In the morning of the next day, Bai Ru Yue went to Herb Mountain in a hurry to look for clues.

"The young miss has gone to the Herb Mountain!" The gatekeeper's answer made Bai Yan Shi's heart stop. "Herb Mountain? What is she doing in Herb Mountain? "

Hearing that, Bai Yan Shi immediately turned to look for her daughter, but the servant anxiously ran in: "Madam, Second Madam is here!"

"What?" What is she doing here? "

Bai Yan Shi didn't understand. She had always been at odds with Bai Hao Shi's attitude and didn't interact with him.

But now, Bai Hao Shi had actually come to her house. Even though she was worried about her daughter, she had no choice but to take care of this sister-in-law of hers.

… ….

Inside Residence of Yun, Yun Yu Fei who had been unconscious for an entire night had finally opened his eyes. When he opened his eyes and saw the purple bed, he was stunned for a moment.

"Mother?" Yun Yu Fei instinctively stood up in shock, but unexpectedly, he discovered that he could not move at all.

As he looked around, he realized that he had been wrapped into a cocoon with a thick piece of cloth!

In other words, other than his head, his entire body was tied to the bed!

"This, this..." Yun Yu Fei was stunned for a moment, and at the same time, Madam Zheng Yun peeked at his son with a pained and helpless expression:

"Don't make a fuss, your father personally tied this up. He said that if he doesn't come back, you will eat and drink on the bed. Don't even think about getting off!"


"What are you surprised about!?" The one who should be shocked is your mother! " Yun Zheng Shi's face immediately became ugly:

"Isn't a Bai Ru Yue just a young miss of the Bai Family who can't even be on equal footing with you? You, you want to piss me off! "

"Mom, I … I just want dad to agree …"

"Promise what?" Agree to allow Bai Ru Yue to be a child? Dream on! "

"Your father said that she, Bai Ru Yue, had rejected you! Let me tell you, your father and I share the same meaning! What kind of thing is she, Bai Ru Yue, that she dares to reject my son! "

"Those girls who are better than her and those who are better than her, they all wish to have their sharp heads pierced in, yet she actually dares to reject you. I don't like this kind of brainless girl!"

"Also, your father said you've fallen for Bai Ru Yue? Did you get water in your head or was it held by the door? "

"Your jade-like cousin is better at everything compared to Bai Ru Yue, no, other than chess, everything else is better. Why don't you like her?

"Mother!" As Yun Yu Fei listened to his mother, he shouted helplessly. "I really like Bai Ru Yue! I like it from the bottom of my heart. Even if she rejected me, I still liked it! "

This shout caused all of Yun Zheng Shi's words to be choked in her mouth, and at the same time, outside the courtyard, Mu Fu Rong who was originally excitedly looking for Yun Zheng Shi with an embroidered appearance suddenly stopped in her tracks.

This shout, every word was incomparably clear, and she could hear it very clearly.

"Ah!" Mother knows that you like her, or else you wouldn't be so active towards her, and even more so, wouldn't have lost your mind like this, and go find overseer! "

Yun Zheng Shi sighed and said, "But my son! Why don't you think about what kind of background the overseer has? For someone who even your father has to be careful of, how can you dare to question him and touch his bad luck? "

"Why would I not dare?" Yun Yu Fei said angrily: "If he hadn't done something against Ru Yue, I believe Bai Ru Yue wouldn't have rejected me!"

"Impudent!" Don't speak nonsense! " Yun Zheng Shi stopped him with a stern voice.

"Mother, I'm not spouting nonsense! If he did not do anything, why did he want to take Bai Ru Yue as a child to the Bai Family? Also, when I asked him about it last night, he admitted it with his own mouth! "

When Yun Zheng Shi heard this, she hurriedly rushed forward and stuffed the kernels in her hand into her son's mouth.

"I'll shut your mouth, you can't speak carelessly to these people who kill a thousand times!"

Yun Zheng Shi was intelligent, even though the city master didn't mention a single word about the overseer to her from start to finish.

But she could clearly feel the fear her man had towards this overseer from the depths of his bones.

Especially after he resisted his son and came back last night, his face was filled with astonishment, as if he had offended the king and offended the Your Majesty!

Thus, when she heard her son's words, she was so frightened that she quickly stuffed her son's mouth shut, adamantly not allowing him to speak any nonsense.

"You didn't say anything, and I didn't hear anything either. In short, Bai Ru Yue, you can forget about it! When your father returns, I will have your father immediately go to the Bai Family and openly reject his suggestion. This woman, even if she is to be his concubine, she still cannot enter the Yun Family! "

Yun Zheng Shi vowed solemnly, causing Yun Yu Fei to whimper as she resisted, while Mu Fu Rong, who was in the courtyard, dropped the embroidery in her hand, turned and walked out.

… ….

"What does that mean?"

Bai Yan Shi looked at the box in front of him, puzzled.

"Nothing." Bai Hao Shi dragged his face: "As per the rules, just admit your loss."

Bai Yan Shi was startled, then her eyes could not help but have a look of gentleness.

Since she and Bai Hao Shi had married into the Bai Family, the two had always been at odds.

From the new daughter-in-law to the mother who had a child, you fought quite a few times.

At that time, the mother-in-law couldn't bear to see the sister-in-law and sister-in-law pinch each other, so she made a rule: whoever caused an accident would make a box with their own hands and send gas pancakes to apologize.

Both of them felt uncomfortable, but they didn't dare disobey their mother-in-law, so no matter how uncomfortable the losing side felt, they would make a bet and give the gas to the other.

Over time, the two of them had gotten used to this, so when it came to fighting, they still didn't forget that they were a family.

After that, their mother-in-law passed away. Without this thing pressing down on them, the two of them no longer had this rule and naturally, things became more and more out of place.

And now that Bai Hao Shi had suddenly delivered the biscuit, Bai Yan Shi could not help but think back to the years that had passed since then. She did not want to put on a face in front of the other party.

"Everything is fine, why did you pick up the rules again?"

Bai Hao Shi twisted her mouth, "Ming Chun, you're about to marry someone like a painting. Although I'm not very satisfied with her, but after these few days, calm down and think about it, you have actually found her a very good one. It's not … it's all because of her."

Bai Yan Shi immediately lowered her head: "In the end, we are still family. Although that child has a lot of problems, but I won't do it myself, so, if I can do it better, it will naturally be better."

After Bai Hao Shi heard this, how could she sit still?

He stood up immediately and said, "I'm going back. I still have things to do in the room!" She walked two steps before stopping and saying:

"I made two boxes, one for you and one for you. I remember that Ru Yue previously said that she liked to eat osmanthus cake, so I made a box for her."

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