Yan Qian put the annual meeting of the annual meeting, I plan to have time to see again.

Not him lazy, mainly think that the annual will do not care, there is not so high in his priority here.

The first level is to spend money, the second priority is to ensure that the industries that do not make money continue to make money, the third essential is to make less profitable industries.

The annual meeting will send employees to the employees, just a small part of the first thing.

"The most successful in this cycle should be considered a hatching base of the destination plan."

"I only launch two independent games until now, a one is not called, and the other is neither better. There is no money to make two money."

"And according to Qiu Hong's development schedule, several new ideas, the current progress of the game he gave, is not enough to go online, the fastest will be released next month, you should give me trouble before the settlement "

"Sure enough plan, still did not live up to my expectation, is still a pure loss, and the outside world does not know that the power of the power is Tengda."

"Fame and Liele did not receive, very good!"

Qian Qian just turned to the work report of Qiu Hong's hatching base, which is very satisfied with the current state there.

However, at this time, Yu Qian's mobile phone shocked, Qiu Hong sent a new message.

"Head, good news!"

"Today," Office Survival Handbook "is officially released, reputation and sales are exploded!"

Seeing this information, the smile before Yu Qian was on his face.

What the hell?

What is the "Office Life Manual"?

He rushed to the report of Qiu Hong, with the name of all the independent games developed by the Base, but he turned over from the beginning, and did not see the so-called "Office Survival Handbook".

"What is going on here!" Yu Qian stories, I feel my mentality collapsed.

Speaking of good exhaustion plans this cycle does not make money?

This is what it comes out!


At the same time, Emperor, Cherry Studio.

The boss and producer of the studio, Jiang Fan, and the main designer Yang Liang and others, looking at the sales data of the background.

Although I haven't arrived in the New Year, this four-person team is happy with the New Year.

Qiu Hong has also been coming, and the smile on his face is completely covered.

Jiang Fan's face is simply overflowing: "Qiu Ma! This game is really much thanks to your investment. If this is not this money, our game is not so high, the development will not smooth, The power of the power is really snow charcoal! "

Qiu Hong smiled and put his hand: "This is too polite, I actually invested in the independent game according to the request of the boss, you meet the conditions, I will cast it. In fact, I didn't see it before. You can't make this game. "

"To be honest," Office Life Handbook "can achieve such good sales and grades, I am still never thought. I thought that I didn't think that I have exploded!"

"I have to thank you, I have not already representative of work, although I have no accountability over there, but I really have a bit of a game, I am also a light on my face!"

The main designer Yang Liang said with a smile: "In fact, our success is also a lot of luck."

"Now 'social animals' so much, everyone is office workers, hitting the horizon of the workplace, forced overtime, these phenomena, all the same, deep and bad."

"Now the end of the year, the news of each major company's year-end award and annual meeting spread throughout the Internet, everyone is busy with the charm, itself has natural topics."

"The" Office Workman Survival Handbook "made a good state of this social animal, causing everyone to resonate, instantly spread, this is a burst!"

Qiu Hong smiled: "This game can be big, it is indeed unfolded with the whole environment. But your design and insistence are the root cause of the game!"

"The independent game is a bitter, very small people who can stick to it. You are either resigning entrepreneurship, or it is a payable, this spirit is the most critical factor that supports you."

"Okay, don't look at the data, let's get a good time, go out to eat barbecue, I invite guest!"

Jiang Fan rushed: "How can I do it, I have to ask."

Qiu Hongyi raised his hand: "Don't fight with me, say that I will please, everyone quickly packs up, let us start now!"

Qiu Hong is as happy as Jiang Fan and others.

On the one hand, he saw that the independent game production team can succeed, sincerely gratifying; on the other hand, he is also happy to play a representative of the game for the power plan.

always gives a high hope for the destway, and the results have not had a successful game so far, and Qiu Hong is not hung.

Qiu Hong is in accordance with how much investment, these games have no effect on his income, but if there is no results, Qiu Hong will feel very uncomfortable.

The success of the cherry studio is completely unexpectedly known to Qiu Hong.

Because Qiu Hong's recent focus is on the side of the hatching base, several game distances on the hatching base have a certain distance.

Instead, it is a cherry studio. Qiu Hong has never paying attention after investing. Today, he suddenly learned that their games were sold, burst, can this be unhappy?

The cherry studio is not included in the incubation base.

Because the hatching base is all the game producers who are fighting, there is no supporting service, and the cherry studio is a four-person team. There is a clear position of the job. Although the sparrow is small, it is not necessary to incorporate the incubation base.

The only lack of cherry studio is funding. After Qiu Hong blocked the largest fund gap, the game's art resource is in place, and everyone has no significant improvement, "Office Survival Handbook" game. Naturally, it is successfully completed as scheduled!

Sales before the Spring Festival, just hosted the hotspots of the work: Annual Meeting, Year-end Awards, leaving the tide, etc., causing extensive resonance on the network.

As a domestic stand-alone game, the independent game representative is naturally sought after by the players, and several game UPs on Alit have made video programs, and good programs have attracted more players into pit.

Qiu Hong is waiting for someone to pack things to eat, while waiting while brushing mobile phones, check online evaluation.

Basically, it is said to be highly praised!

Although this is an independent game, there must be some flaws in the game, the system and the art, but the subject matter is new, can resonate with the players, so the tolerant players are still ignored these flaws, giving it a very high Evaluation.

For cherry studios, follow-up to modify these flaws, further enhance the finance of the game, and the evaluation can be higher.

Compared to the development of hardships, subsequent modifications are very simple.

After all, the game has been determined, and the cherry studio does not have to worry about the money in the next few months. The game will be recognized by the players, and work will be more powerful.

"Wait a minute, do I have something to do this?"

Qiu Hong suddenly realized this problem.

He has always been confused about his work, and I don't know what to do.

Because he is responsible for the destination plan, it is only to invest in the independent game studio and the producer, and there will be a powerful make a feeling that does not make it.

The two games sold in the line are not good. Other games have no way to sell this month. Qiu Hong felt that his work did not have a result, and there was no good way to do it.

But now "Office Survival Handbook" has been successful, this is said!

Through this game, Qiu Hong intends to make the player to popularize the concept of "powerful plan".

There is no success before, even if it is forcing the players to instill the concept of "Directive Plan", there will be no attention to too many people. But now has a successful game, the situation is completely different!

Qiu Hong's goal is to let the players see the excellent domestic independent games, hook with the "Power Plan".

Whether it is for other independent game makers, it is a very important ring for Qiu Hong and the entire power plan.

"Yes, it is settled. Borrow" Office Life Handbook "to make a publicity to the exhaust plan."

"At the same time, the Demo and propaganda videos have also taken together and open a pre-sale!"

Qiu Hong felt that he suddenly found the direction of the work, and it became full of strength!


At the same time, Yan Qian also searched online information about "Office Life Handbook", but his expression is not as ecstatic or gratified as Qiu Hong, but it is forced and awkward.

The destway is good, which is from which this break is coming out?

Moreover, this game can also fire?

What is the fire in a game that restores your livestock life?

Yan Qian has turned over online, soon found a high praise of players, expressing players' love for this game.

"To be honest, this game doesn't matter if you play, the picture is still a detail, you can't be very outstanding, but it can be said to be average. But it is a bit a bit is good, very real, which makes people have a strong resonance."

"such as:"

"Joined company is called 'String Co., Ltd." "

"The game has no difficulty explanation: 'There is no difficulty option in the workplace, because everyone faces the HARD + mode';"

"It is not expected to be boss. The boss satisfaction will decline, and the chance to apply for promotion will decrease, but strive to complete the expectations of the boss, the more difficult the task after completing, but the growth of satisfaction is increasingly slow……"

"These points that can resonate are all comparisons, and the designers who can see the game are also aware of the bitterness of socialitis."

"And in real, this game has a lot of metaphors, if you jump out of the game, see those options as bystanders, you will feel that your life seems to be in this unpair. It is teased by black humor. At the same time, it will be bitterly in the same time. "

"In short, as a separate game, it has completely exceeded my expectations."

"Many people think that burn a few billion production is a good game, and the game is not good. Because it is not to burn, it is obviously not the case.

"Really good game, to see if the designer has a truly loved the game. Thanks to the cherry studio, I will continue to support it in the future!"

"Finally, most of this game is a bit bitter, what is going to die, the spirit collapsed, the inactive ending, the middle-aged crisis ending ... is too miserable!"

"It is strongly recommended to add a 'Tengda Open Bureau', let us fantasize the beauty of the workplace!"

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