Love After Marriage, He Got A Free Wife

Chapter 1351: mother is stupid

After a while, Jiang Chenyu passed by, "Tiger, come over and let your mother play for a while."

The little tiger sighed, and worried that his mother would fall, so he raised his little hand, "Where, you hold Bao."

Summer night, park trail. Many people went back home scatteredly, and the family of three occupied a road.

Jiang Chenyu is on the left, and Little Tiger is on the right, both holding Gu Xiaonuan's hand, of course the gravity is still on the left side.

The father and son supported Gu Nuannuan to learn to skateboard.

During the little tiger period, he had to work hard to teach his mother skills. After finding out that he could not teach his mother, the little milk voice shouted: "Where is the big idiot~"

Gu Xiaonuan stepped on it, and she slid forward with her husband's hands supporting her.

The little tiger looked at his mother with a sad face.

Going home at night, in the car, the little guy hugged his mother's cell phone in the back row and called Jiujiu to complain, "Jiujiu, where are you going to teach, Baojiao can't, mom is an idiot~"

Gu Xiaonuan pinched the flesh on his son's face, "Who do you call an idiot?"

The little tiger complained to the phone again, "Chirp, why are you bullying Bao again~"

After a while, Princess Jin's voice sounded, "Tuo baby, do you want to chirp your mother?"

"I think so~ Chirp Mom, you play with Bao." The little tiger said cutely.

Back home, after taking a bath, the little guy, accompanied by his parents, cleaned the scooter by himself, and ran to his toy room without shame in his shorts, and put the toys in their original places. I ran back to the bedroom and waited for my parents to coddle me to sleep.

The night fell into silence. After a happy love, Mr. Jiang finally got confused. He put his arms around his tired wife and asked, "Xiao Nuan, why did you remember to tell me what you did two days ago?"

Gu Xiaonuan was tired and confused. She waved her hand and said to herself, "Husband, I won't go to see the divorce case anymore, and I won't secretly fantasize about divorcing you anymore."

Mr. Jiang; " still fantasize about divorcing me?"

After Gu Xiaonuan realized what she said, her eyes opened instantly, she lay flat, looked at her husband who was still hugging her, and swallowed nervously, "Husband, what did you ask me just now? Why did I suddenly say Right. Oh, it was Yingying who reminded me."

Gu Xiaonuan said that she received the reminder call from Lu Ying, "I guessed at the time that you might be worried about me, and then you were afraid of asking me to provoke my little temper, so I chatted with Bai Chen in private, Bai Chen You told Yingying, and Yingying told me."

"No, I hit Bai Chen."


"He said there was someone outside you."

Gu Xiaonuan: "...Did you kill half of his life?"


"Leave the other half to me!" Gu Xiaonuan was furious, "How could I have someone outside? I love my husband to death. I only have my husband in my heart for the rest of my life. I don’t love, I only love my husband, if he says this, let’s see if I don’t beat him up!”

"So, you fantasized about divorcing me?" Jiang Chenyu's expression moved slightly, his eyes fixed on his beloved wife.

Nuan Wazi swallowed nervously, not daring to look at her husband, "Then, unrealistic ideas, when you are free... um... um, hubby, I was wrong~"

That night, Gu Xiaonuan was not feeling well.

Like the tide, one pile after another, the rhythm of breathing is no longer in my own hands.

The abnormality of her body destined her to sleep late the next day.

Sure enough, it was one o'clock at noon.

The little tiger hugged the watermelon and lay beside his mother's bed, "Where, big slob, wake up~"

He shouted, and had to take another bite of watermelon to replenish his strength.

Gu Xiaonuan was covered with a quilt, only her forehead was exposed outside, and a few strands of messy hair fell on her forehead, bringing some hazy meaning.

The little tiger's little hands were dirty from eating. His little paws grabbed mother's broken hair and stroked it aside so as not to cover mother's forehead.

Then he pulled the quilt away with his little hand, looked at his mother's sleeping face buried in the pillow, held a bit of watermelon in his little hand, and brought it to his mother's mouth, "Mom, open your mouth and 'ah'~"

Gu Nuannuan felt the touch, she turned over uncomfortably and lay flat on the bed.

Enough sleep, and naturally woke up.

She turned her head and looked at her son, "Why are you here?"

"Call mom to get up and eat."

The little tiger held up his own watermelon and handed it to his mother. Gu Xiaonuan raised his hand to find the phone and checked the time, "Your father is really not human."

The little tiger remembered.

Five minutes later, Gu Xiaonuan sat up from the bed with difficulty, holding her dirty son in her arms, feeding watermelon to his son's mouth, "Get up."

When going to wash, Gu Nuannuan touched her sticky hair on her forehead, wondering, "What's wrong with your hair?"

Then, she lowered her head and looked at her son who was eating watermelon again, "Did you touch mommy's hair just now?"

The little guy did something bad and ran away with a smile.

Gu Nuannuan went downstairs again, took a shower, didn't dry her hair, and sat in the restaurant for dinner.

Mr. Jiang woke up from his afternoon nap, got up and stood by the window to move his body.

Gu Nuannuan is about to start school, which also means that the little tiger is about to start school. After Jiang Lao's activities, he took his little grandson to learn to read.

In the evening, Jiang Chenyu also returned home after the entertainment. As soon as he entered the house, his son said, "Father, you are not human."

Gu Xiaonuan, who was swiping her phone, stopped, and she threw the pillow on the sofa at her son, "Shut your mouth."

The little tiger was happily in Grandpa's arms.

Jiang Chenyu sat beside his wife, and Gu Xiaonuan automatically moved a few inches away from him.

Jiang Chenyu stretched out his hand to grab Gu Xiaonuan's hand, and pulled it into his arms, "Where are you going?"

"Go get the water."

"I'll pick you up."

"I'm afraid you will be poisoned."

The couple looked at each other.

The little tiger climbed into Grandpa's arms and whispered, "Grandpa, my mother is not thirsty~"

Mr. Jiang covered his grandson's little mouth, "Hush, keep your voice down."

Later, Lu Ying made a dinner appointment with Gu Xiaonuan and took her precious son with her.

Gu Xiaonuan greeted Bai Chen cordially, "My husband said that Bai Chen is very big and wets the bed."

Lu Ying: "...Thank you."

Back home, Lu Yingzhen went to ask Bai Chen, "When was the last time you wet the bed?"

Bai Chen's tailbone hurt, and he chased after Lu Ying, "Who told you?"

Lu Ying laughed loudly at home, and the fight with Bai Chen put her in a good mood, "Guess who you've offended recently."

After learning that it was Gu Xiaonuan, Bai Chen said, "It's better to provoke a villain than a woman."

The little tiger had a good life at home for a few days, Wei Aihua and Gu Mu's series of worries came, and some rumors about the kindergarten were worriedly brought out at the dining table to talk about.

He listened to Wei Aihua at Jiang's house, and listened to his mother when he returned to Gu's house.

Gu Nuannuan: "Mom, let me tell you, don't send the tiger to school."

The ancient mother struggled, "How can I do it, I have to go when I reach the age, I can't keep it with me all the time."

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