Meng Cenist is stupid.

It was just a very ordinary interview. I didn't expect to be caught by these players who were called Formos!

Meng Chang realized that although the subject content of the interview was in his non-ended governing, it was a personal attack, but this is just a small problem.

The real problem is that this interview has leaked the "mission and choice" Demo information!

Meng Chang's way to adopt such a propaganda method, and in the final analysis, it is still in order to conceal this information, so that the propaganda fund is full of water.

But Yu Yao also has other employees of the advertising marketing department, but I don't know the true intention of Meng Chang!

They all thought that Meng Chang was deliberately concealing this information, thus triggering greater sensation during disclosure.

In this way, Yu Yao and others have a high level of vigilance on "confidential", and it is a little lax, and there is an accident!

I didn't even think that this picture would cause so many things.

Meng Chang was a bit panicked, he rushed to the discussion of the players again.

Interview with the number of comments below, and a large number of players have attracted it in and see that Demo's information and started to gather!

Netizens know what is called "bold assumption, be careful," Strings!

The heat of the discussion is getting higher and higher, and Meng Chang is not sitting.

In order to fly in minutes, it will fly, and it will be left from yourself. This is simply causing people to accept him in an interview!

"What should I do, I can't hit it again like this!"

Meng Yisheng is urgent.

At present, the players still stay in the premise stage, but Meng Chang does not doubt, they will quickly patch up the truth.

Meng Chang did not accept such a easily dog ​​belt, and the desperation of the desperation has more excited his struggle!

"Come and think about a few marketing programs, or release some of the 'one-sided real news', slightly transferred the players' attention, let them don't die again ..."

There are still more than half a month from May 1, Meng Chang does not know that you can distract the players in such a long time.

But let him give up this month very simply? That is absolutely impossible!

The desperate situation is always more inspiratory, and Meng Chang's brain is running quickly, and the new program is started immediately.

Now the curiosity of the players have been burst, it is better to blind. If Meng Chang is forcibly negative, it will completely stimulate the players' reverse and counterpartum, causing more serious consequences.

So Meng Chang feels that it is time to travel!

As the saying goes, only magic can defeat magic.

The best way to cover a message is undoubtedly a message.

Just like many companies when conduct crisis public relations, it is best not to go online to delete posts, fire, and banned public opinion necessarily caused rebound, will only trigger a bigger crisis.

The best way is to dig more black materials from other competitors, and then buy the water army.

In this way, most people will pay attention to new hotspots. The crisis of the company will naturally have passed.

Meng Chang left and right, this seems to be the only way.

"I heard that the Ocean game is also developing new games, and it is expected that the sale time is the second half of May."

"Slightly check internal information ..."

"This game is called" Fitness Battle "? This ... The game type is a bit far away."

"However, the problem is not big, it is difficult to fall."

"It looks, you have to abandon your car!"

Meng Chang quickly finalized a more bold plan.

He has to disclose a small part of the game content about "fitness battle", and hint players, this is the new game of Tengda, which is also the game Demo, which is playing, may come to "domestic classic game collection".

In this way, the players will discuss these brokeings from Mengchang, and think about it.

"Fitness Big Battle" is only available in the second half of May.

In the entire April, Meng Chang's propaganda program is aimed at "mission and choice" and did not trigger too much attention to "mission and choice".

Even if the players pay attention to the "fitness battle", after all, the game has not yet, the details of the disclosure are very small, so the promotion is not too ideal.

In this way, as long as the in May, Meng Chang can't get a full supra, at least 78%.

For him, it is also very much!

Meng Chang quickly thought of the plan, and it is a disease that is in a hurry, still returning to life, and now it is still not good. But it is much better than sitting more than sitting.

However, there is also the only problem, that is, the promotion fund is not enough.

The remaining 20 million left has been hurried to all, and the funds here are not much.

But I want this "misleading" to produce effect, and I will definitely spend money.

What's more, the publicity of "Fitness Battle" is not responsible for Meng Chang, and there is always a question, and there is a little bit of death.

Going to the end, still have to find a lot of time.

Depending on the class, Meng Chang immediately got up and rushed to the general office.


A few minutes later, Meng Chang came to the front of the head and gently knocked on the door.


In the total voice, it seems to have three points.

Meng Chang entered the office, has not been there yet, and the total problem has been smashed.

"How do I see many players on the Internet discuss our new game? Is your propaganda plan?"

Yan Qian is serious, it looks more than Meng Chang himself.

Meng Chang is a bit impossible to touch the general pulse.

What is the situation, shouldn't you be in the dark now?

How does it seem to be more urgent than me?

Well, I am about me, I must definitely fight me!

Deliberately expressing such fake expressions, it seems to stand on this side, actually wanted to let me break in yin and yang.

That's impossible!

Thinking of this, Meng Chang immediately put a unique expression: "There is no thing, everything is smooth, all in my control."

: "Really?"

Meng Chang is very secure to point: "Really, you will not worry about you."

"But I really have some small requirements this time."

: "What is the requirements?"

Meng Chang is still an expression of a bamboo in the chest: "I hope to give me a tens of thousands of publicity funds, which will allow me to promote materials with some of the" fitness big battle "."

Yu Qian's brow is stretched first, and then tight.

"Ten thousand people have no problem."

"But what do you want to" fitness big battle "?"

, what is the ghost idea? How is it still going to live?

It's hard to ... Huo Hu, I have a project is not enough, but I have to even my fully automatic smart drying rack, I have to be together?

Can't you, do he really make a decision?

Meng Chang did not want to say, only to continue to die, duck mouth hard: "Torry, you don't have to manage, I have a number in my heart. In short, this is part of the publicity program."

This is said that Meng Chang is very embarrassed.

In case, it is not happy, and there are two do not agree, it is really a big problem.

Meng Chang's surface is light, and it is actually very anxious.

Yan Qian looked at Meng Chang's expression and fell into confusion.

Really angry?

Yu Qian did not trust Meng Chang, but trust Meng Yizhi to take the heart.

The publicity effect of last month is indeed good, and from Meng Chang's performance, this month's propaganda program seems to have left a lot of backhand.

Yan Qian didn't want to ask too thin, and I was afraid to trigger the observer effect again.

After considering a moment, Yan Qian nodded.

The employer is undoubted, the suspect is not used, since the decision makes Meng Chang's propaganda program, there is also a proposal to spur him, then you can only choose to continue to trust him!

Yan Qian nodded: "Okay, I have promised you both of you."

"But I have to remind you that if you can't get the commission, I don't care, it is yourself."

"The promotion effect of" Fitness Big Battle "will affect your fame in May, you are good."

Meng Chang said in the heart.

Marching in May?

Can I think so far? It's good to take tens of thousands of pieces in April!

Meng Chang also said something, just thanked the general, then immediately rushed back to the advertising marketing department immediately, and continued to prepare the new plan.

Suddenly, it is necessary to compete.

Be sure to transfer their attention before the players dig out the truth, use the "Fitness Big Battle" news, cover the "mission and choice", and keep in April!


Just more than an hour, even after the time course, Meng Chang's remedial plan has been completed.

Have to say, Deadline is the first productive forces, sometimes people don't force themselves, do not know how much the potential they have.

Meng Chang hurriedly gave this plan, and then handed it to Yao Go.

A bit rush, but he can't help it, because it is going to get off work.

Once you get off work, the advertising marketing department does not work overtime, this program can only wait for tomorrow to implement it. The problem is that there are enough things to happen in one night.

In case this evening, the netizens who are more than Formothy will break the case, isn't it a big thing?

There are some contents of the "fitness battle" in this program, and the guiding ideology is also particularly clear, that is, try to make misleading, transfer their attention.

Meng Chang urged very anxious, so I didn't have time to look at it, and I sent a message and several pictograms directly using the official account of Tengda.

"Let the internal staff are addicted to the game. At the end of May, we will meet you soon!"

The map is some propaganda materials for "fitness battle".

Of course, this is a very critical issue, that is, "Fitness Battle" and "Mission and Choice" game pictures are more than 100,000 miles, it is too unlike, the players are not angry, not to see Difference.

But this is difficult to study, and he carefully studied it. Although the picture of the previous interview has taken the game screen, but after all, it is mainly the back, the computer screen only takes a small piece of the photo.

It can be seen from the "domestic classic game collection" in the mosaic game, which can be seen is the perspective of God, but the specific unit inside is not clear.

Therefore, Meng Chang let the Ocean game provide a "fitness big battle" chapter close-up on the color, just the perspective of God.

The training of "Fitness Big Battle" is gradual. In the early stage, in order to guide players to better experience different chapters and levels, there are some simple plots. This picture looks with "mission and choice". It's still a bit similar.

Under the extremely blurred pixel, the backpack + ballist can also be forced into a pan, Meng Chang feels that it is not a big problem with this method.

In addition, this propaganda fund is also used to buy some self-media and marketing numbers, let them forward and conduct some "analysis".

The so-called analysis is nothing more than further putting the attention of players to the "fitness battle".

Because it is still promoting your own products, it is not fraudulent, so this is not an illegal operation.

After all arrangements, Meng Chang finally put down his heart.

He also wants to stay in the company for a while, but getting off work has arrived.

I have to go home very reluctantly, and I will continue to pay attention to the development of the situation.

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