Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 967 Video is still shortcoming?

Qiao Liang repeatedly saw the video in the end, and I think this is indeed a small flaw.

Qiao Liang was a more excelleted person. He didn't find the problem. Once the problem was as forced, it was uncomfortable.

"What is this changed? I can't say that the domestic except for Tenda games is garbage. Some words are really can't say."

"I can only find a few different domestic boutique games that Iron-Deng developed."

"Um ... What is going on?"

"Yes, there is a game called 'ink cloud smoke" before. "

Qiao Liang immediately remembered the time before the Spring Festival. The "Directive Plan" was transmitted, "Office Workmanship Handbook" and the pre-sale of "Ink Yuncan" triggered a good response, although it is a stand-alone game, but As a representative of domestic excellent games, there is no problem.

Qiao Liang immediately opened the official platform, and wanted to edit a "Ink Cloud" and "Office Life Handbook", inserted into the last end of his video.

It is not necessary to cut, a few seconds, a lens flashed, it is enough.

However, after the Joe Liang opened the official platform, he found unexpectedly.


"Ink Yuncan is scheduled to sell tomorrow, and the official platform also gives an interview with the 'Power Plan' 'incubation base?"

Qiao Liang did not help but look forward, immediately open this interview.

In the interview, the situation of the Emperor and the Magical Incubation base has also interviewed the "Ink Yuncan" designer Uzhicheng and "Domestic Plan" initiator Qiu Hong, the content of the interview is detailed, and it is completely unveiled. " The mysterious veil of the power plan.

"No problem, it is missing!"

Qiao Liang was very happy, and immediately recorded a content about "Office Survival Handbook", "Ink Cloud" and "Directive Plan" interviews, and plus the last video of our own video.

Then, Qiao Liang also changed some of the phones to start, so that the content of the entire video came before and after.

Through comparative "mission and choice" domestic game environment and current domestic game environments, it has played a striking effect.

Qiao Liang has been busy to 2 pm, and finally changed the video and uploaded to the Iried Island website.


At the same time, Shenhua Haojing 16 floors.

The employees of the two administrative departments are whispering.

"Recently, the frequency of the office, it seems to be much frequent."

"Indeed, only one day in the previous week, I have been sitting for three or four days in the office in the office, and there is still too few people!"

"It is not busy in other industries, so I don't need to ask yourself."

"How is it possible, there are more things in other departments! According to me, it is definitely because" mission and choice "game is going to go online, the movie is going to be released, I am always worried."

"No, I am impressive that I have always been in the strategy, never worry about any project."

"I don't think it's awkward, but I feel that the pressure is definite. After all, this time the investment is too big, a few billion funds are in, this is a slightly different pool, who is going to live?"

"Indeed, this is a gamble, gambling won the landing, gambling, lost its own explosion, I am afraid there is no third case."

"I have no ability to hate yourself, I can't worry about it."

"Forget it, don't think so much, we have to believe in the summit."

"Well, it's right, we do your own job, this kind of big thing to determine the company's fate, , this is the same."

Two employees discussed a small party, continued to be busy with their things.

It's just a bit of a bit of encouraging and admiration.

This is the head of the Heldion of Tengda Group!

It's really worry-free, the company is happy!

What they don't know is that Yu Qian is really a shortness in his office, but he is completely opposite to everyone's guess.

I am always worried that "mission and choice" have been successful, and the big profit is earned ...

It is reasonable that a long time, and the increasing project is expensive to complete, and it should be contrary to the negative.

With nearly November 14th, Yan Qian not only does not feel anything like a losses, and the mental stress is getting bigger and bigger.


According to reason, no matter whether it is a game or movie, it should be completely unwanted. On April 14th, it will cool cool.

But maybe it has failed before, and Yan Qian always felt an inexplicable fluster and felt that it would have an accident.

This last week, is the most difficult for Yu Qian.

Just now Huang Sibo came over, saying that "mission and choice" has completed, although it is a bit trouble, but it is all smooth.

Although the file is not a simple thing, it is also a lot. After all, the scheme is too important to the movie. In order to take more box office, the production party and the issuer will try to do every way.

Most movie files are to avoid competitions and get a higher box office. For example, a film file file from May 1 last year to April 24, because a competition film for a competitive film during May 1st, and the competition of April 24 is weak, so After choosing a file, it was successful in the box office.

In addition, there are also deliberately reflected in the same period, bundled marketing, binding marketing, taking the opportunity ... These may cause changes to the movie geographic.

In short, all movies producers and issuers will try their best to choose the best geographic for their own movies, because the geographic election is good to determine hundreds of millions of boxes, which can be real gold.

But like Yan Qian, I am afraid that my movie is too fierce, ruled five-speed, and deliberately put their own movie to a garbage schedule, afraid that there is no ancient people, there is no one.

For the things of the file, Huang Sibo and the Lin often do not agree.

After all, in their opinion, "mission and choice" is too hard, don't you be too wasteful?

However, the reason why, the reason is also very good, because the game is going to touch "Fantasy War Remasters", so the movie is also in advance together with the date of the game.

Therefore, although Huang Sibo is reluctant, it is still in the old man.

This makes the hearts of Yan Qian slightly, so he decided to brush a brush of the Aliance website and see the video relaxation.

However, just a news of the website, Yan Qian saw the video of Qiao Niki just released.

"Garbage game big spit 92: The most garbage domestic game in history is actually long! "

Seeing Qiao Ni wet released a new video, and Yan Qian met.

This goods will be a video, ten times can have eight times will take back to Qian, which makes !

However, Yan Qian looked at the title and immediately put down his heart.

Oh, it is shocked!

I thought that Qiao Liang has got a "mission and choice" test Demo, and issued a "Feng Shen's work"!

Qiao Liang has a very good relationship with the person in charge of several game departments, and the "mission and choice" is not completely impossible to develop Demo.

If the Qiao Liang is in the first phase of the game, it will be a big event!

But since the video title is the garbage game, it should be no problem.

After all, Tengda game has never been above this column from "Lonely Desert Road".

However, Yu Qian is safe for two seconds, and suddenly it is somewhat wrong.

"The most garbage of history" a few words, let Yan Qian realize that things are not as simple!

Take another look at the video introduction, Sure enough, this program is the mission and choice of the national tour in the vomiting more than ten years!


Yan Qian can't help but explode.

Potholes this is! !

According to reason, "junk game big spit" has already been followed by Tengda game, but the girlfriend selection "mission and choice" to spit!

Obviously, this video will bring players to go back to ten years ago, re-experience the history of the domestic stand-alone game collapse.

Next week, the re-copy version of "mission and choice" must be officially released, most talents have just recall the "mission and choice" of the old models, after seeing the re-version, will definitely add a lot of emotional points ...

Is this not a big problem!

Yan Qian is very speechless.

What is the old wet in this Qiao? How to make a video every time you have a right!

After tangled a few minutes, Yan Qian still opened the video.

No way, the video has been sent, can you always contact Eli Island to delete it?

Can only look at the specific content of the video, then think about the corresponding countermeasures.

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