Love After Marriage, He Got A Free Wife

Chapter 1315: Brothers can't find it

"Then why the **** is it a cat?" Lu Ying was puzzled again.

Bai Chen didn't know anymore, so he asked the little guy, "Xiao'er, why is your mother a cat?"

The little tiger pouted, shook his head, and complained aggrievedly: "Bao doesn't know, dad said 'Where' is a little fat cat, and Bao is a little fat cub~"

Lu Ying thought it was too much fun, "Bai Chen, your car is parked on the side of the road, I want to change seats."

Then, Lu Ying successfully sat in the back row with the little tiger.

Bai Chen discovered that having a godson is better than anything else.

The little tiger had already forgotten that he had met her once, and he didn't know how to call her, so Lu Ying called him, "Just call her Auntie."

Bai Chen said: "Shout godmother and listen."

The little tiger resolutely listened to his godfather and shouted. After all, compared with his godfather, a stranger is of course closest to his godfather. Lu Ying looked at Bai Chen, "What do you mean?"

Bai Chen: "Why are you excited, godmother didn't call you, I just wanted you to hear how nice my godson's voice is."

After saying that, he parked the car and took his godson to play in the park.

Because it's not yet time, knowing that it's hard to find, Bai Chen still found two and handed them to his godson.

The little tiger was timid at first, and hugged Lu Ying's leg in fear. Lu Ying also picked up the little guy and hid. But when the godfather took it, he played with it, and the little tiger landed on the ground again, padding his little feet, stretching out his little paws, and shouted in a clear and clear child's voice, "Godfather, let Bao play too."

Around six o'clock, Gu Xiaonuan called her husband, "The son is not at home, come back and take it with you."

"Where did you go?"

Gu Nuannuan asked the servant, and answered her husband, "It was stolen by his godfather."

There was no need to screen, Jiang Chenyu called Bai Chen after get off work, "Where is the tiger with you?"

"Send me the location, and I'll pick him up."

In half an hour, Jiang Chen arrived at a square.

I saw Lu Ying who I hadn't seen for many years. The two had met a few times because of Bai Chen. "Boss Jiang."

Jiang Chenyu nodded, bent down to pick up Naughty Treasure's son, and said to Lu Ying, "I'm back."

After chatting for a few words, Jiang Chenyu left with his son on his shoulders.

The little tiger boldly took Cicada and wanted to let his father play wild on the head, and then his little **** was slapped in public, and the little tiger obediently withdrew his little paw.

Bai Chen pointed and said, "See, you can't do without beating."

As it was getting late, Jiang Chenyu drove to the snack wholesale shop, which was still a small shop back then.

This time Jiang Chenyu went over with his son in his arms, "Uncle, do you have all the ice cream?" The family couldn't sit still anymore, and it was time to eat ice cream.

"The goods that I just bought yesterday are all there. Just take what you want." The boss stood up, looked at the little tiger, and was pleasantly surprised, "The tiger is here today, too, grandpa hugs."

He reached out to pick up the little guy, grabbed something to eat from the shelf and gave it to the little guy.

Then Jiang Chenyu was picking out ice cream, and the little tiger was sitting in Grandpa's arms.

Uncle Chen looked at the little tiger's face and said, "It looks like Nuan Nuan, and it also looks a bit like Xiao Han."

When the Jiang family saw the little tiger, they all said that he looked like Jiang Chenyu, and the relatives of the Gu family also sighed when they saw the little tiger, who looked like Gu Xiaonuan.

Genes are miraculous, and it is hard to explain.

Before leaving, Grandpa stuffed a lot of snacks into Little Tiger's pocket before getting into the car.

Gu Xiaonuan greeted the holiday life after the exam, and Gu Xiaohan came back again. Gu Nuannuan asked him about his relationship, "Is it stable?"

"broke up."

Then Gu Xiaohan went out with Xiao Tuo Tuo on his shoulders.

The work in Jiangsu is also proceeding in an orderly manner. Mr. Qian (Xiaosu’s former superior) will be released from prison next year, and the company is still there. Signed several long-term contracts.

Xiang Shuang made a report and went to find Jiangsu, "We are still at a loss. These three orders are not enough to support our follow-up research and development."

The fat brother couldn't understand the financial statement, so he handed it over to Jiangsu directly.

Jiangsu can understand without her explaining. After reading it, he put the report on the table, "Everything is difficult at the beginning, so don't take it to heart."

Ning'er passed her defense and graduated smoothly.

When she was confused, she called her father, "Baby, come back directly and come to work with Dad."

As soon as Ning'er heard her father's words, she naturally thought that at that time, she would be protected by her father everywhere, and she would just dawdle, but in fact, she would learn nothing.

My aunt was forced to work by her mother because she wanted her to inherit the company in the future.

Although her father had pinned her hopes on herself, Ning'er knew that if she did not want to do something, her father would definitely not force her.

So Ning'er didn't go back.

She was in Jiangsu, and she didn't know what she was doing every day, anyway, she was at home when Jiangsu returned home.

Jiangsu has a lot of things recently, and I didn't ask my girlfriend.

Xiao Qinglong continued to be dragged by his great-grandfather and great-grandmother to listen to operas, this time he stopped listening to the open-air ones, and started to listen to operas in a big shed in the countryside.

Question: No one sent it, how did the second elder listen to it in a remote shed?

Answer: Grandpa Su drove there by himself.

Jiang Momo bought an old-fashioned scooter for the two elders. At first, both of them resisted, saying no, "Xiao Mo, you are wasting money again." The two insisted on returning the product.

Later, Jiang Momo taught the two elders to drive. Since then, the car has never been idle.

Even Grandpa Su and Grandma Su pushed each other because of who was the driver.

Xiao Qinglong is a frequent visitor in the back seat.

This time, in the shed, he sat on Grandpa Zeng's lap, yawned so sleepy, and fell asleep in Grandpa Zeng's arms.

Su Linyan didn't see his son when he went home, so he called Jiang Momo, "Are you taking Xiaolong to the company again?"

Jiang Momo paused in a hurry, "Is Long Bao not at home?"

Both of them called the second elder, because neither of them heard the opera, and they were still applauding vigorously.

When others saw it, they were surprised, "Your child is amazing, he can fall asleep while listening to the play."

This sound, how can I sleep soundly.

Grandma Su looked at her little great-grandson, "My family's Long Bao sleeps as well as his mother does, it's amazing."

Jiang Momo couldn't get through to the Yanmo Group in Z city, and Su Linyan also found the Yanmo Group.

"Brother Su, grandpa and grandma must have gone out with Longbao again, I don't know where they are going." Jiang Momo was anxious, "Do you know where there are people listening to operas recently?"

Su Linyan responded the fastest, "Call Xiaosu."

Dingwei Technology, "Hey, if you have something to say, say it, and if you fart, let it go!"

"What, it's your turn to lose your house this time?" Jiangsu was shocked.

The tiger cub disappeared suddenly, and the little milk dragon began to be lost.

What happened to his family, the child can't find it every day. Forget it, that brat likes to hide by himself. Gua is strange, he is the most obedient in the whole family.

Find the location on the phone and send it to the couple.

Xiang Shuang, who was at the side, asked, "What happened?"

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