Love After Marriage, He Got A Free Wife

Chapter 1385: Diary of a little round girl

Lu Ying smiled brightly, "I know more about his genes than you. What's for lunch, I'll treat you."

Gu Nuannuan: "I have already booked the restaurant, I will come this time, and I will replace you next time."

Lu Ying was also polite, "No problem."

Everyone didn't fight for it, this time it was this person who asked, and next time it was replaced.

But they all refused to let the junior Ning'er treat them.

Ning'er told her boyfriend when she got home, "Brother Xiao Su, do you think I look like someone who eats food?"

While Jiangsu was busy, he looked up at his girlfriend, "Yeah."

Gangdu restaurant, when Bai Chen called, a sweet smile appeared on Lu Ying's face, "Hey, what are you doing?" "My dad hasn't let go yet?" Two companions, Nuan and Mo."

Bai Chen: "That's it. That little meal buddy will stand by your side for me every day. I have to find a chance to treat Ning'er to a meal."

Lu Ying looked at the innocent and well-behaved Ning'er, and always had the feeling that there was a young girl in my family, "What is my dad doing?"

Bai Chen glanced upstairs, "Tch, I thought I didn't know, and I sent someone to secretly investigate whether my aunt has found another family abroad."

"My dad investigated?!"

Bai Chen: "You don't even look at your man's title in the team, Eagle King, what can escape my eyes. Huh?"

The two had a quick chat and hung up the phone.

Sitting in the seat, Gu Nuannuan asked, "Baichen's phone number?"

"Well, he's coming back to the team soon. About my parents, he dug a hole and my dad jumped in." Lu Ying is in a good mood recently.

Gu Nuannuan asked Progress, "Is your dad still bowing his head?"

"No, Bai Chen is attacking my dad right now, and my dad was so angry that he didn't eat at the dinner table last night."

Ning'er asked: "Sister Lu, when does uncle say you're leaving? Can you still be my aunt before you leave?"

Gu Nuannuan: "Silly boy, your elder sister Lu is your aunt's nail."

Ning'er was extremely happy, second only to Bai Chen in terms of happiness.

Lu family.

Bai Chen looked at the army commander opposite, "Uncle, do you want Yingying to find a husband like you in the future?"

The chief of the army looked angry, "What's wrong with me like this?"

Bai Chen: "That's fine. I will live with Yingying in the future, and I will do what you do. Although Yingying will give all the money I earn, she has to wash my clothes and take care of the children at home. She has to take money wherever the children go. I am the servant of Wang Laozi, I say one, she is not allowed to say two. I made a mistake, and I will never bow to her, so what to be afraid of, the most serious thing is that the divorced child has been with Yingying."

Army Chief: "..."

Bai Chen hung around, with a look of scorn, and said very lightly: "Anyway, her father treats her mother like this, so I don't care how he treats her."

"you dare!"

Bai Chen: "Why? I didn't do anything wrong."

Army Chief: "..."

"Are you saying it's so difficult to make you and my aunt bow their heads? Uncle, you sent someone to investigate. That person is a cover, and I believe you know it.

But, let me tell you the truth, according to your situation, I will immediately introduce a new person to my aunt, do you believe it or not? "

The chief of the army is not a simple person, he believes whatever Bai Chen says.

Knowing that his ex-wife was going to be with Huang Mao, he immediately ordered someone to investigate secretly.

Bai Chen had received the call a long time ago. He knew that the Army Chief had found out, so he dared to confidently disbelieve his stimulation of him.

"Your trick is really poor."

Bai Chen: "Did you just say you were fooled?"


Bai Chen: "Then who sent someone to investigate Parker? From the moment you acted, you were fooled. If you are fooled in battle, you are doomed to lose."

Lu Jun's face flushed with anger.

"Uncle, I was looking for that Parker to stimulate you to realize your problem. I took advantage of the opportunity to give you a step down and call my aunt. If you insist on admitting death to me, if you have the time to send someone to investigate, call my aunt There is no time for a phone call. I think you really don't want to make up with my aunt."

The Army Chief was silent.

Dining room.

The four women sat together to eat, An Kexia was very envious when he saw it through the photos, but she didn't participate.

"Where's your Yuanyuan?"

"Who knows where Ah Zi is being hugged by Yuan Niu again."

Gu Nuannuan often played with her husband's mobile phone. She remembered the photo of Yuanyuan posted in the group, "Ke Xia, why is there a bruise on Xiaoyuan girl's forehead?"

Speaking of this, An Kexia became angry, "Some time ago, during the Hungry Ghost Festival, Ah Zi taught Yuan Niu to kowtow at home, and burned money for my mother-in-law, and then she didn't take care of the child. Rolled on the ground, knocked a big green bag on the head."

Jiang Momo held the phone, "Let's see, how is it doing? Why can't my brother be expected to bring a baby?"

An Kexia was in the team, "Go home tonight and video with you guys."

Lu Ying also found out about Yuanyuan's forehead through Bai Chen's mobile phone. At that time, Bai Chen called Nangong Zi and the line was busy, and Bai Chen said, "Look, Mr. Xi is definitely on the phone arguing with Brother Zi. He put us on the phone. My daughter didn't take good care of her."

Ning'er weakly raised her hand, "Auntie, can I make a video with you too, I want to watch Xiao Yuanyuan too."

"Of course it's okay, silly boy." An Kexia said.

After dinner, Lu Ying had to go to work in the afternoon. Jiang Momo sent her downstairs to the office building. Lu Ying sighed, "Seeing you three spending the weekend, I suddenly don't want to work anymore."

Having said that, Lu Ying got out of the car and went to the company.

"Ning'er, shall we go to the overpass to put on the film?"


In the evening, when Jiangsu came home from get off work, he entered the house and saw only Ninger's shopping bag in the living room. "Yeah."

No one answered, Jiangsu went to the bedroom, "Yaya?"

Still no one agreed, and after searching around the house, Jiangsu casually dropped his hands on the crotch, "It's strange, where did the little fat girl go?"

He saw that there was a childish "Best Boyfriend Certificate" on the desktop, and Jiangsu smiled, "I went out to fool around with Sister Nuan and Sister Mo again."

In the car, "Hi, Xiao Yuanyuan, you're home~"

An Kexia held the phone, facing her daughter's small face, "Yuanyuan looks at your godmother, aunt, and sister Ning'er."

Xiao Yuanyuan opened her small mouth toothlessly, reaching out to **** the phone, "Wow~ah~" Hurry up and give it to her, she wants to play.

Seeing the small green spots on the child's forehead that had gotten better, An Kexia pinched her daughter's small face and said, "Every day I go out with her father to the wind and sun, and her small face is rough. Whose little girl is like mine?" of."

Nangong Zi said while eating in the back: "Who said my daughter's face is rough, now I have to wear an umbrella for my daughter when I go out without sun protection, my daughter's face is still tender."

An Kexia scolded Nangong Zi a few words, but Nangong Zi shut up.

Xiao Yuanyuan stretched out her little index finger, pointed at her father, looked at her mother, her small mouth began to slur.

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