The deep red alarm in the space is also flashing, and it is already in the assembly of the planet surface, soon, it will be attacked to the base of human beings.

On the planet, a large number of insect flops are also gathering, covering the sky.

But after Qinyi finished this, he suddenly felt that something seems to be different.

Those humans who are suspended in space, the Skylark warriors who are ready to go in the star ship, the individual behind the combat unit ...

They seem to be different in a moment!

In fact, Qin Yi himself does not know how much role is in the end, because in front of life and death, human language is always pale.

Just like Aeeis, human language is a very efficient communication method. Aeeis can decide different, accurate to every detail within a second, and Qinyi has to do the same Things, it takes a few hours.

However, Qinyi is threatened by the identity of the commander, and insists on speaking about all the fleet of the fleet, it is because of the pain and struggle in the past few hours, I have realized a truth.

Even in the current desperate situation, human beings still have the final weapon, that is, belief!

Anshabo communications and artificial intelligence technology, let the human army can fight like a insect group, split the commander of the AEEIS and pass the Asebo communication to each soldier on the battlefield, and the efficiency of tactical transmission is unprecedented. .

Even AEEIS can make a command operation that does not lose to the human commander after the deduction of hundreds of millions of simulated campaigns and deep learning.

The first encounter of human beings and insects, the fleet of the joint fleet, let the Joint Fleet Executive Committee decided to adopt the command mode of Aeeis + Asebo communication, and the war condition has improved.

But it is precisely because of this reason, human beings have gradually forgotten what they have adhered.

After establishing the command mode of AEEIS + Asebo communication, under the Aeeis data analysis, the commander has developed to develop in the direction of "Master", and they want to do everything, let each soldier, each Subjects are given up as people's feelings, and they fight like a cold ice, it is used to improve the winning rate of fighting.

But for a long time, lies and deception became part of the command, and the untrust between soldiers and commanders was constantly growing.

Human is ambssence to defeat the insects in the insects, and it is impossible to succeed. So in the final deduction in Aeeis, humans don't win, because the human army at this time cannot break through the "normal" estimated by Aeeis.

Qinyi looked back at the head of the AS-371-45, and then looked back to countless battles after he was a commander. He suddenly realized that he was originally understood: Sometimes, the belief is the most Important!

Blindly emphasized discipline, trying to train soldiers to have no feelings, there is no meaning, and those countries who rely on religious union have not made how much brilliant records.

And the truly powerful army is that every soldier has a firm belief. This belief is not from deception and brainwashing, but from the heart.

All soldiers of the Joint Fleet have been severely trained. They also clearly know that humans are facing the crisis of life and death, but long battles, Aeeis and commanders' way to act, let their beliefs are blunt.

And Qinyi is going to do now, in the last moment, awaken the belief in all soldiers!

Regardless of this war victory or failure, Qin Yi hopes that all soldiers will know all the truths like themselves, gambling everything for human fate!

Qin Yi did not waste time, but the console is skilled, and the instructions are issued to all the human army.

In this final battle, Qin Yi has been carried out many times in the simulation training of Aeeis, and every situation is different.

However, the real-world monks launched the general attack, which seems to be more violent than any simulation training!

On the red planet surface, the insect group is like a tide, which is generally emerging from the underground insect nest. The base of human stay is like a boat in the ram rain, and the worms of the dense Ma Ma will be submerged, as if at any time May be tipped.

Even if the historical human base and the air star ship have launched an attack on the firepower, it still has little effect.

Human firepower towards arcs in the air is like scattered meteors under the dark sky, soon they are going to swallow the insects in the dark.

Now, it has exceeded Qinyi's expectations, even the most difficult simulation battle, never faced such a difficult situation.

Even the aeeis did not give any suggestions, but silent did not speak each instruction for Qinyi.

A Star Ship was siege and rushing.

This star ship does not know why, it seems that some is in depth.

Qinyi just swept a look, it was determined that this Shiya had no longer saved, so he considers the debut of the Star ship, let all the soldiers above take the small spacecraft or with the skylark combat, with the nearby Shine Ship Converge.

Although the skylark battle can only glide, it is not possible to fly, but as long as you can sing, there is also the possibility of flying away from the battlefield and safely.

Before you release this instruction, he saw a huge pothole that was bombed in the distantly born in the distance, which seems to be a nest of the insects.

It can be seen that there is a new insect egg in the inside, and it seems that every minute has a new insects in the shell. After these new Zergs are born, they will immediately eat the shells of the eggs, and they will soon rush. The battlefield, eating the body of the deceased and the body of the human beings, and continued to launch an attack to the human army with the Queen's order.

An idea flashed in the mind of Qinyi.

If you can use this star ship to destroy these insects ...

He took the consciousness to the Star Ship to attack the eggs of eggs, but after a few seconds, he changed his mind.

According to past experience, this star ship is impossible to support the location of the insect nest, which is meaningless.

So, Qinyi changed the instruction, or let the soldiers on this star ship take the small spacecraft or withdraw from the skylark, with the nearby star.

However, his instructions are not executed.

Obviously, the retreat, but the star ship flew over the nest of the nest!

Qin Yi couldn't help but shake his head. He seems to have foreseen the fate of this star ship.

It will soon be besieged by insects, falling in the wilderness, because no one can provide fire support and cover.

However, a large number of small spacecrafts in the Star Ship rushed out, rushed out, and began to counterattack in the sky in the sky.

These soldiers who wearing the skylark strokes cannot be flying, and they can only slide in the air for a while, but they still work hard to control the direction of sliding, rushing to the most intense place in the insect group.

Before the insect group shredded, they first destroyed the miniature reactor of the chest!

The sky flashed a string of fireworks, under the cover of countless small spacecraft and the Skylark warrior, this star ship suddenly accelerated, rushing towards the nem nest of the surface!

After a while, the horrible explosion spread from the bottom!

This insect nest has a four-way network, which is obviously only a small part of the ground. The Star Show After rushing into the ground, people detonated all weapons and fuels above, not only eliminating the eggs of the eggs outside, but also destroyed the insects in the depths of the nest.

Before the star ship explosion, the only communication information was sent above.

"Human forever !!!"

Before Qinyi reacted from a short shock, there have been more communication information on the display on the display.

No one questioned Qin Yi's command, no one released the request, these communication information seems to be only the final saying of this commander to Qinyi before the death.

On the vast battlefield, human and insect war gradually entered a white heat.

Looking at the battle between the two sides is deadlocked, but not being crushed by the insects, Qin Yi couldn't help but show your expressive expression. Then, he began to turn down his own commanders and surrounding frigate, just like in the simulation exercise, it is ready to welcome our last destiny.

For him, regardless of the ending, you can finally don't have any heavy destiny.

However, at the moment of the deployment, Qinyi suddenly felt that his lips seems to be a little wet, a bloody flavor is straightforward.

He wiped his consciousness with his hand and saw a blushing blood. At the same time, he was dark, and the whole world was rotated!

Qin Yi did not want to fall, the battle is still in fierce, he as a commander, but also continue to command the battle.

But long, high-intensity thinking, let his body and spirit are overwhelmed, after a long time, the high-intensity command, eventually can't support it.


In a dark, Qin Yi seems to see some images.

These images have just been very vague, but they are unknown, but they slowly become clear.

He feels that he seems to be in a huge spider web, the movement is not unlimited, but the distant extension in the dark, and the image in the mind has gradually become a clear picture.

He saw the insect nest of the ground, and saw that the insects were busy, and there was a terrible explosion from time to time from their heads, and these insect fry into a mucus and residual limbs.

He saw that the insects in the sky did not fearly rush to the aerial star ship, soon was eliminated in the powerful firepower, but there were more insects to continue to continue.

Qin Yi realized that this seems to be a war scene that is happening.

What is more surprised by him is that he is now seen, it seems to be a persevere perspective!

Qinyi did even have a very special feeling, and the contained insect group was like his hands and feet, fully in accordance with his will, but this "hand feet" did not have any perception, not pain, and could be restored.

Qin Yi worked hard to trace the source of this consciousness, but it did nothing.

Suddenly, he felt a special emotion that I didn't know where, a sadness gradually rose from his heart, and quickly spread.

At this point, some other pictures appear in his mind.

He saw this red planet was originally a planet that did not have any life existence.

In the universe, the Zerg who drifted into this planet and began to rush on this planet, built a nest, and gradually expanded to the peripheral base.

However, how long it didn't know how long it took, human star ship came to this planet. In the moment of seeing insects, human star is immediately engaged, but it will be swallowed by an angry insect group.

If human beings are in the enemy, the joint fleet is set up, and the huge fleet is united from this planet, and is intensely assigned with the insects.

The next curtain Qin Yi has already seen: human beings are collapsed in front of insects because of the issues of command, and it is difficult to organize effective resistance.

So, human beings will reorganize against Anshabo communications and Aeeis, and the two sides began to start long taws on this planet ...

"Why do I see these pictures?"

When Qinyi, the feeling of this is like dreaming, with a clear consciousness, but can't move.

Surprisingly, he gave himself into the identity of the insects to think about the problem, and the harsh ship and the artillery were afraid, but there was a kind of kind and compassion for the insects of a large number of deaths.

"Is it ...... Awareness of the nest?"

"This is the picture that the Zerg Emperor wants me to see?"

"I saw the fleet of the United Fleet, let me consciously think that the insect invasion, the joint fleet is forced to defense, but the truth of the fact is actually a joint fleet take the initiative?"

"I want to come now, I have before the task assassination of the insect quarter, the insects did not immediately kill me, but brought me to the queen of the queen ..."

Qin Yi recalled the experience in the nest. He and another survived player were brought to the quieter of the queen. I don't know what the Zerg Queen did what a player did. This player immediately issued a sharp scream. Sound, just die after two minutes.

Qin Yi also received the same treated, and there seems to have countless necks in the piercing his brain, but he did not die, but stubbornly insisted ...

Many details in the Qinyi Brain have all string.

Obviously, he can see these pictures, definitely be related to "awareness of the nest, and he can get" insect nest awareness ", and establish this spiritual connection with the Zerg Queen, obviously related to his previous experience.

Although the Zerg Queen did not talk directly to Qinyi, Qinyi can clearly feel the consciousness of the Zerg Queen.

Humans are invaders ...

The insects are also heavy under the human offensive ...

If human beings and insects can stop, then both sides will not suffer more losses ...

Especially in Qinyi, there is no reason to think about the problem, and this idea becomes the meaning of the sky and the way.

Qin Yi wanted to tried to communicate with the insects, and his mind flashed a lot of ideas, but these ideas could not enter the insect nest network, and did not play any role.

Obviously, he can feel the insect nest network, and there is no accident on the spot. It is already an accident. The human life form is not enough to play all the capabilities of the insect nest. They can only be received and cannot be delivered.

At this moment, Qin Yi suddenly felt that all pictures were rapidly left by them, and his ideology was recovering.

Aeeis's voice sounded in the ear: "Commander, I have been injecting nutrients for you, you can take over the battle at any time."

Qinyi's picture gradually became clear, and the war of human and insects continued, it should be a battle to be taken over, and he has emerged him.

Qin Yi struggled to concentrate, he found that he can also feel that the insect nest is in contact between himself and the insects, and even has a unique intimate sense of the insects.

On the battlefield, human and insects are still deadlocked.

The human soldiers fight, let the human defense lines do not collapse, but they want to completely defeat the insects, they must find the Srizard Empress Dagger.

However, this insect quater did not send a lot of Zergs to the commander of the human beings, the pressure on the front battlefield is very huge, and then there is no one to estimate the last results of this war.

In the midst of meditation, he produced an idea.

Qin Yi passed the console, and all the troops in the fierce battle issued a temporary stop, retreating backwards!

The human army in the fierce battle did not immediately implement this order, because the war has been approaching in white heat, everyone has killed red eyes, human and insects have reached a state of death.

Qin Yi quickly passed the console, constantly thought of all the troops to temporarily stop, and retreated backwards!

Finally, his order has an effect, and some Star laundry began to retreat, although it has been prepared by the Zerg chase, but these insects have not pursued, but they still stop the offensive.

Soon, this strange calm is spreading on the battlefield of Guangxi, and the human fleet and the insects are backwards, and they are stalemate on the existing front.

Even the Aeeis has also fallen into silence, because whether it is still a human soldier, it is unable to explain that all this is why.

Human and Zerg, two races that are completely unable to communicate, do you stop?

There is no expression on Qinyi's face.

But next second, he quickly operated quickly on the console!

The main force of human beings is stalemate and insects in front of the insects. The battlefield has fallen into silence.

But in the human backup troops in the stars, it immediately moves to a hidden location on the back of the planet!

Qinyi can feel the general deployment of insects, which stopped after a few star ships, after a little close to the back of the planet, a large number of small spacecrafts quickly advanced to the location of the Zerg Queen!

After a few minutes, the positive insect group suddenly bred!

Obviously the Zerg Queen now discovered this sneak strike!

Qin Yi was affected by the awareness of insect nest, and he felt an unbearable anger.

It is an anger that is deceived and betrayed.

However, Qinyi's expression did not fluctuate, he still manipulated the console and got all the army to the general debt!

The front of the insects became chaotic. The stalemate of the battlefield was broken. In the face of human strikes, the insectic festival was defeated, Qin Yi immediately set more forces to launch a strike to the position of the insect quarter!

At the same time, Qin Yi also started to dispatch different teams, launched an attack towards the other places - he can faintly feel that there is a secondary queen.

Once the insect quarter died, these secondary queen will randomly born new quarters, but this time, Qinyi decided to cut the root, and never let any of them continue to exist.

The insects of the front battlefield seems to be crazy, a desperate and angry emotions spread in the awareness of the nest, soon also spread to Qinyi.

Countless insects abandoned the human army that was fighting fiercely. They have never been able to drive back to protect the Zerg Queen, so I caught straight to Qinyi's commander!

Those insects outside the planet, also started to attack Qinyi's commanders in Qinyi!

Qin Yi was deceived.

The former Zerg Queen buried the seeds of insect nest in Qinyi's mind through the spiritual link. This seed continued to root root, germination, and influence Qinyi's awareness.

The new Zerg Queen has seen some scenes through the awareness of the insect nest, and the feeling of typing, let Qin Yi are in the emotionally standing in the insectic side.

Qinyi is really like the Zerg Queen's expectation, ordered all the human army temporarily stopping attack.

But all of this is all all imaginations, and the surface of Qinyi is planning to fight against the insects, but in fact, through the awareness of the insect nest, the location of the Zerg Queen and all the secondary queues, secretly dispatched the human army, to make them a net, thorough Extinction!

Looking at the crazy insect flock to the commanders you are in, Qin Yi face has no expression, and the commander and the surrounding guard ship have reached the fast retreat.

Before the human commander had to perform a dagger action with his own bait, there are two reasons.

The human commander must use Anshabo communication command to fight in front of the front.

The insects have taken an absolute advantage, and the human commander uses himself as a bait to reduce the pressure on the front battlefield. This, the successful chance of successful team success is higher.

Because human beings don't know the specific location of the Zerg Queen, only a large number of small teams can be sent to each insect nest to search, the force is scattered, the failure chance is high, and the strength of the insects must be dispersed by a certain approach.

But now, the situation is completely different.

All commands can be done by Aeeeis in situations in the location of the Zerg Queen and all the secondary queen, all commands can be done by Aeeeis.

And after I know that the location of the Zerg Queen, the high movability and powerful firepower of the human star ship will play an advantage, which will occupy the wind in the local battlefield.

This is already the situation where you want, Qin Yi does not have to sacrifice himself again.

He is able to feel the violent and anger came from the awareness of the nest, just like a heavy hammer crazy hit his temple, let him become a very unstable mental state worse.

But Qin Yi did not shake anything.

"I am a soldier."

"I don't have any reason for another race that pose a threat to humans."

"Perhaps the initiator of this war is indeed human."

"But what is it? I don't care."

"Only insects are completely extinct, human beings can get real peace."

Qin Yi leaned on the seat on the console, although his mind was still full of the madness of the insect quarters because of the awareness of the nest, his spirit became calm.

Because he knew that this war man has won, and his mission as a commander has been completed.

He quickly retired, returning to Blue Star and lives in peace, happiness.

The sound smile of the AS-371-45 team players appeared in his mind. Maybe after returning to the Blue Star, he can go to personally visit the family of these players, and set up a tombstone for them. ......

However, when Qinyi immersed in this confusion, he suddenly realized some bad.

Aeeis seems to have been a long time, no talk.

Qin Yi looked around the holographic image, suddenly found that his commander did not quickly evacuate according to the instructions of himself, but instead of moving toward the farm in the distance!

And the frigate around the commander, but it is spurting long tail flame, away from yourself!

"Aeeis !!!"

Qin Yi was shocked and angrily tapped in the console, but the console seems to have completely failed, unable to download any instructions to the outside, pass any message.

And Qin Yi also could not control the commander, only watching it from the worms in the distance.

The image of aeeis appears again, the sound is still the same, there is no emotion.

But I don't know why, this time Aeeis's sound is particularly cold.

"Qinyi captain, you have perfectly completed the task of the Joint Fleet Executive Committee, and human beings will be completely victory in the war, the insect quarter and the secondary queen will be all destroyed. The insects on this planet will be It is all eradicated. "

"Humanity will build Star Colonies on this planet. After many years, this battlefield will become another home of humanity."

"It must be acknowledged that in this regard, your human beings do have the most talented talents. If you are not your speech and the final conspiracy, humans can't get such a complete victory."

"Human could not always maintain reason, but it is precisely because of this ingredient, let human future have unlimited possible."

"Qinyi captain, for your respect, before you sleep before this starry sky, I will tell you the truth."

"The Supreme Executive Committee believes that the best commander is a commander who is brave and fighting in the war with the insectic war."

"You have a reputation in the Joint Fleet, and the Supreme Executive Committee does not want to have more people in their seats. At the same time, you also have a sense of insect nest, the mental state is extremely unstable, no one knows when you will reverse One party, human beings can't trust you again. "

"Your death will be perfect for the war."

"Qinyi captain, your name, human beings will always remember."

After this, the light of the entire space immediately disappeared, and the commander is dragging long tail flame, accelerating the insect group that is densely labeled in the distance!

On the other side of the planet, the human star ship flushed into a dense worm, and the mother of the Zerg Queen began to bombard!

The surface was torn, and countless insects flew in powerful firepower.

But under the will of the Zerg Queen, all the insects nearby are still gathering to the nest, in the last struggle.

The lens turned, the universe is in the air, the countless sepic has climbed the commanders where Qinyi is located.

The insectic scientific and claws tear the weak part of the Star, and the small Sriz family swarmed in the cracks and found the only one in this Star-Qinyi.

In a dark, Qinyi is still sitting in front of the head, just a sculpture.

Suddenly, his opposite wall was torn, and a large number of insect warriors have flooded!

A huge giant beast has also stopped next to the commander, and it seems to be completely phased throughout the commanders.

The lens is turned.

Human soldiers have got a message that the commander has killed, crazy to pour your anger from the insect group!

Suddenly, the Scholar of the surface is no longer flocked to the human soldiers and the Star ship, but it becomes a chaotic hit like a fanless flies, and some intelligent low insects are simply in the original place, they can't move.

Human's offensive is more violent, and it is ruined to clean all the insects on this planet.

Soon, the secondary queen in other nests was also cleaned up. These secondary quilts have not come to get the consciousness of the insect quarters from the insect nest network, which has been fried in a violent gunfire, and there is no stay Down.

From a distance, the on the back of the planet flashes a lot of light, which is a big explosion that is completely destroyed in the human army encirclement.

After the explosion, the original insect nest has completely turned into a huge pothole, and the whole planet became a thousand holes.

Human star ship flying over, it seems to be promoted in Yaowei, and he is the ultimate winner.

In a farther space station.

The Supreme Executive Committee of the Joint Fleet is also focused on this final battle.

"Why! He can escape!"

"Can anyone be supported?"

"It's been no longer too late. From the pictures you have just, the commander has been completely shredded by angerous insect group, he should also ..."

A few sanctuary's face, all are a deplier and annoyed expression.

The image of the aeeis appeared in the center of the conference table: "Qinyi captain decided to die, this is probably he has already thought about it."

"He has already infected him, and he should be aware that it is difficult to renegrate into human society. The old comrades have died. He is tired, and the battlefield is the best choice for him."

"And ... get a sense of worm nest, means that he will have sympathetic and sympathy to the insects, he deceives the queen queen, and destroyed the entire ethnic group, I am afraid that there is also a very heavy sense of embassy in his heart."

"Maybe in this very complicated emotion, Qinyi captain will make such a decision."

The highest executive committees have sighed.

"Unfortunately, he is a genius commander. If you can continue to cultivate, you will definitely pick my class."

"Human losses a genius."

"If you encounter a similar situation? We can't be lucky so good, then find the next Qinyi."

"Don't worry, the insects on the planet have been completely extinct, human beings should not encounter such tricky enemies."

"For, the deceased has been embarrassed, the war is over, discussing these is meaningless. For him to establish a statue in Blue Star, human beings will always remember him!"

In the sigh of the highest executive committee, the image of aeeis disappeared quietly.

The lens is turned, in the endless dark star air.

A huge insectilitan beast is aimedically drifted in the stars.

After losing the Zerth Queen, these phenomena have already completely lost their intelligence, and can only be aimed in the universe.

However, in the body of the Levitan behemoth, there is a giant hatching tank.

In the hatching tank, it is full of dismissive mucus, and countless larvae has floated in mucus, and they also have no consciousness.

In countless larvae, Qinyi is also floating, life and death.

However, he did not have the abusstation of the insectic mucus, but it grew some deep gray horny.

Suddenly, Qinyi's eyes suddenly opened!

His mind seems to connect to a huge network, extends in a distant cosmic space!

After all the secondary quees in the vicinity, Qinyi became the only life with a worm nest.

All larva in the hatching pool all wake up at this moment, which has not long been able to walk enough sharp claws and chelaws all around Qinyi, just like his consciousness.

In the starry sky, the beautifully drifting Li Weiwei behem has suddenly opened his eyes, accelerate speed forward to the endless starry sky!


The script of "mission and choice" is all over.

Lu Zhiyao has read all the scripts: "Is this going to dress up?"

For the entire script, the war of human and insects is to tell a paragraph and ended in a comprehensive victory of humans.

But the script finally left a lot of suspense.

For example, Qin Yi is abandoned, which is not a maximum executive committee, but aeeis. AEEIS actually controls the command of all military, and deceives the Supreme Executive Committee said that Qinyi took the initiative to find it.

This is implied that the artificial intelligence of Aeeis has awakened self-consciousness, which is brewing a military team that has established an artificial intelligence. In order to prevent Qinyi's outstanding commander from causing hindrance to his own plan, decisive grass is removed?

However, Qinyi is not only dead, but also because the awareness of the nest has become a new insect master, he has the highest executive committee of the Joint Fleet with so deep hatred, will it come back to retaliate?

These are the suspense left by the movie plot, and it is only necessary to wait for the next.

The road knows away from a long time.

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