The danta tower is high. Bai Ruyue and Chang Wu stand under the danta tower. They feel like a tiny ant for no reason. They feel like they are under pressure.

"I'll go ahead!" Chang Wu, as a man, naturally wants to rush in front. At the moment, Bai Ruyue steps into the tower, and Bai Ruyue immediately follows him.

The seven storey pagoda is one of the layers of treasure texture, so when they enter the first layer, they will see white or yellowish shells everywhere.

And on these shells, there is a number, and there is no order of disorder together.

Bai Ruyue and Chang Wu look at each other, a little confused - there is no hint, only these shells are piled here.

Bai Ruyue releases her soul power and makes a comprehensive scan. This scan not only clearly understands that there are 10000 shells here, but also touches an empty mechanism

A virtual light card appeared in front of them, on which was written the customs clearance rules:

It turns out that among the 10000 shells, 1000 shells contain diseases and poisons, while the other 9000 shells contain materials that can be used to refine pills for treatment or rescue.

Each of them is just the same! You have to find out the corresponding antidote materials for the 1000 shells, when to find the right one and when to pass the test.

The shorter the time it takes to pass this level, the higher the number of floors to be transferred to the next floor, and the difficulty of the matching level will also be improved.

According to the result of the light card, those who reach the top of the tower and pass the last pass in the least time will get the mysterious inheritance.

Of course, there is no promotion and explanation of what is inherited!

"It seems that this is a test of our pairing ability." Bai Ruyue's eyebrow is slightly frowning - a person with strong soul power and excellent memory, like her, actually feels more pressure at this moment.

Matching to find the right medicine, in fact, the soul power is strong, covering a wide range will be very easy.

But the problem is, isn't it a simple one?

There are thousands of problems, but there are more than one thousand ways to deal with them. You have to think of all the ways to deal with them, and then optimize the matching to ensure that each one is really corresponding!

There's no way. There's only one material for each. You don't have a chance to reuse it!

This is a customs clearance examination that greatly improves the quantity and difficulty. At that moment, Bai Ruyue thinks that if this danta is used as a competition venue for danzong duel skills conference, the experts who claim to be very good will be in tears this round!

"Come on, let's see how many days we can go out!"

As Bai Ruyue said, she reached out and touched the light card. Suddenly, she couldn't see Chang Wu. Immediately, she understood that they had their own practice when they came in together!

Because time decides the next situation, how dare Bai Ruyue delay? Immediately release the soul power to start a comprehensive search, and quickly in her mind over all kinds of Dan Fang that she knows.

A thousand problematic shells need to be detected by soul force, and all the same materials are detected through the shells of shells.

You need to remember their numbers and start to move them, but Bai Ruyue stands there like an old monk.

She is powerful enough to detect and remember!

So she's always looking for the right match for them in her head.

Bai Ruyue stood for more than two hours at one stop. After she had matched everything in her head and was sure that there was no mistake, she began to move shells.

So half an hour later, when Bai Ruyue put the last shell away, a light came down from the top of her head and enveloped her in it.

"Congratulations, you are the one who takes the least time to enter danta. According to your speed and perfect accuracy, you will be directly introduced into the fifth floor!

Danta has seven floors in total. After one pass, you can enter the fifth floor. This is definitely the affirmation of the strength of dialogue like the moon.

However, just at the time of transmission, Bai Ruyue found that the light shining on her body, with a kind of power like water, was penetrating into her own Dan palace.

Hanyu said to her that the Dan palace is a good place to improve herself, so she didn't feel nervous to go below this infiltration, but carefully examined the light and disappeared into her own Dan palace.

The soft color of water begins to moisten the vastness of the Dangong. Bai Ruyue feels that the Dangong is more bright and clean.

In a flash, she had left Dan palace and stood in a new tower.

On the tower floor, this time, it's not 10000 shells, but 100 people.

According to these people, some face scar, some foot pus, and the whole body ulceration.

Bai Ruyue quickly sweeps by with soul power and finds that almost 80 of them are poisoned and 20 of them are sick.

However, everyone's symptoms have certain differences, even if the same two systemic ulceration, as long as you look carefully, you will find that a rotten wound is very big, but only skin, the other has rotten to visible bones!

"Do you want me to detoxify and save people?" Bai Ruyue just mumbled a word, the virtual light card appeared, there is a big "solution" word on it, but the two lines under it make Bai Ruyue can't help but help her forehead: "don't use external force, drugs, and other ways!"“ We can only use these 100 people to rescue each other! " The meaning is very clear. If you want to save people, you can only use the poison or disease of these 100 people to save each other. This route is the same as fighting poison with poison, but because the degree of each kind of poisoning or illness is different, you have to choose the corresponding amount carefully. To be more simple and straightforward, you need to find the corresponding person to complete the rescue method of fighting poison with poison. Once you find the wrong one, it's not saving people, but killing them with poison! A hundred lives! You're good. You're alive. If you don't solve it well, someone will die! Although these should be virtual people, but now the feeling of white as the moon sweeps past, everyone can't really see whether it's fake - some of them moan, some shiver, some foam, some tears... They are fresh, even the smell of pus is clear, completely let you feel, once you choose wrong, You will change from a good man who saves people to a murderer who kills people. Bai Ruyue has a headache. Although she is lucky to know and use erysipelas because of the ghost of the king of medicine, she doesn't have a comprehensive understanding of the poison. Therefore, when she meets this level, she has a good command of the poison's toxicity and quantity, which is her weakest point! She has a bad feeling - she's going to hang up!

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