Love After Marriage, He Got A Free Wife

Chapter 1375: God-given tormentor

The family of three lay down, Gu Nuannuan pillowed her husband's arm, put one arm around her husband's chest, and put one leg on her husband's body. She said comfortably: "Husband, I will tell you secretly, Yingying said, Even if her parents were not together in the end, she would still be with Bai Chen. In the past, she wanted to solve her parents' problems before establishing a relationship with Bai Chen. Now, she has worked hard. If the result is not satisfactory, there is no need for her to be with Bai Chen. Pay for the feelings of your parents."

"Since we've made up our minds, why didn't we agree earlier?" Jiang Chenyu asked.

Gu Nuannuan: "Husband, if we two are in love and something happens in my family before we talk about marriage, do you think I will take the opportunity to marry you and ignore the family affairs, or marry you and let you and I take care of the housework together? Or should I handle it myself and then marry you calmly?"

President Jiang: "..."

The little tiger cub between the couple blinked and was quiet, but listened with gusto.

Whether you can understand it or not is another matter.

"The first two will always make me feel that I am a dwarf in front of you. Only the last one makes me feel that we are equal."

Jiang Chenyu: "Bai Chen doesn't care about these things."

Gu Nuannuan replied: "Lu Ying cares...Although, in the end, Bai Chen got involved in this matter. Yingying is also very embarrassed, so she plans to spend her whole life on Bai Chen."

There were two soft groups in Jiang Chenyu's arms, "If you have something you can't solve,"

"I'm looking for my husband right away!" A certain Xiaonuan spoke in a second without waiting for her husband to finish speaking.

Boss Jiang reluctantly felt relieved and nodded. "That's good."

Gu Nuannuan was close to her husband's body again, Jiang Chenyu could feel that his little wife had gained weight recently with her bulging cheeks.

He was very happy, because Xiao Nuanbao was chubby, and he was comfortable holding it.

The bedroom was quiet for a long time, only the young gentleman who listened to the gossip and didn't realize that his parents had changed the channel scratched his ears. He asked in a small voice, "Mom and Dad, why don't you continue chatting?" He Still listening.

The couple looked at the little gentleman who was eavesdropping at the same time, and asked in unison, "Why haven't you slept yet?"

The little tiger grinned with his baby teeth bared, and he tried to escape a beating with cuteness.

In the end, he was beaten less, but he moved to the ground. Lying between parents, the couple stared at him, "Sleep."

"Daddy tells stories~"

Jiang Chenyu: "Then close your eyes, and Dad will tell you what inflation is."

This time it was Gu Xiaonuan's turn to look at her husband in shock.

The little tiger really closed his eyes, and lay in his father's arms in the posture his mother had just done, listening to his father's 'story'.

"Once upon a time there was a kingdom where one dollar could buy an egg,"

"Father, is this our home?" the little tiger asked.

Jiang Chenyu looked down, and the kid's eyes opened again.

Jiang Chenyu covered his son's eyes, "No."

"Is that my mother's kingdom?" Xiaojun asked, blinking curiously, as he grabbed his father's big hand off his eyes.

"No, it's fictional."

The little tiger continued to ask: "Dad, what is fiction?"

"That's right," Jiang Chenyu Zhengchou didn't know what to say, and Gu Xiaonuan at the side said cleverly, "It's the Kingdom of Eggs."

The little tiger let out a long 'oh', "Then the treasure will understand, Dad, you continue the story of puffing up."

Mr. Jiang looked at his son who was going to succeed him in the future, and took a deep breath, "That's called inflation!"

"That's swelling~" The little tiger continued to challenge his father's anger.

Gu Xiaonuan reassured her husband, "Husband, we gave birth to ourselves, there is nothing we can do about it, no matter how annoying you are, it's the little treasure we burned incense and begged for in our previous life."

One day, the little baby turned around again and rolled into her mother's arms, "Where, did you burn incense in your previous life?"

Gu Nuannuan: "You probably saved the earth."

The little tiger asked: "Then what did mother save?"

Gu Nuannuan replied: "Your mother, I saved the galaxy."

"Where's Dad?"

Gu Xiaonuan: "Your dad saved the universe, otherwise why would we meet our babies in this life, right?"

The little tiger nodded cooperatively, and the little milk voice replied: "Yes~"

President Jiang closed his eyes, "Jiang Tianzhi, if you don't sleep, Dad will only save the Milky Way and not the Earth."

The little tiger asked another hundred thousand questions, "Dad, why?"

At this moment, Jiang Chenyu was reflecting on himself, why the little guy was named Tianci Fufu when he was just born, he was a godsend, and it was God who sent him down to torture him.

"Are you sleeping or not?" Jiang Chenyu asked his son.

Little Tiger: "Dad's story hasn't finished yet~"

Later, when it was late at night, Gu Xiaonuan fell asleep, and the little tiger was still listening to his father's story about 'inflation'. Maybe he didn't understand the interpretation, but the story Jiang Chenyu made up for his son made the little tiger feel Got a general understanding.

After the story was told, the little guy's voice gradually stabilized.

Tired and happy, Mr. Jiang covered the two of them with a quilt, and kissed them on the forehead before falling asleep.

the next day.

The two girls compete to see who gets dressed first, and win or lose when they go to the car at the end.

Every day, Jiang Chenyu was "commanded" by his wife to do things, "Who will win the clothes today?" "Who will I send to today first?"

Xiao Qinglong often lives with the Su family and the Jiang family.

Every weekend, his mother carried him to Grandpa's house, and as soon as he entered the door, Xiao Qinglong shouted: "Brother~"

The little tiger ran over, "Dragon~"

Jiang Momo put her son on the ground, the little tiger held his younger brother's hand, and looked up at her aunt who leaked the secret, "Auntie, grandpa, you are not fun~"

Jiang Momo: "..."

Elder Jiang: "..."

The father and daughter looked at each other, Elder Jiang knocked half of the melon seeds and paused.

At night, Jiang Tianzhi was picked up and beaten by his father again.

Two days later, when Bai Chen went to Jiang's house to look for Jiang Chenyu, the little tiger chased after him, "Godfather, Bao told you a little secret~"

Then Jiang Tianzhi's father pointed at him, "Xiao Nuan, take this brat away!"

Bai Chen watched his godson being dragged away, "Tsk tsk, my poor son."

During the meeting, Director Ge heard that Lu Ying planned to get back together with his ex.

He purposely said in public: "Rabbits don't eat the grass beside the nest", trying to keep Lu Ying from coming to the stage.

Unexpectedly, Lu Ying also said in public, "Why run all over the mountain when there is grass? The quality of the grass is not as good as the grass beside the nest."

One sentence choked Director Ge, and no one in the conference room dared to speak.

After the meeting, Lu Ying went out directly. Director Ge noticed Lu Ying's disgust, so he went to Lu Ying's work place and apologized, "Yingying, I'm sorry, I didn't mean what you meant."

Lu Ying pressed his hands on the table and looked at Director Ge, "I didn't mean what Director Ge meant. I'm telling everyone."

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