Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 917, two propaganda films are too obvious!

Zhao Ximing is a bit awkward, and it is also a matter of understanding.

Tengda sent a propaganda film for electricity?

That ... what is the relationship with what we are discussing?

Tengda issued a propaganda film must be propaganda GPL, but is the transfer of GPLs that have been sold out? Continue to heate the GPL, I have no effect on our ICL?

But seeing Zhu Yan's meaning, how can this propaganda also affect ICL?

Zhao Ximing can't help but understand, I always don't think about this attitude of Zhu Yan. I always feel that there seems to have problems.

Zhu Yan also did not explain, just pulled out the phone, found the new propaganda film "broken uncovered butterfly" on it, and then handed Zhao Xunming.

Zhao Ximing reached out and clicked.

After reading the first half, Zhao Xuming was more confused.

Isn't this normal?

The content of this film is very routine, nothing more than talking about a network addiction teenager to overcome heavy obstacles to take a story of electricity. I have to say that there are a few scenes that are very moving, such as the father's knees, highlighting a parent's heart.

Similar stories have a lot of meticulous circles, many famous electric election hands have experienced almost experienced experience. But after they became famous, after getting good grades, I have already understood each other.

This is the basic routine of the general e-sports film: How is the life of the professional player, how much not understood, and then describe how to get a famous gas, achievement, and even better life, even Make the original poverty parents can also live in rich life.

Zhao Ximing looked up and saw Zhu Yan and his face was puzzled.

That means, isn't this a very ordinary promo? What does it seem to have not spent how much? Compared with our ICL's propaganda, it was taken by 100,000 miles.

Zhu Yan just said: "Zhao is always looking back."

Zhao Ximing had to continue to see the second half of the propaganda film.

However, look at it, his eyes were round, the mouth was tight, and the face on his face was completely shocked.

"What is this!" Zhao Ximing out of blurting.

The second half of the propaganda film is simply sharply, although this protagonist has become a professional player, but it has not been able to go home without the opportunity to go home after youth, and move bricks on the site!

The last scene, the protagonist looked at the back of the father left, recalling the days of the school, repenting tears, but also sorrowful, seeing tears.

Zhao Ximing was completely speechless.

He can't wait to drop the phone to the ground, then shout: neuropathy!

This is a hammer's electrical competition, which is clearly the black e-sports!

The propaganda film of the electricity can be given to the audience or even the outside world, should not promote typical? There are so many famous names, change the professional players of life, you don't propagate, don't promote the silent underlying cannon gray?

The key is something, even if the truth is, you can't say it!

And Tengda not only said, not only a propaganda film, and the big man is promoted!

What is this?

If Tenda has no electrical competition related business, doing such a AOE fight competitors, then it is said that Tenda has a GPL league, a lot of professional players under the hand, this promo is not a black. ?


Zhao Ximing suddenly realized that is definitely not a person who will make this low-level mistake. Since !

He hurriedly saw the review area of ​​the video.

As a result, this look, the moment is cool!

"This film is really sour, I remembered the young foam Internet can't be passed by my parents Gank. Oh, when you are young, now I'm talking about it, I really should study hard."

"The protagonists of the previous propaganda film are given to the professional players who get the world championship. This is the first time someone takes a passerby's perspective? Have to say that give people feel very shocking."

"The World Champion does make a fame, but the world champion is just a small group of people on the pyramid. It is really easy to give people a misleading, which makes people feel like playing a career is a fame and fortune. Internet addiction teenage uses 'playing career' as an excuse to escape learning, but let them waste youth, and the road is narrowed later. "

"This propaganda is equal to the fantasy of these people, telling them, no such talent, you are not as good as reading, and find a job."

"Before the flying yellow studio took a documentary" Breaking into a butterfly ", now I took a new documentary called" breaking the unfamiliar butterfly ", and I have called praise before and after."

"Yeah, This is equivalent to persuading the Internet addiction teenagers, let them not be deceived by falsehood."

"So, it is always the most responsible. Although Tenda has an electricity industry, and the market share accounts very high, but the whole, but not to advocate the future of the e-sports industry, how is it bright, lie to the Internet addiction teenagers Blindly involved in the electrical industry, but very sincerely exposes the status quo of the electrical industry, let those Internet addiction teenagers think twice. I think this kind of behavior is unity! "

"This propaganda film has made a stark contrast with the ICL."

"Yeah, although the ICL's prominent film is very perfect, it is very cool, all aspects are excellent, but its shooting idea is on the top of the old yellow calendar, it is to work hard to pack this concept package very much, but In this way, it is a bit unachable, it is very unreal. "

"And revealed that" broken uncovered butterfly ", winning in the depth of thought! Although there is not much more expensive, there is no special fancy method, but it can trigger resonance and discussions. Only say, the realm of the two There is a gap! "

Zhao Ximing turned over the comments below the video, and the nose was almost ignorant.

The gap in the realm!

This opponent is not allowed to play cards at all!

ICL's prominent film is perfect from a business perspective, impeccable, invested in huge sums, and various details are "broken uncovered butterfly".

But who once thought that the summary of the general conversion!

Don't play skills, play your mind!

"Breaking the unnecessary butterfly" is equivalent to analyzing the entire electrical bidding industry, putting the industry is unrestrictedly disclosed.

The audience is hard to compare the ICL's propaganda film, and it will definitely feel that the ICL's prominent film is a little false!

Of course, this comparison itself is uneven, people ICL's propaganda film is the commercial propaganda film that is shooting in Peni, nor is there any mistakes, who is to compare?

But this doesn't matter, the audience is not to compare, Zhao Ximing can't manage it.

He looked at the release time of the video, "broken uncovenant butterfly" is only more than half an hour later than ICL, almost, can be said to be the front and rear feet.

It's so close, the audience must take the two videos to discuss these two videos!

Zhao Ximing was itchy.

This is a porcelain! Naked touching porcelain!

I have always done this propaganda film, I will wait for the ICL, I will take it out of the sniper!

This trick is simply killing people.

Zhao Ximing was full of confidence, and I thought this time ICL's propaganda film did not hesitate to lose. As a result,

With lots of investment and simple techniques, directly dismiss the core of the ICL propaganda film, grab the attention and heat!

The heat of ICL promotion is a big discount, which is a non-small blow to Zhao Xumin.

After all, he came to talk to these live platforms, the higher the heat of the ICL, the more the chips in his hands.

However, it is only such a word, but it is still not injured.

Zhao Ximing considers that this situation is currently in this situation, and there should be room for itself.

However, he continued to slide the comment area and saw a number of new high-glazing.

"This film exhibition reveals a lot of industries. I don't know if you have noticed the details in the film. These professional players' accommodation conditions are actually very poor, and the scheduled time is reversed, and it is extensively consumed. Their health. "

"It's really sad. Although I know that the electric bidding industry is a youthful rice, those who have not eaten this meal are very miserable, but people who have eaten this meal, what is not good? ! "

"Hey? Isn't it right? Isn't it saying that the GPL is very good? DGE" DGE team members are strengthened, the spirit is full, it is absolutely not going to fall upside down, eat out the body can eat? "

"GPL is certainly no problem! Total strength has already determined the industry standard, all clubs are unified, and the organizational contract guarantees the interests of the player, and there is a unified meal for taking the fish. Daily exercise in the gym, there is also a special person responsible for nutrition meals and players ... "

"But in other fields outside the GPL, the electricity players have been with the same bitterness as in the past, have not changed!"

"Indeed, other game companies are all kinds of guys, each furniture department is not likely to take the initiative to bear such a huge expenditure, like ?"

"Weakly ask, what is ICL?"

"Can you? Is it like other projects. Anyway, I have never heard of the action of the company and Longyu Group to ensure the action of the ICL player's rights. If there is, they should blow it up?"

"Hey, it seems that ICL is to do a surface article, although the prominent film is very good, but the details are far more than the GPL! This looks, the GPL is more professional, more mature, healthier league, ICL or No. "

"I think it is very interesting. This is a GOG game picture, but the GPL is the best in all electric competitions! This has formed a very wonderful contrast: obviously AOE skills, but GPL is very perfectly immunized, but it is a screen of other electrical competitions! "

"Hahaha, after all, Tengda only has a GOG copyright, can not put the game screen of other projects, but actually implies what, understand."

After reading these high praises, Zhao Xumin is stupid.

He realized that there is a big problem!

If the discussion of netizens is limited to two documentary shooting techniques and intensity, then it is nothing more than the ICL's pre-helicability, and it will not move the whole league.

However, the discussion of netizens has deeply entered the top of GPL and ICL, the top of the top of the league, this problem is big!

Everyone guess is right, ICL does not have similar measures, there is no standardist contract, and there is no unified schedule and accommodation standards.

Like other electrical competitions, the health and rights of ICL League players are also not guaranteed.

But Zhao Ximing felt very embarrassed, we are the host of the game, this is not what we need to be responsible!

This is a club thing, what is the relationship with us!

But no matter what the gpl and ICl two leagues in the bottom architecture, they don't know how to excuse, that is, ICL is not healthy, it is not good enough for ICL!

Zhao Ximing finally understood why Zhu Yan is that attitude.

Because Zhu Yan sees this hot event, ICL knows that ICL is about to be involved in the vortex, its value will be severely hit.

In this case, why will it be so embarrassed?

Of course, you will continue to wait and see, slash, and strive to use the lowest price to get the power of the ICL!

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