Phil Simmus talked in the show, with the other three big talks, laughing, fully exchanged with an equal attitude. The stalks thrown out of the other party, Phil can catch firmly, completely do not have a court.

Not only that, Phil is often ridiculed, speaking a few paragraphs, causing the audience laughing at the scene.

But in the selection stage, it really developed as everyone expect: Phil is not a powerful apprentice.

"Successful" has passed the sea election, and it is a person who has become a superhero, but these people still have only a few of the favor of the judges.

At the on-site selection, the main tasks of the entrants are impressions to the judges and on-site audience. The way to leave an impression is a variety of ways: it may be good appearance, it may be a special talent or skill, or there is a good story.

Some people who have an elegant, ask people, if there is a favorite face, and there is a very special talent and skill, then the possibility of adopting the tutor is greatly increased.

Of course, if there is no, but it happens to have a more complicated life, causing the audience's sympathy, let him get a special label, then it is equally possible to get the favor of the instructor.

In the first episode, all excellent participants were basically completed by the other three guides, the worst also grabbed an apprentice, and only the team of Phil Simmons or no one was empty.

So after the first episode is broadcast, it immediately causes a very large heat on the network.

Some people think that Phil does not have the qualifications of the mentor in this program, and the attitude towards this festiveness; and another part believes that Phil is not good, and the other judges are not falling down, in discussion Some professional issues are also the head, this shows that Phil is still capable.

What's more, Phil does not have any advertisements for their own real estate business in the program. He is not known, not for the benefit, and that the game is estimated to be far from his price, that is, he participates This program is estimated to be a versatile attitude of a game life.

Also revealed those apprentices, I didn't see the flash point on Phil, but still regard him as a rich second generation, and even the program group is intended to make the Phil "sell" to make the heat, it is too Too much!

The two sides are noisy on the Internet, which has triggered a hot discussion.

Behind this there are many sounds, it is clear from the support and authority behind Phil.

In extremely high heat and topics, "successor" continues while shooting while broadcasting.

In the second episode, Phil finally got the first apprentice, he was very happy, and the black apprentice embossed is warm and promised to let him enter the top five of this draft.

On the Internet, it is a hot discussion, saying that the Phil is in boasting the Haikou, saying that this tutor is not worthy of apprentices.

Other three tutors are also ridiculed in this program, and even a tutor is joking and saying that Phil is now returning. But Filcher is completely unbearable, but always confident that he has confidence to lead the apprentices to win the team's victory.

Soon, the first part of the "successor" is overcast.

The team of the four mentors is full, and the team of other three mentors looks very luxurious, and the opposite Phil is very cold: most of the credentians join the second half, and all other mentor Less than the type, the scene audience also responded flat, and even the last two vacancy, the program group had to temporarily open the resurrection, and two people who were eliminated were selected for the Phil's team.

For the next team, all the audience do not look at the Phil's team. In the random questionnaire survey made by the TV station, more than 70% of the audience believe that the team of Phil will inevitably be the last one, think that Phil is The team can get almost no previous two.

But all the spectators don't know that this is all a good script.

The second part of the "successor" is a team game led by four instructor, and the competition is divided into four forms:

The first kind, a speech debate. A topic is given by the program group. This topic is often concerned with high hot problems, mostly related to the superhero.

Dear tutors lead their team to prepare, live speeches and follow the opposite attitude team to debate, and determine the victory according to the persuasion of the audience.

The superhero has the group represented by his own, and has its own claims and programs, often speaking, and the form of this team is the ability to test apprentices.

The second, formulate a rescue plan. A specific scenario is given by a program group, such as a group of gangsters hijacked hostages, and develops a rescue plan by apprentices.

However, they don't need to personally save people, but by professionals in accordance with the rescue plan.

Super heroes often participate in similar rescue actions, but they can't be a brain, which may cause huge damage to the city, or make greater damage to the city.

The superhero with brains is more popular, and the form of this team is the ability to test the disciples in this regard.

The third, fighting ability test. A specific physical challenge level is given by a program group, including the body confrontation between the group, see which group is better.

Although the superhero needs a brain, the necessary physical quality and fighting skills are essential. A superhero that "can play" will make the public more secure, there will be no "this superhero in the waste of super power".

The fourth, large comprehensive test.

This test often contains a number of aspects, and the captain of various teams requires a comprehensive assessment of the program group after the captain of each team.

These four tests are gradual, and the program group records the preparations of each team, and gives the key characters to more lenses, gradually making the public, and like these future, it is possible to become superhero.

In this process, the instructive guidance must be degrees, not big bags, all the package, which will grab the audience's head, so that the disciples who have no face have selection in the next love. Come; you can't completely sprinkle, otherwise it may cause the team to live or lose.

In short, the team like the election show is like a preview in the future work of the superhero.

The first episode of the team game is indeed, like everyone expects, the Phil's team is painful in the competition of other teams.

The number of lens to the Phil team is also the least, which makes the audience a description: It seems that Phil didn't do anything, and his team is also useless as him, soon will be lost. Come.

So, for the Phil's discussion once again.

But immediately, the second episode of the Phil team seems to be new, and the second place is obtained in excellent performance.

However, this program group is still the least the number of lens of the Phil team, leading to a lot of information in many preparation processes, which triggered the dissatisfaction of the audience.

The audience thinks that the program group can't afford the team of Phil, did not pay attention to them, giving more lenses to another group, causing the Phil team to achieve good results, but did not be treated fair.

So, in the competition of the third episode of the team, the program gave the Phil team more lenses, this audience can see the entire process of the Phil team ready.

Phil Simmons played a very important role in the preparation process, he constantly encouraged the confidence of the apprentices, hintting and dialing them, did not directly put the plan to the apprentices, but through a more inspirated Sexual way, let them think of a relatively perfect plan.

The original disciplines suddenly became highly fighting, not only the team trust rose a grade, but it became a whole from the original, and their personal ability seems to be big.

Thus, Phil is to reverse the word-of-mouth and arms in the show.

Many people have changed the impression of Phil, and there have been more dimensions on his evaluation:

He is a flower son, rich second generation, a born in the end of many people, people are envious and embarrassing;

He is a true person, and there is no difference between the twitter's mouth, the like, the young people who like to be poor, make people feel very grounded;

He has a high degree, and he has opened a company. It is very good. In his age, this shows that he has a high level and achievement in business, not only smart and effort;

What is the most eye-catching, he has a lot of problems to see a lot than the average person. In the "successor" program, he is not only talking to other three mentors, but also strategically, leading a team of tissue. Victory, the level is completely related to the same level.

Of course, for Phil's questioning is still existed, and it is growing.

But supporting Phil's voice is more growing, and the question of questioning is completely covered.

After all, Phil's performance has conquered many people, those who questioned Phil, it is easy to be "red eye disease", "Qiu Fu" and "LOSER mentality".

After the show, the Black guy in the Philhouse team got the second place with the final excellent performance.

Fiier said before, let him take the top five commitments to fulfill, and it is over.

On the show, the black guy is Deddy, and the tears are profitable, but Phil is just a smile and said: "This is your own efforts, I just help you dig out your potential."

This allows the audience to feel that the Philini people have some side, innocent, "mentor" title.

After the show, the program group and several large brokerage companies have been arranged to show that several apprentices were arranged as a superhero, and the scenery was not two.

Many people are crazy, think that Phil will also take this opportunity as a superhero.

But Phil sent a twenty, saying that this show is completely up, and there is no idea of ​​superhero.

After this, Phil did not participate in any topic related to super hero, and attracted the audience.

But they don't know, Phil's first stage plan has been successful.

Although he did not take a high hero, he got a very high attention, and successfully reversed the public for his impression: from a rich second generation that did not have a ride with superheroes, becomes a superhero Aspect, professional content, such as a realistic industry, industry.

Next, Phil also waits for a better opportunity to continue to implement the next plan.

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