Three hours later.

"Let's congratulate the FV team, once again, the score of 3: 0 is very strong, and successfully kills the final final!"

"In the case of the domestic team, the FV team brings us a surprise to us once again with an unusual play and deep tactical reserves, and believe in the next week's final stage. Can also be the same as today, give us excellent performances ... "

"Please take a break, don't leave, and the FV team will accept interviews later."

The two of the domestic broadcasts have been very excited. After explaining the score of the FV team, I feel that one of them will almost breathe, so that people can't help but send him a oxygen bottle.

But this is also the same, because the FV team is too refined!

The oppression in the snowball is really suffocating!

Previously, many people were still worried, the FV team can be 3: 0 in the eight-strong game, is it because of the opponent?

The Queen's team is also the European and American team. Although the group is rushing, BO3 and BO5 are two games, and many people are suspected, maybe the opponent of the group is too much fish?

But after the Four Games, no one will discuss the problem of strong opponents, because the Fourth Race will never have a weak team!

This time, the opponent by the FV team 3: 0 is also the baptism of the eighth game, although the other party is 3: 1 into the top four, but no one will doubt their strength.

The FV team has once again fighting with a clean and neat 3: 0, and he has not lost any small game until the finals, which proves that their powerful ruling has already begun!

Some people have discussed the "champion" of the FV team.

Yu Qian looked like a craft that was full of free screens, looked at the live broadcast, and more than two three times higher than the group match, and the mood was very complicated.

It is reasonable that the domestic team has won foreign teams, and it is a good thing to celebrate a good thing for every e-sports enthusiast.

As an electric competition for supporting the domestic team, Yan Qian should also be this mentality.

I can think of the shares of my FV team, I am not happy.

The current FV team is very dangerous. Yan Qian can foreseen, even if it is the FV team finals, as long as it is too ugly, it is still possible to become the first team of IOI!

Although most people think that the runner-up is the biggest loser, but this is precise and context.

The key is to expect the audience: If the audience feels that there is hope to fight, finally took a runner, then it will spray; if the audience feels difficult, finally took a runner, it is far beyond expected!

Mainly, the two teams have a good night, and the group is eliminated. It is greatly lowered by the psychological expectations of the audience, so that the FV team has a broader stage.

After putting the wonderful lens of the whole game, the screen switched to the interview and the official host and translation of the company have been ready. This interviewed object is the captain of the FV team Pan Ying.

After winning, there was also an interview after winning, but at that time, the head of the company and the team members who were interviewed were obviously not ready, especially the host, she could not think that FV will win at all.

Therefore, interviews are some very routine problems, no program effect, and there is no great impact.

This host is obviously available.

After a brief introduction, after the audience greeted, the interview officially started.

Moderator: "We see two games in the Bayuo, you all overcome the opponent with 3: 0 cleanliness. Is this outcome to make you very unexpected? After all, the opponent is also very strong Team, how much is your own estimated score before the start of the game? "

Pan Ying is still the same as before, it is silent, and there is not much excited expression. After listening carefully, he said to the microphone: "Not surprising, the estimate is 3: 0."

The host is somewhat surprised: "Is this confident? As far as I know, the team's tactics often have two styles: one is pre-prepared, that is, after studying several sets of systems, it will pre-encountered in the game. All the issues are considering, so that the game will always be developed in accordance with their own tactical; and the other is to play the game, the coach will be more in the state of the player, choose the hero for the star player, and do some changes. I will ask the FV team more Which one is it? "

Pan Ying said: "99% is the first."

Moderator: "It is all things happening in these two games, in fact, is it in your plans?"

Pan Yingtie points: "Yes."

The host is more surprised: "So do you have any strain strain depending on the status of the player and the opponent's lineup?"

Pan Ying thought about it, said: "The performance of the other party is all within our coaching group, so it does not need a random strain."

The host continued to ask: "The game of these six homes, the FV team used 22 different heroes, is this also a matter of plan?"

Pan Yingtie points: "Yes."

Moderator: "Is this all the tactics of the FV team? Or, there are still many tactics that have not been used out? The final will consider using new tactics?"

Pan Ying: "See the situation."

The host smiled somewhat, Pan Ying was simply an interview with black holes. After the short answer is short, there is only one sentence, this interview is really hard.

However, after all, it is the official host, professional quality is still harder, I finally interviewed almost, the host said: "The last question, choose a person who has always supported you, says a word to him."

Pan Ying thought about it: "Telling to Yan."

"Thank you very much, I am a tactical guidance for our tactical guidance. If there is no summary guidance, encouragement and support, if there is no , we are absolutely impossible to go now!"

"We will definitely prepare for the battle, strive to get good results in the finals, and report to our support!"

At the end of the interview, the excited audience had not returned from the joy of victory, and they sent the barrage interaction.

"Say more words! The host is speechless, the interview with black hole is not moving!"

"Haha, Pan Ying is really a gold, but it may be a tight touch, in order not to disclose tactics?"

"Take more words for me!"

"How do you feel that he put it up? The FV team hit the present, two 3: 0 actually all in their expectations? Even the random strain is not needed?"

"How many new tactics have been taken out of these two games? There are different team battle lineups, there are bands, there is a front line invasion suppression ... The result is not all tactics?"

"Six small fields have used 22 different heroes, I have spit on the opponent, this is a hammer, how is this Ban choose!"

"Today's opponent's coach is already dizzy, and FV grabs a hero who has used it. It is directly embarrassed, and it feels all the best for a week!"

"Last thanks, I will always be a little too utilitarian. Although it is a boss, although it is a golden master, how can it give them tactical guidance? Is it difficult to always hide the game master?"

"Do you always gog's designer, what happened to some tactical guidance for the FV team? Don't be blinded by the identity of the head of the entrepreneurs and investors, his job is a game designer!"

"There is also a lot behind this matter. !"

"When the qualifier, I will not go to the scene to support the FV team. This is not surprising!"

Pan Ying's "black hole interview" quickly spread throughout the entire network, especially the Tactical Reserve of the FV team, and has become a hot topic of the whole network.

Others can't understand the meaning of Pan Ying, and Yan Qian can understand.

Thanks for your support, it is obviously in the business class flight, Ritz Carlton Hotel;

Thanks to the tactical guidance, it is obviously what is said before the qualifications!

When the number of seeds of the qualifier in China, the FV team was fighting the ten games, the situation is difficult, and some players have questioned Pan Ying's play. I feel that it is not good.

It is the exclusive discussion, and the board decided to use this kind of play. This is unified to unify the thoughts of the team, let Pan Ying will continue to lead the team and constantly improve.

What's more, let Ye Zhou, Zhou Pengyuan and others come to the team, do tactical analysis, this is also a decision of the total.

Therefore, Pan Yingcai believes that the people helping the FV team are the total!

But for Yu Qian, this is very desperate.

I am not the meaning!

He also didn't expect that he could give Pan Ying so much confidence in a word, and a series of yin worship is a monster team!

But good, the audience don't know these things.

Now most people are obviously immersed in the joy of victory in the game, mainly in discussing the exciting operations and tactical details in the game, for Pan Ying's interview, and the summary mentioned in the interview, did not care particularly.

Yu Qian is slightly relieved, this is also a unfortunate.

However, when he intends to turn off the TV, turn off the forum to eat lunch, suddenly saw a new post in the forum.

"The road used by the FV team is clearly a variant of GOG tactics! "

"I feel that the FV team is very familiar. Now, think about it, no matter whether it is a line invasion or a side, or a group battle, it seems to have a shadow of the GOG team! Several GOG old cards The tactics were all used to live in a living, but it was only called in the IOI game, so it was not so easy to see! "

"Look at the head of the FV team should understand, the old week can be the star player of the GOG, one of the old DGEs, he is playing IOI with GOG tactics!"

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