Sending people to the station, Jiangsu looked at Ning'er, "Are you really not allowed to send them?"

Ning Er nodded, "Brother Xiao Su, you are busy, I don't want to trouble you. But I miss Ashu again, I don't feel wronged when I go back by myself. You just need to send me to the station and pick me up at the station, I'm all set."

Jiangsu said again, "Stupid."

There was still half an hour before the departure, and Jiangsu watched Ning'er enter the station security check. "Call me when you get home. The phone is fully charged. The signal on the train is not good. Call me if you need anything."

"Understood Brother Su, I'm leaving."

Ning'er got into the car and took pictures and sent them to Jiangsu so that he wouldn't worry.

The train left, and Jiangsu also drove back to the studio.

The fat brother went over meanly, "Xiao Su, I heard that your family has returned to her mother's house these days, right?"

Seeing Fat Brother's smirk, Jiangsu squinted his eyes and leaned on the chair, subconsciously moving away, "Fat Brother, my family has returned to her mother's house, it's not that she won't come back. Don't pull me for bad things."

Fat brother bumped Jiangsu's shoulder, and laughed so hard that people couldn't help but think, "You see, thanks to you, I have lost so much weight. We have to make an appointment to go to the clubhouse to be lively at night? We haven't shown Brother Cheng and them yet." In the past, everyone has been busy this year, and we haven't had many gatherings. This time, I will organize a game and go to play all night.

Anyway, there is no one waiting for you at your house, and there is nothing to talk about when you go back, so you might as well go to have fun. "

After being told by Fat Brother, Jiangsu also felt that it was necessary to go to celebrate and celebrate, and their small circle hadn't been together for a long time. "Then you get in touch, I'll take part. I don't want to stay overnight, just play a little longer."

"Okay, that's it." Fat Brother patted Jiangsu on the shoulder and went out happily.

As a result, everyone has this idea recently. They all agreed, "Are you still going to Brother Cheng's villa halfway up the mountain? It's boring inside. It's suitable for our competition. Let's have fun tonight and change places."

Fat Brother: "I've chosen the place a long time ago, and the location will be sent to you, and the private room information will also be sent to you in a while. The brothers will go directly after get off work, and I have made an appointment."

"Brother Fat has made a lot of money with Xiao Su. Hearing this, is he going to be a business?"

Fat Brother: "It doesn't matter if it's money or not, it's because Fat Brother is in a good mood recently."

Jiangsu looked at a group of people in the group who were blind and poor, Cheng Ge appeared and asked him, "Xiao Su is going too?"

Jiangsu replied: "Go. Brother Cheng, you have to go too."

After a while, Brother Cheng replied, "OK."

In the evening, it was dark when I walked out of the studio.

On the way there, Brother Fat was driving, and Jiangsu was on the co-pilot's call with Ning'er, "Are you home?"

"Brother Xiaosu, I just got home. After my parents and brother picked me up, they went to the restaurant to eat and then came back." Ning'er was hugging her brother Xiangtian on the sofa.

She pouted and kissed her brother, and then another.

Ah Shu stepped on her sister's leg, and wanted to turn off her phone with her little hand.

"When you get home, play well with Ah Shu. I can't see you these few days. I want to kiss enough." Jiangsu and Ning'er chatted for a while, and told Ning'er about their formation, before hanging up the phone .

"Xiao Su, if you don't tell Ning'er about your formation for a day, will Ning'er be angry?"


"Will she misunderstand that you have someone outside?"

"Not even."

The fat brother asked: "Then why do you still tell Ning'er about your plan every day, just save yourself a little trouble and just don't say no."

"Then I can save some trouble and not fall in love."

Fat Brother: "..."

Jiangsu said again: "It's better to rely on self-consciousness. Yaya trusts me, so I can't live up to her trust. Besides, I love Xiaopangya, and I am willing to report it myself. You have never been in love, you don't understand."

Fat guy driving: "I'm just a bitch, I don't know why I'm asking you."

When they arrived at the club, a group of people saw the fat man who had lost more than 50 catties. They were shocked and unbelievable. "Is this still a fat man?" asked a friend of the same age as the fat man.

The fat guy turned around, "If it's fake, how about it, buddy, is he handsome now?" At the end, the fat guy put on a pose that he thought he was handsome.

"Hey, I can't even recognize this skinny guy." Someone came over and patted the fat guy on the shoulder, "These are all Shibangbang's muscles. Is this still the dead fat man from a year ago?"

"Brother Cheng, look, the fat man's skin has improved. He used to have pimples on his face, but now he is in such good condition. Hey, his clothes have improved."

A group of people surrounded Fat Brother, made fun of him, and called Jiangsu, "Xiao Su, look at how you are, your skills are no match for Fat Brother, and I will be satisfied if I lose 30 catties a year."

Jiangsu joked with a smile, "I made an appointment to lose weight at my place, and I have to work for me without salary. Do you still go?"

"If you don't go, then your sister-in-law can cut it off for me."

Everyone laughed and joked.

Jiangsu had a clear purpose. He sat next to Brother Cheng and handed him a bottle of beer, "Brother Cheng, it seems that you are not in a good mood today. What's the matter?"

Brother Cheng held the beer, touched Jiangsu, and took a sip. "Something is bothering me at home."

Brother Cheng looked at the little brother he admired, and patted him on the shoulder like an elder, "How are you doing? Do you want Brother Cheng to help?"

Jiangsu: "If you're hungry, you won't let Brother Cheng go out. What's the matter with your family? Tell me when you need me."

Brother Cheng smiled, "It's a small matter. Recently, I want to change my life in another city. Neither my wife nor my daughter are willing. It just so happens that a relative's child is staying at my house, and I have some friction with your sister-in-law."

Jiangsu can do very little about housework, "Brother Cheng, where do you want to live?"

Brother Cheng: "I'll tell you when I make a decision."

He held the wine bottle, "Another one?"

Jiangsu took his own wine bottle and clinked glasses with Brother Cheng, and both of them drank.

"Look at these two dishonest people, they drank wine glasses on their own. Let's drink too."

In the private room of the clubhouse, boxes of drinks were delivered inwards, and the songs sang worse than the last one, and a group of people went to grab the microphones to sing.

After drinking for three rounds, someone wanted to order a woman to accompany the wine, Jiangsu quickly stopped, "Brother, my sister-in-law is still waiting, you order that, why go home tonight and explain to my sister-in-law, let's not order."

"Xiao Su, it's fine if you don't go home tonight. Anyway, your wife is not at home, no one cares about you, Xiao Su, you can order one too. You are really, rich young master, you don't know how to enjoy it."

The man on the top of the drink pulled Jiangsu to play with him.

The fat brother held the microphone, and his voice could be heard all over the room: "Little Su is different for you. When I first arrived, I was taught a lesson in the car. He and Ning'er are serious, and you have to be serious about your relationship. Responsible."

The man pointed at Jiangsu, "You are still young and have little experience. After you get married, you will live a life of ten or eight years. You are enough to see that face every day. Why are you interested? Ask Brother Cheng, The longest time he has been married depends on how he treats his wife now."

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