Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 949 Meng Chang is full of imagination publicity program

Leaving the general office, Meng Chang returns to the advertising propaganda department.

After sitting down on your own seat, he suddenly felt some pressure hills.

Before, he just felt that the propaganda of "mission and choice" was significant. It was a bit moving, but between conscience and commission, he did not hesitate to choose the latter.

It's just after it comes back, this propaganda program wants to do it, but it is still quite difficult.

Because the investment of "mission and choice" is too big, it is a game and a movie, and I heard that Lu Zhao also participated. Such a big production, a little bit of the wind will cause a warm reaction.

If you want no one, it is unlikely.

Meng Chang took into account, since the propaganda program can't be silently, it can only be a struggle to reverse publicity, reducing the heat.

It is best to come out of this publicity program, let the people who see people have instinctive discomfort and dissent, and they can also get commission.

Meng Chang opens thousands of degrees, ready to search the relevant information.

He is not much more about the game and movies, can only be considered amateur level, but this is not in trouble, and now there is two weeks from the propaganda program.

According to the general requirements, the next month will propagate warm-up for the "mission and choice". This two weeks is enough for Meng Chang to make some relevant knowledge, and I have come to a propaganda program that causing the audience's disgusting.

"Let's take a look at the" mission and choice "on the Internet."

Meng Chang first searched this keyword "mission and choice".

To develop a publicity plan for a product, you must first know what everyone's attitude towards it. If everyone's impression is good, it will strengthen this impression; if everyone is impressed, then we must first consider torsion, change this impression.

Of course, this is a normal publicity model, Meng Chang has to be in turn.

"Oh? There are so many search results?"

"No, I remember Tengda's confidential work" How can I flow out so much? And, it seems that I haven't seen hot search ... "

"No, this is a bunch of ghosts!"

Meng Chang took a closer look at the search results, and people were dizzy.

"Mission and Choice (Game Software) Thousands of Baico"

"Do you still remember" Mission and Choice "? The development of domestic games really ruined in its hands?"

"The most pit game" Mission and Choice ""

"Mission and Choice", the first, inventory of the nine garbage games that fake money in the history of the game! "

Search results are all content such as this.

Meng Chang felt some puzzle, he took a closer to understand, the original "mission and choice" with a single game called "National Tourist Shame" in history!

That is a game of nine years, it has been more than ten years away.

Meng Chang usually does not play games, these history of domestic games basically not know, he just knows the name "Mission and Choice" from the company, "mission and choice", completely don't know that there is still this behind this Many secrets.

He immediately came to the spirit, and the introduction to "mission and choice" on these pages was seen from the head to the end.

"I didn't expect this name to be like this?"

"That ... is there any special intention?"

"Don't I do, what is the shame of the" National Tour Shame? "


Meng Chang took a breath and feels bigger.

I have to say, "I have a shame for the national tour." This statement is too easy to trigger the topic, and it is very easy to inspire the players' patriotic enthusiasm. This topic is throwing out, and attention will never be low.

This undoubtedly improves the reverse publicity of Meng Chang.

"From the subject, this is an RTS game, and it is a sci-fi theme."

"This type of game, there should be no one to play."

"So, if you want to make a prompt, you have to let it 'no longer appearance as much as possible."

"As long as it doesn't come out, letting it are limited to domestic stand-alone players, and the player group of RTS games is absolutely not returning to massive investment, and the publicity naturally failed."

"So ... definitely we have to work hard from the promotion materials!"

Meng Chang quickly determined the general propaganda strategy, which was to make the passers-by without seeing, so that the core players were unwell.

If the situation is allowed, you can also play some small means to play a false propaganda.

Of course, the premise is that it is not violated the agreement, nor does it violate relevant laws and regulations, and how this shot ball is a technical activity.

"At present, Tengda's confidential work is very good, the outside world does not know how to develop by Tengda is the" mission and choice "."

"This is a major good for me! This way, you can use netizens' inertia thinking to mislead them ..."

"This way," mission and choice "original propaganda material is good, if I use it directly ... What will it?"

Meng Chang searched online, soon searched a large number of "mission and choice" at the time of propaganda materials.

As a typical representative of false propaganda, the propaganda information of "Mission and Choice" is also nailed to the shame column as the game itself, and it is repeated whip.

At that time, the Internet did not develop. The main propaganda is in a variety of magazines, entity posters, and the inflammatory slogans also wearing space warfare, there is an extremely profound impression.

"Your hometown, Blue Star, just suffered a destruction attack from the insects ..."

"Have yourself with your comrades, save the Blue Star!"

"Consumption of millions, make up, the scene is great, domestic model!"

Sailing language, so that players in that time were boiling.

Of course, these slogans now seem very hard, the picture on the poster is also very righteous, and the seafash in the nine years of painting is only "terrible" four words.

Meng Chang was caught in meditation.

"If you are propaganda, you must put it up with the most exciting parts of the game and movies, and then desperately propagate the concept of 'washing the country."

"This will incite the enthusiasm of players to support domestic games, causing extreme attention."

"But so my commission is not expected, I have to have a way."

"Then use any new" mission and choice "games and movies, do not involve the concept of 'Reproduction' or 'Washing Guo Youshou'."

"I used these propaganda materials that directly put old games, so that players can't see this is" mission and choice "rework! Even let them think that this is just ten years ago!" "

"Hey ... no, this also has a loophole."

"As long as everyone sees this game is released by Tengda, it will understand that it is definitely a copy."

"Can you deliberately release the name of Tengda game? Slightly discuss with the official, deliberately conceal companies that make this game?"

"Although it is a bit strange, you can also use 'a special marketing means' to give the past, and will not violate the contract provisions."

"Or, bundle with a lot of classic old games to make a collection, engage in the activities of 'revisiting classic domestic games, confused."

"Although it will reveal in the morning and evening, as long as you have to hold a month, is my commission not going?"

Meng Chang suddenly realized that his previous idea was too stiff, and if you want to take it, it is more than one way.

Before Meng Chang thought, strive to make this project unattended, never make money.

But now he finds that this difficulty is too high, because the total project is often self-belled, especially the "mission and choice" project, it is not achieved at all.

In this case, can I change my idea?

This month made the propaganda plan, and then no one was asking; increase the strength next month, still unattended. In this way, did the two months have been successfully obtained?

As for that month, the effect of confusing the audiovisual is invalid, the project has been exploded, and the top is not admitted. The first two months of commission is not mistaken.

Meng Chang was convinced by his own wit, and immediately wrote a propaganda program.

This propaganda program is dominated by the propaganda material of the old game in the past few years, or the poster, or the slogan, nothing.

This publicity poster does not leave any Tenda-related icon or logo, so everyone doesn't know who the game is in the end.

Just add a line: "Relive the classics, the reasons of the domestic game!"

Pack all the domestic stand-alone games in that age, make a collection, and then secretly stuffed the "mission and choice".

However, before Tengda's "mission and choice" is sold, it is the old game, and after the sale of Tengda's "mission and choice", the previous old game is replaced.

Then, in the official platform, a large number of resources are all taken to promote this collection, and the propaganda in other places is based on "mission and choice" original propaganda material.

This will play a true and false effect, so that everyone thinks this is to promote domestic old games, will not go to the game in the end of the game.

In this way, at least it can be hidden in more than a month?

Meng Chang's requirements are not high, first take two months of commission.

After all, he did so many programs. A cents did not get it. The mentality quickly quickly, so I didn't expect to be brought by one for all, at least tent hundreds of thousands of pieces.

Of course, this idea is just a prototype. How do you do it, you have to carefully consider it.

However, this big direction should be no problem.

Meng Chang, the more I feel that my own plan is good, and I started to make a publicity program.

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