and see if you can fool some investment.

Mosquito is also a small meat, let alone Fuhui capital's capital amount is still very powerful. If Li always is said to be moved, the board is decided to cast a few million? This is not impossible.

In the investment circle, the ten minutes of investment invested a few billions of things did not appear, and there were still many times, and there were millions of zones or not.

Thinking of this, Meng Chang said to the driver: "Do not return to the emperor first, go to Fuhui Capital."


After half an hour, Meng Chang came to Fuhui Capital.

He didn't mention a gift, on the one hand, because the gift was originally giving the sum of Zi, although it is not, but the transfer of others is not correct, let alone Li, the relationship between Li, is very close; on the other hand because of Meng Worried about your own gesture will be counterproductive.

Li Shi is very enthusiastic, personally receive, and there is Xue Zhebin with him.

These three people have long met each other, while drinking tea, the scene is harmonious and harmonious.

After a while, the two sides entered the topic very tacit.

"Meng Mong should be busy, how can I have time to come to Yangzhou?" Li Shi asked while drinking tea slowly.

Meng Sheng smiled: "This is a bit embarrassed."

"If you are hypocrisy, I must say that it is necessary to come to visit Li. But this person has always been more real. I can't say this kind of defraud."

"I don't think about it. I came to Beijing this time. I originally planned to spend a thank you. I didn't expect that I didn't think of the busy work. I didn't have time to see me. Just a good Lee is also in Beijing, I will come over and visit."

Li Shi smiled: "Meng Gong is polite, and it is also a visit to visit, it is also a heart. Come, drink tea."

Meng Yisheng is very clear, Li Shi is very smart, and the guard is very strong.

He opened the first conference from the cold noodles and was in the exam, but until now, there is no penny, which is enough to explain that Li Shi is full of doubts about the cold girl. of.

At this time, if Meng Chang said that he is a special trip to visit, it is easy to cause Li Shi's call, it will be counterproductive.

Now Meng Chang said that he is coming to visit the general, the road visits Li Shi, although it sounds some impolipite, but it can play a part of the coercivity.

Moreover, Meng Chang knows Li Shi and the total relationship, and also knows that Li Shi is going to follow the brain follow-up.

So his sentence is also clever buried a small trap, just can't hook in Li Shi.

If Li Shi is not hooked, the Meng Chang will not mention again, because it will seem too deliberate.

Li Shi drank tea, keen to capture Meng Chang's information: "I am thinking about me, thank you?"

According to the information he mastered, I have sold all the shares of the cold-faced girl, but also with a large number of investors to continue to wait and see, causing not small trouble to Meng Chang.

Since both parties have nothing to do, how can Meng Chang hit a thousand miles? This seems to have no truth.

Meng Chang smiled slightly, said: "It is actually nothing. It is only a small amount of money, bought a small amount of shares of the cold face."

He doesn't want to say only 2 million, it is not strong, but it can't blow too much. If Li Shi is really going to ask for a certificate? So I can only say it.

Li Shi couldn't help but be bright, and it was interested.

The summary is also chasing it?

Previously, Li Shi and Xue Zhebin said that

And now, I have been chasing it, it doesn't mean ...

But Li Shi is thinking about it again, it seems wrong.

If you want to come like a learning in the project, you will never use the "a little money", but will pay the entire girl, completely control.

Because only fully control, you can modify it according to your own ideas.

Then the meaning of "a little money" is very intriguing.

Li Shi found that the summary of the summit, sold, and continued, it seems to be repeated, in fact, it seems that every step is in the soft ribs of Meng Chang.

Every time Meng Chang is favored by the investment, it is about to succeed, and the will always pour a pot of cold water; and each time Meng Chang is full of money, when you can't hold it, you will not be investive again. Pen money, let him go.

This is not an explanation ...

I always be optimistic about Meng Chang's ability, but I don't look at his character?

Is it that Yan always believes that Meng Chang's mind is not on the front, so I have to use this way to hit him?

Between the electro-optic rock, Li Shi has a lot of ideas, and a series of behaviors taken before, and there seems to have a relatively reasonable explanation.

Meng Chang did not know anything, but looked at Li Shi's expression, clearly his entry, Li Shi was successful.

In this case, that is, Li Shi still has an investment!

Sure enough, Li Shi said after a moment: "I have intended to give a cold girl, but ..."

When I heard the first half, Meng Chang was very happy, but heard this "but", Meng Chang was blocked in a pot of cold water.

Li Shi did not immediately say the second half, but sold a climate, asked: "Meng always, is you confident on the cold girl's model?"

Meng Chang nodded: "Of course there is confidence. But ... starting this kind of thing still has a certain failure chance."

Li Shi considers a moment and says: "I can give you eight million people and Xue Zhebin, but there is a condition, that is, you have to sign a supplementary agreement: You must bear the company's debt responsibility."

When I heard this, Meng Chang couldn't help but pick your eyebrows.

Unlimited joint responsibility, as long as the literacy primary school students hear these words, I will feel that the back is cold.

The so-called unlimited joint responsibility is the money of the company, and his founder should use personal finance to bear.

When the product, the general company is a limited liability company, and Meng Chang will take the company to make the company, it is not the company's bankruptcy. He does not pay on the debt.

But if it is infinite responsibility, the company's debt will go to Meng Chang.

There are many cases of the entrepreneurial circle. The founder moved to hundreds of millions of liabilities to become executed, that is, because signed the gambling agreement, equity repurchase agreement or undertakes unlimited joint responsibility.

The reason why Meng Chang has never got too much investment because he insisted that he did not sign any gambling agreement or equity repurchase agreement.

Because the gambling protocol is swappable, it is very likely to take much debt on the back of the back, and it is too big for him and cannot withstand.

However, the conditions proposed by Li, but the conditions of other investors are not quite the same, and they are flattering, and they are obviously a lot.

Because Lee has not required to be with Meng Chang, no Meng Chang must return to all shares in the future, spit all the investments, but only require Meng Chang to bear the unlimited joint responsibility for the company's debt.

In other words, the company owes the debt to Meng Chang, but the shares are rotten in the hands of investors.

Meng Chang was caught in meditation.

If the company has no debt problem, successfully get more investors' money, he finds that the service is now, it is naturally happy;

If the company really has problems, the owed money is much more, and the employee salary, supplier goods, the maximum number, which is millions, thousands of people.

There will be a few billions of personal debts, and the Lai Lai in a lifetime.

If the attitude of avoiding any risk is considered, this money should not take it. But for Meng Chang, this is already the most cost-effective investment in the nearby, the most cost-effective investment in the near future.

If the cold noodle girl is completely out of date, it has been to this extent, it is hard to give up?

As a gambler, Meng Chang is really no way to make this brutal decision.

Meng Chang is in the process of operating the cold face, in fact, it is constantly incorrect, the more adds more, and the harder is given away. He was just a general working, and it was not qualified to participate in this capital game, and there was no qualification for the table.

Step by step, although there have been some twists and turns on the road, there seems to be more and more chips on the table. It seems that you can pack most of the chips all the chips.

In this case, Meng Chang has been firm in the heart, and it is difficult to avoid some loosening, and willing to bear a certain degree of risk in order to have a finished chip.

After thinking about three, Meng Chang said: "Li, your condition I can consider, but you must first look at the specific investment contract."

Li Shi smiled nodded: "Of course."


Los Angeles local time at 2 pm.

The three cents are trained in Internet cafes, but the FV club is in the second floor, and the other two clubs are at the corner of the one.

The team members of the two clubs have just conducted a few high-level Rank with the super account of the company. At this time, I was waiting for the training of European and American teams.

Although these two teams are training together, but in the first floor of this Internet cafe, they still have a certain distance.

The reason is very simple, they must also be guarded each other.

Although it will definitely not be divided into the same group, once the group is likely to meet, the two sides have to retain the tactics of some pressure boxes to prevent in case.

A leader looked at the time when a leader was very urgent: "Isn't it true? Is it a custom room number?"

The player shook his head: "Yes."

"I'm coming!"

I only see that the center of the room is in the middle of the room, and the ID is all starting with FRY.

I didn't say anything after these players came in, just played: "Go?"

The leader is somewhat unhappy, but still says: "Well, open."

After the player returned to "Go", the training game officially started.

The Fry Club, is a foreign version of the foreign club. The previously formed GOG team killed the semi-finals in the GOG Global Invitational Tournament, and won the fourth place. This is already the best grade that the foreign team gets.

You can also get this achievement in a later-late project, which can be seen in the strength and heritage of the Fry Club.

At present, in the circle of IOI, FRY is also a recognized super-class strong team.

This time, it is not easy to travel to the training competition. Zhao Ximing is approaching privately through the official line of the company, and the FRY club's big probability will be removed.

Because the World World is playing, each team is very precious. There are still many training games that can play a day, and there is no improvement with the weak team, which is waiting to waste your own time and drag your own hind legs.

The Fry Club is more inclined to play training with the European and American teams, and it is not interested in the domestic team.

The club's leader knows this, so even if the Fry Club is a bit late, there is no meaning that they want to say, they don't have much to say anything, just start training.


One hour later, the training game was over.

The players obviously fall into a strange state, watching the game settlement interface on the screen and output data, the brow is lacking, and begging to think about life.

For an hour, I played two trains, and I was a 2: 0, which also included a 15-minute midfielding time.

After finishing, the Fry Club's team members did not say that they had a custom game room, and it seems to have been infected by a dish.

The team leader is also the same as the team members, completely caught in a confused state.

Then, the coach and team members began to discuss fierce.

"FRY is what is playing? How can I don't understand from the selection of people? Changes to the previous version!"

"They have already started to choose a strong hero after the choice of the decision, we still play on the tactics before, how do you play?"

"I have long said that the hero that can't be caught is Ban!"

"Don't you have a horse, is there so many hero BAN?"

"I feel that the style of the European and American team is restrained, I feel that they have not seriously hit, playing with us, I have collapsed ..."

"What is restrained, it is a gap ..."

The team members were arguing.

The game is not terrible, terrible is too light, even if you don't know where you have lost it.

From the lineup, version is understood, then go to the tactical implementation in the game, play the field, basically being done by the Fry Club!

The basic operation of both parties is not too big, but the Fry Club can always get the advantage through some small routines in the early stage, then use the better tactical expansion advantage, once the equipment is pulled off, then how to operate useless.

All the players feel that the pot is not her own, but it is not easy to lose the pot completely.

This situation is the most likely to produce internal.

I saw that everyone has a bit on the head, and the coach rushed to clapped, and it was to calm down.

"Okay, don't quarrel!"

"There is still a while from the World Face. Since everyone has realized the gap between the European and American strong teams, then we will grasp the time change."

"From now on, let's study the tactical play of European and American teams. Now it has already determined a new version of the World Competition, in our current situation, if you can't adapt to the new version will definitely be played very miserable."

"Now everyone will give the previous training game to the reap, learn FRY tactics ..."

The coach is guided, and the mentality of the players is finally reproducted.

Although this gap is too large, there is no too much thing, but the coach and team members do not have a good way, only one point.

The original domestic IOI club development environment is not very good, and the company has decided to play the World in the World with a new version, it is simply snowing.

But there is nothing else, it has been like this, it can only be hard.

The team leader saw the atmosphere is still dull, and rushed to comfort: "Nothing, everyone else, listen to the life, our goal is to take a quarter, as long as you can get the strongest, it is blood."

"FRY is a strong team of Europe and America. This world is also a weak team in many other regions. We will also won the weak team in the world.

"Take again, the FV club has no such conditions. They don't neither the high-end account, and there is no channel to contact these European and American teams, which is not as good as we have to make a car, it is certainly better."

"The FV club is a seed, starting from the Baqiang game. If we can encounter them, you can fight for four; even if you can't encounter, the double is eliminated, they are one. Seed, I have done so big drain, and I will attract 90% of the fire. "

"So everyone must don't have pressure, ready to be, even if you spray, that is also the FV club, you will be spray, our public opinion environment will definitely be very tolerant."

The players looked at each other and felt that the team leader is quite reasonable.

Is there a FV club to the bottom, what is much worried?

They are No. 1 seed, they go abroad, live in the business class, live in the luxury hotel, then they will be played directly from the Baqiang game, and there is no chance to have a hot hand.

Seeing the current situation, most of them will be a round of tour.

Even if you lose the game, it is also the FV club first.

When I thought here, the atmosphere in the field was obviously active, and the team members began to train the training competition before, and learned the FRY club.


At the same time, on the second floor of the Internet cafes, the FV team and the SUG club are playing the platform, while the FV second team's team members study the new version of the tactics and hero strength together with the data analysis team.

There is a form on the computer of Ye Zhou, which is densely written in a dense data, which is a new version of the changes.

"These heroes are still open, because they are still weak in the line, and the passers-by is relatively low, so it looks very low in the official statistics of the data."

"But after the new version is equipped with a specific equipment, from the perspective of pure data, their post-stating skills are actually greatly improved."

"If we choose a lineup with it as the core, other locations should pay attention to the protection of the line period, and the user must have a high proficiency, at least the line pressure resistance must be strong enough. Because once If you choose this hero, you will inevitably cause a chain reaction, and other roads will be collapsed ... "

"But in turn, if you can stabilize your development in the previous mid-mid-term, the late stage is a stable group warfare, the winning rate will be significantly improved ..."

The FV Club has brought a huge data team, including the designers such as Ye Zhou, Yan Jing and Baoxu, and DGE Club's coach and the original tactical team of the FV club.

Although these people have been studying GOG, they can come to IOI.

After all, these two games are the same type of game, and IOI also allows the gameplay to tilting the gameplay in the new version of the revision.

In particular, , it is responsible for GOG game balance, so the problem of data is more sensitive, and most of the hero strength of the new version of IOI can be estimated from the data.

Of course, the estimation of this pure value is very incorrect.

Some heroes look very beautiful, but actually play, but can't fight, even the official data balancer, can not guarantee the actual adjustment results of the game will be as perfect as they expected.

However, the FV club tactics team is not talking on paper, but divided into three steps to ensure that tactics studying can be truly implemented.

First, Ye Zhou, Yan Jing and other data analysts, by analyzing data to determine the new version of the strong hero, play, approximate a blurred range.

Then, DGE's coach Zhou Pengyuan will combine the more mature tactical system in the GOG and these strong heroes, play, propose a tactical prototype, waiting for verification.

Finally, the team members of the three teams will repeatedly test the strength of the tactics in the previous mid-late stage through the way the line Solo and the training game.

If the strength does not meet the standard, then the tactical team will go deep into the cause of failure and make changes; if the strength is still not rejuvenating, then give up; if there is a certain tactical effect, then continue to look for the alternative hero of key hero, continue Deepen this tactics change under different conditions such as the wind and counterparts.

This continues to loop, and finally form a few sets of basic sets of strong heroes and play, and then continue to excavate the play to restrain this foundation.

The captain of the FV team Pan Ying has been playing IOI with a playful way to play more to GOG, and have received a definiteness. Now that IOI is revised, this play will adapt to it easier, so the team members are all actively cooperated.

As for the high-end bureau, there is also a training game with other clubs ... isn't it important?

The high-end bureau Rank also only maintains a feeling, and there is not much significance for the war's tactical literacy. Even if a hero of the high-end bureau, you can see the wind direction of the new version, but you want to use this wind to use this wind, it is 28,000 miles.

There is nothing necessary to train with other clubs, because tactical information is a two-way behavior through training.

If you play with the European and American team, then you will inevitably use some new routines. Once you win, the European and American team will be inspired, and go to this direction.

At that time, the tactical reserve gap between the two sides will shrink.

Of course, this seems to be a bit like blind, but the key is that the tactics are more advanced?

Obviously the FV Club is more confident to your own data analysis team.

After all, the data analysis team is the main designer-level person personally felts, and the DGE club's coach participation, and then match the personal ability of the player, it is more likely to find the version answer!

The people of this FV club all suffocated.

One round of travel? That is absolutely unacceptable!

I always give us such a good condition, and the logistics guarantee is completely full. If we can't get a good grade, even face to see the country?

Must have to go all out!

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