Love After Marriage, He Got A Free Wife

Chapter 1370: come to the door

Lu Ying's hands were empty, she turned her head to look at the man who grabbed her chopsticks, and then pushed the rice she had eaten to the man, "You can eat too."

Bai Chen didn't dislike it, took Lu Ying's bowl, and said, "There are leftovers, and you waste food every day. Without me, how much food would you waste?"

He ate.

Adding new bowls and chopsticks, Bai Chen directly pushed the new ones to Lu Ying, who looked at the Army Commander unceremoniously, "Uncle, you also know that I, Bai Chen, am not a simple person. I have been away from the team for many years, so it is not that I have not been called back." However, this time I accepted the notice because I knew the order you gave me, so I accepted it.

But I, as you know, left the team at the beginning because I didn’t listen to what my superiors said, and I was fined and dissatisfied. I came back and dawdled for a few years. I want to go back to the team now, not because I think I was wrong back then, but because of your face. "

Bai Chen is a talent. After he came back, he was often notified to go back. That matter is still under investigation, and he will never be wronged. Bai Chen just didn't go back, and a commander once went to his house to find his parents, hoping to do his ideological work.

Political Commissar Bai: "We will definitely do ideological work, but I know my child's personality, so don't expect too much. Yingying, the only one he can listen to, has gone abroad now. If you can contact Yingying Ying, maybe he can listen to advice."

Lu Ying, the daughter of the army commander.

When the investigators went to the Chief of the Army to ask for his daughter’s contact information, the Chief of the Army was in the midst of his wife divorcing him, losing face, and his daughter abandoning him to go abroad with her mother. “No!”

In the end, Lu Ying couldn't get in touch, and Bai Chen also moved out by himself because of his parents' "ideological work".

Political Commissar Bai also approached Jiang Chenyu and the others, "Chenyu, Xiaobai grew up behind your ass, he can listen to what you say, you can persuade him. There is a process in all investigations, young people don't let him Emotional, he's on the rise right now."

Jiang Chenyu: "Uncle Bai, I will persuade Xiaobai. But I don't know if I should say it or not. Since the investigation has a process, we can't convict Bai Chen during this investigation. When there is a result, I will persuade Xiaobai again." go back.

You and I are his friends and family members, and we know Bai Chen's personality best, so he won't lie about it. The man was brought by Xiaobai to charge the battle, and the wrong order gave irreversible consequences. In the end, it was Xiaobai who saved a crisis with his quick wits on the spot, but he came back to pursue his fault. This matter can be big or small, right now, we can say more to no avail. "

In the end, no one tried to persuade Bai Chen again. It was a long time later that the incident of that year was investigated, and it was confirmed that someone had miscommunicated the order, and Bai Chen was innocent at the time. But after a long time, Bai Chen no longer cares about the truth.

"So many people call me to return to the team, why should I give the old leader your face. Today we have to talk about it." Bai Chen put down the bowl and chopsticks, looked at the army commander, "I want to be your son-in-law, just say OK, okay?"

Chief of Army: "..." What does this kid want to do here? Want to be his son-in-law, just like this? It's like a debt collector.

Lu Ying was caught in the middle, turning his head left and right in shock, looking at his father who was stunned, and then at his ex-boyfriend with firm eyes.

"If you were my father-in-law, don't let me report to the team next month, let me return to the team tomorrow, and I will fly to the team tonight.

If you weren't my father-in-law, why would I listen to you? "

"...I am your old leader!"

Bai Chen waved his hands, unremittingly, "I have a lot of leaders, and my old man is also my leader. I have heard his words since I was a child? Today I can represent myself and my whole family. Let's make it clear."

Lu Ying got up and wanted to get water to drink, but just as her **** left the stool, Bai Chen pressed her shoulders down, "Don't go anywhere, sit down and listen, what you want to talk about is a big event in your life."

Lu Ying: "..." She knew it was her lifelong event, or her ex-boyfriend was going to discuss with her father about marrying him.

Lu Ying's shoulders were pressed and he couldn't walk.

"I'm still saying the same thing, you said whether the marriage between our Lu and Bai families can still happen."

The Army Chief looked at the hand on his daughter's shoulder, "Take it off for me."

Bai Chen glanced at his hands, he felt that his posture was a little too aggressive, so he withdrew it.

Seeing that Bai Chen was also cooperative, the Chief of the Army said, "You young people don't listen to our parents' opinions. I agree, but if Yingying doesn't want you, I can use a gun to force my daughter to marry you." ?”

"Then I will force you with a gun, and your daughter will marry me."

"Si Baichen, what are you talking about!" Lu Ying roared.

Bai Chen: "I'm talking about marrying you. I've taken care of your father's side, and you're the only one left. Do you want to get back together?"


"How dare you!" Bai Chen threatened Lu Ying to shut up when he heard the word 'no'.

Lu Ying swallowed her saliva and looked at her ex-boyfriend who pushed her forward, "You, what you said was too sudden. I haven't thought it through yet."

Bai Chen pulled Lu Ying's chair, "Come on, face me, look into my eyes, you said you didn't think about it? Lu Ying, I have been chasing you for so long, we have experienced everything, you say what I say Was it too sudden?"

Lu Ying's eyes dodged, "You, you and I go out and talk."

"If you don't go out, just sit here in front of your father."

The Lu family's parents were so forced by Bai Chen's sudden visit that they couldn't speak. It was obvious that he wanted to marry his daughter. For some reason, the Army Chief didn't know why, but Bai Chen said that he was not a person if he rejected him.

It was still Lu Ying who had the backbone, stood up, Bai Chen wanted to grab her again, Lu Ying slapped him on the back of the hand, "Let's come out and talk about our affairs. If you don't come out, you won't be able to get back together in this life. "

Bai Chen was tricked, he got up, and followed Lu Ying to the car outside the door.

It's very strange, this matter should be a big deal, the army chief said to his adjutant: "I'm not angry. Could it be that I'm used to being abused by Bai Chen?"

In the car, Bai Chen grabbed Lu Ying's hand, "I'll be leaving next month, and I don't know when I'll be back next time. I have to settle things between the two of us this month. Otherwise, I'm not at home. , who knows which dead mouse will pry the corner of my wall."

"Don't keep scolding Director Ge, he probably gave up chasing me during this time." Lu Ying said.

Bai Chen: "Who said I scolded him, I scolded the whole body."

Lu Ying took a deep breath, she couldn't give Bai Chen the answer today, she hadn't figured it out yet.

However, Bai Chen seemed to be forcing her to give an answer today, otherwise he would not feel at ease when he left.

Lu Ying: "Bai Chen, I admit that I have always been with you in my heart all these years, and I still love you now. I also know that you only have me in your heart."

These words made Bai Chen calm down.

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