Lost Gun In Street Test? I Caught My Leg And Broke It!

【74】Bai Jun Protects The Dharma And Is The Ming King Of Tantric Buddhism! The Whereabouts Of Dr. Hao

As the black warlord and a group of terrorists were killed by Qin Tian.

The hostage crisis is officially over.

Subsequently, a large number of armed police and special police rushed in and escorted the hostages out.

Immediately afterwards, Cui Wenyu hurried to the scene carrying a sniper rifle.

As soon as he came in, he saw Qin Tian, ​​shirtless and covered in blood, lying on the ground in a big font.

Cui Wenyu's face suddenly changed, and he said worriedly:

"Brother Qin, are you okay? Are you injured somewhere?"

"I'm fine, I'm just studying the score!" After Qin Tian finished speaking, he stood up like a carp.

He patted Cui Wenyu on the shoulder and said with a smile:

"The score is now 4:7!"

"Including the Black Warlord's 5 points, the Japanese Communist Party is 4:12!"

"Brother Cui, you will definitely lose! Haha!"

Seeing that Qin Tian was not injured, Cui Wenyu felt relieved.

But he still said bravely:

"Brother Qin, don't be too happy too early!"

"There is still a big BOSS with 10 points that hasn't appeared yet!"

"If I kill Dr. Hao, I can surpass you in the score!"

"As you said, we still don't know who will win!"

"Doctor Hao, it's best not to kill him and leave him alive!" Qin Tian warned:

"Now that the black warlord is dead, I hope to rely on Dr. Hao to solve the entire case and finally dig out the roots of this cult!"

"So, Brother Pu, you have no chance to overtake the score!"

Cui Wenyu smiled and said:

"If that's the case, then consider me giving up!"

"I, Cui Wenyu, am convinced that I can lose to you, an ace policeman!"

"No shame! Haha"

Qin Tian was a little surprised to see the other party give up so easily.

Then he patted Cui Wenyu on the shoulder again and said comfortingly:

"If it comes to fighting on the battlefield to protect our country, I will definitely not be able to compete with you as a soldier!"

"But if you are fighting against the September 17th crime, of course you can't beat me as a police officer! Haha!"


It was a group of criminal policemen from the task force, along with trace inspection and forensic personnel, who entered the abandoned factory and began to collect evidence of crime at the scene!

Liang Heping took several capital police officers to the warehouse where the five internal organs ceremony was held.

Looking at the bloody scenes and strange murals in front of him, Liang Heping frowned and then ordered in a deep voice:

"Immediately report the case to the ministry and commission and activate the [anti-terrorism case] handling mechanism!"

"Completely seal off this abandoned factory and prohibit irrelevant personnel from entering! Especially media reporters and ordinary people!

"We must strictly prevent news of the case from spreading to the society, so as not to cause unnecessary panic!"

After giving the order, Liang Heping went to the corridor on the second floor to investigate, and soon saw the bodies of the two terrorists!

"The cervical vertebrae were broken instantly, and the heart was hit by an external force and stopped suddenly!"

"This is

"The kill method is only used by the Army Special Forces, and kills with one blow. The technique is quite skillful, and it has reached the level of a senior special forces soldier!"

Liang Heping, who is experienced in criminal investigation, quickly determined the cause of death of the body.

At this time, Qin Tian and Cui Wenyu walked out and happened to run into Liang Heping and others.

"Chief Liang, did you find any important evidence at the scene?"

Liang Heping looked at Qin Tian and asked:

"Qin Tian, ​​have you served in the army? And you were in the frontline special forces?"

"No! I graduated from the police academy and have never been a soldier!"

"Then how come you know the special killing technique? This is not taught in the police academy!"

Liang Heping couldn't help but become confused.

When Cui Wenyu heard this, he was even more shocked and said:

"What? Special killing technique?"

"Forget it in the police academy, even our anti-terrorist special service brigade doesn't teach this!"

"Qin Tian, ​​how did you learn such a killing move?"

Qin Tian shrugged:

"I'm self-taught!"

"What? Can you be self-taught?" Cui Wenyu's eyes widened:

"Brother Qin, you really hide your secrets!"

"I feel now that you are not an ace policeman, but an ace special forces soldier!!!"

"It is not unjust that these terrorists died in your hands!"

Qin Tian coughed twice and quickly changed the subject:

"Let's talk about the case!"

"By the way, Chief Liang! Did the crime team find any clues about Dr. Hao?"

Liang Heping shook his head and said:

"Captain Tang and his people have already investigated all the major hospitals in the city, and there are no valuable clues!"

"As for the more specific situation, we will hold a task force meeting in the afternoon and discuss it collectively!"

Eight hours later.

That afternoon, the Municipal Bureau Building.

The second collective meeting of the task force is being held here.

As the host of the meeting, Liang Heping first spoke:

“Let me first inform you of the overall situation————”

"Now the case has made a major breakthrough, and we are only one step away from being finally solved!"

"During last night's raid, we arrested a total of 7 criminals and killed 16 criminals!"

"Among them, 4 criminals were captured by Comrade Qin Tian and Lieutenant Cui Wenyu!"

"There are 7 other criminals who were killed by Comrade Qin Tian personally! Among them was the black warlord who was one of the first criminals!"

"Here, there are ten more points that I need to focus on┼┼┼two"

Liang Heping stood up and introduced:

"During last night's hostage rescue operation, Comrade Qin Tian ignored his personal safety and went deep into the criminal's den alone!"

"In the end, with his personal intelligence and excellent military quality, he successfully killed 7 criminals and rescued 12 hostages!"

"In view of this, in last night's operation, Comrade Qin Tian should be credited with the first credit!!!"

"When the case is solved, I will ask the ministries and commissions for credit for Comrade Qin Tian!"


As soon as he finished speaking, warm applause erupted in the conference room.

Qin Tian, ​​who became the focus of the scene, immediately stood up and saluted everyone!

I can’t help but feel happy~~~

Subsequently, the meeting continued.

Liang Heping continued to speak:

"Next, let me inform you of the specific circumstances of the case!"

"In last night's operation, we successfully destroyed the den of this group of criminals and captured and killed most of the criminals!"

"At the same time, we found a lot of important evidence at the scene!"

"It includes the remains of seven victims, as well as 18 skulls and parts of human internal organs!"

"Currently, the technical investigation department is already conducting DNA testing on these skulls and human organs to identify identity information as soon as possible!!

"And based on the evidence currently available, we have been able to determine"

"This is an organized and premeditated cult sacrifice activity, and it is classified as a terrorist organization crime case!"

Speaking of this, Liang Heping paused and his tone began to become heavier:

"After our investigation of the scene and the interrogation of the seven arrested persons!"

"We have obtained the following information -

"This terrorist organization called Lagon Tantra has been secretly engaged in illegal sacrificial activities for many years!"

"In recent years, this organization has set its sights on northern Myanmar! Because there, without legal constraints, they can do evil without restraint!"

"In addition, there is the phenomenon of slave exploitation in northern Myanmar and the rampant black market for human organs. These have further encouraged cult organizations such as Lagon Tantra to develop into a hotbed of Greek influence!"

"In order to obtain the so-called sacrifices, they colluded with the local evil forces and murdered many innocent people!"

"In the past month, the Lagon Tantric Sect received instructions from Dr. Hao and sent nearly 20 militants to escort more than a dozen hostages from northern Myanmar, smuggled them all the way into our country, and finally came to Shenlan City, trying to Let’s do the so-called [Five Zang Festival]!”

"Although the sacrificial site was destroyed by our police, armed elements including black warlords were also killed!"

"But Dr. Hao, the core culprit, is still at large!!!"

"Therefore, arresting the doctor is the top priority for our task force!"

"It is also the final step in solving the case!"

"Now please actively express your opinions and share your ideas for solving the case!"

After listening to Liang Heping's introduction, everyone present immediately started discussing.

After a while, Tang Tianming spoke:

"If we want to solve the case now, we need to solve three problems——"

"What is Dr. Hao's identity? Where is he now? What will he do next?"

"By the way, Chief Liang, didn't we arrest seven criminals? Did they get the answers to these three questions during their interrogation?"

Liang Heping shook his head and sighed:

"The only clue that comes out of the interrogation now is-

"Except for the black warlord, no one else in the cult knows Dr. Hao's true identity at all!"

"At present, the black warlord has been killed, which means that a

"The only clue about Dr. Hao is gone!"

"However, it needs to be noted that in the circumstances like yesterday, when the black warlord held hostages, any policeman would have shot him dead on the spot!"

"So Qin Tian decisively killed the black warlord. This is an unexpected and appropriate act!"

Having said this, Liang Heping turned to look at Qin Tian and said with great expectation:

"Comrade Qin Tian, ​​I see you have been thinking just now!"

"I wonder if you have any ideas about how to solve the case?"

At this time, Qin Tian was carefully reviewing the information in the system information package and combining it with what happened yesterday.

Suddenly, an idea flashed in his mind, and he thought of an important point.

Then he formally said:

"I think the clues haven't been broken yet!!!"

"Although the Black Warlord is dead, we can still find clues about the doctor from him!"

Upon hearing this...

Everyone at the scene was immediately filled with curiosity and eager to know what the clues were.

Facing everyone's gaze, Qin Tian expressed his thoughts:

"Before I killed the Black Warlord yesterday, I heard him talk about his identity. He was the [Hei Jun Deacon] of the Lagon Tantric Sect!"

"I have checked the detailed background information of Lagon Tantric Sect, and I know that in addition to the Black Lord Deacon, this cult also has an important figure called the [White Lord Protector]!"

"But the two of them are not the leaders of this cult!"

Liang Ping was immediately curious and couldn't wait to ask:

"So who is the leader of the Lagon Tantra?"

Qin Tian did not hold anything back and directly announced the result:

"Tantric Ming King!!!"

"All things return to Mahakala, and the five internal organs are worshiped by the Tantric Ming King! This is the slogan of Lagon Tantric believers!"

"In the teachings of Lagon Tantra -

"Maikala is the god of faith, and Mingwang is the realistic projection of the god. He is the leader who exercises divine power and manages believers on behalf of the god!"

"Judging from the information we currently have, Dr. Hao's status in the Lagon Tantric Sect will definitely not be lower than that of the Black Warlord!"

"So I have reason to believe——"

"Doctor Hao is either Deacon Bai Jun, or King Ming of Tantric Buddhism!"

When everyone at the scene heard this, they couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

After a while, someone asked:

"But these two identities can only prove Dr. Hao's religious identity, and they cannot know his personal information!"

"The most important thing is, I don't know where he is now? What will he do next?"

"Actually, you can know the answers to these two questions without guessing!" The speaker this time was Tang Tianming, who analyzed:

"Dr. Hao is definitely not in Shenlan City now. What he needs to do next is to escape!"

"After all, all his accomplices have been wiped out. Dr. Hao will definitely run away after realizing that something is wrong!"

After hearing Tang Tianming's analysis, everyone nodded in agreement.

After all, this is the most logical reasoning for the character!

"No!!! Dr. Hao won't run away, he is still in Shenlan City!"

Qin Tian suddenly spoke and said firmly.

At this time, everyone couldn't help but become confused.

"The situation is not good, why won't he run away?"

"Does he still want to fight with our police? Or play hide-and-seek under our noses?"

"Such a big heart? So hard-headed? This is impossible, isn't it? This is not a normal person's reaction!!"

Faced with everyone's doubts, Qin Tian explained:

"According to normal people's thinking, the doctor will definitely run away!"

"But you must know that these cult believers are not normal people! If you try to figure them out with normal people's thinking, you will be misled!"

"Based on my understanding of Lagon Tantra, I boldly make a guess——"

"Not only will Doctor Hao not run away, but he will also try his best to complete the sacrificial ceremony!"

"Because in the eyes of these fanatical believers, the sacrificial ceremony is extremely important. Once it starts, the entire process must be completed!"

"And now, they have completed the [Five Zang Sacrifice]!"

"Next, there is only one last step left - "2.2" [Sun Festival]!!!"

Having said this, Qin Tian paused and then said:

"The five internal organs sacrifice is actually [gold, wood, water, fire, and earth]!"

"Metal corresponds to the lungs, wood corresponds to the liver, water corresponds to the kidneys, fire corresponds to the heart, and earth corresponds to the spleen!"

“This theory is also mentioned in traditional Chinese medicine.”

“In addition, metal, wood, water, fire, and earth also represent the five main planets in the solar system!”

"And in the teachings of Lagon Tantra -

"After worshiping the five internal organs and the five stars, we must worship the sun!"

"This is the last step and the most important link!"

"So I speculate——————"

"As long as we find the place where the Sun Festival is held, we will definitely be able to catch Dr. Hao!!!"

“And it’s not difficult to find the location of the Sun Festival!”

"Because one condition must be met to hold the Sun Festival, which is that it must be in a place with high terrain, direct sunlight, and a lot of people!"

Upon hearing this, Tang Tianming immediately answered:

"I thought of a place -

“Lingfeng Mountain Amusement Park!!!”

"This amusement park is located on a mountain on the outskirts of the city. Not only does it have ample sunlight, it also has the highest altitude in the city!"

"The most important thing is that the amusement park has many visitors every day!"

When Qin Tian heard this, an ominous premonition suddenly arose in his heart.

He immediately exclaimed:

"not good!!!"

"If the location of the Sun Festival is really chosen at Lingfengshan Amusement Park, then Dr. Hao is very likely to be planning a terrorist attack against tourists!!!"

"Because the Sun Sacrifice, like the Five Zang Sacrifice, requires human sacrifices! And-

“The more sacrifices, the better!!!”

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