Love After Marriage, He Got A Free Wife

Chapter 1033: Old Jiang with sore eyes

Gu Nuannuan looked at the silly son and hugged the little guy in his arms, "You can stop, and call your grandfather. Your grandfather will beat your mother later to protect you."

The little guy complained aggrieved in his mother's arms, "Mom, Jiangjiang Gululumu, I'm embarrassed"

Gu Nuannuan wiped the top of his son's head, "Look at my son being pitiful, and I will use all these two words."

The little guy was acting like a spoiled child again, Gu Nuannuan translated: "If you don't cut down the tree, you won't be able to see Xiong Xiong, right?"

"Um~um~" The little guy put his arms around his mother's neck.

As long as the bald head cuts down the tree, the little bears he likes will come out~

Wei Aihua looked at the courtyard, slapstick and bustle. At this moment, the sun is just right, neither arrogant nor impetuous; the weather is just right, neither cold nor sunburned; the time is just right, there is an activity in the morning, stretch your muscles and bones, and eat more lunch, so she instructed the domestic servants, "Don't disturb them."

Jiang Lao was out of breath chasing in the yard, Jiang Momo's heart was pounding, "Father, why are you chasing me so persistently, why don't you tell the truth?"

Jiang Lao pointed at his daughter, "You, wait for me."

Jiang Lao went to chase his daughter again, and Jiang Momo's stomach threat didn't help, "Nuan'er, save your life~"

Gu Nuannuan hugged his son and wandered around leisurely, "I'm thinking of a rescue for you."

So, she taught her son, "Shanjun, you call 'Grandpa'."


"No, it's 'Grandpa', look at Mom's mouth and pronounce it. Grandpa~"

Jiang Tianzhi laughed, "Pinch~"

Two minutes later, a milky little boy's voice sounded in the courtyard, and his little milky voice shouted in the courtyard, "Pinch~"

"Daddy, Daddy, wait, listen!" Jiang Momo stopped.

Jiang Lao also stopped, looking in disbelief, "Just now, what did I hear?"

Gu Nuannuan taught his son, "You shout again."


Jiang Lao froze in place, and asked his daughter in disbelief, "Yes, call me?"

Jiang Momo nodded frantically, "Of course, he called it 'Grandpa'."

Gu Nuannuan hugged his son over and confronted Jiang Lao, "Son, you call grandpa."


Although the pronunciation is not standard, it still makes Jiang Laoai miserable. He puts down the matter of chasing and beating his daughter. He hugs his little grandson, kisses him all the time, and his smiling eyes are full of love, "My dear grandson. Son, call me grandpa again."

The little guy shouted again inarticulately. Old Jiang's heart melted, and he forgot that the little grandson regarded him as a bald man.

"Baby, let's go, let's go home."

Since Jiang Tianzhi shouted "Pinch", Jiang Lao took the mobile phone, "Hey, Lao Chen, oh, listen to my grandson's voice calling me, why is it so nice."

So, he put the phone on his grandson's mouth, "Grandson, call out grandpa, grandpa will accompany you to watch embarrassment."


Jiang Lao showed off with his mobile phone, "Isn't it very nice, I can't sleep if I don't listen to this sound when I'm sleeping now."

In the afternoon, Jiang Chenyu and Su Rinyan went back, and Su Rinyan was worried about whether his wife would feel uncomfortable chasing and making trouble, "Brother Su, Nuan'er was still sprinting when she was pregnant, I'm just making small troubles at most. Besides, my father didn't chase me much in the morning, and he didn't want me to run away."

President Jiang is very satisfied with his father's love for his son, so that he can say, "Dad, Shan Jun is sleeping with you tonight, and the child's pronunciation must be correct, otherwise he will forget it in a few days."

Jiang Laohao agreed, "No problem, I sleep with my little tiger treasure."

A week later, Jiang Lao was lethargic, "Chen Yu, Nuan Doll, Dad's eyes are uncomfortable."

Gu Nuannuan walked over worriedly, "Dad, what's the matter with you? Husband, you drive, let's go to the hospital."

Jiang Chenyu put down his business and was about to go to drive, Jiang Lao immediately grabbed his son, "Let Dad go to bed a few days earlier and it will be fine, that, Shanjun, look..."

President Jiang looked at the silly son who was watching cartoons in the living room, "I know Dad."

However, Gu Nuannuan still called the shots, and together with her husband, took Jiang Lao to the hospital and had a full body health.

Jiang Chenyu accompanied his father in the physical examination, Gu Nuannuan held his son for a routine pediatric examination, and Jiang Momo was led by Brother Su to the hospital for a two-week obstetric examination.

Su Rinyan still asked for leave, and when it was over, everyone met in the hospital lobby.

"It's a coincidence." Jiang Momo was happy.

Gu Nuannuan was also happy, "So destined to be dissatisfied with Xianglou?"

"I'm not going!" Old Jiang, who had been tricked, had a shadow.

Later, Jiang Lao was dragged to Manxianglou, but he was very reluctant!

In the spring of March, all things revive and the earth awakes. Ning'er is on leave.

When she went back, for the first time, Jiangsu didn't go to send it, but Jiang Chen's Yutuo family brought her niece to send it off.

When they arrived in W City, Ning'er went home, and Jiang Chenyu took his wife and children to the hotel.

The little guy raised his head, looked at the unfamiliar place, and looked around curiously.

Ning'er went to the hospital in the afternoon, and the next day, Jiang Chenyu brought his wife and children to the hospital.

As soon as Jiang Tianzhi arrived at the hospital, the sad memory of the past flooded into his mind instantly, and when he saw the angel in white, he hugged his father and cried.

Until, when he saw the woman with a big belly, he stopped crying.

The adults are talking, the little guy looks at the strange woman's big belly with curious eyes, and tilts his head to look at his mother's flat belly, very confused, why is it different? His aunt's belly was also different from his mother's.

Ning Dong and Mrs. Ning got up to greet the couple, Jiang Chenyu did not let them see him outside, "It's all my own, don't be polite, if you have a relationship with me like this, I won't come here."

Gu Nuannuan also discovered for the first time that her husband's number one super fan, "Chen Yu is right," "Just listen to Chen Yu," "Chen Yu, you are Brother Ning,"

Even, Jiang Chenyu personally went to the Beningshi Group to sit in the town, check the project, and look at the finances...

Compared with Ning Dong, the subordinates looked at the one who appeared holding the baby, and they were all terrified.

As if they were subordinates, they usually connect with their bosses, but suddenly this time they connect with their bosses.

Jiangsu also calls Ning'er every day. Wei Aihua and Jiang Chenfeng have also discussed to come and visit together, "It's also a future in-law's family. We'll have to go there when we give birth."

Shitou didn't hear the news from Jerry, so he gave up, and continued to go to work. The family also called him to let him go home safely and find a job, introduce a blind date, get married as soon as possible, and stabilize as soon as possible.

Jiangsu can occasionally hear Shitou and his family making phone calls in the room.

Jiangsu looked at the code on the computer, a person has a life of a person, he is not the Virgin, and then continues to be busy on the computer.

After completing a set of procedures, he directly said in the group, "See you at the old place."

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