Meng Chang stunned, he thought that he opened his rabbit-tailed way.

What's happening here?

According to the urine between other live broadcasts, should not be a small sister wearing a rollove, hot pants, is a gift? Or, at least a popular game's anchor is in the fierce battle?

As a result, the home page of the rabbit tailed is an old professor in the lecture.

This special ...

Meng Chang fell in a time, completely missed this.

Look at the barrage of Professor Kong Zhemin.

"Is it in the course?"

"This is the big price of the price!"

"Professor is really good, deeply shallow, I can understand this."

"Don't make a chaotic seven-eight scratches, listen carefully!"

"The original rabbit live is not just a live broadcast platform, or a learning platform?"

"Love is love, and the propaganda of the rabbit-tailed live broadcast is coming, I said why I will launch a AOE attack throughout the live industry!"

"Rabbit live broadcast is totally different from other demon gaps!"

Looking at the discussion on the barrage, Meng Chang suddenly became "", it feels nothing.


Dedicated by the quarter!

Meng Chang is a smart person. After seeing the content of the live broadcast, contact the viewer's feedback and the direction of the propaganda film, and immediately understand what is going on.

At present, the live broadcast of rabbit is just on the test stage, because there is not much propaganda, so there are not many people. In order to spend more money, Yu Qian has more than enough, so watching is very smooth, there is no phenomenon.

The rabbit tail is not fake, so the popularity of each live broadcast looks very cold, the live broadcast of Professor Kong Zhemin is so many people, while the number of other live broadcasts is less, some only one audience And even some live broadcasts are directly zero.

But at the same time, the atmosphere of these live broadcasts is very good.

There is a bit in the live broadcast of other live broadcasts, and the bar is really large, and the whole screen is full of label, but it will find that there will be fishing in these brazies. If there is anti-stroke, there is automatic reply, War ...

The environment can be said to be black smoking.

However, the labeling of rabbit-tailed bullets is very good. Because all left, they are interested in the content of Professor Kong Zhemin, and facing such a highly expected old professor, most people will not have The idea of ​​fishing or tanging, the barrage environment is naturally a lot.

In other words, although the live broadcast of the rabbit is very rampant, there is no big big anchor, and the data looks very bleak, but it has a unique advantage that it is the content of the live broadcast and a good barrage environment!

In this way, the content of the propaganda film is fully understood.

The surface of the rabbit-tailed live broadcast is a full live industry all Aoe, and the irony will read the live broadcast. If you can't learn something, the last is nothing.

But in fact, the deep purpose of this promo is highlighting the difference between rabbit-tailed live broadcast and other live broadcast platforms!

Look at live broadcast in other live platforms, it is really uncomfortable, you can't learn something, because most of the live broadcast is games and beauty, and it is simple entertainment. Moderate viewing can relax, but if it is fascinated, it will definitely waste time.

But the live broadcast of rabbits is different, and there is a very rich course content.

Of course, the intensity of these courses is definitely less than learning in colleges and universities. In order to let ordinary people can understand, most of the young lecturers and professors will choose the most easy-to-understand knowledge to explain, understand that there is nothing difficult, nature will not be particularly high.

But the content is also stronger than pure entertainment.

Even if these are very primary content, at least the audience can at least expand their knowledge, it is beneficial.

It is also important to say that people are actually known.

Most people are disgusted, mainly because learning is often accompanied by hard exam requirements, often to pay more efficient but boring teaching methods.

And Professor Kong Zhemin's live broadcast of the rabbit is more close to the son forum or the public class. The content is not so deep, obscured, and it is also very payable in the process of lectures, so it will not cause the audience. The displacement.

A lot of knowledge sciences and the IP owners on the Ai Lili website are hot enough to prove that ordinary popularity is naturally known as the knowledge.

Moreover, in the live platform, this itself is already particularly special. Some people don't understand, they will be curious and fresh. I will take a while.

So, it turns into the current situation.

Meng Chang is a smart person, soon aware of the situation.

His situation is very bad!

Although from the current live data, the heat of the rabbit tail is not high, but this time does not see simple data!

The first day of the rabbit tailed, the most successful place lies in a unique, enough special impression that everyone has a unique and special impression.

Through the content of the propaganda film and the rabbit live, the live broadcast of the rabbit is bound to the "knowledge live platform". Many people have heard the live broadcast of the rabbit, and they will think of various courses above.

In this way, it is equivalent to the essence of the live platform, it is completely confident from the positioning!

Therefore, even the live broadcast of rabbits is low, the number of real people look very poor, live content is not rich enough, but it is not complete.

Because it has already running different tracks with other live platforms, there is no need to use other live broadcast platforms to measure yourself!

"It's over, it is good!"

"Being quarter counts!"

Meng Chang also expected this propaganda film to give him a high commission. Now it seems that the high commissions of a hammer are definitely not played!

This propaganda film is too fit with the live broadcast of the rabbit. It is said that "Don't watch live broadcast, watch live broadcast", but actually in impressing "If everyone is going to watch live," Live, you can learn to know "!

Of course, this is definitely not the intention of Meng Chang.

But from the current situation of the rabbit, everyone will understand it. Even if this is not the original meaning of Meng Chang, his original intention has been completely distorted and misunderstood!

As for why the situation happens now ...

Is that still use it?

In addition to the summary, who has such a big energy?

Meng Chang recalled himself to find the propaganda film to find the summary scene. I only remember that I didn't say that I didn't say it directly to the board. I didn't even propose any modified opinions accepted this promo.

At that time, the total face seems to have a touch of smile.

Meng Chang I didn't know what the smile represents, but now, the total smile is obviously with some mocking.

That is already arranged everything, and the strategic smile!

Meng Chang realized that this small abacus in his heart was clearly considered to be a clear. The most fascinating thing is that how is the thoughts to guess the ideas in his heart?

This situation has two possibilities.

The first, the summons have already intended to broadcast the live broadcast platform in this way, and in advance, Meng Caspel will propagate, everything is expected in the total;

The second, there is no very clear plan for the content of the rabbit tailed, and after seeing Meng Chang's propaganda film, he will see the recruitment, temporarily, to make live broadcast platforms in the live broadcast platform. .

These two possibilities are very horrible to Meng Chang!

This doesn't mean that you are really like a grandchildren. Every time I thought I have already run enough far, but still can't escape from the palm of the Buddha?

More terrible is that Meng Chang feels that the second possibility is in fact.

Because live is clearly one of Tengda's core business, it can be used to link games, with GPL and other series of Tenda's business, according to the personality of the balance, the live broadcast of the rabbit is definitely an emphasis and preparation for a long time.

Such a project, how can it be light from temporary, change the original direction, and make a knowledge live platform?

Toors play, do not meet the story of always run a styles.

Meng Chang felt that should not be so bored, just to change the entire business model and development direction of such core live broadcasts in order not to give himself high commission.

Therefore, the first possibility will be bigger!

At the beginning, I have already thought about the live broadcast of rabbits into a different knowledge live broadcast platform, and the Meng Chang will give a "special" prominent film under the high-commissioned interest driver.

In other words, this is mostly in the total plan!

Meng Chang feels cold and chestnut.

This month's commission is not just a small thing, losing tens of thousands of dollars, the key is that the subsequent commission?

If your propaganda programs have been counted by the summary, each response promotion eventually played a great propaganda effect, is it not to take the poor Baba's basic salary for a lifetime?

True to work for ten years for the total white?

Meng Chang felt that he couldn't think about it anymore, and then I wanted to collapse on the spot.

He closed his eyes and thoughtfully made himself down.

"Calm, things are far from the kind of point that can't be saved. How can I put all my energy on me? Even if I can calculate me once, I can count me every time?"

"The day is long, this time is just a small setback."

"As long as I gradually touch the situation of Tengda, there will always be a day to succeed. Reverse propaganda? Is it difficult? I played simple mode, I'm playing is the hell mode, I can't always lose it. ? "

Meng Chang suddenly convinced himself and retreated.

I was scared by the total operation of the Poly, now calm down, think about it, can't always have this situation every time it is.

Meng Chang decided not to think about the live broadcast of the rabbit, but concentrate on busy electricity.

Although it is unfavorable, it is afraid that it is a penny to mention it, but as long as the electro-sports film is done, the rest of the achievements still have to save!

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