January 12, Thursday.

Ocean game.

Wang Xiaobin came to the door of the Lin night, and gently knocked on the door.

"Forest, the left of the two games, if there is no problem, it is officially released, do you need to tell Ye Zhou?"

Lin is thinking, saying: "No, it's time people in Los Angeles, sometimes poor, and usually do tactical analysis to the FV team, don't bother him. And say, these two DLC development When he just finally finalized, he had seen it, there should be no big problem, release it directly. "

"The DLC of several old games is the design and development of you, hard work, take a break in this two weeks."

Wang Xiaobin was booming and said: "Hey, I am also from being buoyed by the duck. If I don't want to give me these works, I didn't expect to develop these DLCs by myself."

"The DLC of" Maritime Fortress "is basically the idea of ​​Huang Ge, I just with him."

Lin Xia smiled slightly: "Don't be too modest, although modest is virtue, it will also affect confidence."

"I always know that everyone will come into a multi-faced hand, and they can take out anyone alone, rather than only one can alternative screw."

"I have a good summary of this experience. If you may always give you more similar tasks."

Wang Xiaobin nodded: "Well, then I am going to be busy first."

He returned to his own station, and finally checked it again, officially updated the new version of "Looking back" and "Maritime Fortress".

This old game update program is divided into two parts: "Lonely Desert Road" and "Game Producer" update is more early, because there are not many content; "back is the shore" and "marine fortress" these two The update content of the game has been dragged to this month.

Especially the "marine fortress", almost focused on a new set of plot mode.

This DLC is telling the story of Qin Rice before becoming a commander. The story of the special squad is deep into the nest, the storytell is completely provided by Huang Sibo, it is said to have a close relationship with the "mission and choice" game plot.

Wang Xiaobin didn't know what the game story of "mission and choice" is, just according to Huang Sibo's request and the information given, it is recognized to develop this DLC, which is used to preheat in advance.

Now all DLCs are all developed, Wang Xiaobin successfully completed the task of , I will always relax.

"I don't know what the boat is now, and I will not really wait for the championship."

Wang Xiaobin has always been quite vocal with this thing about the Tale of the Boat of Ye to the Los Angeles.

The person in charge of the Ocean game, the head of the GOG international service, actually ran to Los Angeles to do tactical analysis, and it is a little bit of killing chickens.

Originally, Wang Xiaobin had a lot of questions in the development of DLC, and asked the ban on the boat, asked not to be, because the two sides were sometimes poor, and the boat is too busy there.

But Wang Xiaobin did not dare to break, after all, this is the general request.

"It's just an electric competition held by IOI. I don't understand why I have to pay so much. Is there any special consideration?"

"Forget it, I still do my own things."

Wang Xiaobin issued two DLCs of the game, and then pay close attention to the player's feedback.


At the same time, the lazy apartment.

Qiao Liang just woke up, while eating a timed to take the door to take the fish, brush the mobile phone while boring.

"GPL's game will begin at 5 o'clock afternoon, then this afternoon, is it playing games, or do a video?"

"Well, or play games."

"But a long period of time seems to have no good games."

"IOI's global finals is also the game of FV team on Sunday morning, it is really good."

Joe Liang took only half a second, there is no idea of ​​doing a new video and tried to touch the fish.

Just, even if you touch the fish, there is no good option, because it is really worthy of attention.

At this time, Qiao Liang wants to take a car directly to Tengda game headquarters, threaten the knife holder in his neck.

Of course, it is just about it, it can't be so dry.

Qiao Liang is very clear, and that is, it is actually a very strict self-requested person. Each new game is made, not only to change a type of game, but also a breakthrough to the previous game.

Not like a lot of gaming vendors, there is a successful game after a successful game, and the bag will continue to make money again.

The total development habit of the summary has indeed progressing in the field of game design, and every time you can bring your players in front of you, but this means that it is increasing, more and more time. .

In fact, the new DLC of "Lonely Desert Road" and "Game Producers" has suggested that the next game will be a sci-fi game, and many eggs and details buried inside.

The result is waiting for so long, and the total new game still does not see the shadow. The previous enthusiasm is basically going to Jiuyun.

Qiao Liang brugally brushed the Aliance website, and then opened its own fan group.

"Well?" Looking back is the shore "and" sea fortress "is also updated DLC?"

"……are you crazy!"

"How did these old games have been updated, and all people don't have the new game?"

"Oh, forget it, as long as this DLC can keep a consistent level, I don't care."

Qiao Liang has sent a few complaints, but his own heart is clear, his idea is still more reasonable.

Although he really wants to play new games, this large game development time is always long. And the game development is not the more people, the faster, and one programmer can work 100 days, and 100 servants cannot be finished for 1 day.

What's more, to update DLCs to old games, how to look at things that conscience developers will do, there is nothing to pick up.

Qiao Liang immediately opened two games, view the update announcement.

The DLC of these two games can be said to be very conscience than the DLC of "Lonely Desert Highway" than 5 times more expensive.

"Looking back is the shore" DLC price is 18 dollars, and "marine fortress" DLC is still freely updated as before, but only a new epic weapon.

Qiao Liang paid a payment, and then began to see the update announcement for two games.

After all, most old players are absolutely trustworthy, and the pricing in the game is definitely settled to a definitely worth the price, I can't buy the loss.

The update content of "back is the shore" is mainly the gameplay, adding a "reincarnation mode", mainly gives many games that have passed the game, customs clearance, the crisis, the four-rushed, the game is easy to go shopping.

In "Return Mode", a new reincarnation will be turned on in reality.

After entering the reincarn mode, the status of the role returns to the initial, but all monsters, falls, etc. in the map will random in a certain rule, that is, in the early stage, it is possible to encounter a strong monster in the late stage, and drop the more powerful equipment. .

Of course, there is a certain rule to prevent unknown BUG.

In addition, players can choose to adjust the difficulty in the Buddha statue, or randomly generate the entire world (uncharted part), and have seven restrictions within one month.

If you pass the "Return Mode" within a month, you will provide a permanent role look, including a full set of clothing and weapons.

The DLC content of "Maritime Fortress" is said to be a new story model and a new epic weapon. Other have not further detailed description, probably waiting for players to the game.

"It seems that" look back is the shore "DLC more interesting," Sea Fortress "even more than two hours, this game is so old, you can't do more four or five hours of plot. ? Isn't that money? "

Qiao Liang first opened "back is the shore" experience.

As an old player who has suffered many times, Qiao Liang's content for "back is the shore" is already as directed. What monsters have a monster, what will be dropped, all remember one clear.

It's not a good memory, it is simply abused.

Anyone died in the same place for dozens of times, will impress this place.

Although this DLC has no substantive game content update, it still looks that the designer has made many efforts in this new model, and does improve the game's playability and fun.

Although it is a random mode, different monsters, BOSS and props may cause game bugs when they are randomly to specific places, or they will be caught the entire game process. In order to avoid these issues, the development team obviously considers a lot, through the establishment of rules. This happening may be avoided.

Although the same map, the monster position and the drop props have changed, the previous speed route is naturally not easy, and the old players can be filled with the whole map from the head, and this process Full of surprises.

Taking into account the price of only 18 yuan, it can be said that you can't buy a loss.

It is conceivable that the reincarnation mode "turned back" will become the monthly task of the old player. Take a few commemorative weapons and appearances to reflect their own old players.

Qiao Liang played for a while, and the reincarnation model of "turning back is the shore" is very satisfied. It is temporarily preserved, waiting to play slowly.

Then he opened the "Maritime Fortress" and view the DLC content of this game.

Although "Sea Fortress" is well known in the 888 fire unicorn and rich play mode, the plot of this game is absolutely no bad.

When the game is just out, many players are in the "Maritime Fortress" into the pit in the domestic FPS game.

Strictly speaking, the plot of "Maritime Fortress" is very simple. In addition to shooting, the player is interacting with a little girl who can't talk, but even the simple story, after doing enough details It is still very excellent.

At that time, the talents in the game plot design have been revealed.

Qiao Liang western, this DLC's story, can't you more than the original story?

If you consider the original plot size, you will shrink a little ... that this game process should be quite short, you can run.

On the side of Joe, I thought about it, while I entered the story of "Maritime Fortress".

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