After the exciting game, the five team members of the two teams have been unveiled at the stage, and the audience immediately reported warm applause.

The first IOI Global Final Champion trophy prepared by the company is placed on the center of the stage, and the lens also gave several close-up.

This champion trophy, highlights a big and gorgeous.

For this global finals, the company can say that it is no hesitors, whether it is a venue or a trophy, and exceeds the GOG's global invitation.

Previously, the GOG's global invitation program trophy reached 28 kilograms, 35 cm high, is zinc alloy gold plated material, carved dragon and painting phoenix, gorgeous abnormalities.

The company's global finals is originally the sign GOG Global Invitational Tournament. It must be a full set, the venue, etc. have exceeded GOG. If the trophy is small, isn't that a joke?

It must be bigger than the GOG's trophy!

Therefore, this point of this header is more than the trophy of GOG, 40 cm high, and the whole size is large.

However, considering that if it is still the same material, this trophy is too heavy, and these thin internet addiction teenagers can't get up. Therefore, some adjustments were made in some materials, and the weight was eventually 25 kg.

Although it is still very heavy, at least at the same time that the team members can looked, it looks larger than the GOG championship trophy.

Finally, after a lengthy opening ceremony, the two team members respectively, began to debug the computer, and the final final finals of the IOI global finals were about to begin.

Because it is the final final, it is completely full of cardiac, a total of five explanations and three pre-professional players to participate in the competition analysis and discussion.

Three of them were responsible for the explanation of the game, and the rest of the two explanations and three professional players were responsible for analyzing before the game.

The analysis in front of the game is mainly warmth warning, analyzes the current state, preparation, and tactics of the two teams, predict the contents of the next game; the analysis is mainly in the last game, Point this part of the turning point and key player.

These three professional players are the star players of Europe and the United States, the strength is hard, the game understanding is also very profound, and the oral tooth is clear, and it is the top six teams that are eliminated.

In short, the specifications of the finals are directly blocked, give all the audience a "buy ticket I earn the full of"! "

The players are still debugging the machine, preparing for the preparation, the two explanations on the analysis desk and three professional players began warmth warning and analysis of today's finals.

"OK, let's take a look at the prediction of this finals, surprising, 8 explanation, except David, all other people predict that Fry will gain the final victory."

"To be honest, the predicted prediction of this side makes me vaguely feel a little uneasy. So let us discuss it, why do you make such a prediction."

"Still invite three professional players to talk about the reason you make this forecast, because Fry is eliminated?"

The expression of the three professional players is very relaxed. After laughing, the first person in the right hand first speaking.

"The Fry team is our old opponent. Although they have eliminated us in the Fourth Strong Race, let us be very unwilling, but have to say, I think their strength is indeed above us, this is the finals Popular candidates. "

"On the other side, although we didn't have a hand with the FV team, but from the style of style, the FV team seems to be a team that is very concerned, teamwork, and their performance is really impeccable, but I think it is too smooth. The knockout journey made them have not suffered too much setbacks, and there is no experience in fighting against the wind. "

"And the FRY team is more comprehensive, we all know that they can quickly end their opponents after getting better in the previous period, and even in the early stage, even if they are in a disadvantage, they can drag the game into the middle and late reunion. So I judge The two sides will eventually be filled with five, and the FRY team will win the final victory. "

Another professional player picks up words: "Yes, in the team style, the FRY team is really more comprehensive."

"In the phase of the knockout, all the teams are constantly exploring the version of the answer. We pay attention from the group to the eight-game competition, and then go to the Fourth Quality. The hot hero has been changing. It is no longer debut, this shows that the lineup choices of both sides will gradually become a versions of the latest solution. "

"And after the reserves in the tactical level have reached the vertices, the test is the random strain ability, the processing skills of the anti-wind bureau and players are played. After the North American team is all eliminated, the Fry team's fruitful European team is actually In the case of home treatment, consider their anti-wind handling and toughness, I believe that the last victory will belong to them. "

"Moreover, the Fry team has many star players, when facing this big scene, I think the value of the star player will be reflected."

"So I guess is the FRY team wins, the score is 3: 1."

The last professional player said: "I also think that the Fry team will win this game, but I have an estimated score difference to them."

"I think this FRY team will overcome the FV team at 3: 0, because our team has recently hit a few training games with the Fry team, I can't disclose the specific situation, but I want to say, Fry team When it is more than the Fouquet, it has a very big, very huge progress. "

"They have further understanding of the version, even completely changed a play, let us all can't prevent it. In fact, they abused our abuse, and these new tactics, the FV team is likely to be unpredictable So I think that if Fry can play their level normally, then they will be wins without doubt 3: 0. "

Other people from the official analyst desk have exposed a surprised expression because others don't know this.

The team where the professional player is located is lost to the Fry team at the FRY. If he feels that the Fry team has a sharp increase in the strength of the FRY team, then his credibility is very high.

Many explanations of the face have exposed a smile, apparent that the three professional players have greatly enhanced their confidence.

Although the organizer should be fair, fair, and the two sides of the game cannot be biased, but they will still support the European and American teams.

Kletian and Zhao Xunming under the stage did not be so optimistic.

Obviously, these explanations and professional players are predicted according to the performance of the Fry team.

After Cretan sent two data balancers to the FRY team, it did play. The two balancers have set up a new tactical program with the coaching group, so that the strength of the FRY team has improved a large trio.

Fry once again approving the opponent's opponent training game, of course, the opposite abuse can not be found.

Therefore, in these professional players, FRY was originally competed, and now the strength has a leap. This champion is of course ten tenth.

But knowing some of the FV team, Kletian and Zhao Xunming, but it is clear that it is definitely not so optimistic.

The strength of the FRY team is because the officially sent data analyst, then, there is no data analyst at the FV team?

Yes, and more than the FRY team is much higher!

So, after a week of training and preparation, what is the strength to the FV team now?

The blind self-confidence of these coaches and professional players is because they don't understand the true situation of the FV team, thinking that the FV team is still the level of the Fourth Race, there will be no big improvement.

Even if they all expand, what will the FRY team?

Zhao Ximing felt a little bad.


After all the people on the official analyst desk, it was only round to the explanation of the predicted FV team victory.

David a stall: "Ok, you can not deny that you are very reasonable, but the FV team is not optimistic from the beginning, isn't it?"

"Every team is pretending to be highly hoped before they are in battle, but they are recognized, but they become a weak team after playing with the FV team."

"The FV team can always take out some playing methods we have not seen, and they are more like a whole, there is no special dazzling super superstar, but if you look closely, you will find that each of them is very strong. They always appear in the place you should, do what you should do. "

"So I think the FV team will defeat Fry at 3: 0, and open the dynasty belonging to them."

A unconcerned prediction, David, David, you even think that the FRY team can get a small point from the FV hand? Fry is also a strong performance to the final, they are not What weak team. "

David nodded carefully: "Yes, I think so. Let us wait and see!"

After the warmth of the unconpected warmth, the equipment debugging work of both parties has finally completed, and the big screen is switched to the game screen of the game.

The three official explanations began to enter the formal race commentary.

"Hey, for the cursing of the big color in the Fourth, the two sides have no Ban, and there is no grab!"

"The chaos of the group is very popular, and the bad luck is also lost. It seems that both parties have found the way to this hero, not afraid to get it."

"The FRY team, BAN, the FV team played the three core heroes in the FV team, and the FV team also turned back to Ban for the essence of the other star players to show respect."

"The two sides did not follow the previously understood version of the popular hero to Ban."

"Well, the FRY team of the blue side will pick up, let us see their first hero choice ..."

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