Love After Marriage, He Got A Free Wife

Chapter 1395: The owner is Bao Ma

The army grows manly, "I don't take it, you give it to Yingying."

Lu Ying was surprised, "Why did you buy the white one and the red one?"

This flower looks strangely familiar...

"That's right, isn't this the flower of Moonlight's heart that Jiang Momo won unanimously when you voted in the group last time?"

Bai Chen worked hard enough, and even called Nangong Zi when he was buying flowers, "Hey, Brother Zi, but the last time my sister-in-law Xia and my family voted, Su Linyan sent our god-sister the white and red flower photo. Have you sent it to me again. I think it's ugly, you sent it to me before, and I deleted it for him. "

"I also thought it was ugly, so I deleted it. Xia Xia should have a mobile phone, wait for me to find the chat records."

Then I looked at my wife's chat records and showed Patriarch Nangong impatiently, "Xia Xia, why do you say that I am Yuan Niu's 'treasure mother'?"

An Kexia just changed her daughter's diapers, "Why are you looking through my phone?"

"You explain to me first."

Police officer An felt guilty and flustered, he didn't dare to look directly at a certain Patriarch, "Say, I'm just joking."

After the photo was sent to Bai Chen, the couple in Chaozhou began to settle accounts.

The little round girl was lying on the crib, eating her feet, tilting her head to look at her parents.

Whoops, her father finally became a serf and sang.


Isn't it for reckoning? Why are you going back to the bedroom, why don't you bring Xiaoyuan girl~


According to the eyes of all the women voting, Lu Ying caught the hair, "Bai Yueguang and cinnabar mole, young people understand, parents at this age, they don't understand."

The voice fell, and the sound of the plane was heard.

Bai Chen immediately stuffed the flower into the Army Chief's hand, looking at the Army Chief who was resolute but at a loss at the moment, Bai Chen pulled Lu Ying, "Let's go, come with me."

"Hey, Bai Chen, where are we going? Didn't you pick up my mother?"

Bai Chen ran Lu Yingla far away and hid them behind a wall pillar so that no one else could see them. But the two of them could see the situation at the airport with a slight turn of their heads, "Stupid, your father is thin-skinned, and our presence will affect his performance. Aren't the doors closed for phone calls, and the two of them can talk by themselves."

Lu Ying suddenly realized, she nodded, "It makes sense."

"You have to learn from the past." Bai Chen looked at Lu Ying who was close to him, he swallowed, and put his arms around Lu Ying's waist, "Let me do it, this wall pillar can only cover you. Live alone, don't expose it, your father is an old detective."

Lu Ying really got closer to Bai Chen.

He put his arms around Lu Ying's waist and embraced the beauty.

The atmosphere was quiet, even if you were far away, you couldn't hear the conversation over there, and few people came here. When the two of them were silent and hugged, this weird atmosphere made Lu Ying feel a little bit of danger, and his heart beat faster.

It's strange, it's obviously past that age, but at this moment, it still feels like the heartbeat of the first kiss when I was just with Bai Chen, hiding in the corner.

Bai Chen swallowed, he lifted Lu Ying's chin, attached himself directly, and kissed her lips. Lu Ying didn't refuse, her nervous palms were sweating, she held onto Bai Chen's clothes tightly, and took the initiative to cater to him.

The long-lost touch made Bai Chen tighten Lu Ying's back, turned around, and the two changed positions, pressing her against the wall pillar and kissing her.

The feeling of mingling with each other, behind the pillar that can only cover one person, ambiguous atmosphere lingers.

Lu Ying could feel through the shirt that Bai Chen's body temperature had risen, and the two of them were not over yet.

At the airport, Mother Lu got off the plane slowly, looking at the uncomfortable ex-husband who was holding flowers in his hands, she was also nervous and uneasy on the plane, she went to look in the mirror and weighed herself, afraid that she would get old and fat , ugly.

However, at the moment when they saw each other, there were only tears left.

After the long kiss ended, Lu Ying panted. She took the tissue in her bag and wiped off Bai Chen's lipstick little by little.

"Yingying, shall we get married?"

Lu Ying wiped his mouth, then suddenly stopped, looking from his mouth to his eyes, "Okay." Lu Ying's eyes were serious, and her tone was firm, "Bai Chen, I want to marry you. want to."

Bai Chen wanted to kiss Lu Ying twice again, but Lu Ying pushed him away with a smile, "Stop kissing, I'll wipe off your lipstick first, and I'm going out to meet my parents later."

After wiping, Lu Ying took out her make-up mirror and touched up her makeup before bending over with Bai Chen to peek outside.

That's right, all the flowers fell into Mother Lu's hands.

The two are looking around at the airport.

Bai Chen took Lu Ying's hand, "Let's go, your parents are looking for us."

Go out, "Auntie, welcome back."

Bai Chen called Mother Lu 'mother-in-law' in private, but he had to pay attention to his image in person, otherwise Mother Lu would think he was frivolous.

After bringing Mother Lu back to Lu's house, Mrs. Bai called anxiously, "Hey, Lao Lu, are the younger siblings back? Are you free? Lao Bai and I will go to your house to have a sit-down." The son's marriage will not be delayed.

Bai Chen called his mother privately, "Mom, I'm more anxious than you, but today is not the time."

The husband and wife have just been reunited, so their affairs can only be arranged later.

The mother's return gave Lu Ying a sense of security, and left the place at home for the couple to talk.

Bai Chen ran away with his girlfriend again, "Yingying, come with me to the mansion?"

Lu Ying blushed, "No."

"I'm leaving right now."

Lu Ying: "We have to go home for lunch later."

At this time, Mr. Jiang, who was practicing with his son in the Taekwondo gym, received a call, "Hey, well, everyone was picked up safely, and the luggage was sent back to Lu's house together."

I don't know what to say over there, Jiang Chenyu said, "Since there is an arrangement, our people will not go there."

Gu Xiaonuan lay beside the transparent glass, using her mobile phone to record her little baby.

Regardless of his chubby body, the little tiger threw out his small fists very violently, and when he raised his legs, he was able to kick to the highest height set by the coach in one fell swoop.

"Husband, husband, come and see."

Jiang Chenyu hung up the phone, turned to look at his little guy, he was also proud.

"Whose phone?"

"Lu Ying's mother has been brought back."

"Really." Gu Nuannuan immediately took back the phone, "Husband, you continue to record, and I will chat with Yingying."

Mr. Jiang: "What's the record? Your little fist is much stronger than his little fist."

"But I'm not as cute as a baby when I fight."

It's true that her fights are scary.

Gu Xiaonuan and Lu Ying were chatting, congratulating her parents on their reunion.

The little tiger also finished school, went out in Taoist clothes, and hurriedly asked his parents for water.

"Are you tired?" Boss Jiang asked his son.

Little tiger: "Not tired, Dad."

"Do you want to go to grandpa for lunch or grandpa for dinner?"

The little tiger thought about it for a while, "Dad, Bao wants to be a dragon~"

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