
Seven or eight police cars drove to the pedestrian street with lights flashing and sirens on.

Then more than thirty police officers got out of the car one after another.

There were also several plainclothes men among them.

Qin Tian knew these plainclothes men.

It's the serious case group of the Municipal Bureau's detachment! ! !

This group of people has not worn police uniforms for many years.

A plaid sweatshirt in the summer and a leather jacket in the winter.

The cigarette never leaves your hand, and the gun never leaves your body!

The appearance generally looks a bit sloppy, but everyone exudes an awe-inspiring aura.

This is all the result of years of dealing with the most dangerous criminals!


And just now.

The serious crime team received a notification from the command center that police officers had discovered Zhang Cheng, a Class A wanted criminal.

For Zhang Cheng, the people in the serious crime team dreamed of catching him and bringing him to justice.

Moreover, we have received supervision from the provincial department before, requiring that this murderer who has committed numerous murders and committed numerous crimes must be caught as soon as possible!

So after hearing Zhang Cheng's appearance, the crime team was like hungry wolves that had smelled prey.

Holding a pistol and loading the magazine, he rushed over aggressively and prepared to fight!

But arrived at the scene.

The people in the crime squad were dumbfounded!

I saw Zhang Cheng being stepped on the ground by a young policeman in plainclothes and unable to move.

His hands were cuffed and he fell to the ground screaming.

Good guy!

This arresting posture is very much like that of our serious crime team!

I just don’t know which serious crime team this plainclothes guy belongs to!

Or maybe it's a special police brigade or an anti-terrorist armed police force.


"I'm from the Renmin South Road Police Station!"

Seeing the police support arriving, Qin Tian followed the old rules and went through the process of "reporting his home address."

When Tang Tianming, the leader of the serious crime team, heard this, his expression suddenly became rich.

"What? From the police station? Did you arrest Zhang Cheng?"

"Yes, it's me!" Qin Tian nodded and said:

"Since your serious crime team is in charge of his case, I will leave it to you to escort him back!"

After saying that, Qin Tian moved his foot away from Zhang Cheng's back.

Several police officers from the serious crime team nearby immediately pounced on Zhang Cheng like wolves and tigers, lifting Zhang Cheng and trying to stuff him into the police car.

"Oh shit! Please be gentle, my hand is broken and it hurts!"

"According to the law, criminals also have human rights! Take me to have my hands treated!"

Zhang Cheng, who was lifted up, roared in pain.

Only then did the surrounding police officers see clearly that the fugitive's right finger bone was broken and his left shoulder was dislocated.

Apparently he received a "judicial education"!

Tang Tianming looked at Zhang Cheng, then turned to look at Qin Tian:

"You educated me???"

"Yes, I did it!" Qin Tian nodded again:

"This is so dishonest! He even tried to resist with a knife and almost stabbed my colleague!"

"I have no choice but to remove one of his arms to make him calm down!"

"You didn't use a gun?"

"I don't have a gun yet!"

"Just with bare hands?"

"Yes, with bare hands!"


Upon hearing this, not only Tang Tianming, but also the surrounding police officers had confused expressions on their faces.

You must know that facing a vicious knife-wielding murderer, even a special police officer will not choose to fight the opponent with bare hands.

No matter how good your martial arts skills are, you are still afraid of kitchen knives. This saying can explain why.

But the plainclothes guy in front of me seemed to be so good at martial arts that he wasn't afraid of a kitchen knife.

"What a commendable young man for your courage! But murderers who escape are usually inhumane and kill without blinking an eye!"

"If you encounter this situation again in the future, it's better to wait until the main force arrives before attacking! Everything must be done to ensure your own safety!"

After saying this, Tang Tianming looked Qin Tian up and down, and he couldn't help but have his thoughts in mind.

"Are you interested in joining our serious crime team?"

"We need people like you!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Qin Tian didn't have time to answer.

I heard a voice coming from the side.

"Old Man Tang, you're poaching my people, right?"

When I turned around, I saw it was Zhang Dahai!

I just received the same notification and heard that Qin Tian and Tian Wu were at the scene to arrest fugitive A.

Zhang Dahai naturally couldn't sit still and rushed to the scene immediately.

But as soon as he arrived, he saw people from the serious crime team poaching him.

Zhang Dahai immediately walked over with a straight face and said:

"Don't you ask me, the director, if I agree? Should I let him go?"

Tang Tianming suddenly felt embarrassed and could only say with a smile:

"Old captain, I didn't poach anyone!"

"I just think that this apprentice of yours has a future and ability, and I just want to get to know him!"

Zhang Dahai smiled happily.

Then he straightened his back and raised his voice with confidence.

"This apprentice of ours doesn't have much ability, he just wants to look bad with us!"

"We just solved a major inter-provincial case not long ago! We don't get much credit, just a second-class merit, which was issued by Director Chen himself, and he was praised by the provincial department by name!"

"No, we caught another escaped A today! Hey, I'm afraid I'm going to get another third-class merit award!"

Hear Zhang Dahai's unabashed Versailles.

The surrounding police officers all had black lines on their faces.

Tang Tianming even smiled helplessly:

"You are so humble!"


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