Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 929 Rabbit Live: A clear flow in the live industry!

At the same time, three people in Qian, Ma Yang and Chen Yufeng also focused on the live broadcast of ICL League in the rabbit.

"General, the number of people in the ICL league yesterday is less than 30,000, today has more than 60,000 people, it can be seen that the influence and heat of the FV team is still very high."

"Yesterday, Zhao Ximing called me, showing the real number of real people to our live broadcast platform, I hope we will help them do falseness, but I was caten away!"

"I believe that in the future, they will understand our good intentions."

: "Well, you do it."

Although Yu Qian also hopes that the rabbit is broadcast live well, it will promote the ICL league, but this thing is also a priority.

In the heart of Qian: Keep the priority of the rabbit-tailed live broadcast does not make money, greater than the priority of the ICL League.

I have long broadcasting the rabbit tail, including the number of people, including the number of lives, and gifts, must be true, this is a key condition for the live broadcast of the rabbit elongation.

The ICL League is to be promoted, but it cannot affect the live loss of rabbits, and Chen Yufeng's decision is very in line with Qian's heart.

The competition is in full swing.

The FV team and the Sug team played back and wonderful. After all, the Sug team was spending throughout the world, the strength has been flying, and the two teams have been very understanding, and they all have a version, plus this is a performance competition, everyone is very open, so the program is very good.

The various brands in the live broadcast crazy brush screen look very lively.

In addition to the five-digit live broadcast, there is a little cold acid, and other aspects are perfect.

Yan Qian nodded slightly, it seems to buy ICL exclusive rights, almost telling a paragraph.

The money also spent out, the live broadcast of the ICL league also opened smoothly, and it seems that although it also brought some heat to the rabbit-tailed live broadcast platform, these heat is far less than a live earnings of rabbits.

Chen Yufeng said: "The summary, according to the previous plan, this Saturday, the GPL league also has to broadcast live in our platform, and the relevant pre-preparation work is already done."

: "Oh, line."

In fact, Yan Qian is not to live a live GPL league, because this is a home industry, no need to spend money, and the transfer is just a place.

Don't spend money, putting things with pure, putting it on the live broadcast of the rabbit, thanks?

But there is no way, when I sign the contract with Eric and Zhao Xu, there must be a live broadcast on the live broadcast of the GPL league.

The reason is also very simple, afraid that Tenda is lifting the moth, so I hope to bundle the GPL together.

In the event of a problem, the GPL will also be affected. Eric and Zhao Xingming feel that this is always what small movements will not work.

Although Yu Qian has not planned to engage in small actions, Iryik does not believe in Zhao Xuming, and must use this way to achieve the trust of these two people.

Therefore, the relevant terms are also agreed in the contract.

Yu Qian has no way, since the child is not covered, it will not be a wolf.

Anyway, other live platforms have been broadcast for so long, and those who look at the game are basically already finished by other platforms. When GPL logs in to the rabbit, it should not bring too much heat?

The work of the rabbit-tailed broadcast should be to tell a paragraph, and Yan Qian took out the phone and brushed the brush forum freely.

Have to say, the discussion of the ICL league in the Group of Ioi is still very high.

Especially today, there is a World Champion FV team appeared, and the performance competition is very exciting, so the heat of the forum is high.

Inside these posts, there is a discussion game, there is a discussion of all club strength levels of the ICL League, and discuss the star players.

Suddenly, Yu Qian's brow wrinkled.

A few hot posts, feeling a bit wrong!

"ICS League protest finger company double standard!" "

"Don't say that ICL is cold, exposes the number of live broadcast platforms! "

These two posts are very high, and Qian has opened the first one.

This post is mainly to carry the discussion of the overseas forum, and the company treats the ICS league and ICL league, leading to the ICS club and audience protest.

The finger company has made a response, saying that the starting price of the ICS league quota is lowered.

The key is that this post also analyzes the details of this matter, and draw a conclusion: Behind this thing is definitely Tengda!

GOG's overseas league is also in the preparation, deliberately giving a very low quota price to the overseas club, forming a stark contrast with the fingers, so ICS club will be incited, letting the fingers have to recognize ... ...


What the hell!

This pot is nothing to do with me, but don't hurt my head!

Yu Qian found that he has a suction incense. This matter is clear that it is not your own. As a result, it is a netizen or a competitor, and this matter is on his head, it is leaving!

For this news, Yan Qian is not too popular.

The company has to cut the price and cut the price. Anyway, the GOG's North Mi League has dropped to 1 million, and the other regions are lower, how much is it to make, and there is no big threat to Qian.

He just opened a second post to view.

"There are many uncomfortable people to come to the forum, saying that the ICL league is not only 30,000 people, this league is cold, no one has seen, and many people are discussing, attached, I am very I want to laugh. "

"Don't really think that there are two or three million live platforms, tens of millions of heat is true?"

"Popular, other live platforms, the one million heat is based on the algorithm, and the background can be adjusted at will. In fact, there are millions, tens of thousands of heat, live broadcast is really watching the number of people. More than 20,000 people! "

"Everyone will find out that the barrage of the ICL League live broadcast is much higher than the multi-thermal sport density of millions of other platforms?"

"This is because the live broadcast of the rabbit is Tengda's industry, and the purpose of the live broadcast of the rabbit is to 'never falsified'! The data between all live broadcasts is true! The ICL league and rabbit live broadcast is clearly a whole live industry. The stock is clear, but the result is mistaken to be 'Want to cool', it is really score! "

There are several similar posts, and the heat is good.

These posts are protogaled, including large amounts of data, including the intensiveness of the bullets, heat changes, etc., and compare the data of rabbit-tailed live broadcast, which has supported their own views.

Although no one knows how much other live platform heat and the specific conversion ratio of the number of people, but there is a fake phenomenon in all other platforms.

Coupled with Tengda's reputation, it fully proves that the data of the rabbit-tailed live broadcast is true!

The heat of these posts is not low, and it seems that some people are still forwarded, Weibo, Forums and other places have discussion, set off a wave of "declaring live flat set fake hidden rules!"

Netizens are obviously very resonant.

"Indeed, the live platform is now more and more, it is a few million, tens of millions of heat, really doing people as a fool? All the people are all watching live?"

"There is too much somewhere behind. If you take the anchor, you will heat up, and press the agency, there are also a variety of agreement.

"It's all business, the water is too deep."

"The money of the might is in the case, the people of the people are divided into."

"Indeed, the number of people who sprayed the ICL league is unequaliable. It is really true that other platforms are true and heat? Maybe less than 30,000!"

"Don't be black, today ICL league has skyrocketed to more than 6 million! Look at the density of the barrage, completely kill a lot of the aquare of millions of platforms!"

"The live broadcast of the rabbit is the live platform of the total, that data is definitely true!"

"Ah, I have to change the live broadcast industry again? This will go to the rabbit tail!"

"Being fake data by these live platforms will only realize that this year is not easy. Not much to say, support the live broadcast of rabbits, support the total!"

Obviously, under these posts, the live broadcast of the rabbit tail is established in the hearts of the audience: real data!

Once the audience accept this, it will produce a result: the number of people live broadcast live, the audience will use another difference.

If there is 50,000 heat in other live broadcast platforms, the audience will feel cool in this live broadcast; if there is a million heat, the audience think it is ok; if there is seven or eight million heat, the audience will feel that this live broadcast is very Fire, but will also feel that is it official to deliberately?

But there is not the same live broadcast in the rabbit.

If there is a thousand people watch, the audience feels that this live broadcast is still; if there are tens of thousands of people, it is very hot!

And this is the key, or trust.

If you are other live broadcasts, you are real data, and the audience will not believe; but with the Reputation of the Tenda Group has always believed this.

Moreover, when the entire live broadcast platform is fighting fake, when doing fake, the live broadcast is like a clear flow, it is impressive!

Many people have learned that the live broadcast of rabbits is Tengda, and they have said to see.

Yu Qian is a bit awkward.

what's the situation!

You discuss the ICL League, let's discuss, how to introduce the topic to the live broadcast of the rabbit!

I don't know how to advertise for rabbits live?

"No, how does these posts seem to have a concentrated, and inexplicably the heat is so fast ..."

Yan Qian carefully studied the contents of these posts, and the speed of this topic fire, inexplicably smell the familiar water troops.

Don't ... Is there anything?

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