"Look at the luxury car."

Yan Zhenyu kept looking into the boy's eyes, and he was also facing him, as if some emotions were accumulated in her heart, Yan Zhenyu was still talking to him.

Over there, Jiang Chenyu had already got everyone into the car.

Ning'er also saw Yan Zhenyu's place, she poked her head out, "Brother Xiao Su, that's strange, isn't that boy the one I bumped into by accident? What is Uncle Yan doing?"

Jiangsu glanced, "I'll go over and ask."

He drove the car and got to the side. As soon as he opened the window, Yan Zhenyu let the other party go.

Seeing this, Jiangsu and Ning'er didn't ask any more questions. "Uncle Yan, Ya and I are leaving first."

Yan Zhenyu nodded, "Slow down on the road."

Yan Zhenyu walked to the side of the car and said, "He pretended to be sick and came out to look at the luxury car. He looked at Chenyu because he knew that he was the emperor of the business world, and he, Mu Qiang, secretly came to look at it."

Zhen Xi said, "Mr. Jiang, as long as he has male fans, he also has young male fans."

Because of his young age, he was disguised and let him ride a bicycle past several luxury cars.

Jiang Chenyu glanced at him in the car, Gu Nuannuan was in the co-pilot, patted her husband's arm, "Honey, that looks like a child, let's go."

Jiang Chenyu nodded, "I'm too careful."

After all, his son started school today, and he would not allow a single mistake.

All the vehicles left one after another. Jiang Chenyu drove the car and looked at the school gate of his son outside the window. The car moved slowly, and the husband and wife were reluctant to take their eyes off the school gate.

"Honey, do you think your son is crying now?"

Jiang Chenyu comforted, "No, he is a villain, very lively and mischievous."

At the same time, I was also worried.

Gu Xiaonuan was worried again, "Husband, our son eats a lot. Tell the teacher, can you get him some more food at noon? Don't let your son be embarrassed to ask for it, and then he is not full."

President Jiang: "..."

The car circled the school and slowly drove out of the school area, entering the commotion.

The atmosphere in the car was very dull, Jiang Chenyu waited for the red light, picked up the phone, looked at the phone interface of that 'son', and did not click in for a long time.

The same is true for Gu Xiaonuan, "Husband, are you also afraid that the child will cry when he hears our voices, do you want Mom and Dad to take him home?"

Jiang Chenyu put down his phone again, and it was only 8 minutes before he and his son separated.

The most reluctant thing is to be a parent. From birth to now, the little tiger is almost always by his mother's side. The total number of days away did not exceed five days. The little guy went to school suddenly, and Xiao Nuannuan, who was always lively, was also listless.

Even Gu Xiaonuan could imagine her son crying at school.

Back home, Mr. Jiang held his little grandson in his arms, "Long Bao, your brother Hu has gone to school, from now on we will be left to play during the day, he won't play with us anymore."

Xiao Qinglong looked up at his grandfather, "Grandpa, is brother going home?"

"He comes home to play with us at night."

Jiang Lao asked again: "Do you want a tiger?"

Xiao Qinglong nodded.

There are few lively and noisy little tiger cubs in the house, so it is quiet.

The small playground in the living room looked empty.

It made everyone uncomfortable.

When Jiang Chenyu passed by before, he would always criticize his son, "Tiger, don't throw the ocean ball outside, you will throw daddy to beat you." Then he bent down to pick up the ocean ball thrown by his son and threw it back.

When he was at home, the car whistled in the yard for a while, and he ran around in the living room for a while, accompanied by his laughter, and occasionally crying and wailing after being beaten.

In short, the family is lively and lively, but at the moment they are all worried about the situation of the little guy at school.


The little tiger looked at the new classmates in the first classroom, and he yelled, "Don't cry! Mom and Dad will pick us up at night."

With his roar, the place was instantly calmed down. The classmates in the classroom wiped their tears and looked at the little boy standing there.

"My parents have told me to pick me up at night and take me to drink~"

A child said: "My mother said that children should not drink alcohol."

The little tiger said again: "My father said that I am a little man and can drink."

The teacher saw that the students were chatting, looked at each other, and started to get up, and stopped crying children one by one, and began to try to chat with them. "We all sit down. The teacher asked everyone, what kind of food do you usually like to eat? Are you interested in making your own favorite food?"

The little tiger shook his head, he didn't want to cook by himself.

The teacher asked him, "Little Tianzhi, why don't you want to cook by yourself?"

"It will explode~" the little tiger's milky voice replied again.

He was the one who had fried the kitchen with his mother.

Suddenly everyone laughed.

The little tiger was thirsty, so he hugged the little tiger water bottle bought by his mother to drink water. The little guy has used this cup for a long time, knocked and dropped it, and it is still in good condition.

The phone watch on the wrist, when the teacher goes to wash the hands of the little ones, he has to help him put the watch away.

The little tiger clutched his wrist, his face was puffy, and he refused with a righteous appearance, "I tweeted that I can wash my claws~"

The teacher was still afraid of getting into the water, so he coaxed the little tiger to take it off.

Seeing that the little guy couldn't cover his wrist anymore, he didn't say anything, stepped on his feet, stretched out his little hand to wash his hands at the water pipe, and the phone and watch were also wet.


It turns out that the little guy's watch is really waterproof.

Before lunch time, the life teacher's phone rang several times.

The dean finally went to the door of the classroom to peek at the classroom where the little tiger was, and then called Jiang Chenyu back, "Mr. Jiang, don't worry, the young master is not crying here, and he is playing very well."

For lunch, one needs to be coaxed and the other needs to be fed.

The little guy started eating and drinking with chopsticks and spoons by himself.

The teacher fed him, but he still hated the ink stains, so he waved his hand not to be fed.

After eating and drinking enough, he yelled, "Where, wipe Bao's mouth~"

However, where is his home?

It's noon for the little tiger, and he misses his parents again.

Back at the place where I lived, the other children cried again on the bed, and the little tiger lay down. He was inactive and angry this time, with his small arms covering his eyes, and the corners of his mouth pressed down aggrievedly.

The video of the classroom at noon has been sent to the parents of each family.

A group of people looked at Jiang Chenyu's mobile phone, "Zoom in, the one who doesn't cry or make noise is our little tiger, right?"

The way he didn't cry made his family feel even more distressed.

Everyone else had watched the video, and in the end Jiang Chenyu was alone with his mobile phone, playing the images of his son in a loop.

He also sent the video to his father-in-law's family and his friends.

After watching the video, Nangong Zi hugged her daughter, "Xia Xia, shall we not let Yuanyuan go to school?"

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