Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 817 Stall TV Competition? (Ask for a monthly ticket!)

At this point, Qiu Hong is worried in the "Domestic Plan" hatching base in the Emperor.

Because in his opinion, the game of this hatching base is really not enough.

From the incubation base, it has been running so far, and many of the independent game producers have developed a period of time before coming to the hatching base. It is reasonable to make a little out of the results.

After all, this is independent game, the investment and workload is not big, and it is a small and American route.

However, the light is to change the BUG, ​​and everyone is tired enough.

There are two games to go online, but for all the reasons, the reaction is not good.

Qiu Hong concluded that it was mainly because of the ability to issue.

Although these independent game designers provide relevant supporting support, it does not represent the game they have made.

Because the game production itself is something that is very successful, and the independent game is even more. Because the independent game producer itself is inspiration, there is more enthusiastic, otherwise they will go directly to the game company, why not give the independent game, this is neither a way to make money and very tired.

But in this way, Qiu Hong's pressure is very big.

He knew that

Several games such as "Ink Yuncan" have been focused by Qiu Hong because of various bugs and details, and may not be released, maybe jump to the next month.

Qiu Hong has a hurry, there is no game in his hand, it is also white.

At this moment, his cell phone rang, and he always called.

Qiu Hong is not "": Don't you have to ask?

When he submitted the Work Weekly on the hatching base, he had an ominous premonition. Now, I will actually call it personally. Is this not explained?

Qiu Hong rushed to pick up the phone: "He is always!"

In the phone, the total voice is very good, even with a good time: "Qiu Ma, the situation of hatching the base, I have already understood it, do it very successful! The situation is very good, must continue, know?"


Qiu Hongdou slowly drifted a question mark, almost thought that he was wrong, or the talents missed the wrong phone.

But think carefully, it should not make a mistake, and Yan always said that the hatching base is.

The situation is very good? Do you have a very successful?

Qiu Hong felt very confused: "Total, you call this situation, is it very successful? Is it some deviation in the definition of 'success'?"

"The two games we have published, clearly selling well ..."

: "This is certainly very successful!"

"Qiu Ma, obviously your evaluation standard has a problem. You should think so: These independent game designers have completed the game, they can't do it. With the help of the hatching base, they can complete the game, still I met the players, isn't this a huge progress and success? "

"You don't consider how many points of this volume, at least to complete the entire test paper independently, the answer is full, normal, this is a progress!"

"People are going slowly, just started to make money in two months, just built a separate game hatching base, how can it be? It is too urgent! This mentality is not available."

Qiu Hong listened to the fog in the cloud, and the expression was a bit awkward.

Although I always said, I always feel a bit weird.

Don't I do very well? I didn't feel it?

The sudden praise, let Qiu Hong flashed the waist.

"But ..." , "Your work still has some problems, I have to come out now, you will correct it as soon as possible."

Qiu Hong has a long breath, this is right!

How can my work perfect? I don't believe it.

Hurred and said: "I will say that I will listen to it."

Yan Qian said: "I look at your work report, I plan to let the producers of these two games, continue to start the design and development of the next independent game? This is not appropriate."

Qiu Hong silently took a moment, said: "He is always, you said ..."

"Do you want to remove them?"

Qiu Hong listened to the mean, obviously dissatisfied with yourself.

The games of these two designers have been done, the market is not good, so Qiu Hong is going to let them start to do new games, and the hatching base cannot be kept.

But I always feel that this is not appropriate. It is because I feel that these two people are unwind, and I will kick people early?

The phone is almost in the past.

This Qiu Hong, what is the ability to comprehension!

Do you have such a minister of the ample?

Yan Qian rushed: "You understand it too much! I mean, modify, optimize and redo these two games until it is recognized by the market, do you understand?"

"Every independent game is the condense of designers and wisdom. The game is not welcomed by the player. It can't explain that the idea is not good, it can only explain the way to express this idea, not mature enough!"

"If each idea is shallow, try to give up, how can it be successful?"

"Unsuccessful game, then pay for money, have been successful!"

Qiu Hong listened to a stunned.

The game company of others is to cut off the failure of the failure in time; the always fell, but increase the intensity of the failure project!

According to the common sense, this is a very stupid behavior. After all, the game itself has been denied by the market, and it is better to make a new one.

However, the summary tone is extremely resolute. It is straightforward to let Qiu Hong feel that he is so reasonable! Is it wrong?

Qiu Hong wants to think: "That ... put in a maximum of one million? One million? 2 million? Independent game can not be more!"

,,:: "" ,,

"If a game can only achieve the best results when it is invested by 5 million, and you are limited to two million, how can it be successful?"

"Since I decide to do it, then I must do the best, understand?"

Qiu Hong: "...... Ok."


After hanging up the phone, Yu Qian continued to check the report of other departments.

Just then, knocking on the door outside is a congratulation.

"He is always, I will briefly report the situation on the cold side girl, and the three words in the report are unclear, so I think it is better to report."

: "Well, let's talk."

He is briefly introduced the situation of the cold face.

Meng Chang sold all the shares in his hand, completely with the cold noodles, and horn. But the cold-faced girl original employee, there is still a large part.

Although the company has no money, there is a situation in which wages arrears, but it is not so fast.

Many people heard that the company was yellow. It was originally looking for work in the heart of the head. As a result, the new job was not found, he heard the news that the original work saved.

This group of people has resettled, returning to their job positions, cold-faced girls should soon start, start working properly.

Of course, the dream venture has taken a lot of money for the normal operation of all shops in the cold noodles.

He asked He Zi Sheng asked: "The marketing activities before the cold, the cave, continue to do?"

Previously, Meng Changhua is like water, mainly because the marketing costs are too much, and all kinds of buying hot search, advertising, and also open the venue.

If it is just a subsidy, maintain the daily operation of the store, the money is very slow.

: "All put on hold, from a long discussion."

Although the marketing activities will continue to spend fast, now the cold girl's boss has changed from Meng Chang to Tengda, considering Tengda's influence, it is very likely to have some unknown impact on cold faces.

Therefore, Yan Qie wants to think, or observe the observation, it is hard to find a stable loss, but don't just pick up.

What's more, many marketing activities don't play, you can't play it, just like that speech, you can't , it is not like.

He said hesitated, saying: "He is always, the other marketing activities are well said, the only one 'land stall contest", the previous period has been very strong from all over the country, and the competition will be found. Week, do you see this still do? "

Yu Qian stunned.

Stall Food Competition?

This Meng Chang is still able to live a lot, how do this marketing active?

Yan Qian immediately thought of Meng Chang's intention: He wanted to invite small vendors from all over the country to do some food, used as green leaves to give cold-faced girls, this topic is definitely good, and the advertising effect will not be poor.

Yan Qian is really interested in, nodding: "This sounds good, then apply it according to the original plan."

He Nodded: "Good , then there is no other thing."

He just wanted to go, and he was called by Yan Qian.

"What is Meng Chang now?"

He replied: "He seems to have been looking for a lot of investors, but all have a closed door, basically turned over,"

"Some failed entrepreneurs look over the opportunity, but in fact, that is because they either have a good family, either a person, either resources, or fans ... and Meng Chang actually except for personal abilities No, this is very dead. "

"However, if Meng Chang puts down the body, do some work he can't see, do more than ten years in the ground ... this money should be almost still on it."

: "If he really rushed to find it, I can consider giving him a trunk."

He Zi Sheng: "Good , still let him be a cold girl?"

shook his head: "No. Let's talk about it again."

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