Lost Gun In Street Test? I Caught My Leg And Broke It!

【49】I Also Want To Keep A Low Profile, But My Apprentice’S Strength Doesn’T Allow It!

Arrived at the scene.

Qin Tian saw that both sides of the VIP channel were really crowded.

Fans held various support lights and slogans, and whenever a celebrity entered the venue, they would shout excitedly!

There are even some crazy fans who want to rush into the tunnel and have close contact with their idol stars.

But they were all stopped by the police.

In order to maintain order at the scene, two to three hundred security policemen linked arms and formed a human wall to block the passage between the crowd and the passage.

Prevent crowds from rushing into the aisles.

As for some crazy fans who don't listen and keep attacking the cordon.

The police at the scene didn't hesitate, they just pushed him to the ground, cuffed him and left.


Seeing the situation at the scene, Qin Tian also joined the team to maintain order.

However, as a criminal police officer, he did not need to join the human wall.

They were just guarding an area of ​​the cordon to prevent crazy fans from rushing in.

At the same time, he constantly scans the crowd through his eyes of good and evil to detect traces of criminals.

Among a crowd of several thousand people, it is inevitable that there will be people with negative values ​​of good and evil.

But if I look carefully, they are basically below -10.

Qin Tian didn't bother to care about these people who were not causing any real harm.

In addition to the current situation, there is really no time to pay attention to them.



Qin Tian quickly found a target worthy of arrest.

And there are several.

[Name: Liu Guang, good and evil value: -20, crime: burglary]

[Name: Zhang Jinxin, good and evil value: -25, crime: telecommunications fraud]

[Name: Chen Yuenan, good and evil value: -30, crime: illegal fund-raising, tax evasion]

[Name: Liang Xingyuan, good and evil value: -32, charge: intentional injury]

[Name: Huang Xuewen, good and evil value: -45, crime: robbery with knife]

Five targets locked!

Qin Tian takes action decisively!

However, before arresting him, Qin Tian followed the regulations and notified Zhang Dahai and asked him to send a few more people over.

Soon, two other criminal police officers from the South Road Criminal Police Squadron and two security police officers also arrived at the scene.

Finally, an eight-person arrest team was formed.

Led by Qin Tian, ​​the arrest began.

Based on their unconditional trust in Qin Tian, ​​the other seven people did not ask why.

As long as Qin Tian specifies the target, he will rush over and catch it.

Less than 20 minutes before and after.

The five suspects were picked out from the crowd, handcuffed, and taken to the police box at the South Road Station.

And sitting on the office chair in the post box.

Zhang Dahai holds a walkie-talkie in his hand and is "group chatting" in the exclusive channels of each director.

And what the directors talked about was nothing more than who and who arrested so and so!

On the surface, it is communication work and informing each other of the alarm.

But secretly, Domen Qing'er wants to arrest more people than anyone else and be more in the limelight than anyone else!

Zhang Dahai was naturally very satisfied with He Yuzhu, the escapee who had just been captured, and felt happy for a while.

Just when he was about to raise his voice and give a briefing to other directors.

The five newly captured suspects lined up in a long line and were led in by several security policemen.

Since the post box was not big, it seemed very crowded after the five suspects came in.

"What's going on?" Zhang Dahai asked doubtfully.

The security police replied:

"They are all five people with criminal records. Qin Tian led us to arrest them!"

Zhang Dahai breathed a sigh of relief:

"Since Qin Tian took the lead in arresting him, there must be no problem!"

"We just can't fit in this post, so you can escort these suspects to the police bus and hand them over to the special police team to take care of them!"

"Remember before handing him over, you must indicate that he was caught by us on the South Road, and make a record!"

"Besides, where is Qin Tian now?"

"He is still maintaining order at the scene and cannot leave!"

Zhang Dahai heard this and nodded: "Okay, you go to the scene and help him!"

After sending people away.

Zhang Dahai immediately picked up the walkie-talkie and loudly announced:

"Hey! I just caught an escaped criminal and I'm still excited. Now I've caught five more criminals and it's so hard that I can't even fit in the police box! Oh, our apprentice is really careless. He keeps trying to fix things for me all day long. It’s such a troublesome thing that I can’t even try to clean it up!”

After hearing about Versailles being so naked, some people in the director's channel couldn't help it.

"Zhang Dapao, just pretend, pretend as hard as you can! If it's really troublesome, you can transfer your apprentice to my institute. I don't mind it, and I'll provide him with good food and drink!"

"Old Zhang, I really want to criticize you! When we were in the detachment together, why didn't we realize your virtue! Now that you are about to retire, your true nature is exposed? Just because you have a good apprentice, you show off your power. Isn’t it?”

"After all, they do have the capital to show off their power! You know, I have been a policeman for decades, and I have never seen anyone who can become a second-level superintendent at the age of 23!"

"Bureau Chen has already spoken out, saying that he is a priority model to be cultivated by the city bureau! This kid has a bright future! Zhang Dapao, just have fun!"

"Old Zhang, can you keep a low profile and let us people have a better psychological balance?"

Hearing the complaints from several old colleagues, Zhang Dahai became more energetic.

"Low-key? I also want to be low-key, but my apprentice's strength doesn't allow it! Hahaha!"

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