After the two discussed with each other, they decided that tomorrow morning they would have Tana bring them up the mountain to find the snow lotus and the seven-colored beauty flower, leaving behind only a guard to protect Cen Xue. Tomorrow Cen Xue would also start soaking in medicinal bath, and Shui Lan would be able to take care of her.

Cen Xue was so nervous that she did not sleep the whole night. Just as the sky started to brighten, she heard a sound from inside the stone room. Seeing that Shui Lan was still sleeping soundly, she gently got off the bed, opened the stone door and went out to take a look.

Tung got up early in the morning and had the tools ready, and Father said that the flower grew halfway up the mountain between the cliffs, and the ground was very dangerous, so the rope had to bear the weight, and they had to get up early in the morning and knead it thick and strong, and the rope had to be long enough to find all the rope in the hole, and connect it all, and put the knot in it.

"Big brother Tengger, are you guys leaving so early?" Cen Xue stood behind him, watching him busy himself. She did not expect that a khan would personally do all this with a guard.

Tung turned to look at her and shook his head. "No, I'm just making some preparations and bringing my tools."

"It's been hard on you guys for my sake. If you're in danger, don't go and take it off. Human lives are the most precious thing. My scars are nothing." Cen Xue was worried that they would be implicated by her indirectly.

"It's okay, don't think too much into it. Just listen to your old man, and before it gets dark, we'll come back with the Snow Lotus and the seven-colored beauty flower." Tung was confident that as long as the flower was still there, he would be able to get it back.

No matter how confident he was, Cen Xue was still very worried in her heart. In a cliff, this was not a joke. If there was any mistake, she could fall into that bottomless abyss at any time!

"Is everything ready?" At this moment, old man Wu walked over.

"Father, can you see if the things we have prepared are enough? "Four thick rattan ropes. They are very strong. Each rope is over a hundred feet long. If Tana's words are accurate, then this rope is more than enough." Tengger showed the rope to Qin Lie. He had to succeed in this trip to the peak of the Lang Xie Mountain.

He nodded and said, "Yes, I remember there is a tree at the top of the mountain, and the rope can be tied there. But you must be careful when picking it, especially the seven-colored beautiful flowers, you must not lose a single petal. You must bring all seven petals back."

"Alright, we will be extra careful with this." As Tengger spoke, he directed his gaze towards Cen Xue, convincing her that he would definitely do what he had promised her.

He would definitely bring back the Seven Colored Beauty Flower and heal her face until it was as beautiful as it was initially …

It was best not to go up the mountain too early. They had to wait for the fog to dissipate before they could go up. The guard, Bangjie, had just caught a wild boar by the side of the mountain.

After Shui Lan got up, she busied herself with cleaning the wild boar, preparing a rich breakfast for everyone to eat and drink before setting off. When the sun rose, the fog on the mountain quickly disappeared, and everyone was full of energy. The three guards carried a rope on their back and followed Tengger.

"Don't worry too much about them. It's okay, you have to trust the khan. As long as the seven-colored beauty is still there, the khan will definitely come back for you." The khan is the bravest hero of our tribe. The old man brought the two of them back from the cave and busied himself with concocting a medicinal bath for Cen Xue.

"Mm …" At this moment, Cen Xue could only pray for them to return safely.

Father Wu began to prepare various medicinal herbs as he boiled them one by one in a large pot. After the water in the pot had turned into a cloudy medicinal bath, he scooped out the water from the pot and poured it into the already prepared bath barrel in the stone room. After testing the temperature, Cen Xue took off her clothes and soaked herself in the medicinal bath until only her shoulders were exposed.

"Lan'er, come in every now and then and try the water's temperature. If it gets cold, immediately heat it up. There are still a lot of medicinal ingredients in the pot, so remember not to let her soak in cold water." His father was outside instructing Shui Lan, but fortunately, he had her help.

Her entire body was covered in sweat and the strong smell of the herbs enveloped her entire body. Her black hair was also soaked in sweat and Shui Lan remembered her father's words. As the water temperature slightly rose, it was immediately heated up and mixed with the hot steam from Cen Xue's bath barrel, causing the steam to not stop for a moment.

"Thank you, Miss Shui Lan." Cen Xue saw that she was in a hurry to leave, it must have been hard for her.

"It's okay, I do these jobs at home every day. If you feel cold, you have to tell me." The kind Shui Lan said in a friendly manner.

"Mm …"

Cen Xue was soaking in the medicinal bath as she closed her eyes. Her father said that he would take six hours to soak in it, so it probably wouldn't be that fast. She decided to close her eyes and just treat it as soaking in a hot spring!

Tung and his entourage walked around the top of the mountain on the path. It would only take two hours or so to get up there, but there were very few people who would go to the top of the mountain, because it was snowing almost every day during the severe cold season. It was especially cold, and only those who went to the mountains to gather herbs would dare to climb up.

Along the way, Tana led the group through the dense forest and a few dangerous areas, and they smoothly arrived at the top of the mountain. On the way, Tana led the group, and successfully passed through the dense forest and a few dangerous areas, and they smoothly arrived at the top of the mountain.

Tanner saw several blossoming snow lotuses growing on the edge of the cliff, but there was still too much snow, so he had to prepare for his safety. The old tree was still on the top of the mountain, and it had grown a lot stronger compared to the time when he went up with his master ten years ago. Over the course of these ten years, it had grown to be a towering tree, but in this winter of ice and snow, all the leaves had fallen onto the ground.

"Tie the rope to the tree trunk, I'll go and pick the snow lotuses. Only at the edge of the cliff can I find the Rainbow Beauty Flower." As he spoke, Tana put down the medicine basket on his back and tied one end of the rope around his waist.

Tung told the other three to listen to him, tied one end of the rope to the thick trunk of the tree, and sent Tana on her way to pick the snow lotuses.

Everyone began to prepare, and Tana tied herself up, then she took the medicine basket and carefully walked towards the edge of the cliff step by step, afraid that her feet would slip and the snow lotus would grow at the edge of the cliff. Looking down at the bottomless abyss below, Tana took a deep breath, squatted down, slightly leaned forward, and reached out with his hand for his tools to pick the snow lotus.

He held a sickle in his hand, and only took off the most brilliant position in the middle of the snow lotus. Next year, this flower would be able to grow a new stamen.

After picking all the flowers in a row and putting them into the medicine basket, he looked down from his memory and searched for them. Suddenly, a smile appeared on his face and he shouted to the people behind him, "The Seven Colored Beauty Flower is still here!"

Tung himself tied a rope and walked to the edge of the cliff, looking in the direction he was pointing. At the bottom of the cliff, about two zhang away, there was a small flower growing there with great perseverance. As expected of a rare medicinal primer, no wonder no one could find it.

No one would easily discover it if they grew up in this kind of place. If not for the fact that Wu Dai had almost slipped down the cliff ten years ago when he was harvesting snow lotuses, no one would have found out about this treasure.

"Khan, let's retreat first." They couldn't go down like this. One rope was definitely not safe enough.

Tung nodded. He was prepared to go out personally and pick the seven-colored beauty flower to make Cen Xue's medicine primer.

"Khan, just let me down." Ban Jie volunteered.

Tung gestured to him that he would go in person, and told him to stand back and get ready.

Three ropes were tied around Tung's waist at the same time, and the other end was tied to a tree trunk. The other four held the rope steady behind them, while Banja and Tana held the rope at the edge of the cliff to guide him.

Tung was the bravest hero of the Tewa tribe, a khan of Tewa. Looking down at the height below him, he could see that as long as the rope could support him, there would be no problem. With his back facing downwards, just like a mountain climbing on a mountain, Tengger moved down bit by bit.

"Khan …" The two men up there were shocked to see him slip.

"I'm fine …"

With a few words, he calmed them down and slowly put down the rope …

"Just a bit more. Continue to play." Tung saw that his position was not close enough and shouted at the top.

He waved to his brothers behind him, indicating that they could continue the rope.

The three ropes that had thick vines on them were extremely sturdy, firmly holding Tengg in place. At this moment, Tengger just happened to be in position. He shouted again, "Stop …"

The rope immediately stopped. The four people on top pulled on the rope and steadied it, not shaking at all. This allowed Khan to steadily pick the flowers.

There were indeed seven leaves, and every single one of them was a different color. Remembering his father's instructions, he fixed his position, took out a silk handkerchief from his bosom, and carefully pulled out the flower with his other hand. However, this flower had already been growing here for at least ten years, and even though Tengger pulled hard, the roots were too firm, so it was useless.

He could only take out a dagger from his lapel and carefully cut off the diameter of the flower, ensuring that not a single leaf was missing …

As soon as he picked up the flower, he wrapped it in a silk cloth and put it into his shirt. He then put away the dagger and shouted to the people on top of the wall, "Pull me up!"

The few of them looked at each other and did not expect to successfully complete it. The two people holding onto the rope became distracted and their strength relaxed for a moment. The rope immediately slipped past their hands, causing Tengg to unexpectedly slide down the cliff.

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