Love After Marriage, He Got A Free Wife

Chapter 1245: daughter like father

Without talking too much, Gu Xiaonuan went to the shore to comfort her precious son who was almost scared.

Falling into her mother's arms, the little tiger covered her mouth and threw herself into her mother's arms tearfully, hugging her mother's neck tightly. The child's worry and fear can be felt through her little person's strength.

Gu Xiaonuan hugged her son's little butt, and Lou kept patting the little guy to calm his little emotions. "Mom is fine, don't be afraid."

"Where~ Bao won't let you go." The little tiger said domineeringly.

Gu Xiaonuan walked for a while with her son in her arms, "Mom won't go there, so keep hugging my baby."

The summer is hot, and Gu Nuannuan's skirt is thin, and it didn't take long for the skirt to dry naturally.

Later on the road, Gu Xiaonuan became a teaching material for her husband to educate his son. "Don't get close to the water, do you think Xiao Nuan was almost washed away just now?"

The little tiger insisted on being hugged by his mother the whole time, but Jiang Chenyu finally took him away. "Don't you know how much you weigh?"

Later, Xiao Qinglong was also hugged by his mother, and Xiaobai's feet jumped into the water, feeling the cool mountain water, and smilingly raised his head to his mother. "Drink~"

When the little tiger turned around, his younger brother called him. He chewed with a small mouth, "Dragon~"

The third person Xiao Qinglong would call out to was not grandparents, not grandpa and uncle, but brother. As for the pronunciation of 'brother', he could only call 'Jiu', but the little tiger knew it was him.

Back in the city in the evening, Mr. Jiang was still boasting about how good his children are during dinner.

It wasn't until the little tiger ate the meat from the grandfather's bowl that Mr. Jiang's praise stopped.

Everyone laughed.

Send Jiang Lao back to Jiang's house, because it's getting late and tired from playing during the day, the two families also went back to live in Jiang's house directly.

Mr. Jiang said angrily: "I knew I couldn't leave so many empty rooms at home, and you would have no place to live when you come back later. Hmph!"

In the evening, there were two cubs in Elder Jiang's bedroom.

In Miss Jiang's words, "Dad, our house has few vacant rooms, and the children don't have a bedroom to sleep in. It's crowded in your room."

Elder Jiang pointed to his little grandson, "Jiang Tianzhi has a bedroom."

The little tiger washed himself clean, propped his hands on the bed and looked at his mother who also threw him over.

Gu Nuannuan: "A bowl of water must be flat, you can't be partial." You can't sleep with your grandson, and you can leave the little grandson aside.

Mr. Jiang looked at the two babies on the bed, and he found out that no matter what he said, the two daughters of his family could silence him.

Jiang Lao didn't talk about it casually, and just closed the door in a fit of anger.

"Father, don't be too angry. Old people, you can't be gentle."

"Take your child away if you have the ability." Through the door, Jiang Lao replied to his daughter.

Gu Xiaonuan also said: "Dad, we should clean them up anyway, right?"

Jiang Lao: "A bunch of annoying spirits."

Wei Aihua went to bed, passed by and glanced at the two children and their old father, she smiled, and went straight back to the bedroom.

Ning'er is at home during the holidays, and she goes shopping with her mother. She holds the baby while Mrs. Ning pushes the empty cart.

For a period of time at home, Ah Shu only kissed his sister, and his little mouth was fed and drank by his sister in different ways every day.

Mrs. Ning saw her and said, "A daughter is still like a father."

Ning Dong didn't understand, so Ning'er didn't understand either, "Why, Mom?"

Madam Ning explained: "When you were a child, your father fed you into a little chubby bit by bit like this."

Ning'er fed his younger brother's hand, it's not right to take it for a while, and it's not right if he doesn't take it.

It was Ah Shu who opened his mouth and poked his neck to find something to eat in his sister's hands.

In previous years, there would be summer trips, because Mrs. Ning had traveled far not long ago, and this time she had a little tail, so she did not travel far.

Director Ning is in the best mood this summer vacation.

Wife, daughter, and son are all by my side, having a few more drinks happily during the social gatherings, and returning home, hugging my son's drunken silly relative.

The one who gave birth to Ah Shu kept resisting, "Dad never thought in his life that he could be a father again. He thought your sister would be born with me."

Mrs. Ning took her son away and handed it to her daughter, "Ning'er, go to bed first, and I will help your dad back to the bedroom."

Every day, Jiangsu calls and chats with his girlfriend for a while.

Ah Shu also joined in the fun, "Ah~"

Jiangsu: "...Why are you in your sister's bedroom?"

Ah Shu raised his milky little face and looked at his sister, how did he answer?

Ning'er thought that her boyfriend would be lonely alone, but she didn't expect her boyfriend to be at home during the summer vacation, and he could only go home to sleep at night.

In the morning, I went downstairs with all my strength and dragged the fat guy up from the bed. At first I followed him for a slow walk, then a fast walk, and then from jogging to morning jogging.

Fat Brother feels that his life is hell.

When they got together privately, a group of people laughed and expressed their support for Jiangsu when they heard about Fat Brother's life. Patting Brother Fatty's thigh, Brother Cheng said: "Little Pang, if Xiao Su can really change your bad routine, you really have to thank our little brother."

Fat brother is greedy, he secretly ordered takeaway at night, because he was too lazy to clean up after eating, the next day Jiangsu went to his house and found out.

As a result, on the same day, a surveillance camera was installed at the door of Fat Brother's house. I also installed one for my own door.

Fat Brother looked at the thing that monitored him, "Why, buy one get one free for the monitor?"

Jiangsu adjusted the screen on the mobile phone, "My family bought it, and yours gave it away."

Later, Jiangsu said that it was safe to install one at the door of the house. In case he was not at home sometimes and only Ning'er was at home alone, he could monitor in real time whether there was any suspicious person at the door.

I saw an office area in Jiangsu. The rent in the city center is too expensive. A small studio costs hundreds of thousands of rent a year.

Jiangsu knows that there is no chance, but the school cannot be used as a stronghold. He will be in the second year of graduate school next year. Time flies, he has to hurry up and everything will stabilize.

Fat Brother followed him to see many places.

In the end, I even looked at the suburbs. After two years, the minimum rent is 50w. The fat man patted Jiangsu on the shoulder and said, "Everything is difficult at the beginning. Let's start here now, and then move back to the city. Compared with what I saw before, here It’s a good deal to rent for two years.”

He was afraid that this little brother would have a gap in his heart and would not be able to accept the environment here. After all, he is a rich second generation who went out to start his own business. As an elder brother, he should take care of him more.

Jiangsu shook his head, "There is no gap in my heart, I just felt that starting a business is not easy."

No wonder in the past, my uncle only wanted him to eat ready-made delicacies from mountains and seas, which would save a lot of hard work.

But no matter how hard he worked, what he ate was what he liked.

Looking at the empty place, apart from the remote location, the place is quite big. He also saved the need to find a staff dormitory, as everything can be solved here.

"Just here."

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