Love After Marriage, He Got A Free Wife

Chapter 1325: hard godmother

Bai Chen figured out that it was his fault, so he corrected it again. "Son, listen to godfather. Focus on the key point: a woman whose name is Yingying! You call godmother again. Others, you have to call aunt."

The little tiger just feels that his task is getting more and more difficult these days~ It's not as good as when he was a child, he was cute and didn't have to do anything, he was hugged every day, he was fed when he was thirsty and hungry, and he was coaxed when he cried and made a fuss.

At ten past six, Lu Ying walked out of the office building.

There were several colleagues beside her, and among them was Director Ge who Bai Chen hated the most. "Yingying, I see that you have been driving to and from get off work recently, is it a new car?"

He saw that car, and at the same time he overestimated his ability.

With the car model and license plate, there is no information about who the car owner is. This further strengthens Director Ge's guess. If it is not a high-ranking military official, how can the car owner's information not be found on the license plate number?

When watching Lu Ying, Director Ge was flattering.

Because Lu Ying went to work during this time, she always drove Bai Chen's car.

However, this Colonel Bai's car is not so ordinary. Bai Chen's car is not a ostentatious luxury car, but it is also a sedan with a starting price of one million. Moreover, his license plate number is not ordinary.

When many people saw Lu Ying's car, they jokingly asked her: "Sister Lu, your car is expensive, right? Your license plate number can't be bought with money, where did you get it?"

Lu Ying laughed it off without explaining.

She lives in the Junjun compound now, and it is inconvenient to take a taxi. The driver cannot enter the Junjun compound without a pass. The people who live there are either the army commander, the staff officer, or the commander...

But the place where her father lives is quite a distance from the door. And she couldn't let her father's adjutant pick her up all day.

It happened that Bai Chen's car had been recorded in the system all the time, and it was unimpeded when entering and exiting, so she borrowed it temporarily.

Unexpectedly, he was questioned continuously by his colleagues.

Since Director Ge asked, she replied with a smile, "Director Ge is such a cunning person, his skills are not very good at telling me."

Lu Ying is not a fool either. It's not like she can't feel who likes her and who touches her purposefully.

In the workplace, there are always people who want to test the depth of colleagues. Director Ge asked her about Jundu and her father many times, and wanted to visit her father at her home during the holidays.

Lu Ying avoided talking about it, and knew that he wanted to be a Phoenix man.

Director Ge showed a hint of embarrassment, "Yingying, how could I lie to you, I will never lie to you."

Lu Ying smiled, some words don't need to be so clear, the left and right are just colleagues, it's fine to be vague.

At this time, Bai Chen had already stepped forward with the little guy in his arms.

"Yingying, why did you come out so late today?" Bai Chen stepped forward.

Lu Ying stopped, looked at the little guy in Bai Chen's arms, and shouted in surprise, "Little meatball!"

The little tiger is not happy, "Baby is not meat~" Every day he calls him meaty, and his family tweets that Xiaohubao has become so thin as a kitten.

Lu Ying squeezed the little tiger's little hand, and looked at his little fleshy face, which was both fleshy and cute. Angry is also cute.

Why is Mr. Jiang's son so soft.

Bai Chen and Director Ge meet again, and Director Ge has an impression of him!

That time, he was Lu Ying's driver and took Lu Ying away. At that time in the car, half of his face was covered by the car window so that he couldn't see clearly, but seeing his true face today, his momentum and posture standing there, as well as that face, this man gave Director Ge a special feeling. sense of crisis.

"Hello, I'm Yingying's colleague, Director Ge." He shook hands and greeted.

Bai Chen shook his hand, "Bai Chen."

Looking at the little guy in Bai Chen's arms, he seemed familiar too, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

Bai Chen said, "Call godfather."

The little tiger yelled in cooperation; "Godfather~"

Bai Chen pointed at Lu Ying, "What did you call her?"

The little guy looked at Lu Ying, and Lu Ying looked at the little guy's mouth expectantly. When he grinned and was about to make the sound of "Auntie", Bai Chen saw that the situation was not good, "What are you calling 'hard'?"

"Godmother!" The little tiger yelled, clear and loud, like a roar.

Lu Ying's face turned red, "Auntie, not godmother~"

The little tiger has a memory, and he is also famously rebellious and disobedient, "He is a godmother."

His godfather said that he would call his godmother when he saw something 'hard'.

Director Ge's face flickered unnaturally. Seeing that Bai Chen came with bad intentions, he didn't figure out where this person came from. To be on the safe side, he claimed to have left beforehand.

After he left, there were three people left at the door.

Lu Ying finally fulfilled her wish and embraced the cute little tiger. The first time she was embarrassed to kiss, the second time she bit her lip and quickly kissed the little tiger's soft face, her heart melted.

"A tough godmother is also a treasure~" the little tiger said, covering his face with his small hands.

Lu Ying tightened her grip on the little guy, she forgot to correct herself as 'auntie' if she liked it.

Seeing that she likes her very much, Bai Chen is secretly happy in his heart, it seems that no matter how rebellious his family's rebellious cub is, he is still liked by others. "Why is the car parked on the side of the road today, not in the underground parking lot?"

As soon as Bai Chen came over, he found his car, and he hugged his godson and waited for her beside his car.

Lu Ying: "The parking lot is turned upside down, and I'm more proficient at parking on the side."

Bai Chen didn't know why the girls were, and they all found it difficult to dump the treasury.

The three of them had just walked to the car when a voice sounded behind them, "Hey, my baby?"

The little tiger heard this sound very familiar, and turned his head, "It's my sister~ sister~" The little tiger shouted again.

"Tiger~" Ning'er was delighted, she quickly ran over, "Baby, why are you here?"

When I got to the front, I realized that there was another strange woman, and one, "Uncle Bai, did you bring a tiger here?"

Bai Chen nodded, seeing Lu Ying's confused face, he didn't know who this little girl was.

Bai Chen stood beside Lu Ying, his shoulders were half behind Lu Ying, as if he wanted to embrace her, the posture of the two looked like a couple.

He introduces both sides. Bai Chen pointed at Ning'er, "This girl, Ning'er, is Xiao Su's girlfriend. Do you still remember Xiao Su's child, the nephew that Mr. Jiang took abroad for medical treatment?"

"Ah, it's Jiang Xiaosu." Lu Ying was surprised, and couldn't help sighing, "Oh my God, Xiaosu is in a relationship, and his girlfriend is so pretty."

Ning'er was a little shy, "My sister is also pretty."

Bai Chen: "How many years has it been? Xiaosu's graduate student is almost graduating."

Lu Ying looked at the soft, cute and well-behaved girl. I like it very much.

Bai Chen pointed at Lu Ying, "This is," why would you introduce your ex-girlfriend?

The little tiger rushed to say: "Sister, she is Bao's 'hard godmother'."

Bai Chen clapped his big hands, pointed at his godson, "You brat..." Kissing him for nothing!

Go back for snacks, and the toys will be full for him!

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