Eric stands up and rushed, obviously to go back to the headquarters video call over the company, handling this matter.

Zhao Ximing also continued to stare at the ICL's game, not open.

But he is also very curious, so I took out my mobile phone and queried online.

The current Los Angeles time is at night, exactly players active on the forum, live platform.

Zhao Ximing found that not only some of the forums and websites of Mi country were discussing this matter. Several comparative fires were also earned by the good events. Whether it is GOG or IOI players, they are discussing!

"ICL has not officially started, fingering company comes out of the news? I see the North rice forum is noisy, saying that the company has the same seat fee on the side?"

"Said that IOI's North Mili District League ICS's league is actually sold to seven million knives! It is too expensive, it is simply rushing!"

"Okay, I heard that the club there is not very money in the other side of the country? The seven million knives should still be taken out."

"But GOG is also preparing the league on the other side. It is said that the way the quota is freely bidding, the starting price is only one million knives. This contrast is coming!"

"It is not only the price of the price. The club in the Access area is very dissatisfied with the difference between the fingers. Because ICL in the domestic district is half-bought, it is almost half of the cabbage; however, the ICS Division is It is necessary to spend seven million knives to buy a quota! More importantly, fingers have additional subsidies because of the previous public opinion storms, there is no additional subsidies, and there is no in the ICS. "

"This club, the clubs and players don't have the attitude of the attitude ... I will buy a quota than ten times more than the ICL Division. The results are not as good as the treatment, which is equivalent to cutting your meat from yours. Fashion area ... "

"If you think, the mentality crack is really like."

"I don't know how to solve this public opinion crisis. This wave is just going to open up, the result is full of fire!"

Zhao Ximing reads more.

How can I have this problem!

This incident, in the end, in the North rice ICS and the domestic ICL two sectors are different. In order to better promote the ICL league, the company saves the ICL League, so it is enough for the league quota, but also because of GPL's things, there may be a lot of extra benefits to the ICL League Club.

But for the ICS league of the North Mi, the finger company is not this.

There are two reasons: First, responsible for ICL is Eric, but responsible for ICS league is the other high-rise of the company. These two leagues are ready to be prepared and do not affect each other.

ICS's earning list is definitely earned, can't make half-buy half buy because of the quota of ICL, the number of ICS is half-bought half-send? Isn't that a big loss?

Second, give a variety of compensation conditions for the ICL Division Club, such as ensuring the nutritional diet, daily fitness, etc., there is no way. Eric doesn't want to spend this money at all, sharing this condition, which is even more impossible.

That is much distressed!

Therefore, the ICL League does this gap with the ICS league.

In fact, this is normal, Tengda has not done a bowl of water!

Tengda treated the GPL, but it was like a biological son, but for the foreign competition, just find a local company for cooperation.

But Tengda will not encounter this kind of public opinion pressure!

The reason is that the positions of the two companies are different, and the strategies taken are different.

Tengda is a domestic local company, responsible for GPL operation, raising all kinds of welfare, and all the big clubs have spent the quota, but these money is returned to, everyone spent sweet.

The quota on the fashion area is the way to take a bidding, the price is high, the amount of the quota is high or low, the club will not complain.

As for these welfare of the GPL in the foreign competition, the club in the Fashion area is unsatisfactory, and it is also a proxy company that will go to the league.

What's more, these clubs are actually not too tangled for special subsidies for these food or fitness, because they are not important. They have saved money on the list, these welfare is not there, it doesn't matter.

But the company is not the same here.

It is because they are a company company, so the pressure to be affected in rice in the country is even greater.

At the same time, the name of the ICL league was so cheap, the finger company also saved the club, the result, there is no benefits, there is no benefits, still spend seven million knives to buy a league seat?

What is your company? Is it still a rice company?

You have to promote IOI doesn't matter, but don't take blood from us!

After this public opinion is detonated, many players and audiences also feel indignant, especially many people began to turn over the old account.

Finger company has an early age!

Before, it was priced for different parts of the skin, and it was already sprayed by blood. I have already passed this, I didn't expect fingers, I can't change their dresses, and I am sick!

Moreover, the company has a branch in all sectors in all sectors in the country, and all the competition works in all competitions are their own big bags, so what problems, the club will definitely point the head to the finger company directly.

The newly hatred is together, plus a lot of clubs in the back of the pool, I want to give the fingers, so this is exposed, immediately is hot on the Internet!

Therefore, the head of the finger company will call Eric to Irick in the first time and let him solve this matter together.

As for how to solve?

Zhao Ximing can't guess it, but the company is mostly bleeding this time.

Once this kind of public opinion crisis broke out, it is impossible to raise anger.

Zhao Ximing is also not nervous.

Just now, Eric also vowed to say that the North Mi area is the main family of the company, and the league will definitely do nothing, Tengda is impossible to intervene.

The result is what situation now?

Have a face on the spot!

It not only had a problem, but it is still a big problem!

"Don't say, this is also the general arrangement? Just choose this time node, give the fingers a head hit?"

"No, I am not just talking about the cooperation with ICL League with us?"

"Could it be that……"

"Yes, this public opinion event is precisely combating the ICS league, it doesn't matter with ICL. Naturally, it will not affect our two cooperation ..."


Zhao Ximing was still very wondering, now I should not be a relationship with us? How did this happen?

But when I changed, I was only limited to ICL League with Eric's cooperation, and both of the world's other competitions, it is a competitive relationship!

I don't seem to hit the ICL league, which has an impact on my own interests, but turned the spearhead to North rice, directly came to a bottom of the bottom of the house, hit the head of the finger company!

Zhao Ximing felt a cold and chestnut.

Zhao Ximing suddenly doubts, I don't know if the cooperation with Zi is still wrong ...


At 4 o'clock in the afternoon, ICL's performance test is about to start.

Both the team members have arrived at the game in advance, and the staff also began to prepare to ensure that the game was smooth.

Zhao Ximing looked at the audience in the backstage.

Today's venue is definitely full, after all, the first day, there is a null seat. Fortunately, IOI old players, internal employees and tours have given the seats in seven or seven or eight eight, and the remaining vacant is still unable to hire some people.

At this moment, Zhao Ximing noticed that Eric came back.

"You are back! How is things to do?" Zhao Ximing hurriedly asked.

Eric's expression is very exhausted, obviously a very tired: "Basically determine the solution. Accent change from 3 million knives to start bidding, the furniture department in the North rice area will also enjoy the same as ICL Premium, mainly in terms of diet, fitness, etc.

Obviously, the result of the meeting discussions on the company is to recognize!

Now, Los Angeles is already late at night. This video call has always played a small half-hour, and it can be seen that the high level of the fingers will pay attention to this matter.

In the morning of tomorrow, the company will release an announcement, and the clubs and players in the North rice area will be very sincere.

Because North Mi Area is their big camp, the other places can do bad, but the ICS league must do it!

Treat the difference between the ICS League and ICL League, it is indeed possible to fall. Even if you emphasize the ICS League Golden Lord, the seat is more precious. This reason is hard to stand.

So, I can only recognize it.

The list of league has dropped from a price of 7 million knives to 3 million knives, and the company will definitely lose a lot of money.

Although the auction can be raised, the big club in the North Mi area is such a few, and the price of this quota will not be able to get the best at the lowest price.

Therefore, in the end, this place will transaction with the price of four or five million knives, each quota, finger company to lose a two million knives.

For these diet and fitness subsidies to the club, although there is not much from the amount, it will be a sustainable expense. The key is that these clubs will not necessarily become very particular.

They will feel that this is the benefits of it, rather than fingering the company.

So Eric felt very speechless, ICL, ICL here, suddenly honestly in the ground!

Although this money doesn't matter, it is clear that the company's high-level level has great comments on his behavior. In order to promote the ICL league, it is very dissatisfied with the club and the audience there, and more less Eric is to carry a little more.

If ICL is not working, the company's high-rise is clear, Eric is afraid that you can't eat it.

Zhao Ximing saw that Eric was not very happy, and he did not dare to get too much in this topic.

"It is good to solve it! After all, it is an ICS thing, and it is not big."

"The equipment here is fully commissioned, and the preparation work on the live broadcast of the rabbit is also completed, just wait for the game!"

Eric nodded, took out the phone from his arms, opened the APP broadcasting the live broadcast of the rabbit.

Although the APP of the rabbit-tailed APP is quite concise and there is a little cold acid, but the recommendation of the ICL is still very good. There is a large banner of ICL league and very eye-catching.

And I oppose the GPL League of Tengda, and even start broadcasting on the live broadcast of the rabbit.

Eric is temporarily forgot to have an unpleasant thing before, and start looking forward to the official opening of the show!

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