The FRY team's team has a confused.

"There is no way to the opposite side, this ghost blacksmith is auxiliary, and the storm swordsman is full of midway and the wild!"

"What should I do? The storm swordsman eats two lines, and the passive of the ghost blacksmith will add money, add experience, he can fight five!"

"Is the middle road push column?"

"I can't push it. The storm swordsman can come back at any time. The next wave of tower will soon be clear, the middle circuit line is too deep, but it may be caught!"

"I am going to the road to press the lava tree, you don't have a problem!"

"Can you go to help you push or enter the wild area together?"

"No, I can't say it first, I can't catch it first, the storm swordsman wants to run, and then he is two people to brush the wild, brush so fast, how do you catch?"

"Auxiliary to travel?"

"No, the pressure is too pressure, can't open."

Fry members discussed several programs, but after studying, they found that they did not have a good way to the current situation!

I thought that the ghost blacksmith walked down, so Fry chose an officer, the result did not expect FV to shake the ghost blacksmith to the middle road, and the road is replaced with a strong aid.

In this way, the pressure on the road suddenly increases. If FRY is forcibly allowed to go to the swing, the pressure of the next road is unwilling, saying that it will be directly threaded.

I don't want to go in the road, the wind of the gods chase the lava tree hammer, and the online development is very comfortable. The wind of the gods to support the teammates, then it is equal to the arms of the ancient trees. This group of heroes have no pressure development. In case it is not successful, isn't it to play myself?

The god of the gods is originally a relatively unique hero. It is necessary to eat resources to eat Carry, certainly impossible.

FRY is more powerful, but it is not rushing to invade the FV in the early stage. After all, the level is low, and it is easy to make a big event. High level, it can be found after considering the invasion, the level of storm swordsman has already got up. If the second thing is two, it is really not necessarily to win.

Although the storm swordsman, although the priority is weak, as long as the economic and experience is the mappie artifact, and it itself is a hero who is very eating. Multi-segment movement makes him playing very flexible, and there is a ghost blacksmith as a nanny. against.

What's more, the storm sword passengers are originally FV's abscessive hero, and it is impossible to expect operational mistakes.

Thus, FRY fell into a powerless case.

Middle roads and wilderness is still a line, eating wild monsters, and has not been affected.

But the problem is that the development of the storm swordsman in FV is better!

It eats the middle road and the wild, there is an extra economies and experience, can this development?

Fry members also felt that the current situation was somewhat not, although they didn't have seen in the game, but the low-end bureau is still very common.

If it is really brushed by this storm, it is worthy of the ghost blacksmith. Fry, these heroes may not be a cut. As long as you are harvested by the storm swords, the equipment is crushing, and you will not play behind this game.

FRY team's internal voice began to get an amazing.

"No, we have to speed up, you can't make it so stable, otherwise there will be such a storm swords, we will not be better. Take the road!"

"OK, I will go down and go down."

Fry looked at it, I can only take the road to open the knife.

The ancient trees of the road lava are also controlled, and the three hits three hits in the tower are easy to turn into the car; the middle road is fundamentally can't see people, this storm swordsman will run, and it will never hit you; enter the wild area basically caught people.

So I want to want to go, or only take the road to open the knife.

Although the next way to FV is a strong combination, as long as the four packs of two are still supplemented properly.

Moreover, the FRY team played a careful eye, and the middle road deliberately pushed some soldiers, and immediately moved down.

FV, the storm, the storm, the swordsman, although there are many displacements rapidly, but if he eats the middle of the soldiers, he will definitely be late. If you don't eat soldiers, you will be very losing.

The ghost blacksmith and storm swordsman is a continuous baby, and it is impossible to go to the road to support, so this is all tied to the middle road, and it will not come in a short time.

As long as the FRY team has been dealt with well, it should be able to kill two people after two people.

Sure enough, everything is done in the expected script in FRY.

Storm swordsman really can't bear this big wave of experience and money, or return to the middle of the road. The Sino-FRY is touched by the time of the storm swordsman who touched the way, and directly decided to the FV's down-circuit Tower.

The FV team's next way is obviously mentally prepared. It is hard to eat soldiers before being packaged, and the supported assistance is delayed under the tower. Although the two people finally live in their lives, the soldiers are also almost harvested by the tower. The other party is also a state in which the injured tower is limited, and there is no small soldier.

The FRY team has a breath, and he is not dead, and the Tower is still unfinished.

However, I don't know who I shouted: "Go back to Middle Road!"

Before the road was fierce, the four people didn't have time to pay attention to the middle of the road. As a result, cut the perspective of the perspective, the storm swords will not plan to support the support, but in the fight against the defense tower!

The hands of the storm swordsman, waving, huge sword blade, cutting a large number of blood ribs every knife.

The storm swordsman is so popular at the low-end bureau, not just because it has many displacements, can harvest, can show, and a very important reason is that it can steal tower.

And this hero is very fast. If there is no one, the source is constantly moving, and it is estimated that this Tower will soon be cut off.

The middle road here quickly returned to the city and prepared to defensive midst.

The strategic status of the midway defensive tower is too important. If you have dropped so early, it means that the field of view will be restricted, and the wild area will fall, and the situation will be very passive.

After the storm swordsman saw the FRY's Middle Road back to the city, he crushed him under the tower, and then drilled the ghost blacksmith into the upper half of the wild area, and began to carry the wild monsters just refreshed in the FRY.

The FRY team's Wilderness is from top to bottom, so go to the road to Gank, the road is jealous just refreshed.

I have eaten so many resources, and the storm swordsman is almost a big one, and the wild monster is like a lawn mower, and the inches will not be born.

FV's strategic intentions are obvious, you have to grab the people of my other roads, just let it be, anyway, the lava tree and the shooter of the road are functional heroes, and it is still possible to play a few groups of groups.

You can catch people, and the storm swordsman will be crazy to dismantle the tower to eat wild monsters. Let's see who is more thanks.

Although the FRY team successfully killed the FV, the economy was still flat, but did not pull the gap at all, but the opposition is poor, it is getting more and more outrageous!

The eyes of the storm swordsman drilled into their own wild districts to eat full of effort, and Fry did not have a good way.

"Forget it, the upper half of the wild district let him eat, now I can't come, I have been eating in the next half of the wild area." Fry's Wildfield simply continued to brush the next half of the wild area of ​​FV.

"OK, I will go to the road again, we will catch them again." FRY is also agreed.

They now go to the storm swordsman, it is very likely to be shown, so the best choice is still going to the military training, push it out early, then put the defensive tower of the next road, then put the doubles to the middle road, and everyone will catch the storm swordsman.

FRY's placed : "What should I do?"

Wild, silenced a moment: "Take care of yourself."

Fry is speechless on the spot, say this to carry?

I chose an arms of the gods to play ancient trees. I was very comfortable. As a result, I didn't know why the team was going to play the next half, I was stocked again!

A Tianfei storm swordsman and ghost blacksmith are raging in the half wild district, and then with a controlled lava tree, FRY is very clear, as long as she is slightly unpacking, I have to be controlled directly to kill.

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