They had already met at the Xiao manor. However, that time, he had an official business meeting with Uncle Xiao. If they were to meet in public this time, it would not be appropriate.

With his response, Dan Yu Wu was relieved. With Yuwen Tuo's eyes locked onto his, there was no need for Yan Ming, and Yuwen Tuo knew what she meant. He looked at the table, and Yuwen Tuo took the cork and accurately threw the wine out of the window in the direction of the Vermillion Bird.

The Vermillion Bird's first reaction was that there was a foreign object closing in on it. It steadily caught the wine cork Yuwen Tuo threw out and stepped forward to protect Cen Xue and Xiao Ling'er from the falling wine cork.

Yiyu Wu and Yuwen Tuo stood by the window. When they saw the Vermillion Bird looking at them, they immediately waved their hands and shouted, "We're here. Hurry and come up."

"It's Yu Wu and Yuwen Tuo. They must have thrown that thing down to attract our attention, right?" Cen Xue happily looked at the two of them. Ever since they parted, she hadn't seen Yu Wu for a long time, and she didn't even visit her at the palace.

"It should be. Master, do you want to go up and sit with them?" The Suzaku nodded and softly asked.

"We want it, we want it, let's go quickly …" Cen Xue urged the Vermillion Bird and pulled Xiao Ling'Er into the first floor.

Wow, this place is so big! The hall is filled with guests. When I heard that the business here was good, even if I wanted to come in for a meal, I would have to wait at least two hours.

"Over here, come here quickly …" Dan Yu Wu welcomed them and led them into the private room.

The Vermillion Bird followed him in and looked around. It then whispered into Cen Xue's ears, "Esteemed Empress, the Vermillion Bird will not disturb your chat. I'll be right outside the door, if there's anything I need to say, the Vermillion Bird will come in.

Cen Xue nodded and asked Lan Qi'er to follow her out. She only pulled Xiao Ling'er along and sat down.

"This is Ling'er. I don't think you need me to introduce her, right?" Cen Xue believed that they should all know Ling'Er.

"This should be the younger sister of the doctor, right? I am Yuwen Tuo. " Yuwen Tuo said courteously.

Xiao Ling'Er hurriedly stood up and bowed towards him: "Little girl Xiao Ling'Er, Xiao Boyi is my elder brother."

"Alright, alright. Everyone sit down. Don't be so courteous." Cen Xue pulled her to a seat, then pointed at Yuwen Tuo and Yu Wu and added, "This is Yuwen Tuo, the son of General Yuwen Tai. He's Lou Lan's number one beauty, the granddaughter of Prime Minister Dan.

Cen Xue added the latter part herself, but succeeded in making Yu Wu blush.

"Don't be so improper …" Yiyu Wu lowered her head and looked at Cen Xue in embarrassment.

As everyone chatted, Xiao Ling'er quickly blended in with the rest. Yuwen Tuo faced Cen Xue's cute and cheerful side, and the fear in his heart gradually disappeared. Originally, he thought that she was the superior concubine, but today, when everyone sat together, he felt that she was the same as the other girls. She was just like his little sister, without any airs.

Helian Jue hid behind the screen, listening to their lively conversation. He could not stay any longer and suddenly appeared behind Cen Xue, giving her a fright.

"You … Prince, why are you here? " Cen Xue stared at him in shock.

Xiao Ling'er wanted to stand up and pay her respects, but Helian Jue spoke already. "You don't need to get up, continue. This king has been here for a long time. It was originally the three of us, so in order to not be discovered by the Vermillion Bird, we hid ourselves. "

"Oh …" Cen Xue nodded. Goodbye to him. Her whole body felt weird and unnatural. Perhaps it was a little awkward.

Helian Jue sat at the seat beside her. After so many days of not seeing his, she was still the same as before.

"Are you tired of the queen?" Helian Jue continued to ask questions that were not related to the border.

"Ah?" "No, I've already made arrangements, so how could I be tired?" Cen Xue replied nervously.

"Okay, okay. Everyone, let's eat. The food here is famous for being delicious. If you don't eat it, you'll be wasted." One Feather Dancing called out to them, looking at their awkward expressions.

Cen Xue couldn't let him go as long as he was here. She felt that she had made use of him and was ashamed to treat him …

Yuwen Tuo picked up Yu Wu's favorite dish and placed it into her bowl. The two of them acted like they loved each other, causing others to be extremely envious of them.

"This king has always felt that the Queen's death was strange. Cen Xue, do you know anything about Brother Wang's death?" In the dining room, Helian Jue suddenly asked this question.

Cen Xue was stunned for a moment before looking at him. She had promised him that she wouldn't mention it to anyone. She definitely couldn't tell anyone about it. This would affect her reputation for the queen!

"No, I don't know anything. I only know that someone went to the palace early in the morning to report for a funeral. Prince, you shouldn't have come to ask me about this sort of thing, right?" Cen Xue definitely wouldn't leave out a single word.

"Oh, I'm just curious. Meng Shihai suddenly resigned and returned to his hometown. It's only been two or three days, and Queen Meng has already mysteriously died. It's hard to not wonder if there's a connection between these two matters?" Helian Jue put down his chopsticks and watched as they voiced out their speculations.

"It doesn't matter what kind of scheme there is, it's all good. This thing has already happened, and it can't be changed. Everyone has always wanted Meng Shihai to step down, right? Now that he's left, what's the harm? " Cen Xue also put down her chopsticks and joined the discussion.

"In my opinion, everything is fine except for the fact that Queen Meng's death was a little unfair." One-Feather Dance also gave her own acceptance speech.

"All of you are right, but these questions are not for us to comment on here, talk less, and eat more." Yuwen Tuo's words silenced everyone.

Xiao Ling`er did not understand the national affairs they were discussing and quietly sat beside Cen Xue. Occasionally, she would serve her dishes and pour tea for everyone.

The Vermillion Bird and Lan Qi'er waited outside for about an hour before Cen Xue pulled Xiao Ling'er's hand and said, "Yu Wu, thank you for the hospitality today. We'll be leaving first."

"Mm, it's getting late. Go back quickly and don't let 'he' look for you everywhere." A happy smile appeared on Dan Yu Wu's lips. With Yuwen Tuo by her side, she was truly very happy.

After a round of pleasantries, Cen Xue first sent Xiao Ling'Er home before running back to the Black Tortoise Sect without stopping. After a day of peace and stability, Cen Xue's courage had increased and she often thought of running out of the palace to play.

In fact, the Vermillion Bird had already noticed that something wasn't right on the first floor. The only thing it missed was the fact that there were three pairs of chopsticks on the table. Seeing that the tea in the cup was still steaming, the Vermilion Bird was certain that the person was still in the room. It also guessed that that person was the Third Prince, He Lianshen, so it left on its own accord to allow him to appear.

The Vermillion Bird could no longer conceal this matter from the Prince. Perhaps in the future, the Prince would take advantage of the Empress's absence to find excuses to meet the Empress. He would come and go, and something would happen sooner or later.

Helian Lie's expression was calm, as if he had no influence on what the Vermillion Bird said. During the night, he did not ask her anything in front of Cen Xue, but only hoped that she would tell him herself.

"Man, what's wrong with you? I keep feeling that you were so weird tonight, like you had something on your mind." After a burst of excitement, Cen Xue asked while lying down beside him.

"Oh, I'm just a bit annoyed about the court. It's fine, but you seem to be in a good mood today. Where did you go when you left the palace? Who are you with?" Helian Lie's eyes flashed as he asked her this question. In his heart, he repeatedly shouted, "Don't lie to him! You absolutely mustn't lie to him!"

However, Cen Xue's reply was quick. With a smile on her face, she said, "I went shopping with Ling'Er and met Yu Wen Tuan and Yu Wu in the first floor. They even treated me to a lot of delicious food and then came back."

"Oh, is that all? But since when did you get to know them so well? You haven't met each other much, have you? " Helian Shan was full of doubts about her now. Had he never known that they were that close?

In their memories, they had only seen each other once or twice. Could it be that they were secretly meeting without him knowing?

Helian Lie felt that something was amiss with this situation. It seemed that he really should follow behind her next time and see who she was meeting with in the end.

"I am popular! Those who are fated to become close friends with just a single word, just like me, Yu Wu, and Ling'er. Don't you like me being friends with them? " Cen Xue could vaguely sense that something was wrong with him, but she didn't think so when he said that he didn't have any.

Helian Shan forced out a slight smile and embraced her in his arms, no longer continuing to question her …

Early in the morning, Yuwen Tai had He Lianheng brought over from the Royal Mansion. Inside the study, his back was facing Yuwen Tuo and He Lianheng. Today, he had a decision to make between the two of them.

"Father, what happened?" Now that we are all here, why don't you just say so? " Yuwen Tuo looked at his father and asked, puzzled.

He immediately rushed over when his servant informed him. However, General Yuwen Tai stood with his back facing the two of them for half an hour, not saying a single word. Did this cause him and Yuwen Tuo to be confused?

The two people behind him were obviously impatient from waiting. Yuwen Tai turned around and looked at the two of them. One was the prince whom he had taught since he was young, and the other was his own son.

After hesitating for a long time, Yuwen Tuo told them both to sit down and slowly say, "A few days ago, General He, who was the guardian of the Red Mountain's border fortress, passed away because of her age. This morning, he sent a report back to the palace and the king privately approached me to discuss the replacement. Now, Lou Lan can be said to be at a crucial point in the transition; whether it be civil or military officials, he is trying to eliminate some of the older generation.

"Father, let your son go!" Yuwen Tuo volunteered.

"Ta'er, your qualifications and experience are not as good as the prince's. If the prince gives up, it'll be your turn!" Yuwen Tuo looked at Helian Jue. Actually, this decision wasn't that hard to make. As long as Helian Jue was willing to go, then the position of the general of the border city would belong to him. If he wasn't willing, then he would let his son go.

Although Yuwen Tuo was inexperienced, he had already thought about it. He would send a capable deputy general to accompany him there. Red Mountain City was Lou Lan's most important city; any mistakes were not allowed.

"Just like what the general said, with Ta Ta's qualifications and experience, I'll be the city guard general!" This position was very important. As a member of the royal family, he had the responsibility to protect his country.

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