Love After Marriage, He Got A Free Wife

Chapter 1221: cub is the boss cub

"No way, she can't be lying, right? She probably didn't have any children. It feels like 'aunt' and her friends are not that old. How could one have children, and both of them? I guess I just don't want to say it and lie to everyone. .”

Assistant He turned around, "Yes, what they said is true."

One gave birth to the boss's cub, and the other gave birth to the boss's nephew.

"Old He, how do you know, have you investigated it? Tell me, we were chasing after 'Auntie' at the time. We all think she is a fairy." In their eyes, those who can achieve such good results, Even if I don't know what it looks like, I think it's a fairy.

Assistant He looked at the CEO, and persuaded, "Save your life." Although that person is really a fairy, but this kind of supreme fairy is already the pillow of their boss, a baby in his arms, a **** baby.

Jiang Chenyu frowned irritably, "Chirp is noisy, shut up!"

In an instant, everyone fell silent.

I dare not say another word.

Downstairs, many people entered one after another, and almost all the possible contestants on the stage had arrived.

There are also some foreigners who come to participate.

When the time was up, Jiang Chenyu turned around and he was the first to lead the way downstairs.

The people standing at each post in the rear returned to their original positions, doing their own work well, and controlling the movement below.

After all, they are all opponents. If someone gets into a fight, they have to jump down from above and control the scene immediately!

Therefore, those who work as bodyguards upstairs, as guards at the door, patrol outside the door, and survey the surroundings are all holders of the hidden black card.

Only the black card can go down to the deepest level.

There are also people who are lamenting that 'aunt' got married too early, they have no chance, only Jiang Chenyu went to the lower level.

Assistant He looked at the president who was alone for a while, and his caring subordinate comforted him, "President, if you want to be more open, it's better to have a lively wife than a dull gourd, right?"

In front of Jiang Chenyu was the live video, "She's a bit too lively."

"Isn't that like a young master?"

Mr. Jiang was furious, "That's how the young master looks like his mother!"

He knew that Xiao Nuannuan in childhood, because of her gender, saved her a lot of beatings.

Now there is an upgraded version of Jiang Tianzhi, thinking of the tiger cub who has integrated his genetically upgraded version, "I went to Shuilan Community to make trouble again."

Shuilan Community, Jiangsu looks at a nest of little brothers.

He just called Ning'er after school, "Hey, ya, what do you want to eat, I'll pack it for you and take it home."

Then on the other side of the phone, there was a group of brats making noise, and Ning'er was still whispering to them, "Hush, keep your voice down."

Jiangsu thinks about the day and knows the family, "The three are all in our house, right?"

"Ah~ Brother Xiao Su, don't come back, you can play outside."

Jiangsu thought that even her boyfriend would not be allowed to go home, "I'll go back and see those three men! I had so much fun with you, my partner won't let me go home."

After hanging up the phone, Jiangsu went to the supermarket to buy some Ninger's favorite food, and some food for the three babies. He sat in the car and drove home.

When we arrived at home, when we opened the door, all the kids in the room were shouting loudly and walking around. Because of the slippery floor, they slipped down, and Ning'er hurried to hug them.

Picking up Ah Shu, and then hearing the movement, all of them turned their heads to look at the man who came back.

The little tiger asked him to drink water, but he refused to drink, so he stuffed his little hand into the teacup to play with the water.

That teacup is his big brother's special teacup.

Jiangsu: "..."

Xiao Qinglong took his big brother's mouse pad, put it on the ground and stepped on it with his feet, because the mouse pad is soft, it is more comfortable to step on it with bare feet.

There are also weighing scales scattered on the ground. There was a protective film on the scale, but some kid tore it off.

Fortunately, Ning'er still has him in her heart, so she closed the door of his study to prevent the three little ones from hooting.

Ah Shu met a 'strange man' who hugged his sister's neck.

Ning'er looked at her boyfriend who suddenly returned, blinked, and blinked again.

It was the little tiger who shouted, "Brother"

Jiangsu put down the food on the dining table and walked in, "Dun, melon, book, come here!"

Dundun passed by, holding his brother's water glass, but he couldn't hold it firmly with a small paw, and the quilt fell on the ground without breaking it.

Then the little tiger continued to pick it up and threw it on the ground.

Looking at the mess in the room, Jiangsu raised his hand and patted the back of his head, "Yeah, come with me to the room."

Ning'er: "Brother Xiao Su, they don't understand anyway, so just say it."

Little Tiger said: "Baoneng~"

Jiangsu pointed at the little brother, "I'm guarding against you."

He pulled Ning'er, and then went back to the bedroom, not daring to close the door, fearing that the three outside would break into him. "Why are you meddling in their affairs?"

"I said I want to help my aunt and aunt~" Besides, what she wished for was to be able to play with the babies alone.

Jiangsu pointed out the window, as if that was where Gu Xiaonuan and Jiang Momo were, "Those two are definitely going to be punished, and you go back to get a punishment too?"

Ning'er said firmly, "Uncle will definitely not punish you."

"How powerful are you, he won't punish you? You think your uncle won't dare if your father is in Jiang's house. Why did you forget that my father-in-law's idol is your uncle?" Jiangsu's voice couldn't help but raise his voice.

Ning'er's face turned red, and she said shyly, "Brother Xiao Su, my father is not your father-in-law."

Jiangsu said anxiously, "It's not a matter of time."

Ning'er bit her tongue, "Then it won't be the case if we break up."

Jiangsu: "..." With his hands on his hips and his body swaying slightly, he stood there, staring down at a certain girl. The line of sight has changed, the tone has also changed, and it has become a lot rougher, "You still want to break up, don't you?"

Ning'er shook her head, "I'm telling the truth."

Jiangsu looked at Ning'er, who was telling the truth, and took her by the arm, "Go, find your father to propose marriage. Even if I inherit the Jiang Group today, I have to get a marriage certificate with you!"

Ning'er got back on her feet and didn't go, she acted like a baby, "Brother Xiao Su, I was wrong."

Jiangsu took the object's wrist and tugged at her, "I told you to break up, I still think a lot. I will spend less time with those two thieves in the future. I will take care of you and see what they have become infected with."

In the past, he was chasing after his **** every day, calling out 'Brother Xiao Su' one after another, and even during that time, his position in his girlfriend's heart was unshakably number one.

Babies, none of them can shake his position.

It's all right now, trying to avoid him, every day is the group of 100 centimeter brats.

At this time, there was a "clang" sound in the dining room, and the couple in the bedroom fell silent for two seconds.

Immediately afterwards, Jiangsu took Ning'er and ran out.

Looking at the stool that fell on the ground, the naughty boys stood aside, looked at the stool, and looked up at their brothers and sisters.

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