Phil is standing in a perfect location: the location of the proceeds.

Because he has no interests with the super hero, it is entirely the point of view of the emperor in the point of view of Jiangshan, so Phil is no flaw. The people also support and encourage this behavior. Other super heroes are not happy, want to give Phil some lessons, and also care about the impact on the public.

In this way, the whole ten months have passed.

Phil is a fan accumulated in the "successor" program, which is perfectly transformed into a personal fan, a large number of people really believe that Phil is a person with true realism.

Everyone knows that Phil has a school, but which superhero has no ahead and broker? There is a very normal thing, most people still believe in the ability of Phil.

Ten months later, Phil finally waited for an opportunity.

This time, the black apprentice in the "successor" was in the process of performing the task, because the misunderstanding of the strength of the criminal is, being seriously injured than him more powerful super criminals, coma is not awake.

As the Black Apprentice Tutor's Phil, it can be said that this apprentice is a leader, and his evaluation of this matter naturally has a pivotal position in the public.

Phil first went to the hospital to see this black apprentice, his sad expression makes people move. In this moment, the barriers between the white and the black, the rich and civilians seemed to be broken, and everyone only saw the sincere feelings between an instructor and his apprentices.

Phil saw the girlfriend of this black apprentice, sent a lot of precious gifts as condolences, and very generously expressed the medical expenses of this black apprentice.

The girlfriend of the black apprentice is deeply moved, and the black apprentice and her daily trivial events are in front of her.

Black apprentice is very strong, and believes that Phil has a grace of everyone. Before every task, he will ask himself: If it is a Phil tutor encountered this situation? After each completion task, he will ask himself whether it is successful, if it is a Phil Tutor encountered this situation, will there be better ways?

Finally, the girlfriend of the black apprentice said a famous superhero predecessor: the greater the ability, the bigger responsibility, I hope that Phil can become a superhero, really make their own contribution to this world.

Phill is silent, but he did not immediately gave a reply, but he had to consider it, then announce his decision on the twitter.

Two days later, Phil sent a twenty that motivated people.

He said that his life is relaxed and is willing to work for himself. Become a superhero, it means that he wants to give up his media company, but also give up the life of freedom, this is a huge sacrifice for him.

But then, his words turned.

Now, the successors of the World Captain becomes ambiguous, and the superhero system that the people lead to proud is gradually walking down.

Those famous super heroes are drunk in fame and fortune, getting more and less concerned about the life of ordinary people, but they are in high positions, but they have been completely separated from the bottom of the people;

The Super Hero Association has gained a massive business value in the superhero. They are more and more keen on stars, packaging, and eliminate negative news. They often deceive the people, because the stupid arrangements have caused many ordinary people to be injured because of crime;

There are also ordinary people who have become a superhero, which is empty, and there is no powerful strength, no powerful strength, unable to change the status quo.

Phil said in the twitter, although it became a huge sacrifice that he became a superhero, he has been enough to have a superhero, and it has been suffering enough to have the suffering caused by this city. He decided to come forward and became a superhero and changed the status quo.

I hope that all the people can support him, reappearing with him, reducing the crime rate, saving the tragedy of the future, so that the superhero returns to the right track.

This tweet immediately triggered a warm response, and he took the first stage directly to get the power of the superhero.

Phil's behavior has caused the Alert of Superhero Association. For associations, Phil is an uncertain factor. They are worried that Filcher will make greater damage to the existing system after entering the association, so there is no to Phil. Invitation, but excuses the "Association stipulates" to refuse him.

In this regard, Phil is not asked.

For the general superhero, the addition of the Super Hero Association is the only choice, because no addition means that there is no known, no exposure, no task, and it is difficult to contact Golden Lord to provide the next stage for yourself. Campaign fund.

But Phil does not need this, adding a superhero association to him.

So, Phil chose to become a "unique man". He is free to pass the entire superhero system, only encountering that 100% will succeed.

Not only that, Phil has also continued to buy a criminal by the middleman, and the action plan of the criminals in advance and perfectly stopped the crime.

Because most of the tasks to be executed are not dangerous, the small part is arranged, and there is no unknown task that is forcibly allocated like other heroes. The success rate of Phil performs the task.

Whenever Phil has successfully implemented tasks, he will arrange your media company and relationship with good TV stations, and he will also disclose some details in the motion of our fans on the high frequency of the twice.

And, Phil is a great article around himself, there is no article, so there are three benefits:

First, you can create a kind of feeling of "volunteering", which is even more independent than those who become a superhero in order to fame and fortune.

Secondly, he can participate in some incidents with high difficulty, low success rate, unwilling to shoot, and fans will not question him pick and pick, after all, not in the Super Hero Association, I can't learn more about various events, Phil can Say that I know this incident;

Finally, he can set out the exterior to evaluate some incidents who have not participated, while free to complete some events. In this way, both the mouth of the person who said "you are doing you" is not to be born because of his unable to control the incident.

So, Phil took this way to continue to accumulate famous, and in the fans, he is a superhero that truly, faith, and feels, the only problem is that there is not enough supporter, so Phil The super power is limited, and it is impossible to do some bigger careers.

The Super Hero Association has made Phil's "embarrassing, presupposition and obstruction", so that Phil has suffered unfair treatment, and many fans will be uniform, and fans become more and more trend.

But Phil is well known, such a state is impossible to continue.

I have continuously hit the Porcelain Superhero Association, and one day will trigger the resentment of the superhero. He must enter the next stage as soon as possible to get a more powerful force.

So he entered the third stage and prepared himself as a master of superhero and began to prepare for the superhero campaign.

After the Phil is released, many super heroes are nasal. Because Phil's qualifications are completely insufficient to participate in this level of campaign.

Other superheroes often have to accumulate more than two to three years before they can begin to prepare the election of the superhero, but Phil is obviously too fast, and the foundation is not strong.

In other superheroes, Phil wants to participate in the superhero campaign, get more people's support and more powerful super powers, there are three very difficult problems:

First of all, there is no big consortium will provide a campaign fund. Of course, Phil can save money to act as a campaign, this is relatively better resolution.

Secondly, because Phil did not join the Super Hero Association, it was not possible to conduct public speeches, debate. His name is nominated, but this nomination is just a symbolic meaning, because there is no debut, it is difficult to get the number of votes.

Finally, Phil did not have a very clear representative group. Groups of minority, across sex, foreign immigrants have already had their own representative heroes, and Phil's image is incompatible with the appeal of these groups. Only by his fans, even if the combat power is strong, it is nothing more than one person, and it will be eliminated at most.

Therefore, most of the superhero, and even organizational superhero election activities, the official of the Election activities, I think this is another performance of the Philberry eye, did not put this matter at all.

But soon, they found themselves: Phil obviously has already considered these problems.

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