Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 840 AEEIS is too supreme powder!

Aeeis's "talented performance" out, instant stunned four, directly became the focus of the entire live broadcast.

Mainly highlighting an unexpected!

Most of the audiences impression of smart speakers are "artificial mental disabilities", can only answer several fixed questions, and I don't know how to answer if I have a little more complicated.

But Aeeis is completely different, showing the level of IQ is completely high than other smart speakers!

In fact, this is just a feeling, and it is all the artificial intelligence technology of XXITT, but only several core functions of the AEEIS have been optimized by some special skills.

The principle of the lifting bar mode has been introduced, mainly by relying on the anti-cabinet, first manually, let the other party enter the rhythm of the lifting bar, gradually lose reason, which will cause a "lifting bar machine IQ compression".

The poetry function is used to use the poetry library based on useful app, which can successfully retrieve more accurate information, answer some of the basic issues, and very streamlined. Based on the automatic poem function of poetry research and development, it will also give people a sense of feeling.

These poems and couplets are automatically generated by Aeeis, but there is a certain rule. A keyword is also generated by one or two, and it is impossible to become a poem, and the couplet is not limited.

Moreover, some poems come out although it is in line with the flat, but the meaning may compare the empty hole, or the meaning is almost, and people think that there is some cloud.

But even so, this pair of poetry is also amazing.

Because these poems are rhyme, meaning or specific words, they are far better than the cultural level of the average person, so they will let the audience have a bright feeling.

So the live broadcast is completely boiling, those who have bought the fully automatic smart lifting bar immediately tried, and found that the updated version of Aeeis did this have this poem function, and each poem is full!

Suddenly I feel earned.

But the entire live broadcast is obviously not yet ended.

Ma Yang continues to enter the next stage in accordance with the content of the copy: Table words.

"Aeeis also has the function of the line, because there are many content, so the simple demonstration is good, if you are interested, I put a few paragraphs in Weibo, everyone will try it with the lifting bar."

"AEEIS, returns to the initial image."

Aeeeis: "Qinyi captain, maybe you are very angry now, but humans need you to continue to fulfill your mission as a soldier ..."

The horse and the Aeeeis have a few words, although the old horse does not have anything of the lines of the line, and he is a bit two, but it is still very sensitive.

The audience between the live broadcasts did not care too much. After all, I have already known that Aeeis has this function of the line, and many of the paragraphs of the "Maritime Fort" DLC have tried it.

But it seems that it seems to be a bit wrong with it.

Horses have said these few words, but they are not "marine fortress" DLC lines, but some new lines!

Judging from aeeis, it seems to be the story after the "Maritime Fortress" DLC, and Qin Yi is more angry because some unknown reasons, but Aeeis asked him to continue to fulfill a military mission ...

Qin Yi as a well-trained soldier, is a man who is an angry, why is it so angry?

How does Aeeis let him continue to fulfill a military mission? Is there any dangerous task waiting for him?

When you make up your brain!

Some people in the live stream have reflected it, and various bullets that speculate the plot have floated.

"I feel that the ending of the" Maritime Fortress "DLC should be a tragic ending. Obviously the war did not end, the team leaders of Qinyi captain were all dead, so Qinyi captain will be so angry!"

"In fact, there is also a film in the game, there is a fragment of the skylark II armor, indicating that the head of the head has not been successful."

"Yeah, this is right!"

"I am going, that is, this is a new game for the next game. Too chicken thief!"

"Do you have a drama in the new game?"

"This kind of propaganda is very good! Isn't everyone playing Qinyi captain? Too interesting, I decided to buy one!"

"Yeah, spend a few hundred pieces to buy so many practical features, too cost-effective!"

The live broadcast is very fast, "buy buy", the barrage floating.

The process of the entire live broadcast is in the viewer, it is completely a process of desire.

The general publicly announced all the parameters of the intelligent lifting bar directly, directly opened the public, telling you that the lifting bar is not more than those of the high-grade audio, just about two thousand pieces, and simple It is actually not high from the audio.

Many viewers have thought that Ma has always blows their own products, and heard the problem of Horses to speak out of the lifting bar. The previous colored glasses came off.

Then, it is a wave of disassembly, detailed display internal details, and the lifting bar has earned a wave of impression with excellent mechanical structures in the exquisite mechanical structure of the unique exterior and lifting bar, giving people the impression of "high quality".

Then the audition link, although Aeeis is still more than those of the seven hundred sounds, but because the audience has already psychologically expected, I think this is the sound of the 2000 yuan gear, which naturally will be evaluated according to this standard. Instead, I feel that it is not bad.

Then, it is a concentrated display of Aeeis, leaking the bum, poem, the unique function of these words, immediately attracting the attention of the audience, and other audio products in the live broadcast will become a taste. It is unattractive.

The most important thing is that the entire copy of Ma Yang is very objective, not only without a bauble bar, but instead requires more strict standards.

Moreover, like the details of the lifting bar machine in the same way, as ......................

The beginning of the script is in accordance with the idea of ​​Yan Qian, but the development of the middle is completely unpredictable!

The live broadcast is over, and the old horse looks at "buy buy" full of screens, and is satisfied with the content.

Completed all the requirements of Qian Ge, standing on the last class before the Spring Festival, perfect!

Want to come to Qian Ge should be very satisfied, do I am proud?


At the same time, I looked at the landscape of all kinds of "buy buy" in the black screen live broadcast, and Yan Qian was temporarily caught in a stable state.

what's the situation!

Say the black lifting bar machine? How do you buy it to buy it?

This is really not the old horse arranged in the live broadcast?

Yan Qian originally wanted to throw this pot to the old horse, but it seems that the old horse does not have a pot.

The criticism also criticized, the details also showed that even directly with the audience "This is the level of domestic 2000 yuan returning wall, cost performance is not high".

The bad things are on the last few features!

In fact, many of the advantages of lifting bar machine are just the advantage of the brocade, there is nothing practical, and it is not an attractive.

For example, a general sound, a unique shape, or a procedure that can be poetry, should not be enough to become a decision of the willingness to buy the will.

But these factors are all integrated, plus the special people of Aeeis, seems to have a qualitative change!

Yan Qian suddenly had a bad hunch, and quickly went to the Internet to search for the topic of AEEIS and intelligent lifting bar.

Sure enough, after this live broadcast, the relevant topic has increased rapidly!

The live broadcast of Ma Yang has already had a lot of fans. This live broadcast program is very good, so many people are discussing; and Aeeis is just updating poetry in today, and many of them bought a lifting bar The person also found this new function and started discussing online.

Yan Qian suddenly found Aeeis to become a hot topic, with a very high heat on Weibo!

There are a lot of related videos, showing the whole process of the owner with the Aeeis leaking, and the video of the "one second into poem". According to the keyword given by the owner, the aeeis is full of poems, but every one is Rhyme, I feel that I have a culture.

Netizens have shocked.

"Is there now the extent of artificial intelligence?"

"Aeeis is really the smartest and artificial intelligence I have recently seen. It is not the same level with other artificial intelligencers!"

"The louder is lifted, it is even if it is more than culture ..."

"I suddenly felt that the setting of Aeeis was too supreme. This is a super learning image that is very high, but the colorful business is relatively low, let me think of a high idender role of a lot of TV series!"

"Indeed, although it will be speechless, but who can deny it is very smart? Usually answer is very simple, some unfortunately the word is gold, but it is always the real answer to every question, complete your requirements. IQ is high, not only can completely suppress you logically, but also to make poetry according to your requirements! "

"A high cold, a little poisonous tongue, logical thinking is impeccable, talented to the eight-burying artificial intelligence? Wow, this kind of artics is in the sense of repair, love love!"

"Unfortunately, there is no specific image. If it is a cute girl, it is really perfect!"

"No, I just feel that this image is the most appropriate! If you have determined gender, talk to humans speech, then there is no personality, similar artificial intelligence? Aeeis is just this kind of ability Gender sounds, which makes it easy for artificial intelligence, and whether it is to ask for boys or girls! "

"I don't listen, I have to draw an image to Aeeis! Nothing is king!"

"Then I want to draw a male role, I think a poisonous tongue is better."

"I don't think there must be sex, a pure artificial intelligence, the image of the machine does not incense?"


Let Yan Qian are very shocked. In addition to those who have a "buy buy", others are all discussing the people of Aeeis!

There have never appeared before this phenomenon.

Because since the artificial intelligence technology of News Technology, several companies have already had similar artificial intelligence products, but the heat is not high, and no one discusses the so-called "people".

Because everyone knows these is artificial disabilities, there is nothing difference between each other, nothing more than names, the image is a bit a bit different, there is nothing to discuss.

But Aeeis is a ratio of these artificial intelligence, and it is very exciting, and the inexplicably gains love and creation enthusiasm!

Yan Qian alone is on the chair and feels a little dizzy.


This live broadcast not only does not cast everyone's purchase enthusiasm, but it is in the fire! A lot of people who didn't know that the smart lifting bar machine had interested it, and I started to buy it!

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