This was the first time that Redsnow had been yelled at by Khan in such a cold and detached manner. She looked at him with some dissatisfaction in her heart. Could it be that the khan had an unusual relationship with this woman?

Khan often went out, but he had never come back with a woman. This was the first time. Last time, he said that he was only bringing her back for treatment.

"Khan, you must be hungry. Red Snow has people prepare dinner." Finally, he gave Cen Xue a glare and turned to leave.

The moment Cen Xue entered the door, she could smell her thick jealousy, especially the moment when she turned around, the hatred in her eyes made her feel extremely uncomfortable. It seemed that she couldn't stay here for too long, after the scars on her face had faded, she had to leave as soon as possible, lest she become a third party in Redsnow's eyes.

"Cen Xue, I think you're tired too. Go back to your room and rest first. When dinner is ready, I'll send someone to get you." She definitely hadn't had a good rest in the cave these past few days. She would struggle against the itch all night long. Looking at the haggard black circles under her eyes, it was time for her to have a good rest.

"Alright, then I'll go back to my room first." Cen Xue stood up and left, allowing a maid to lead her back to her room.

Back in her room, Cen Xue took off her veil and checked her right cheek which was now 50% recovered in front of the copper mirror. Ten days, she would firmly remember the words of her father.

Holding on to this pleasant surprise, three days passed quickly. At this moment, every morning when Cen Xue woke up, the scar on her face would change drastically. Day after day, she would wait, waiting for her to recover to her most perfect state.

At the same time, in Lou Lan Country, Helian Lie had already made all the necessary preparations. He personally led fifty thousand elite soldiers and led them towards Lang Xie Mountain where Tuwa was!

The spies of the Tuwa tribe who had been lurking in Lou Lan's country immediately sent the news back to Tewa, asking the khan to respond.

It was another morning. Cen Xue woke up like usual and washed her face clean. After four days, the scars on her face had already become very small. She estimated that in another three days, these scars would completely disappear.

When she walked out of the room, she had chosen to remove her veil, revealing her long missed face in front of others. The maid who had been serving her all this time was completely dumbfounded; so it turned out that she was actually such a devastatingly beautiful woman. No wonder the khan had been so cold to Madam Hong Xue during this period of time; if she was a man, he would definitely choose the beautiful and gentle Lady Lin.

"Miss, you're so pretty." The maid said in envy.

"Is that so?" It had been a long time since Cen Xue heard someone praise her so she felt a little embarrassed.

"Really, Eva would never lie." The maid affirmed.

When he arrived outside the great hall, he noticed that there was no sign of his brother. Normally, he would be waiting for him here at this hour.

"Eva, where are you guys?" Cen Xue asked doubtfully.

"Oh, someone came to report this morning. It seems like someone from another tribe is attacking us, the Tuwa tribe. That's why Khan brought a few generals to discuss how to fight against the enemy." Eva was only secretly heard when she passed by this morning, and she also saw that all the males in the tribe had gathered at the camp, so it was likely that they were going to fight.


In Eva's words Cen Xue heard three words that surprised her: "Tuwa tribe." Wasn't this the Tuwa tribe that Shan personally led the conquest?

Heavens … At this moment, Cen Xue seemed to recall Yu Wu's words to her in her mind. Due to the great disparity between the strengths of the two armies, Tuwa had no chance of winning against them. Therefore, the leader of Tuwa sold his soul to the protector of the tribe and cast the most vicious blood curse.

Big brother Tung? She had actually forgotten such an important name …

She had been here for so many days, and no one had ever told her the name of this tribe. So this was Tewa.

"Miss, what's wrong?" Eva looked at her worriedly. She was fine a moment ago, why is her face so ugly now?

"I'm fine, Eva. Can you take me to find your Khan? I have something very important to talk to him about. It's about this war." Cen Xue must stop Tengge from making such a choice.

She did not expect that the battle that started after more than a year's time would follow her, and this battle's fuse was actually for her. Cen Xue concluded that Tengshan must have known that she was following brother Tengge to Tewa, so in her anger, she decided to send troops to attack Tewa!

As if it were a serious matter, Eva took Cen Xue up to the highest level of the tower. This was the place where Khan and the other generals discussed the most important matters. The terrain was very high, so it was basically impossible for someone to eavesdrop.

There were two guards guarding the door, and Eva went outside to talk to the guards. One of the guards looked at Cen Xue and nodded, agreeing to go in and inform Khan.

"The khan, there's a Miss Lin outside the door who says she has urgent business with you. It's about Lou Lan's attack on my Tuwa." The guard suddenly barged in, interrupting the conversation inside.

However, his words caught the attention of Tengger and the other generals. They asked him to bring Cen Xue in and listen to what she had to say.

Cen Xue walked into the meeting room by herself. Other than brother Tengger, there were also four tall and sturdy men. They should be the four generals of Tewa.

"Cen Xue, what urgent matter do you have to deal with?" Cen Xue, what urgent matter do you have to deal with? Tung asked her to come over and sit down.

Cen Xue walked forward and tossed the gaze of the others to the back of her mind. That look of astonishment was directed at her face which had taken off her veil. If one did not look at her closely, one would not be able to see the small scars on her face.

Tung had already seen her perfect appearance. He only felt a little shaken at the change in her appearance, but quickly recovered his composure and put on his serious face.

The other generals had never seen such a beautiful woman before. A few days ago, they had seen her once, and she was wearing a veil over her face. Seeing her today really made one feel shocked. She was as beautiful as the heavens …

"Big Brother Tengger, I believe you know my identity. I am the favorite concubine of Lou Lan, Helian Shan." Xue Fei replied. "Big Brother Tengg, I think you know my identity. There will be no death! " Cen Xue solemnly looked at him. How many people's lives were at stake here? Once the two armies engaged in battle, countless families would be separated from their families.

How many mothers lose sons? How many women would lose their husbands, and how many children would lose their fathers? All of this was a separation brought about by the war.

"Lady Lin, are you really Princess Lou Lan's concubine?" One of the generals questioned her.

Cen Xue looked at him and nodded, replying with certainty, "Yes, my name is Lin Cen Xue, I am the 'Snow Consort' conferred by the King. Because I was captured by a villain and my right cheek was destroyed, I begged the King to let me out of the palace. After meeting brother Tengger, I followed him to Tewa to request father Wu Shuang to treat my injuries and restore my appearance!"

The rest of them looked at each other as they discussed. They spoke some words that she didn't understand, so it should be their language, right?

"Cen Xue, since you decided to leave with me, you shouldn't have returned." Tung seemed to disagree.

Cen Xue turned to meet his eyes. In fact, she could feel his feelings towards her from the bottom of her heart. If he didn't have any feelings for her, he wouldn't have done so many things for her.

"Brother Tung, I understand what you mean. Tewa is a very good place and I really like it here, but I don't want to let blood flow like a river because of me. The reason I left with you was because I had no face to face with his love for me. However, I am fine now. I can return to his side. This may be too unfair to you, but my heart has always been with him, and will never change … " Cen Xue showed her intentions and made things clear in front of the generals.

After some discussion, one of the older generals expressed his opinion to Khan, "Khan, since Lou Lan came here just for Lady Lin, and we have discussed it for a while, I'll trouble Lady Lin to write a letter personally. We'll send someone to Lou Lan's military camp, and we'll send Lady Lin back to Lou Lan's camp as long as the negotiations go through."

"Good …" I agree to do so! " Cen Xue voiced her agreement.

But Tung was slow to speak, as if he were thinking of something.

This was because he did not want to send Cen Xue away. He wanted Cen Xue to become his own Kadun and his woman!

"Khan …"

There was no reply from Khan after a long time. The general impatiently called out to him.

Tung waved for him to shut up. "Ben Khan has to think about this alone. All of you, get out."

The generals looked at each other in dismay. They could tell at a glance that this Miss Lin was extremely beautiful and that all men wanted to marry her, but she was the woman of Lou Lan, Wang Helian Shan. Everyone knew how important she was to Lou Lan, and if Khan insisted, Tuwa would eventually become Lady Lin's wife, and blood would flow like a river.

"Khan, we respect your decision, but everything has to be done in consideration of our entire clan …" After saying this, the older general turned around and was the first to leave.

After the generals had left, Cen Xue was still standing in front of him. She looked at him with indecisive eyes and said, "Big Brother Tengge, I know what you're thinking in your heart right now, but you can't do that. Cen Xue will hate you for the rest of your life!"

Tung had only thought about it for a moment, but she had unexpectedly seen through his thoughts. He looked curiously at the beautiful woman in front of him. How did she know that he wanted to use his soul to exchange conditions with the guardian deity?

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